
I hope this is something that's never been done before. I hope I've created something original. I'd like you opinion on that matter. Thank you.

Chapter One: The Fight part one

Titans Tower, a tall, T-shaped structure stuffed to the point of explosion with state-of-the-art gadgetry. The different modes of transportation alone are enough to make any rich tycoon wild with jealousy.

The super computers are fast enough to challenge even the Justice League's hardware. And not even the Justice League can compete with the Tower's security system.

And who owns this modern tower, you may ask. Five teenagers. They are the Teen Titans, and they watch over the metropolis of Jump City. They fight crime and kick bad-guy butt daily, but today was not an ordinary day.

The team was scattered around the common-room, enjoying the overhead air-conditioning and the fact that they didn't have to stop some demented villain under the hot July sun. Ah, simple bliss.

Raven was reading a novel by Edgar Allen Poe. Cyborg was trying to teach Starfire how to grill HUMAN hamburgers. Robin's head was bobbing to the music in his headphones, and he was writing in a brand new notebook. Even Beast Boy was quietly staring out the window and enjoying the view that met his eyes. But all good things in life must end at one point or another, as did this one.

The alarm rang out loud and red. Robin dropped his notebook and pen and wrenched off the earphones. Raven's book snapped shut and she stood abruptly as Beast Boy swung around at the sharp sound. Starfire and Cyborg quickly shut off the griller. All five teens raced to the main-frame computer.

"The H.I.V.E" Robin announced, suddenly back to all-business. "They are robbing the Wachovia National Bank."

"Let's go!"

Quickly piling into the T-car, the five teens hurtled along the streets in the downtown sector. They braked rapidly in front of the bank of Wachovia just as seven villianary teens walked out. Six were the members of the H.I.V.E., but one was Red X.

"X's with the Hive now?" Beast Boy inquired incredulously.

Cyborg peered over at his green friend but before he could say anything Robin yelled the familiar battle cry that the team responded to on instinct.

"Teen Titans GO!"

Kyd-Wykkyd and See-More were taken down immediately. Then everyone paired up: Robin with Red X, Starfire versus Jinx, Billy-Numerous and Raven exchanged blows, Cyborg tackled Gizmo, while Beast Boy and Mammoth locked fists.

Red X and Robin, being very similar in technique, were well matched, as were Cyborg and Gizmo. Starfire and Jinx exchanged blasts of green and pink, while Beast Boy and Mammoth earned several bruises dealt to them from their opponent. Raven, on the other hand, was having a hard time capturing the ever-multiplying Billy-Numerous.


Now we shall view each individual battle.


He's good, Robin thought for a moment before he blocked a side-kick from the X man (cheesy, I know). Almost as good as me. Then Robin, with the aid of some well-placed jabs, began gaining the upper-hand and taking Red X down. Almost!


Starfire dodged the unlucky, falling debris around her, and sent a flurry of green starbolts down to her pink cotton-candy haired opponent. It gave her a bit of a chance for a victory. Success is close at hand!


So far Cyborg had dodged mini-missiles fired upon him by Gizmo, deactivated the poindexter's robotic wings, and disarmed the kid-villain's weaponry. Not bad when you think about what he's put me through before, Cyborg thought enthusiastically while proceeding to tie Gizmo up in his own spider-legs.

Beast Boy

He's tough, Beast Boy muttered, and then grinned wickedly. But not tough enough for the King And with that thought in mind he morphed into a T-Rex. He promptly slammed Mammoth into the wall of the bank with his tail before changing into a tiger. Which Mammoth in turn threw over several cars. But the changeling came bounding back like a rubber ball.


Hmm, Raven murmured to herself as she dodged one thousand punches at once. If he keeps this up I'll have no choice but to activate one of my new binding spells. She telekinetically threw a garbage bin over the boy teen and held it down firmly. Only to discover he could multiply outside the bin as well. Fine, she thought to Billy-Numerous. Your choice, here comes spell one.


The Titans were steadily winning when the cops finally arrived. They put See-More in custody, but on turning around were faced with a very-awake Kyd-Wykkyd. It was at that moment Red X decided to teleport away from a kick that could have tripped him easily, and Robin was forced to abandon his search for X to help out the police.

Mammoth lifted Beast Boy over his head and threw him across the street. At that moment Starfire was doing the same to Jinx, in hope that she could end her fight and assist Robin. Raven was in the process of whispering the last spell word, also the longest. So the Titans were very busy beating up the H.I.V.E. or being beaten up themselves.

Robin had finished with Kyd-Wykkyd, and Cyborg had deposited Gizmo to the police. The two re-entered the brawl, Cyborg sneaking up on Mammoth and Robin spotting Red X. The fight was a few short minutes from officially over. Cyborg caught Mammoth ad threw him towards the police, not seeing Starfire flying until she rammed into him and took him up with her. As Cyborg fell, Robin and Red X charged each other.

Suddenly, two leaping figures entered Raven's line of vision. Just as she uttered the last syllable of the spell, unfortunately. All she could do was pray the spell missed them, and she quickly captured Billy.

Raven did not see the black ribbon-spell wrap around the two figures, as her focus was directed to levitating the bound Billy into the jail-van with his waiting companions. No one witnessed it consciously. In fact, I doubt the victims themselves have noticed it...


…but they will have by next chapter!

Try to guess which unfortunate pair I will TORTURE to within one inch of their sanity. Go ahead, guess; take a gamble.