Okay, this is the last chapter ladies and gents! But don't spaz on us now. Kristen and I will be working on an epilogue very soon. So put that ax away! Thank you so much for your reviews! We love them :-) Enjoy!

Lilian was leaning against one of the walls backstage, watching the monitor and Kurt's match. Dave rounded the corner, saw her, and considered turning right back around. Instead, he continued on. She looked away from the screen, staring at him through her lashes and then turned away, suddenly feeling a pull at her heart.

Later that evening, Kurt and Lilian returned to their hotel room. Kurt decided to take a shower while Lilian lay on the couch and watched TV, until there was a knock on the door. With a furrowed brow, she walked to the door and was shocked to see Kurt's wife on the other side, along with their daughter, Kyra.


"Hi, Lilian," the brunette replied.

"Hi! It's nice to see you, please, come in," Lilian offered, completely thrown off that Kurt's ex-wife had arrived.

Karen stepped inside, looking around the small room. Kyra on the other hand focused on Lilian, holding her arms out to the blonde.

After exchanging a look with the other woman, she took the little girl into her arms. "Is something wrong with, Kyra?"

"No, though I'm just wondering why you're in Kurt's room."

Lilian sent her a confused look. "I'm his girlfriend, it's my room too."

"Oh really? Nice to see you two share things. Tell me though, Lilian, did Kurt share our news with you?"

"News? Does it have anything to do with the divorce?"

"Divorce? Oh no dear, it deals with the baby, our baby."

Lilian stared at her, flabbergasted. "Baby?"

Karen smiled sympathetically. "Well, I guess Kurt really hasn't told you anything."

"Told me what?" Lilian shook her head and then went to sit on the couch, allowing Kyra to remain on her lap. She motioned for Karen to join her. "Would you mind telling me then what is going on?"

"Look, I know this is probably going to be difficult for you, especially since this looks like it's going to be an ugly divorce."

"What do you mean ugly divorce? Kurt said it was finalized months ago."

Karen looked at her, smiling slightly. "Nothing has been settled. I don't know why Kurt told you that."

Lilian sighed, biting down on her lip. "My whole relationship with him has been a lie, hasn't it?"

"I'm sorry, but it's starting to seem it. But honestly Lilian, this might be best for you."

"How can you say that? How can the man I love lying to me be the best thing for me?"

Karen smiled kindly, seeing herself so much in the other woman. "I know what you're feeling; I felt the same way too. Once Kyra was born, I thought things would change. And when they didn't, I thought another baby would do it. Kurt's not like other men, he's really territorial, he gets jealous real easily." She paused, rolling up the sleeve of her top to reveal a large bruise on her fair skin. "It's not too late for you."

Lilian looked over at Karen's arm. "It is too late." She rolled up the sleeve of her own top, revealing and almost exact copy of the bruise.

The older woman shook her head. "God," she murmured. "Listen, because you know what I've been dealing with, I'm going to call you to court for the divorce. Kurt isn't suitable to be a father to Kyra or this new baby. I need you to testify for me so I can have sole custody, okay? If you don't…Lilian…I'm going to have to subpoena you to court."

The blonde stared at her. "What?"

"I'm sorry, but I have to have my children safe. I'm sure you will understand."

Lilian opened her mouth to answer, but the bathroom door swung open and Kurt came out with a towel around his waist.

"What the hell is going on?"

Both women flinched, Kyra noticing the air of tension started to cry.

"Karen and I were just talking, you know about the baby and the marriage." Lilian's eyes found his, her normally fear ones were full of pain and anger.

"Well isn't that lovely." He did his best to keep his tone calm, only for the sake of the child. "I think it's time they get going though."

"I couldn't agree more, though this time, I'll be going with them."

Karen looked over at the other woman after catching sight of the look in Kurt's eyes. "Lilian...don't..."

But her Latina blood had begun to boil. She stood up after handing Kyra to her mother. "Why didn't you tell me you were still married? And that you were expecting another baby? Why would you lie to me?" Her voice was low. She tried to keep it in check so she wouldn't scare Kyra.

"Because to me," Kurt sneered, "I'm not married."

Lilian gritted her teeth, trying her best not to go off and yell at him in Spanish. Karen rose from her seat and brought Kyra with her, who had her arms in a death grip around her mom's neck as she cried. Karen looked at Kurt, shaking her head in disapproval. They left the room and Lilian grabbed her suitcase, beginning to follow them.

"Where the fuck are you going?"

Lilian ignored him and reached for the handle.

He reached out grabbing her by her wrists. "I said, where the fuck do you think you're going?"

She tried to pull herself from his grasp, doing her best not to whimper in pain. "Let go of me, now."

He glared, roughly pulling her to him before tossing her on the bed. "You need to be taught a lesson. You don't talk back to me and you do not talk to Karen. Do you understand me?"

She opened her mouth to protest, but before either could respond the door was flung open; Batista standing on the other side. Lilian didn't think twice before running over to Dave's side. He moved her to stand behind him. His eyes, full of anger, were focused solely on Kurt.

Lilian noticed Dave had been carrying an empty ice bucket. She realized he must have met Karen on the way to the machine. Thank God for her, Lilian thought to herself.

"Good evening, Kurt," Dave greeted sarcastically.

"Fuck off, this is none of your business."

"Oh? I believe it is. I also believe that you are out of line and one hell of a liar. I wonder what Vince will think when he gets wind of this." Dave smirked.

"And just how will he find out, motherfucker," Kurt spat.

Dave knew Karen was going to call Vince the next day, but decided not to say anything to make sure Kurt wouldn't go ballistic. The last thing he needed was for Karen to get smacked around too.

"He has his ways," he answered coolly.

"Is that a threat?"

"Take it however you want, I don't give a damn." He brushed past him, collecting Lilian's stuff before he returned to the small blonde's side. "Come on, Lily."

"She isn't going anywhere," Kurt yelled, stepping closer to Lilian.

Lilian looked between the two men and sighed. "I'm going to do the one thing I should have done a long time ago." She reached out, taking hold of Dave's free hand, her eyes meeting his. "I'm ready to go."

Kurt's jaw dropped. "The fuck you are!"

Lilian turned to Kurt, her green eyes gleaming with anger. "Yes, I am. And if you dare come near me ever again, I will have you arrested so fast your head will spin. Don't even dare challenge me, I have the bruises to prove it. I have Karen to prove it. I have the entire company of World Wrestling Entertainment to back me up. I am tired of being your play thing. I'm tired of you only coming to me when you want something. You're nothing but a coward that gets your sick, gratifying pleasure from beating on defenseless women." She let go of Dave's hand, stepping closer to Kurt. "I'm not defenseless anymore, Kurt. I let you beat on me. I let you talk to me as though I were a 12 year old. But I'm not going to do that anymore. I'm done with you."

Dave stood motionless, but accepted Lilian's small hand when she reached for his.

Kurt was left in the center of the room, unsure of what to say, or how to react. After the door shut, he grabbed the nearest lamp, ripped it out of the socket and threw it across the room.

Once they made it to Dave's room, the small blonde wrapped her arms tightly around him. Sobs wracked her small frame as she clung to him, tears from the months of pain finally falling. Dave ran his hand soothingly along her back, whispering comforting words in her ear.

"It's all over, Lily. He's not going to touch you again."

She looked up at him, her cheeks streaked with tears. "Why Dave, why do you stick by me through all of this?"

Without hesitation, he replied, "Because I love you."

"I don't deserve someone like you," she admitted sadly.

"You're right, you don't." He chuckled at her look. "You deserve someone even better, but I'm all that I have to offer."

Lilian took a deep breath, wiping her cheeks. "I feel so awful for bringing you into this."

Dave led her to the couch, sitting her down gently. "Don't, I wanted to help you so bad, everyone did. If it wasn't for Karen, I don't know what would have happened."

"Karen!" Lilian abruptly stood up, going for her purse to find her phone.

"Lil, calm down." Dave stood up and guided her to sit back down. "She explained, briefly, what had happened. Are you going to go to court and testify?"

Lilian bit her lip, nodding. "I have to. I can't let Kurt even get joint custody of Kyra and their new baby."

"I'll be with you every step of the way."

She sent him a soft smile and took a deep breath. "I don't know I can ever thank you enough for everything you've done for me."

He lifted his hands up to cup her face, leaning forward to kiss her softly. "You don't have to thank me for anything. I'm just happy I was there for you." His hands dropped to her waist, pulling her into his frame.

"Did you mean it?" she asked shyly.

"Mean what?"

"That you loved me."

Dave nodded. "With everything I have, Lilian."

A fresh batch of tears formed in her eyes, sparkling off the light coming from the lamp next to them. "I love you too. And I love knowing that your love is real." She relaxed against him, making a mental note of how well her body fit against his.

He smiled and rested his cheek against the side of her head. "I wouldn't have it any other way. And I hope that you know I will never treat you like Kurt did. I'd rather shoot myself than treat you like that."

She lifted her head to look at him. "I know, I trust you, Dave." She looked down and mumbled, "I just…I'm so sorry I was such a bitch to you these past couple of days. You were right, Kurt will never change."

"He had this effect on you, Lil. Almost anyone would be the same in your position. But I'm proud of you, for standing up to him like you did. I know that took a lot."

"I could only do it because I knew you were there if I needed you."

"And that is where I'll always be. But enough about the past and our mistakes, let's just think about the future."

She snuggled into his frame more, her hands finding his. "Our future together."