Don't Forget Me

Rated: PG-13

Disclaimer: All charcters are own by JER and NBC's Passions.

Summary: Remember the double wedding from hell? Do you ever wonder what would of happened if Ivy hadn't crashed her car into the church? What if Gwen had waited until the day after the double wedding to accuse Theresa of emailing Ethan's paternity to the tabloids? Will their marriage survive Gwen's lies? Later in the story a tragedy occurs and Theresa is lost, will she find her way back to Ethan? Will love conquer all in the end?

"I love you Theresa, I'll always love you". Those words echoed over and over again in Theresa's head and she wanted them to stop. She knew very well that Ethan loved her, but just thinking about how she had hurt him was forever branded in her head. His eyes looked so cold and betrayal seem to wash over his face, he looked so devastated.

"E... Ethan I'm so o.. sorry" she cried as the tears wracked her body. Her thoughts drifted to yesterday when she became Mrs. Ethan Winthrop, her childhood dream had come true and today it was as good as dead. Theresa eyed her wedding ring, so many unanswered questions. She wonder if Ethan was going to leave her, she had practically destroyed him and their marriage before it even began.

She pulled her knees to her chest taking in her surroundings, some how she had ended up at the beach, the exact spot where they had made love only yesterday, before their wedding. It was like a blow to the head how everything had fell to pieces, one minute she was heaven and the next minute she was in hell. "Its your fault this happened you know", the voiced in her head shouted. "Stop it damn it, I know its my fault, I know" she cried burying her face into her hands.

Theresa recalled the event that happened earlier that led her here, Gwen showing up at her and Ethan's apartment making those damn accusations that forced her to tell the truth,which led to a heartbroken Ethan, and her fleeing out of the apartment like a bat out of hell. It had all happened so fast.

Flash Back

"Ethan? There something I need tell you" Theresa said trying not to sound nervous. "Theresa, sweetie what is it, because it sounds important" he said while plopping down on the couch and wrapping his arms around her waist.

"That is because it is important, Ethan I don't want any secrets betweens us" she said avoiding eye contact. "Theresa look at me" he said as he cupped her chin in his hand. "What is this about"? Theresa stared into his crystal blue eyes while trying to concentrate on the task at hand.

"Theresa is this about Chuck, because we've talked about this and I know you were not really dating, and other then that we have no secrets". If only he knew, she gulped, she was sure that he had heard her and saw the fear in her eyes. But he hadn't, he pulled her close kissing her passionately, she hugged him burying her head into his neck hoping this wouldn't be the last time they'd be this close. She felt a single tear shed down her face, she had tell him the truth and face the consequences.

"Theresa sweetheart whats the matter"? he asked, his voice filled with concern. Theresa wiped the tear from eye cursing under breath that she had let Ethan see her cry. "Ethan", she said as more tears poured rapidly down her face, "just tell him and get over with" the voice in her head said, "he'll understand as long your the person that tells him".

"There something I need to tell you and it has nothing to with Chuck" she managed to choke out. "Theresa calm down, just tell me" Ethan saw the look in her eyes something was definitely wrong. "OK Ethan I'll tell you"...but they were interrupted by a knock at the door. "Theresa I'll get rid of whoever it is". Ethan got up from the couch and approached the door "Ethan wait! Theresa yelled but it was too late he opened the door to reveal a smirking Gwen.

"Gwen what are you doing here"? Gwen watched as Theresa fidgeted nervously on the couch. "Oh Ethan I just stop by to visit you newlyweds before you headed out on your honeymoon. "Gwen now is not the best time Theresa and I were just discussing something important, can you come back later"? Ethan looked at Gwen, "What is she so happy about", he thought.

"Ethan I hate to be the one that has to bring you the bad news but there something I need to tell you and it just can't wait" she said while eying Theresa. "It seems that your wife is nothing but a cold hearted, gold digging, lying bitch", Theresa flinched at these words. "Gwen how dare you come my house and insult my wife, who the hell do you think you are"? At this point Ethan was beyond angry he was pissed off.

"Theresa do you want to tell him or shall I"? Theresa stood frozen fear, Gwen was going to ruin everything. "Well since your scared I'll deliver the news, Ethan your darling wife Theresa knew you were a Bennett before it came out in the tabloids, and if thats not bad enough she's the one who emailed your paternity to the tabloids, it was on her laptop for weeks before she sent it, Ethan this slut ruined your life"!

"How dare you Gwen, I would never hurt that Ethan that way"! Theresa had managed to find her voice. "Oh please Theresa I can see guilt written all over your face, you know it reminds me of how you looked that day when Frank Lomax identified you as Ethan's stalker, if only he had sent your sorry ass to prison, I don't know why I didn't' see it before but you look exactly the same, your pale as sheet and your shaking", Gwen said.

"Gwen ENOUGH"! Ethan had finally stepped in, "I won't have you talk to Theresa this way, I think you should go". "Wait Ethan I have proof of Theresa deception" Gwen said handing Ethan several pieces of paper and a tabloid paper that headline read Former Crane Heir Ethan Winthrop outed by his own wife is this the end for the newlywed couple. Ethan was furious as he looked over the papers and tabloid. "Who the hell wrote this trash", he eyed Theresa and held both her of hands. "Theresa tell me this isn't true and I'll believe you". "I just need you tell me this isn't true".

Theresa bit her lip and looked at him, "Ethan I swear to you I did not send that email to the tabloids", this part was easy she thought well here comes the hard part.

"B..u. But I knew you were not Crane before it came out in the tabloids". Theses words hit Ethan like a ton of bricks as he watched his wife burst in tears, she had known the truth about his paternity and kept it from him. "How long" his voice was cold and bitter . "HOW LONG GOD DAMN IT"!

Theresa let out a huge sob as tried to wipe the tears away ,she had never seen Ethan so angry. But she forced herself to answer his question, "Since you stopped me from leaving the country". "I found it in my mother's suitcase when I was leaving and I scanned the letter into my laptop. "Ethan I'm so sorry"!

"Theresa you were never going tell me were you?", Ethan's eyes were red as tears threatened fall. "My whole life has been based on lies and secrets and the one person I thought I could trust more than anything was keeping a secret from me". "Why did you keep this from me, did you think I was never going find out"?

"Ethan I was planning on telling you today". Theresa looked over at Gwen who was looking pretty happy as the scene unfolded. "Ethan I'm so sorry I wanted to tell you the truth so many times", please believe me"!

"Why today Theresa because you were on the verge of been exposed, why not all those months ago", Also why should I believe anything you say when the only thing that comes out your mouth is lies", Ethan said as he stormed off to the master bedroom.

"Ethan please don't go" Theresa was hysterical as she watched him pull out a duffel bag and stuff his clothes into it. She was now on her hands ands knees begging him, "Please don't leave me Ethan I love you so much". Ethan pulled her up from the floor and caressed her face, he held her in his arms as she cried, and gave her kiss on her forehead then pulled away.

"Theresa I love, I'll always love but I can't look at you right now, I just can't" he said as tears ran down his face. Those words cut into her deep, those words shattered her heart completely, "what have I done she thought", she let one last sob escape her mouth as she bolted out of the apartment.
End of Flash Back

He had watched her run out the apartment, part him had wanted to go after her, but could he forget, after all she had lied to him.

She had been missing for several hours now, where had she gone? Ethan spent those several hours in silence looking at the door until Gwen opened her mouth.

"Ethan, darling I'm sorry this happened but at least you know truth now, Theresa knew you were Sam Bennett's son and she kept it from you then she emailed your paternity to tabloids and hurt you in the worse possible way", Gwen said as she patted Ethan's back.

"Gwen how did you know that Theresa had the information about my paternity on her laptop, thats what you said right", Ethan said looking at her suspiciously.

Gwen chuckled nervously, "Ethan what are you getting at"? "Ethan can never know that mother and I were the ones who ruined his life" she mumbled under breath. "Oh, Ethan when I tracked down the tabloid editor he told me that Theresa was bragging about how she had your mother's letter on her laptop.

"I'm confused", he said viciously. "If Theresa the one who tipped off the tabloids and bragged about having my mother's letter on her laptop why wasn't it written in the tabloid that was given to me at me and Theresa's engagement party"? "Come on Gwen, I mean you said it so yourself that the tabloid editor told you what Theresa supposedly did, how come the tabloid editor didn't tell me this at the engagement party, and how did you know that the letter had been on her laptop for weeks"?

Gwen instantly turned pale,she going lose Ethan forever if she didn't think of something fast, how could she be so stupid to let it slip that she knew the letter was on Theresa's laptop and had been there for weeks.

"Gwen, What do you have to say about that"? "Wait a minute, it was you that sent my paternity to the tabloids, wasn't it"? "Gwen you ruined my life"! "You've stood here ranting, calling my wife all sorts of names, and accusing her ruining my life when it been you all along!

"Ethan I"..., Gwen said stuttering.

"What Gwen, your sorry,or how about this one, Ethan I love you". "Gwen that is what you wanted to say right'? "Well, I don't want hear it and I'm sure as hell that I don't want to ever see you again"! "So do me a big favor, get the hell out of my house,and stay away from me or so help me God"! "I don't believe you, how could you do this me Gwen"? "You know, I don't know you, and I don't think I ever did"!

Gwen started crying, "Ethan have you forgotten that your precious wife lied to you too"! "Why is it that she can do no wrong Ethan"?

"You bitch, don't you dare try justify your actions after what you did"! "My God Gwen have forgotten that Grace fell down the stairs and miscarried because of you, just GET OUT"!

Ethan watched Gwen walked out of apartment, it had been long day, he looked at the clock it was 9:00 pm, he was going to find Theresa, but first he needed to take a walk to clear his head.

Theresa walked into her mother's house a complete mess. Her eyes were red and puffy, her black spaghetti strapped dress was wrinkled and covered in sand, and her curls had fallen out of her hair. She looked around thanking God that her mother wasn't around to see her like this, her mother and brother Miguel were visiting with the Bennett's until 11:00. That her gave two hours to shower and get of the house before they got home, she went into her old bedroom and pulled a white tank top and black skirt out of her closet and laid the clothes on the bed before jumping in the shower. After her shower she put the clean clothes on and pulled out her cell phone, there was only one person that could help her now.

"Hey its me Theresa, look I need your help". "Can you meet me at the local bar in Castle-ton"? "Yes, I know I'm underage, just meet me outside the bar". "Look, please my marriage is at stake here". "We have to meet at the local bar in Castle-ton, no one can know I'm meeting you". "OK bye, I'll meet there in two hours.

"I hope this works", Theresa whispers before pulling out her cell phone again and calling Whitney.

Ethan walked over to the Book Cafe, it had been along day and from the looks of things it couldn't get any worse or could it?

Next Time

A devastated Theresa meets up with Whitney before heading to Castle-ton.

Ethan gets advice from a friend, will he forgive Theresa?

Charity gets a shocking premonition!

Author's Note: Hey everybody I just wanted everyone to know that there is no Zombie Charity and that there not going to be one, Kay has given up on Miguel and I will go into more details later in the story. Sheridan is not dead she's fine,her ring was poisoned but it was discovered and the double wedding continued without any interruptions. Also this is mainly at E/T Fanfic but it might go to different characters' point of view