Happy Valentines Day!

This is a little gift to you from me! But ONLY if you brought me chocolate. (narrows eyes) Now, did you bring me chocolate? NO!!! Well! You're just WORTHLESS!!! No chappie for you! (goes off to pout)


The End is Near!

Jinx heaved a sigh of relief as she saw the giant, T-shaped building. It was funny, after all the years she was actually glad to see that place. Only a few traffic lights separated her and home.

Jinx's eyes widened at that thought. Home? Since when had Titans Tower become home to her? Ever since you saw that metallic hunk, whispered a traitorous little voice. Jinx firmly pushed that voice to the back of her mind.

Beast Boy was almost bouncing up and down, he was so excited. Home, his mind screamed, while his nose twitched with all the familiar scents. He had been cooped up in that cage too long, but now he was going home.

There were not many people around, as it was just past four in the morning, on a Sunday no less. It was too early for most people in the city to even begin getting up. After all, the sun had barely risen. But, of course, you had your early risers. There were people jogging down the street, a woman driving around cause her kid wouldn't go to sleep, and the crazy old man who liked to pretend he was a burglar.

Just at that moment, as Jinx pondered her own thoughts and Beast Boy refrained from his bouncing wish, Beast Boy's nose caught a familiar scent. Now, that in itself was not extraordinary, but this scent was memorable and yet the changeling couldn't place it. Very strange indeed. Oooooooo… (sorry, moving on)

Guess what it is!

Two seconds later, as Jinx stopped the car at a red-light, a humongous boulder smashed into the right side of the blue-and-silver car. The force was so great that it blew everyone out of the car! Teenagers went flying everywhere!

Still can't guess? Do I have to spell it out for you?!

"Everyone okay?" Robin called out, holding his arm where some metal had cut him.

Answers came back from the street and nearby buildings as the team picked themselves up. Starfire had smashed into the city bank and was now lying, unconscious, on the sidewalk. Raven had managed to stop herself from going the same way, but she was still pretty banged up. The only reply Robin got from Cyborg was the cries and cusswords as the robotic teen laid eyes on his poor car, which was lying on its side. But the leader was still missing some people.

"Jinx? Beast Boy?"

A muffled cry came from an alley, and then some trashcans blew up in pink sparks. Jinx emerged, looking a little dizzy but nothing bad.

Robin trotted over. "You guys okay?"

Before answering him, Jinx reached down and dragged a giggling, deranged changeling from the mess. She looked down at him, then back over at Robin. "We're as good as can be expected" was her answer.

Robin didn't have time to reply, as yet another boulder came flying towards them, except this time it was bringing someone with it.

Still can't guess?!? What kind of Teen Titans fan are you?!?!?!?!?!?

"Terra" Raven snarled.

The blonde swung back her long hair and smirked down at the team. Numerous things had changed about her, like the fact she was out of the suit Slade had made her wear. She now sported a blue leotard and yellow leggings. Very stylish. She had grown, as had her hair, and had, obviously, regained her memory. But one thing that remained the same was the evil smirk that she'd had when she'd worked for Slade.

Jinx looked up from brushing off her clothing at Raven's dangerous tone. She'd never heard the goth sound so…so…murderous. I'll say it again: murderous.

Terra? Jinx puzzled over the name; she'd heard it before. Ahhh, in the cage! Right before that stupid song. Her and Beast Boy dated. The pink witch followed Raven's gaze, her curiosity getting the better of her.

She saw a blonde. A blonde stereotype. A blue-eyed blonde stereotype. A blue-eyed blonde stereotype that apparently had the power to control the very ground under their feet. Okay, we watch this girl.

Raven didn't even wait for Robin's word, she immediately began throwing her all at Terra. Cyborg, reluctantly, left his car to get the still unconscious Starfire out of the way as Raven and Robin took over the fight.

Jinx watched wide-eyed as the blonde threw Robin (the Robin!) into a building, and then proceeded to take down Raven! Cyborg went next as Robin tried to pry himself out of the earthy-hand that had entrapped him. The witch observed how Terra taunted the Titans before taking them out. It was cruel! Then Terra turned on her and Beast Boy.

"Hey hon" the blonde said, sickenly sweet.

"Terra?" the changeling all-but whimpered.

Terra smiled cruelly down at the shapeshifter before flinging a huge piece of asphalt at him. It smacked Beast Boy back, across the street, and down several yards. And Jinx, as she was tied to him, was taken along for the ride. The color duo whammed! against the side of a building before falling a good thirty yards into the dumpster below. Jinx's fall was cushioned by Beast Boy, but Beast Boy was unconscious.

Jinx glared at the flying blonde from underneath an old banana peel. "Someday" she groaned as she dragged both herself and Beast Boy out of the dumpster. "We're gonna have a long talk about you're taste in women."

But that would be another day. Today, Jinx had to remedy a mistake a trashy blonde had made in deciding she could beat up Jinx's changeling. Make no mistake, Jinx mentally growled. She'll never do it again.

"You bitch!" yelled Jinx to Terra, who was once again engaged with Robin. Like the energizer bunny, that boy. Terra tossed Robin into Raven, knocking them both a good ways down the street. Then she turned her blue eyes on Jinx.

"What did you just call me?" The blonde's tone was deathly low.

Jinx ignored the question. "You could've killed him!" she gestured to Beast Boy.


"He's mine!" The pink sorceress paused, and then added. "And so are the other Titans."

"Oh really" Terra grinned and then picked up another piece of asphalt, pressing it down on Cyborg.

Jinx's eyes sparked dangerously, but Terra took no heed. "Let him go." The only sounds were those of something metallic being crushed. "Stop it!"

"Try to stop me" the blonde smirked.

Jinx didn't say anything. She simply attacked. She sent a couple dozen hexes at, not necessarily Terra, but the rock the blonde stood on and surrounding area. Hexes that tore apart everything that they touched. Hexes that made the street look like Raven had passed through on PMS.

Then Terra tried to fly away. Jinx wasn't having that. And she told Terra so.

"I'm not nice like Robin" the witch snarled as another hex forced Terra to turn back around. "I'm not gonna let you get away."

"You've just torn apart my favorite street in this God-forsaken city" Jinx went on, getting angrier and angrier. "Tried to kill me, AND tried to kill the green guy. Nobody's s'posed to do that except ME!!!!" And then she sent the blonde crashing into the hard pavement.

Looking down at Terra's unconscious form, Jinx began to understand why heroes did what they did. It wasn't about protecting a city, innocent civilians, and all that crud. It was about protecting your city, your civilians. It was a possessive streak that none of them would admit to, but every single hero had it.

A groan from behind her brought Jinx out of her deep thoughts. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw that Raven had returned and was helping Cyborg up, while Robin tended to Starfire.

"Oh god, aspirin!!!" Beast Boy was sitting on the road, gripping his head.

"BB!" Jinx shrieked and squeezed him. "You're back to normal!" She paused and then shrugged. "Well, BB-normal anyway."

So it seemed. His crash into the brick-and-steel building and then his long fall had reconnected his disconnected sanity, effectively restoring his mind. In short, he was back to normal…BB-normal anyway.

Cyborg limped over to the duo. "Thanks" he wheezed to Jinx. Beast Boy looked, confused, between the two. Robin helped him out.

"Jinx saved Cyborg" he said, looking approvingly at her.

"No, I didn't" Jinx denied. Beast Boy grinned, though not the mad grin (man, I'll miss those).

"I think you did!"

"I did nothing of the sort" the witch continued, stalking away. "I just didn't like the blonde messing with my territory, that's all."

Even Raven was smirking now. It was clear to all the Titans that the sorceress was trying to hide the growing blush on her cheeks. And she was failing miserably. Beast Boy started to laugh at the situation, but then he gasped.

"Jinx! Jinx!"

"What?!" the girl snapped.

"We're six feet apart!"

"So, why—Oh my GOD! We're six feet apart!" The two began dancing around for joy.

Why, you ask, were they dancing around like a pair of drunken ballerinas? Must I remind you how this whole story started?!?!

They were dancing around, on opposite sides of the street mind you, because there was no longer any black-ribbon-like magic holding them together. The rest of the Titans quickly caught on to this tiny fact (okay, so it wasn't tiny, maybe it was kind of obvious).

After a few minutes of prancing, Jinx and Beast Boy sobered up.

"So" the changeling began. His team members were congregated by the T-car. "I guess this is good-bye."

"Yeah" Jinx nodded, choking up. "I guess."

Both stood silent, until Beast Boy said, pointing, "I want my sweats back."

"Why?" the witch inquired incredulously. "You never wear them."

"I like to have them."

"But you can't wear them!"

"That's beside the point!"

"It's nice to have you guys back to normal" Cyborg broke in with a grin. Both Jinx and Beast Boy glared at him, but the robotic teen just laughed at this.

"Jinx" Robin called. He walked over to the duo. "I have a proposition for you."

Jinx raised a hot-pink eyebrow. "What kind of proposition?"

"Becoming the sixth Teen Titan" Robin replied with a small smirk. "We've talked it over, and have decided that you'd be a great asset to our team. That is, if you want to."

Beast Boy was practically jumping up and down. He knew why Robin had offered Jinx this. She knew the basics of what made the Titans a team. Terra had been offered the membership, but they hadn't known a lot about her or known her that long. Jinx had basically already been made a member just by becoming a daily part of their lives.

Jinx looked Robin over, but all she could see was sincerity. "Okay" she nodded. "But I've got one condition." It was Robin's turn to raise an eyebrow.

"What's that?"

"I get my own room." Jinx's tone was serious. "This is important: I have to have my own room. I mean this is really, really important." The witch was banging the importance of it with her right hand on her left hand. "Really important!"

Robin's smirk grew into a full-fledged grin. He nodded. "I think that can be arranged. Jinx sighed in relief.

This was different from when they'd taken in Terra. For one thing, Beast Boy could see that Raven had actually tolerated Jinx for a while now; she'd never done that for Terra. For another, Jinx was a reliable friend. She didn't hold secrets, and she was bound to tell you exactly what her opinion was. Actually, Beast Boy thought. We're gonna have to work on that part.

Jinx looked around at the Titans. Robin was tenderly caring for a just-waking-up Starfire. Raven was calming a hysterical Cyborg down (he'd looked back at his car). Beast Boy was groaning and sobbing about aspirins. This was why she'd thought home, because she was home.

Jinx didn't know a whole lot about being a hero, but she did know one thing for sure: after this ordeal, she would never be able to look at the world in quite the same way.

Then Beast Boy spoke up. "How're we gonna home?"


WAHAHAHAHAHA!!! (sobs and stuffs more chocolate in mouth)

That's the end. I'm serious. No more Roommates. It's the end of the end of the end!

This reminds me of a song:

Seems like we've just begun

When suddenly we're through-ooooo!

Good-bye, good-bye, good friends good-bye!

Okay, fine, so it's the ending song to Bear and the Big Blue House, but it matches this moment! (more sobs) Or maybe a funeral march! Wahahaha!!!

Happy Valentines Day! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!