Four Jounins sat around a bar table. They had been drinking, although only one of them was drunk. Kakashi, Asuma, and Kurenai were watching as Gai made a fool out of himself. He had been rambling on about how their teams weren't youthful enough. But then he kept flaunting about Lee, who's, over the years, eyebrows had gotten bigger and bushier. They rivaled that of Gai's.

The rookie nine were now all 23 and 24, besides Gai's team who were mainly 25. Sasuke had returned to the village four years earlier, after killing Itachi. Orochimaru still loomed over him, but he just wasn't very concerned with what the pedophile was planning. He had gained everyone's trust back and was occasionally let out of the village to "get away for a while".

Sasuke, if possible, had grown more handsome over the years as his face became more mature. He was still pretty silent, but he was not as cold. He usually hung out with Naruto and Sakura at their old training grounds.

Naruto had also changed, although his personality was the same, loud and obnoxious. He had definitely become good-looking. His love for ramen hadn't faded in the least, it may have even escalated. Although he was single, he had been hanging out with Hinata more and more. People were starting to suspect things.

Sakura had gotten over her 'infatuation' with Sasuke during the years he was gone. But when he came back, she would not admit it but, she had a teensy tiny itty bitty little eensy weensy(you get the idea) crush on him. But like I said, she would never admit it. She decided to keep her hair short, she liked it better that way. She had really filled out, she had her own fan club now. She was very beautiful.

And of course, Sai. I mean, who could forget about him? Sai didn't really change since he first got there. Yea, so...I won't bother mentioning him. (He is in the story though)

A little light bulb appeared above Gai's head. "I have an idea!" He slurred out. The other jounins barely glanced at him. "Listennnnnnnn" He took another sip...gulp, of his beer. "I think...the teams should goooo onnnnn aaaaaaa...CAMPIIIINGGG TRIIIIPP!" Everyone in the bar had turned to stare at the drunken teacher. "That's ridiculo-" Kurenai was cut off by Kakashi. "No, I like that idea, it would be the perfect revenge. Naruto stole my book last week." He grinned from behind his mask.

"We should have them go river rafting, then make sure they crash, losing all of their food and anything else they brought with them!" kakashi was now laughing like a maniac. "Then we'll make sure they find a cabin...AND THEY'LL ALL HAVE TO LIVE IN IT BECAUSE OF A BLIZZARD OUTSIDE!" They had stopped paying attention to him by then, they figured that he needed to let some of the crazy out.

Most of the people in the bar had left, either because they were...disturbed by kakashi, or disgusted by Gai. Gai was now attempting to shove 20 pickled olives into his mouth. Once he reached 19, he started choking. Asuma slapped his back, causing Gai to spit them out at the bartender, who fell and landed on a beer spigot, breaking it. The beer started spraying out and hit some of the waitresses, who screamed and dropped a plate on someone's head. The person fell over and bumped into Kurenai. Her face went onto the counter, she turned around and smacked the closest person, who happened to be Kakashi.

He fell and landed on Asuma who screamed and fell, dragging Gai down with him.

To say the least, they were banned from the bar. So, having nothing else to do, they decided to start preparing for the team's camping trip.

A/N: well, this WAS supposed to be a one-shot...about dodge ball...creepy. Anyways, please R&R!