The Dark Side of Love

By Utsukushii Ryu

Summary: Krad is a Vampire; beautiful, scaldingly cold, and merciless. What happens when he meets an amethyst-eyed man that forces him to feel things his cold heart had left behind?

Dark is a 19-year-old college student who is desperately searching for his younger brother who has been missing for fourteen months. One night, he meets a golden-eyed stranger, and he is unwittingly taken down the road leading towards his destiny.

Pairings: KradxDark; SatoshixDaisuke

Warnings: YAOI; SHOUNEN AI; language; Vampiric insinuations; Risa bashing; slight one sided incest

IF YOU DON'T LIKE ANYTHING LISTED ABOVE, DON'T EVEN BOTHER READING THIS FIC AND LEAVE NOW. You have been warned. (I hate opening my inbox to find reviews from people who hate the contents of my fics, but read them anyway just to criticize. Personally, it's disgusting.)

"…" – talking
'…' – thinking

Chapter One: A Sighting, A Threat

A pale moon rose against the tall buildings, barely illuminating the streets due to lights created by men. A figure crouched over the roof of a particularly tall office building, his long blonde hair and cape billowing gently in the wind about his body. Sharp eyes studied the sidewalks below, searching for his next meal, as he licked his slightly chapped lips, revealing white fangs. A splash of amethyst amongst the grey of night caught his interest, and he lowered himself onto a tree branch to investigate.

He raised a thin eyebrow; it was a boy. Or rather, a young man around eighteen to twenty years of age. His hair was a dark violet and his eyes, which were a beautiful shade of amethyst, shined beautifully in what little moonlight that could reach them. They conveyed his emotions for all to see, though deep within their depths hid his true thoughts. He was lean, pleasantly tall, and dressed casually with only a pair of well fit jeans, a white t-shirt, a light jacket to keep out the chill, and a black choker with a small cross.

As if sensing he was being scrutinized, the young man stopped in his tracks, and glanced up directly at him. He pulled himself deeper into the shadows despite the fact that there was no way the human could see him.

A few minutes that felt like an eternity passed before the purple-eyed boy turned away and continued his trek down the sidewalk. He relaxed slightly, surprised at his own reaction, and watched the boy's retreating back. He frowned deeply, but was pulled out of his reverie at the sound of fluttering leather. He looked at the dark sky and spotted a chestnut bat flying away. His frown deepened as he recognized the bat, and decided to follow it.

He straightened. His nose and mouth elongated into a muzzle, his ears grew larger than his head, his legs turned into claws, and his cape turned into his wings. He shrunk into the size of a kid's soccer ball, his fur faintly glowing pale yellow. He stretched his arms and took to the sky, pacing himself to preserve energy.

He followed the other bat away from the small city and entered a more rural area where the tallest building among the houses was a church. They reached a large house—so large that it could almost be called a mansion—that was seated comfortably on the edge of a cliff overlooking the sea. He noticed with slight pleasure that the moonlight was brighter here than where they had been previously.

The chestnut bat, without even pausing on the balcony, flew through the open doors. He stopped above the house, agitation and curiosity clawing at his dead heart. Finally, he lowered himself onto the balcony. The moment his clawed feet touched the cold stone, he transformed back into his humanoid form.

His cape flowed about him, as if protecting him from the outside world, and he stood tall, almost arrogantly. His pointed ears picked up fluttering inside the room, and then a young girl positioned herself before the glass doors, a wicked smile on her face.

His frown dipped even lower.

Her long hair, a chestnut brown, was pulled back in a half-ponytail. Her chocolate eyes, which he knew was once warm, were cold and held flecks of red in them. Her ears were pointed just as his were, and she held herself in a confident pose. In short, she was very pretty indeed, but the sight of her only served to make him want to lose his lunch.

"Krad," she cooed, though her expression did not change. "What brings you here?"

"What were you doing on my hunting grounds, Risa?" he asked coldly. His blonde hair flowed about his face despite it being pulled back in a ponytail, but he didn't seem to notice or care. "You already walk about with them during the day, no need to invade on another when he's about to dine." Risa leaned against the doorframe, unconcerned.

"Why, I was protecting my meal, of course," she said silkily. "It just wouldn't do if another took him while I was sleeping, ne?" Krad frowned slightly, confused. Amethyst eyes and purple hair flashed in his mind's eye, and his thoughts clicked together.

"Why didn't you get him during the day?" he asked evenly. "You know very well that those you didn't get during the day are fair game for another." For a moment, annoyance was apparent on her young face, but it disappeared in a flash.

"Krad, dear," she said coolly, "he is much more than a meal to me." Krad raised an eyebrow as if to ask her to elaborate. "I want to make him one of us."

The blonde's shoulders began to shake, and she glared at him in annoyance. No longer able to stop himself, he laughed, bringing a hand up to cover his mouth. She barely flinched as she waited impatiently for him to stop. It wasn't any laughter she heard often, and silently wished never to hear ever again; it was humorless, lifeless, and more of a scoff than a laugh.

Soon, though, his laughter subsided into chuckles.

"What is so amusing about my words?" she asked acidly. "I only wish to preserve his beauty, as well as have him as a playmate. It gets so dull when no one comes to visit me."

"We don't need to keep company, we are solitary; you know this as well as I do. We only seek their company to keep ourselves amused." He paused, and he smirked handsomely, revealing a single fang. "Unless you are so incapable of finding any company, you must force the unwilling. This, of course, is very understandable. It is even going around that your own sister despises your presence."

"Quiet," she hissed, her jaw clenching painfully.

"You cannot order me. You know as well as I that I am much more powerful than you." Risa smiled arrogantly.

"Even so, you cannot harm me for you cannot enter this house without permission. This is, after all, my own home. So I may enter and leave as much as I so please." Krad was tempted to smirk, but held himself in check. Another time... he thought. Instead, he readied himself to leave.

"We shall see," he said quietly. "Just a warning: careful what you say or do around me, for you might find you will regret it. Your little house cannot protect you forever..."

With that said, he flew away into the night, leaving an unnerved Vampiress behind. She turned away from the balcony, and gracefully made her way into an adjoining room, determined to clear her mind.

Inside, she found a young girl, her face identical to her own. She had auburn hair that was cropped short, and the same chocolate brown eyes. There was only one difference between them: hers were warm and filled with emotion. The girl was seated on her bed, a book open on her lap.

Risa quietly made her way over to the redhead, and gently sat down, the bed barely squeaking underneath her almost nonexistent weight. She pulled herself up behind the girl, and wrapped her arms around her, her cool breath flowing down the thin neck beneath her.

The girl jumped in surprise, and turned to look at her, her brown eyes wide with wary curiosity. Risa ignored her stare, and continued to nuzzle her neck, feeling the life-giving blood flowing through her veins.

"R-Risa...?" the girl questioned.

"Riku..." Risa wrapped her arms tighter around her twin, "why won't you come with me...? You could have anything you wished." Riku's body became rigid, something Risa couldn't help but notice.

"I don't want to turn, Risa," she said with finality, her tone suggesting they had had the same conversation many times before. "I don't ever wish to be a murderer." Risa frowned.

"Are you saying that I am a murderer?" she asked silkily. Riku frowned at her.

"Vampires take lives only to live themselves. They do nothing but feed off others to keep themselves alive, giving nothing else back in return to fill the missing void that is created once a life is taken beside fear and pain. They are no lower than parasites." Risa scowled, and pushed her sister away.

"Is it so wrong to want to survive!" she screeched, causing her twin to wince. "We are superior to you pathetic humans in every way, so do not become so high and mighty with me. You weaklings are ruled by fear and greed! Many would gladly give up their own flesh and blood to spare their own lives! They would gladly do any deed, no matter how wrong, for pieces of metal and paper that have value because someone said they did!

"And don't you ever believe for a second I won't kill you! I have kept you alive this long in the hopes you would change your mind and join me, but my patience is wearing thin. I will find the reason you are denying eternal life, and I assure you I will get rid of it!" Risa stomped out of the room in a huff.

Riku curled up upon herself, and pulled out a gold locket from underneath her shirt. She flicked it open, and gazed at the picture placed carefully inside. Tears gathered in her eyes as she took in warm amber eyes and fiery red hair that stood in all directions from his head. He wore a kind and naive smile, a smile that made you think of either an innocent young boy or a wise young man.

She snapped the locket shut, fell back onto her bed, and began to weep in her arms, her cries muffled by her chest. Within her yells, a name was repeated over and over again.

The moon rose higher into the sky, and she finally fell into a dreamless sleep. Her tears stained her cheeks and her eyes had turned red and puffy. With her final waking breath, she whimpered, "...Daisuke..."

Unbeknownst to her, cold brown eyes watched her from the shadows. A slow, catlike smile stretched across Risa's face, and she delved deeper into the shadows.

My first attempt at a "dark" fic, I guess you could say. I'll try to put the second chapter up soon.