Everyone (the rookie 9 plus the sand sibs) were at the bar that not long ago, their evil sensei's had been plotting their torturous trip to the cabin. They were celebrating their escape. Sasuke had gotten several congratulatory pats on the back, he didn't know why though.

The next day...

Naruto slurped up his ramen quickly and noisily. Sasuke's eyebrow twitched, he was obviously annoyed by Naruto's antics. Naruto paid no mind to this and kept slurping away.







"Ahh!! Teme what was that for!?" Naruto rubbed his injured head. "You were being annoying...again."

The blonde glared at him, "At least I don't have chicken hair!!" "I do not have chicken hair!"

"Ya huh!"



"When you shut up, I'll think about it."

Naruto just mumbled something incoherent and turned back to his ramen.

A few minutes later...

"Where the hell is everyone!?"

Naruto was right, it seemed like after last night, everyone disappeared, even Sakura and Sai. Sasuke sighed and ran a hand through his hair. Why was it that he was stuck with the dobe when everyone else was out doing god knows what? It wasn't right I tell you!

Somewhere in Konoha...(besides Ichiraku lol)

"Dammit Sai! Your cheating!"

"I am not! You just don't want to admit that you suck!"

"Will you two stop it already!?"

The pink-haired girl just scowled at Sai. Kiba rolled his eyes and set his cards down. He grinned. "Hehe, Ok, Sakura, lose the shirt, Sai...just take your shoe off." Sakura glared "Kiba you pervert, no way am I taking my shirt off!"

Kiba just laughed, "Well you should have thought about this when you decided to play strip poker!" Sakura glared again but started pulling her shirt off. "Stupid pervert..."

Somewhere else...

"YOSH!! I shall defeat everyone and prove that my youthfulness can overpower anything!!"

"Shut up Lee before you give away out position!"


To late. "Ah! I'm hit!!" Lee jumped out of the bushes, "FEAR NOT TENTEN!! I SHALL SAVE YOU!!"

"Lee you idiot!!"



"Oh no!! I'm sorry Tenten!! I cannot save you, for I have been hit as well!!"

Neji stepped out of the bushes, glaring. "Lee! I got hit because of you!"

Temari and Kankuro quickly ran by, shooting them again with they're paintball guns of DOOM!!!!

"Hahahaha!! Look they're covered in paint!"

"Ha! You losers can't keep up with us!"

Then, out of the bushes jumped Hinata, firing millions of paintballs.


"AIEEEE!!! I'M HIT!!!!"

Back with Naruto and Sasuke...

"Ne, Teme, I have this weird feeling that Hinata-Chan is doing evil things."

Sasuke just ignored him, got up and walked out of the restaurant.

"Oi! Teme! Wait for me!" Naruto ran out after him.

Later that same day...

Kiba and Sai lay unconscious on the forest floor, Sasuke stood menacingly over them. He was PISSED when he found them.

They should have known better then to play strip poker with Sakura. Poor naive little ninjas...

"Eh...I think you might've gone a little too far Sasuke." Sakura announced while kneeling down and poking a very bloody Kiba with a stick.

Sasuke just shrugged, "They deserved it."

Sakura sighed and stood up, brushing the invisible dirt from her clothes. Then she and Sasuke started walking back towards the village.

But then chicken boy stopped walking and grabbed Sakura's arm. Sakura gave him a confused look.

"Sakura...I need to ask you something."


Sasuke rubbed the back of his head, "Sakura will you..."

The end of the question was never heard that day...it was heard the next day though...ANYWAY!

Kakashi popped up right between them with his hand raised, "Yo."

Sasuke twitched annoyedly (hurr I made up a word :B) and he glared at Kakashi.

Sakura smiled, "Hey Sensei, what's up?"

Kakashi smiled somewhat menacingly back, "Ah not much, just taking a stroll through the woods."

Sakura and Kakashi started conversing causing Sasuke to growl and grab Sakura's hand and walking towards the village.

Kakashi sweat dropped then gave a small smile, 'They'll be alright,' he thought. 'I'd better be invited to that wedding...'

He then turned his gaze over to Sai and Kiba, started laughing his ass off, then disappeared without helping them.

Yep, life was great.


A/N: Ok...well first of all...WOW...god DAMN...this was a pain in the ass to right!! You people are so lucky I even did this. See cause...well...I HATE the SasukexSakura pairing now...with a passion!!...in fact im pretty much over Naruto...save for the Akatsuki...anyway...there it is, the ending 3

I made you laugh I made you cry I made kiss an hour goodbye (or however long it took you to read this story xD) Please don't whine please don't cry, just get your shit and get the fuck out!

Rofl...dun worry I still love you guys