A/N: I'm not completely sure if I'm going to continue into a whole What-I-Think-P3-Will-Be fic but I know that the majority of this story will be flashbacks and it will probably be only about 6 chapters. So I hope you enjoy. And review please!

"So this is who you want to help us bring Jack back? Barbossa?" Asked Will, not at all entertained by the idea.

Tia Dalma smirked. "Aye. But dat's not all I got for ya. Lass? Come out here won't 'cha?"

"I told you these were my apples Barbossa!" Said a woman with long hair and dark skin wearing men's clothing coming from the back of Tia Dalma's shack, also holding a green apple like the one currently being bitten into by Barbossa.

"Aye. Ye did lass. Ye want this one back?" She glared at the pirate who was supposed to be dead.

"Anamaria!" Exclaimed the Pearl's crew.

"Aye that I am. Heard about your little adventure and couldn't bring myself to miss an opportunity like this. Besides me, Tia and Jack are thick as thieves the lot of us. Well……were….have been….." She said the last words a bit harsher than the rest.

"I's true ya know. We've had our share of fun with Sparra'," said the witch doctor with a laugh.

Anamaria could only glare at the woman as they began a heated battle. "We have haven't we Tia Dalma?"

Pintel looked at her "Jack's dead ya know? Didn't die when he was sposed too but he's gone to depths now." Ana shook her head ignoring the other dark skinned woman beside her.

"Didn't. I ain't shocked though. Such said pirate was a tainted and wanted man not only in these Caribbean waters but around the world. He was goin' down sooner or later."

"But he'll be coming back. That much I tell ya. And it won' be da winds blowing him dis time."

"Aye this time it's your voodoo." To which Tia could only smirk while Anamaria chose to sit at the table crossing her legs stop the other and chomping down on the deliciously green apple in her possession. "I reckon the captain went down with his ship did he not?"

"He did. But not by his own choice," spoke up Will, glaring daggers at his fiancé. Elizabeth looked around the room her eyes darting around as she tried to keep her composure and delay the stream of tears that threatened to fall.

"I….I shackeled Jack to the mast. He….he didn't want to go down with the Pearl. He said it was just another ship. But it was the only way…If he would have come with us we'd have all been swallowed by the Kraken!"

Will seethed "And the kiss?"

"How else was I supposed to get Jack Sparrow to leave us and go down with the bloody ship!"

"Seems a lot's happened since I was last upon the Pearl." She looked at the couple and then heard someone taking a bite of a fresh apple. "Barbossa! This is the last of my bloody apples ye'll be eating 'er else this knife'll be closer to the lower parts o' ye!" She launched the knife to hit right beside his face on the wall of which he was leaning on. His eyes widened and he dropped the apple.

"Banshee!" He whispered under his breath.

"I think ye should forgive her will before this one goes using more of her voodoo to take loves and break hearts," She stated with a glare to Tia, effortlessly yanking the knife out of the wall before going to get another apple.

A/N: I'm gonna go see the movie a second time since I missed to much the first time. But for now this is what I've started as a What-If/AU fic because we know we all wanted Anamaria to show up sometime in the movie.

Review and I'll continue with it.