Disclaimer: I don't know who owns Inuyasha, but it's definitely not me.

A/N: For the purpose of this story, Kagome has healing powers. (Whether she really does or not, I don't know—I haven't seen enough of the show to know.)

"Yes, that's true, but Kikyo--" Inuyasha stopped in mid-sentence because of Kagome's sudden angry glower.

"What did you just call me?" she asked coolly.

"'Kagome'..." he answered slowly, suddenly feeling that this simple question with a seemingly simple and obvious answer may have been more complicated than he'd thought a moment ago.

"Really?" she asked sarcastically. "Because I could've sworn that you just called me 'Kikyo.'"

"Don't be silly, Kagome. I would never--"

"You're a liar, Inuyasha! Go to hell! At least there, you could be with your precious Kikyo," she said venomously. She rose from her kneeling position and stormed away into the forest.

"Kagome, wait!" he yelled, following her. "I didn't mean to--"

"SIT!" she shouted over her shoulder, causing Inuyasha to hit the ground with a thud.

"That stupid bitch..." he mumbled.

"What'd you do this time?" Miroku asked casually, rolling his eyes as he walked up to his half-demon friend. He chuckled, causing an agitated growl to escape Inuyasha's throat.

"Shut up, monk," he spat.

"Suit yourself." he shrugged and walked back to their campsite, not bothering to wait for Inuyasha's "sit" to wear off.

"So what did he do?" asked Sango with the same casual smirk Miroku had worn when he'd asked Inuyasha.

"I'm not sure yet, but it had to be pretty bad, judging by the way Kagome took off running like that. But I'm sure she'll be back soon," he added, seeing the worried look glazing her eyes.

Inuyasha had stepped into their small circle of sleeping bags when Shippo appeared. "What'd you do this time, Inuyasha?" the small kitsune demanded.

"I'm going to kill all of you..." Inuyasha snarled; however, a small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he said this.

"Thanks for the warning, at least," Miroku laughed. they all had a short guffaw before an awkward silence befell.

After a few minutes of staring blankly into space, Inuyasha sighed and explained, "I accidentally called her 'Kikyo.' She's pretty peeved about it."

"Ouch," Sango said. "No wonder she's so upset. She thinks you only see her as an embodiment of your former love...which hurts her deeply because she loves you."

"I really didn't mean to say that...it just slipped out. I can't pretend she doesn't remind me of Kikyo at all," he admitted.

"Kagome is strong, though," Miroku said consolingly. "She'll get over it soon enough."

"I hope so..."

"Aaahh!" A high-pitched scream came from deep within the forest.

"Oh no...Kagome!" Sango said as she grabbed her boomerang. Inuyasha jumped into the nearest tree and began leaping through them towards Kagome's sweet scent. The others boarded Kirara to follow.

"Are we getting close, Inuyasha?" Sango asked over the dull roar of the surrounding wind.

"I think so. Her scent is getting stronger."

A flash of light ahead confirmed that she was close, and apparently she wasn't alone. As they neared the source of the commotion, they saw it was a demon. They all sprung into action immediately. Inuyasha jumped in first, attacking aggressively with his sword. Sango attacked from behind, while Kagome seized this diversion to fire an arrow at him. Finally, Miroku finished the battle with a wind tunnel, which significantly quieted the area.

"Thanks, you guys," said Kagome breathlessly.

"We wouldn't've had to save you if you hadn't stormed off like that!" Inuyasha scolded.

"And I wouldn't've felt the need to get away from you if you could remember who I am!" she replied fiercely.

"I told you I was sorry! What else do you--" He winced, noticing his pain for the first time.

"Oh, Inuyahsa!" Her tone suddenly changed from icy to concerned. He was hurt, undoubtedly injured from the battle. Their first-aid kit remained at the campsite, and there was not time to retrieve it.

"Kagome, you'll have to heal him," Miroku said, his voice laced with concern as well. Healing diminished Kagome's miko powers greatly, she happily obliged.

Important: If you want a romantic, happy InuKag ending read chapter 2 next. If you want an angsty romantic InuKag endng, skip chapter 2, and read chapter 3 next. If you want an ending where Inuyasha and Kagome don't end up together, skip chapters 2 and 3, and read chapter 4.