Ethan stood in his office packing up some of his work that he was going to do at home. Opening up his brief case he placed the papers in there nice and neatly. He stopped when a picture caught the corner of his eye. It was of him and Theresa on their wedding day. Ethan picked up the picture and slowly ran his fingers over the frame.

Reaching in his pocket he pulled out his cell phone for some reason he had this gut feeling that something was wrong. He looked and saw that he had one message. Pressing the button he put the phone to his ear.

"Hey, Ethan it me I just wanted to let you know I went and picked up the Tylenol. Please don't be mad at me I just couldn't take this headache any longer. I know you worry about me but I'm fine. Also many pregnant women before me have said this; I'm pregnant not invalid ok so stop being such a worry wart you'll get grey hairs. I'll see later. I love... aaaaaaaaaaah".

Pulling the phone away from his ear Ethan felt sick he heard her screaming. She was in accident. "Calm down Ethan, Theresa is fine maybe her screaming was nothing" he thought. He starting dialing her cell phone number but couldn't get through.

"Please Theresa be alright". He whispered.

He looked at his phone, checking the time of the call. She had called two hours ago. Ethan was startled by a knock at the door.

"Luis what are doing here"? He asked nervously. "Please don't be here for Theresa" he thought.

Luis had troubled expression on his face and his eyes were red. "Ethan there's been an accident, its Theresa."

Harmony Hospital

Miguel sat by Charity's bedside, holding her hand. Charity comatose state had baffled everyone. Doctor Russell had performed several tests showing that she was fine and all they could was wait until she woke up if she did.

At some point Miguel dozed off because he awoke when he heard Charity moving.

"Charity your awake"!

"Miguel what's going on? How did I get here"? She asked frantically.

Charity calm down you've been in a coma for a week". Her face paled.

"A week" she whispered.

"Yeah something happen to you after the barbeque"!

"Miguel I'm too late! It's already happened! I was suppose to stop it" cried an inconsolable Charity.

"Charity slow down! What are you talking about"? What were you suppose to stop"?

Tears streamed down her face and she hesitated not wanting Miguel to hate her. "Your sister's death"!

Hotchkiss Mansion

"Mother thank you so much"! Gwen squealed hugging her mother.

"What are you thanking me for"? Rebecca asked looking confused.

"Mother don't be modest I saw the accident scene. I have to thank that hit man you hired to kill Theresa"!

"Uh Gwen don't be mad but I forgot to hire a hit man".


"Well you see I was ordering Heather to pack up my things and send them over to the Crane Mansion after you left. Then I had one to many martinis, Julian called and one thing lead to another. I think you get the picture".

"I don't want to hear this story. Wait if you didn't hire a hit man then who killed Theresa"?

"Gwen stop fretting maybe the tramp just couldn't drive"!

"Mother I did some snooping and they had one eyewitness that stated Theresa's car was forced off the bridge by some pickup truck"!

"Well a least she's dead"! Rebecca said. "Now lets propose a toast to whoever killed Theresa you've done the world a big favor"! Rebecca lifted her glass and drunk the champagne in one gulp.

Next Time

Luis tells Ethan Theresa's dead but is she really?

Gwen hatches a plan to get Ethan to come back to her.

Feeling guilty Charity breaks up with Miguel.

A/N: Sorry about my lack of updates I've been having computer problems. I hope you like this chapter sorry if its a little short next chapter will be a little longer.