
Technically, she wasn't falling down a cliff. Yes, she tumbled a few times, and her heals went over her head more than once, but she was on her feet more than anything. She was in control of everything, despite the fact that she was being pulled along by the rope, attached to the arrow, protruding from the back of an enraged and rampant hanyou.

She felt that she was doing fairly well. She even considered it an enjoyable experience. Flying/being dragged through the air at ridiculous speeds, have trees slap her in the face and losing all sense of orientation. It was dizzying and unpredictable. She loved it.

She liked to think that Inuyasha enjoyed the chase too. She didn't care that it wasn't a chase; she was calling it a chase. And by enjoying the chase, that's what she called that snarling face Inuyasha made whenever he attempted to cut her loose with his katana.

Despite the evidence, Kagome was paying attention and actively trying to stop him. And her attention to her surroundings let her know that they were coming to one of the roads that spiraled up the mountain.

Grinning harder, she readied herself. This wasn't the first time they encountered the road. They gave her the opportunity for a flat surface to run over, and for a brief moment, she would have the drop on Inuyasha. She literally had the opportunity to drop down on top of him and ride him like a skateboard. Or maybe surfboard would be the better term since he had no wheels.

With a skip and a hop, Kagome came to an abrupt stop.

Why did Kagome Higurashi cross the road? To get hit by the black ops van.

'I don't like this.' Kagome thought to herself as she was plastered across the front of the van. Wanting to make sure that the driver knew of her displeasure, Kagome attempted to make heated eye contact, and was giving the briefest of reactions before falling victim to the mercy of the wheels.

Kagome went rolling, rolling, rolling, and rolling before coming to a stop. Or maybe the van rolled for a few feet before stopping. All she knew was that she was in a lot of pain and she wasn't sure what was really happening. She thought the van may have run over her head and she was a bit confused. A bit concussed.

Not caring how she lay, Kagome just groaned. Groaned for the pain she was in, new and old. She groaned from having her trip down the mountain ending prematurely. She groaned for the inconvenience of being run over. She also groaned about Inuyasha's escape.

Well there went another. Inuyasha would find his target, kill them, and she would be stuck with nothing to do for a few days. She guessed she'd find a roof top to hole up on. When she didn't mingle with citizens, she found peace in watching the world go by. She could watch for hours, or days, depending on how far off the new moon was.

It was fun to watch them; watch people, make up their lives in her head, and wonder about where they were going. It was something safe and entertaining to do, and it kept Death off her back. Literally, she hadn't felt his presence in a long time. He was leaving her alone. All alone.

Her body was forcefully rolled over and she moaned out of annoyance more than pain. Damn good Samaritans.

She groaned aloud before opening her eyes. She thought that playing dead would scare them into driving. Who wanted to deal with a dead body? These freaks.

"Hey, look. I'm fine. You're off the hook. I'm just going to rest here for a second. It's just a scratch." She found herself looking up at a diverse group of people. They ranged in difference from age, gender, ethnicity, and levels of hotness. And they all looked down at her in concern.

"Are you sure about that?" asked the eldest male. He was an older man with thinning hair, and she would give him a kind and almost sneaky looking face.

"What?" she asked, becoming suspicious by the look he was giving her. Thinking her boob was exposed, Kagome glanced down at herself and groaned in annoyance. There was something white and splintered poking from her stomach, and upon acknowledgement of it, the pain followed.

Letting out a noise that let everyone know that she didn't want to be bothered, Kagome sat up, ignoring the voices of concern and fiddled with the protrusion. Having become familiar with this particular object, Kagome groaned in disgust and pulled her rib from her stomach and tossed it out of sight. It was easier to grow a new one than to get one to reattach.

Rolling her eyes at the stares she was getting, Kagome stood on her own two feet and attempted to dignify her clothes.

"You're an inhuman?"

Looking up, Kagome made eye contact with a young woman with long, brown hair.

"I beg your pardon! You're inhuman!" Kagome shot back defensively. "And the word is 'in-hu-mane'!"

"I just want you guys to know, that I don't feel like I got in this van of my own free will."

Now sitting inside the van with her hit-and-run aggressors, Kagome looked around at them curiously. Besides the old guy, and rude girl, the van held the driver that lead to her new-found association. She was the oldest female in the group and with the sternest face Kagome had ever seen since Sesshoumaru. Sitting in the seats behind her, were a set of British twins.; a boy and a girl, fresh out of their teens. Next to them sat a mountain of muscle in a tight shirt, dark skin, and a head full of shaved headed beauty.

"You were welcome to resist." Old guy, whose name was Coulson, said.

"I found you!" Rude girl, whose name was Daisy, exclaimed, clicking away at her computer. After tossing her rib away like a frisbee and having the roles of 'inhumans' explained to her, Kagome countered by tossing the fact that she wasn't from around here at them. They took it in stride and were now helping her track down their world's version of her by using something something satellite. Whatever.

"Yeah sure. Are you guys like the men in black or something? X-files? Secret agents? The man?"

"Kind of a mixture of the four." Coulson answered her.

"More men in black though? Guess not really men or in black. Lots of ladies here, and the twins are in very cheery colors."


Looking towards the source of the noise, Kagome saw the twins looking confused and concerned.

"Are you talking about us?" the girl, Simmons, asked.

Kagome raised her eyebrows in a 'duh' gesture.

"We…we're not related." Her non-brother, Fitz, added.

"I'm sorry, I just can't ignore you." Kagome exclaimed, ignoring the non-twins in favor of the Adonis sitting next to them. "You are all kinds of hot."

He, whose name was Mack, looked around for assistance. "Thanks." He muttered after failing to find anything.

"I've been around some hot guys, and I mean beautiful men, but you are up there in the top. Just wow."

He looked visibly uncomfortable.

Kagome thought about it for a second. "Do you like rough sex?"

His mouth parted in shock.

"I mean I do, but I'm not exactly sure, because that's the only kind of sex I've had. I mean, I've never made love."

The silence in the van was strong and suffocating.

Kagome eventually got the hint. "I'm sorry, was that too forward? I'll leave you alone."

Turning back around in her seat, Kagome caught the horrified look on Daisy's face.

"Oh yeah. You said you found me?"


"I got run over today. Bear with me."

In this particular world, Kagome was only a seven year old girl. She would be a fool to believe that saved her from Inuyasha's intent. Inuyasha would kill anyone she loved or loved her. Being seven, her only love would be for her family, and most of the time, Inuyasha would try to kill them all.

Something something satellite had found her seven year old doppleganger and her mother at a local bank. As they pulled up to the street, they found the area around the bank vacated and people either gawking towards the building or running fearfully from it. Thankfully the police had not arrived so there was no barricade stopping them.

As they hopped out the van, the sound of metal in distress was loud to their ears. The men in black were mumbling to themselves, but she ignored them as she entered the bank.

The room was a wreck, bullet holes lined the walls, claw marks from wall to ceiling, security guard bodies sprinkled here and there, and litter everywhere.

The groaning metal came from Inuyasha trying to force his way into the vault.

"Is he trying to rob the place?" Tall order of Mack asked as he and Coulson stood next to her.

"No. I don't think he knows what money is, you can bet money that I'm in the vault. Probably me and I guess my mother maybe. Possibly the other customers and any workers he hasn't killed."

"So what's your plan to stop him?" Coulson asked, his eye on the whitehaired being having a surprising amount of trouble tearing a hole through a bank vault.

"I usually wing it." She answered with a shrug as she noticed the sour faced driver and Daisy get into ready positions on the opposite side of Inuyasha. "Can I borrow a gun?"

"Absolutely not."

"Fine. Stingy." Looking around the scattered and tattered room, Kagome spotted a discarded pole. She was sure it was meant to hold a flag or partition, but for now, it would do as an Inuyasha bashing tool. Giving it a few experimental swings, she found that she was pretty satisfied with it. Turning towards her once beloved Hanyou, she began to move towards him. Feeling lighthearted, she began to skip, and with anticipation for the fight, she ran at him with full force.

With a ferocious yell, she leapt at Inuyasha's back with her pole held high to bring down upon his head. The force of her swing, accompanied by the height of her jump, was going to bring a lot of hurt. He would be dazed, then she would hit him again, and again, and again until he was down on the ground with his head smashed open. Then it would be a simple task to slip the shikon inside the obliterated mess before it could heal over. With that, it would be over, the jewel would take his life, Inuyasha would thank her, and possibly reveal horrible secrets, and she would be done with it all.

If only Inuyasha hadn't turned around at the last minute and punched her across the room before she could touch him.

His punch sent her tumbling head over heels through the air before skidding to a crumpled halt against the entrance wall.

Feeling embarrassed, Kagome slowly pulled herself back together. She felt and heard audible popping noises as she seemed to unfold her body.

"I'm fine." She told the unhelping men in black as she worked her jaw back into place. "We do this all the time."

"You're still going to wing it?" Coulson asked her.

She shrugged. "The main thing is to distract him. Once you get him from his main goal, he'll abandon it. There's an infinite amount of people to kill."

"So what would distract him?"

"We could either get to his target before him, engage him in a fight, or get him to chase me instead."

She looked back at Inuyasha, who had gone from punching the vault door, to engraving it with his claws. He wasn't doing much damage, but what he was doing was going to add up. That door was tough, but Inuyasha was determined. Stubborn.

She looked to Coulson and sized him up. She then looked to Mack and sized him up. Decisions.

"He's also a big, dumb, jealous asshole." She muttered to herself aloud in thought. "Hmm. I'll be right back."

Walking away casually, she kicked debris out of her way absentmindedly, and hummed happily. Inuyasha ignored her completely. Even when she came to stand directly next to him, he did not acknowledge her. She was used to it. Despite their many run ins, Inuyasha never spoke. He glared, growled, and fought her; but he never spoke.

"Hey." She greeted him, knowing that she wouldn't get a response.

The metal strained as Inuyasha managed to get claws into the door. His body tensed up as he began to bend the metal back. It wasn't enough to get through, but ripping this layer away would make it easier to get through the rest.

"Just to let you know, I'm getting pretty bored of chasing you through these worlds. All of you really, but you especially. Your routine is exactly that. Routine. You're basically killing the same people over and over again. And it never stops. But what I don't get is why you try to kill the kids. Little kids aren't in love, they love their parents. Why kill them? Trying to get a head start?"

He continued to ignore her.

She sighed. "Listen. How about you leave this one alone and go on and find a teenager or something older. They're definitely, more likely in love, or at least they think so. I won't even stop you. I'm bored. Going to stay here with these guys for a while. See that sour faced watch dog behind me?" Kagome asked, pointing over her shoulder at May, her hit-and-run aggressor.

"That's going to be my new best friend, and she doesn't even know it. We're going to have matching catsuits, and we're going to fight crime together, or whatever the hell they do. There's a big guy over there…just wow. He might make me start blushing again. Then there's that old guy. Something about him. Might bring up some daddy issues I didn't know I had. But hey, you know I have a thing for older guys. Both you and Kouga were older than me. Who am I kidding? We've been at this so long I might be older than he is."

"Hey Coulson! Do you guys have room for one more on your team?"

"We could use all the help we can get." Coulson answered her after a brief hesitation.

"Does it help that I'm cute?"

"It doesn't hurt."

Kagome smiled at that and completely forgot about Inuyasha. Walking away from him, she missed him pause in the midst of his destruction.

"I mean I haven't been a part of a team in a while, but it is a big part of my resume."

"We favor team players."

"Are you bringing anything else to the table besides your healing abilities? Any background in espionage, forensics, computer technology?"

"I actually didn't finish high school, but I can extend my healing to others, I'm pretty good at archery, wilderness survival skills, and I was co-head of a…pack, or tribe maybe…of people…beings."

"Anything we should know about?"

Kagome thought about it, and kept her mouth closed as she glanced around at the staring team. "Nope."

"Are you sure about that?" Mack voiced with an encouraging nod of his head.

"Well there is the matter of my deteriorating mental state, but I think with some help, we could keep it stable. You can keep me stable."

She smiled sincerely and stepped into Coulson's personal bubble. "There's something about you that makes me feel grounded. I think I could really come to like you. And I'm not just saying that because I put the thought of daddy issues in my head. You're a good person. I can tell. I have a nose about these things."

"Are you a good person?"

Sobriety hit Kagome like a ton of bricks, and forgetting herself, she laid her head on Coulson's chest and whispered. "When I remember to be."

"Well we'll be sure to keep reminding you." Coulson whispered back, putting a comforting hand on her back.

In that moment, Kagome felt a kinship like she had never felt before. She felt as if she had been floating aimlessly for ages, and this old, unassuming man, made her feel safe and whole.

Then she noticed the silence. No more screaming metal. She chanced a glance behind her, and saw that Inuyasha had stopped working on the vault. He was staring at them, glaring, seething, and breathing heavily. His muscles bulged with the rage and evil of the gem. His eyes filled with death and malice.

He took step forward, and suddenly he was across the room and looming over them. And then he wasn't.

With a snarl, he was thrown and held against the far wall by an unseen force.

"What is this?" Kagome exclaimed, leaving Coulson's arms and gesturing wildly at Daisy. "Are you using the force?"

"Power of earthquakes." May answered for her as she stepped up with gun in hand. Looking to Daisy, she nodded her head. "Now."

At her word, Daisy stopped her force quake, and Inuyasha who had been gaining ground against it, suddenly sprung forward with his resistance gone. Out of control, he had no way of dodging as May shot him in the chest and lit him up like a Christmas tree.

"Wow!" Kagome cried excitedly, hopping around the twitching hanyou. "I would have never thought to taze him! This is exciting!"

"Hey!" May snapped at her. "This taser gun won't last long and he's already fighting against it."

That he was. Although his body had gone tense and rigid, he remained on his feet. He was slowly bringing his body in to a fighting stance. His eyes had rolled to the back of his head, but the blackened color and bulging veins around them provided a horrifying effect.

Looking around frantically, Kagome hoped that she would come across a discarded gun, or possibly more tasers. What she saw was naught. Turning on her heel, she bumped into a still standing desk. On it was a pair of scissors.

"Winging it." She sang under her breath.

Without bothering to give a war cry this time, Kagome launched herself onto Inuyasha's back just as May killed the power to the gun.

Kagome didn't have super strength and Inuyasha was a hanyou running on evil, jewel power. He could easily grab her and send her flying. But Kagome had determination on her side and Inuyasha had long hair.

With her legs wrapped around his waist, Kagome fastened Inuyasha's hair around her free arm to anchor herself, and with her other arm, she began to furiously stab him.

Like a man being repeatedly stabbed, Inuyasha went wild. He clawed at her legs, reached back for her head, and swiped at her scissor hand. All in hopes of dislodging his attacker. Yet, Kagome was hyped, determined, and slightly manic.

She was blind and deaf to her surroundings. Ignoring the stares and calls of the men in black. Unfazed by Inuyasha's attempts to shake her loose, even when those attempts consisted of slamming her against things. She even ignored the hot, black sludge that was Inuyasha's blood as it sprayed with each puncture.

Kagome only had time for the stabbing. Chest, neck, stomach, shoulder, head, and repeat. Chest, neck, stomach, shoulder, head, and repeat. Repeat. Repeat.

She just had to keep stabbing. Make a hole in him large enough that all she had to do was slip the shikon in before he could heal. Easy as pie.

With a crash, boom, and other loud noises that Kagome ignored, they were through a window and out in the broad daylight. The few bystanders that remained took off before the dust could settle.

They continued their dance. Stabbing, clawing, cursing, and ramming. Kagome's legs were shredded and his chest was obliterated, yet neither showed signs of tiring. Luckily, Kagome didn't need him to tire, she just had to make a wound big enough to exploit. Maybe she would stick a fist in it to keep it open.

This would be an easy kill. Easier than the others and with no revelations. The thought should have made her feel better about her task, but she suddenly found herself muttering apologies.

She could feel the end approaching and sadness began to grip her heart. She didn't want to, but she had to do it. She had to kill him to set him free. Kill him again.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." She mumbled, giving out an apology with each stab. She had made a considerable hole in the base of his neck. Somewhere not easily reachable. It was over for him.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm…"

She was disoriented. With only a blink, her world turned. First she was looking down at the eviscerated flesh that was her first love, and then she was on her back looking up to the sky with the men in black staring down at her in concern.

"What happened?" she asked them groggily as she sat up.

"Um…you were doing really well." Daisy offered up encouragingly. "Then you were shot in the head and the guy got away."

"Somebody shot me?" she asked incredulously. "Who the hell shot me?"

"We don't know. We never saw them."

"But they left this," Coulson told her. "If it helps."

He held out his hand and presented a bloodied arrow to her.

Her brow furrowed in confusion, her mouth dropped in surprise, and her fists curled in anger. First Kirara and now this. Who the hell had wished Kikyo back? For she damn sure knew she hadn't.