A/N: And now we'll know their fates… (dramatic music)

As everyone knows, all characters (except Mel, she's mine:-D) and songs are © to the late great Jonathan Larson. This includes dialogue in the last chapter at the end (those who know the OBC recording would get it) and the dialogue in this chappie a little, too.

Last chapter; sequel coming up, like it or not! These ideas will not go away… (glares at ideas)

Mimi's Secret

Chapter 8

"Mimi, Chica!" called a familiar voice to the two of them.

"ANGEW!" squealed Melodie, running towards Angel.

"Hey, Mel," said Angel, not letting Melodie hug or even touch her.

"Angel," Mimi held out her arms for a hug, but got none.

"Mimi, Chica, listen, please." Angel pointed at the other end of the tunnel. Mimi turned and looked.

Roger was holding her, singing a song he'd written. "…. When I look into your eyes, why does distance make us wise? You were the song all along, and before the song dies I should tell you I should tell you I have always loved you; you can see it in my eyes…"

Mimi felt hot, salty tears streaming down her face. "Oh, Angel, what have I done?"

"Go back. Go on, shoo!" Angel grinned.

"But what about Mel?" As Mimi watched, she saw Joanne's eyes get huge and saw Melodie's body go limp.

"I'll take care of her. You go."

Mimi turned and ran.


"I jumped over the moon," Mimi said, feeling she should mark her arrival back with her friends.

"What?" said Roger, excited, confused, and sad all at the same time.


"She's back!" Joanne exclaimed, still trying to get Melodie to come back without drawing attention to her being gone.

"I was in this tunnel, headed for this warm, white light, and Angel was there. And she looked good! And she said, 'Turn around, Girlfriend, and listen to that boy's song.'"

"You're drenched," Roger told her.

Maureen, who'd found a candle, put a hand on Mimi's forehead. "Her fever's breaking…"

"Come on, Melodie," Joanne whispered, but Mark heard her.

"Joanne? What's wrong?" Mark asked quietly.

"Mel's gone…" said Joanne through her tears.

Everyone in the loft heard that, and only Mimi wasn't surprised. Maureen rushed over to Joanne. "Oh my God, Pookie…"

"It's not my fault!"

Maureen fumbled and finally managed to get a couple fingers on Melodie's tiny wrist.

Joanne laid Melodie down next to her mother.

"There's a pulse," said Maureen, "but it's weak. We can't help much now."

"Let's hope Melodie was right about that guardian angel…" murmured Mark.

"She was," Collins told Mark as Joanne frantically dialed 911.


"Angel promised… just before she died… she told Melodie that she'd always have a guardian Angel."

Meanwhile, Mimi had pulled Melodie into her lap. "Chiquita…" she sobbed. "Please…" She sniffed, and Roger rubbed her back. "Don't leave me. I should've been the one to leave. It was all my fault; I was stupid, Melodie. Baby girl, you'll pull through. Please pull through…" She sang the little part of Roger's song that she remembered. "How'd I let you slip away when I'm longing so to hold you? Now I'd die for one more day, 'cause there's something I should've told you…" Her voice cracked. "Your Eyes" took on a whole different meaning when Mimi sang it to her daughter. Mimi reached for the girl's hand. "You can't leave us…"


Melodie was at the hospital now, and Mimi refused to leave. It broke her heart to see her little girl with all the wires and tubes sticking out of her tiny body.


"I feel like shit now," Roger told Mark as they waited outside the room for news. Joanne, Maureen, and Collins were in the waiting room.


"I was horrible to both of them."

"You were not," Mark lied.

"I was. I ran off. I should've helped. I should've…"

"Forget regret, Roger."

"I CAN'T! Melodie is dying and I feel so goddam stupid and…"


"Don't go therapist on me, Cohen."

"I'm not trying to…"

"But you are, and it's pissing me off."

"I have some calls to make," said Mark, changing the subject.




Benny sat next to Alison on the couch in their house, watching TV, when the phone rang.

Alison picked up.


"Alison? This is Mark. Can I please speak to Benny?"

"Of course," she said, covering the phone with one hand. "BENNY!" she called over the TV. "It's Mark."

Benny took the phone. "What, Mark?"

"I really don't know how to tell you this…"

"You can try just talking."

"Well, Mimi just almost died…"

"Oh my God! Is she alright?"

"She's fine, thank God. But that's not all…"

"What? Is it Roger? Who…"

"No. It's Melodie."

Benny fumbled to keep a hold of the phone. "Dear God, she's not… she didn't…"

"We're not sure. She's kinda on the boundary between dead and alive… you should come to the hospital."

"Of course I'll come. I'll pay for the bill, I promise." Benny hung up, shaking.

"Who was that, darling?"

"We're going to the hospital," he replied, putting his coat on.


"My daughter's there," Benny said without thinking.

"Your what?" Alison shrieked.

"Melodie Marquez. My daughter."

"You don't have a daughter. You just think you do…"

"No. I'm going. You can stay if you want."

"I'm coming."

"No lectures, please," Benny pleaded. "Melodie's dying."

Alison put on her coat and followed him out the door.


"Hey, Meems," said Benny when he reached Melodie's room.

"Benjamin Coffin III," said Mimi, not taking her eyes off of Melodie.

He sat next to her. "Are you okay?"

She sniffed. "I'm fine, I guess."

He looked sadly at his little girl. "She still can't play with Barbie dolls…" he said sadly.

Mimi laughed through her tears, sending a prayer up to Angel to send Melodie back and hurry up with it, please.



"Chiquita," said Angel calmly, "I promise that they want you back. I would, if I was still there."

"How come you had to go and I don't?"

Angel sighed. "It was my time, Chiquita. My body felt miserable. The pain was unbearable. I had to go."

"Wew, my body's in pain, too!"

"Not compared to mine. I couldn't wait to leave." As soon as the words left her mouth, Angel knew that she'd said the wrong thing.

"So you wanted to weave us?"

"That's not what I meant…"

"No one wants me!"

"No, lookie here!" said Angel, pointing out the tunnel. "Your mommy's crying because she thinks you're gonna leave her all alone. And Benny's with her. And…" she turned, "there's Roger, beating himself up because he wants you to stay. Don't you see, Chiquita? You can't go!"

Melodie followed her gaze and sniffed. "I guess you'we wight. I'w go back. Bye-bye Angew!" She waved.

"Bye, Mel! Tell Collins I love him with all my heart!"

"I wiw!"


Melodie's eyelashes fluttered. Mimi stared and grabbed her daughter's hand.

"What is it?" Benny asked, noticing Mimi's dash for Mel's hand and the tears welling up in her eyes.

"I'll be right back. Watch Mel."

Benny looked confused as a sobbing Mimi ran from the room.


Mimi flung herself into Roger's arms, sobbing.

"Oh my God, Mimi!" Roger said, rubbing her back reassuringly. "I'm so sorry…"

"What for?" asked Mimi, looking at him, and only then did Roger see that her tears were tears of joy.

"Well, what happened then?" asked Mark.

"Come see for yourself!" she said, bringing the men to her room.

A nurse caught them. "Whoa! Direct relatives only!"

"He's my husband," said Mimi quickly, "and Mark's his brother."

"Go on in."

Melodie lay in the bed, still asleep. Roger and Mark blinked. "And…" said Mark, receiving an elbow in his ribs from Roger.

"Mamá?" said a weak little voice.

"I'm here, baby girl," said Mimi through her tears. She sat by Melodie's bed. Roger and Mark made some very strange delighted sounds.

"I'll get my sister, Maureen; her partner, Joanne; and Joanne's brother, Tom," offered Mark

Mimi grinned. "Please do."

"Mo is Mark's sister?" asked Benny, looking confused.

"Of course!" said Mimi, then whispered, "Direct relatives only. We've made a little fake family tree."

"Ah," said Benny.


Roger looked surprised. So did Benny.

"Wogeh?" she said again, looking at him.

Roger sat next to Mimi. "I'm here, honey," he said, which surprised Mimi.

"It's not youw fauwt," she said to him. He laughed and hugged her.

"I know, baby."

Maureen, Mark, Joanne, and Collins all ran in on time to see Roger hug Melodie.

"Aw, that's sweet," said Maureen.

Benny felt awkward and out of place. He squeezed Melodie's hand. "I'm gonna go. See you."

"Bye, Benny," she said.

Benny left, avoiding Alison's gaze all the way home.

"Cowwins," said Mel, "Angew says she wuvs you wiv aw hew heawt."

"I love her, too."

"She says she was in a wot of pain, so she weft."

"I know."

"She didn't want to."
"So while we were worrying our heads off, you were gossiping with Angel?" laughed Mark.

"What's gossip?" she replied.

Roger put an arm around Mimi. Mark smiled. "There is no future, there is no past…"