Authors Note:Oooo, first fanfic, I feel proud. I know the whole axa thing is probably a little over done by now but I hope you still enjoy it. By the way their might be a little swearing here and their, incase any of you find it offensive. Please rate and review if you get through it.

Disclaimer: You know I don't own class of the titans,why even ask?

In the bowels of the under world, Cronus was looking into a portal, it flashed images of past attempts at his goal, and the heroes that always stood in his way

"Their must be some way to get at these mortals." Cronus said as though he had a bad taste in his mouth.

He replayed the images over and over, looking for some kind of weakness, a loophole of some sorts

"wait" The portal froze as he said those words. "Hmmm, this gives me an idea. You!(He points to a near by giant who comes without hesitation) I have a job for you, and you better not screw it up this time."

The light from the window gently streamed on Atlanta's face as she woke up. 7am her alarm clock read, I guess she just forgot to set it the night before.

"shit" she mumbled, now she couldn't go out for her morning run.

She got dressed and headed down stairs where Athena was making breakfast. She cold smell the french toast from her room.

"What's on the agenda for today guys?" Athena inquired.

"Mmmm, if I remember correctly we have school, followed by an archery test and some training" Theresa answer back not bothering to even look up from the magazine she was reading.

"Archery?" Odie said "great..."

The school day goes by, slower in some classes then others. The bell rings, Jay, Theresa, Atlanta, Archie, Odie, Harry and Neil all started out to the infamous janitors closed that they spent so much time in.

"Alright" Ares yelled out. "Lets get this show moving shall we."

He passed out bows and arrows to them and set up the targets.

"Ok lets see how you've improved." He yelled out again.

And with that one by one they shot their arrows at the targets. They where all in the red zone, Archie and Atlanta hit right on the bulls eye, and Odie managed to hit the target for once.

"Hmm, Mediocre at best I guess, Lets see how you do with moving targets."

What? They all thought they had never practiced with moving targets before and now they were going to test them on it? Atlanta had a smirk on her face that you couldn't wipe off. She knew this stuff. She hunted, this was all second nature to her. They lined up again and at the push of a button, seven targets came up on tracks and started to move. Each attempted. Most of them missed with the exception of Theresa and Jay who had hit the outskirts of the rim and Atlanta who had gotten another direct hit.

"Well that wasn't very impressive" Ares said "I expected better from all of you"

"What do you mean my shot was dead on" Atlanta replied

"Yah, but you've done this before, you're shot doesn't count" He snorted back

"Ares!" Hera gave him a glare that would strike fear into the heart of even Cronus.

"Fine, fine, fine" He said reluctantly "Full marks"

"Hey Atlanta you wanna catch a movie" Theresa called out.

"I was going to go for a run first, but I'll PMR you when I'm done, that ok?" Atlanta said

"Yah sure" Theresa responded, "Catch you later!"

As Atlanta walked towards here locker to get her stuff, she felt a tap on her shoulder.

"Hey Arch" She said as she turned her head

"Mind if I go running with you?" he asked

"Archie" she said with suspiciously "You weren't eavesdropping where you?"

"No, of course not. I mearly over heard as I walked by" He responded