Chapter 1

The sunset cast a golden rainbow of colour upon the hill overlooking the Burrow. This only added to the sparkling effect of the charms that had been put in place to illuminate the wedding tent. The groom, wearing a suit of formal robes in black, paced nervously around the small area near the flowered archway. His green eyes sparkled, and despite the neatness of appearance, his dark hair was quite an untamed mess. The best man seemed nervous as well, watching his friend suffer those last minute jitters. He was tall and lanky, and his red hair contrasted brightly against the black formal robes he wore.

"Harry!" exclaimed Ron. "You've got to relax, mate. It's not like you're marrying Pansy Parkinson. Bloody hell, it's my sister!"

Harry looked at Ron in amazement. The realization suddenly hit him that Ron would now be his brother. Officially. A broad smile slowly spread across his face. The excitement was catching up with him. He looked out onto the lawn where many witches and wizards had gathered to watch Harry, once known as The Boy Who Lived, get married. Many charms had been put in place to keep out unwanted press, but Harry was a highly sought-after commodity. After defeating Voldemort, Harry became the most eligible wizard in the magical community. From today he would be off the market, so to speak, and the whole world wanted to know who had "snagged" him. He could see Remus Lupin and Tonks attempting to reinforce the charms that had already been placed. Rita Skeeter would be dying to get in for the festivities, but Harry had no intention of allowing her Quick-Quotes Quill anywhere near his bride, or their celebration.

* * *

In the Burrow, the bride was giddy with excitement. Her maid of honour, Hermione Granger, was busy brushing her hair with something that looked like a wooden paddle with bristly things sticking out of it.

"I know it's very easy to do your hair with a flick of the wand," said Hermione, "but I have always found that there is something very soothing about having someone brush my hair. I thought you might find it relaxing as well."

The red-headed beauty, eased back into her chair to allow Hermione to brush her hair. She was right. It was soothing. She could almost feel her nervous energy flowing out the ends of her hair. Ginevra Weasley was about to make a childhood dream come true. She was about to marry Harry Potter.

As Hermione brushed her hair, Ginny recalled all the times she had wished Harry would notice her. From the first day on platform nine and three-quarters, to her rescue in the Chamber of Secrets. From the time they spent together in her fifth year which abruptly ended at Professor Dumbledore's funeral, to the saving of the Wizarding world. The moment Harry Potter defeated Voldemort, Ginny had been too ecstatic about being able to live her life without fear to even think about what this meant for Harry and herself. But now here she was, getting ready to pledge the rest of her life to him.

Interrupting Ginny's reverie, Hermione gently told her that it was time to get dressed and went to fetch Mrs. Weasley. As she waited Ginny took a long look at the gown she had designed herself. She couldn't wait to see the look on Harry's face when he saw it.

Molly bustled into the room. "Oh Ginny!" she sighed.

"Mum, I can't get ready if you're going to get all weepy."

"Ginny, I never thought I'd see the day … and to think … and it's Harry … and …" Molly's emotions overcame her and she couldn't finish speaking.

She helped Ginny slide into the light, shimmery fabric. The dress was sleeveless with a low-scooped neck, silvery-pink in colour, and it clung to her curves just enough to provide a hint of sensual allure. It made Ginny feel beautiful and womanly and she hoped it would make her groom weak at the knees. Molly helped her into the matching robe, which wasn't really a robe at all, more of a cape which attached to the dress at the shoulders. Her mother made some adjustments and then turned Ginny so she could see her back in the mirror. The top of the cape draped from shoulder to shoulder in graceful folds. It reached all the way to the floor, even when she stepped into her heeled shoes, and flowed with every movement she made. The edging of both the cape and the gown was beaded in great detail, creating a diamond-like effect which sparkled in the light. Around her throat she fastened a platinum chain with a diamond pendant that had been in Harry's vault at Gringotts. It had belonged to Lily Potter, Harry's mother, and Harry had wanted her to have it.

Lastly, Molly cast a charm to put the finishing touches to Ginny's hair. It was now piled on her head with long curls framing her face and trailing down the back of her neck.

She was ready. Hermione knocked and came in, gasping when she saw Ginny. "You look amazing, Ginny. I've never seen anyone look so beautiful," Hermione said with tears in her eyes.

"Not even Fleur?" Ginny raised an eyebrow.

Hermione laughed. "Not even Fleur – I mean it – you're beautiful!" She hugged Ginny gently and whispered into her ear, "I'm so happy for you!".

Ginny took a deep breath. She was ready.

She closed her eyes for just a moment, ready to face the rest of her life with Harry Potter.

She was ready.

* * *

The musicians were playing as the guests took their seats. It was a lovely afternoon, and the music heralded the coming of the beauty who would soon become Ginny Potter. Harry took his place at the altar. Next to him stood Ron Weasley, Harry's first real friend, who would now be his brother. Next to Ron were the Weasley twins, Fred and George. These were the people in whom Harry had placed his trust and his life. These were the friends Harry knew would be there through thick and thin.

Suddenly, the music changed. Harry shifted where he stood, and looked at Ron with a nervous smile. He looked down the aisle, and Luna Lovegood walked gracefully toward him. Harry had always thought she was a tad insane, but she had believed in him and what he had to do before most others did, and she was really very nice. She wore a champagne-coloured gown that shimmered with hints of rainbow. As she reached the altar, she turned, and walked toward her seat, opposite the twins. Next, came Fleur. The eldest Weasley's wife was beautiful, and despite the fact that she was married to his brother, she could still send Ron into fits of stunned amazement over her beauty. She wore a sparkling blue gown that really set off her tanned skin, and blonde hair. Sitting just behind her, Bill was beaming with pride.

Without warning, Harry heard Ron choke on his breath. He looked up and saw Hermione making her way down the aisle. She wore a pale pink gown with silver beads on the edging. Her hair was swept up on top of her head, and she looked amazing. She glanced at Harry with a big smile, but then she only had eyes for Ron. One day, Harry thought, this will be Ron and Hermione. One day. And his thoughts were interrupted by another change in the music.

After another quick glance at Ron, Harry looked hopefully up the aisle. What he saw was a beaming Arthur Weasley, leading an absolutely stunning bride between the rows of seats. Harry felt his breath catch, he could feel his eyes start to water. He had to blink back the tears fast because he didn't want his vision to get blurry and miss a single moment of his bride walking down the aisle. Ginny was looking at him with all the adoration he felt for her mirrored in her eyes. When she and her father reached the altar where Harry stood waiting, Arthur shook hands with Harry and gave Ginny a kiss on the cheek and a long embrace. He reluctantly let go as Ginny reached for Harry's hand.

Harry and Ginny turned and walked toward the altar where, beaming at them from his frame propped on a tall stand behind the altar, was Albus Dumbledore.

* * *

Thinking back to the planning of this day, Harry remembered how Professor Dumbledore had come to officiate at the wedding.

"Mrs. Weasley," Harry asked "I've only been to one wedding in my life, and that was Bill's. I know in the Muggle world, people usually get married by ministers. But Fleur's uncle performed the ceremony at their wedding. Can just anyone do that?"

Molly replied, with a twinkle in her eye, "Well, Harry, yes and no. We don't have priests or ministers for that type of ceremony. Fleur's uncle was chosen as he has a special place in Fleur's life, and she and Bill agreed that he was the best choice. You can choose anyone, as long as they have a significant connection to your life."

Later that day, Harry and Ginny discussed it, while Ginny pored over Wedding Magic looking at dresses. Harry really wished Professor Dumbledore was still alive, as he would have asked him to perform the ceremony. When he said as much, Ginny looked up at him and asked, "Well, why can't he perform the ceremony?"

Harry had looked at her as if she were mad. "Uh, Ginny? There's the slight problem of Dumbledore being, um, less than alive, isn't there?" He was still uncomfortable saying the words 'Dumbledore' and 'dead' in the same sentence.

But Ginny just laughed. "Well why not? You've spoken with him all the time since he passed on. Why can't we see if his portrait from McGonagall's office can be brought out for the ceremony?"

Stunned, Harry slowly whispered, "Do you really think that's possible?"

* * *

Harry returned the smile to Professor Dumbledore and whispered, "I'm still amazed that this is legal!"

Albus Dumbledore had known Harry since he was born. He had helped him come into is own in the Wizarding world. Dumbledore provided Harry with the means, the knowledge, to defeat the darkest wizard of all, Lord Voldemort. He could not be more honoured, or more thrilled, than he was right now, to be chosen to officiate at the wedding of Harry and Ginny. His eyes sparkled, and he cleared his throat.

"Friends, family, we are here, on this most auspicious occasion, to celebrate the union of Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley. We all know Harry's story. How he was, still is, the Boy Who Lived. We know how he was prophesied to be the Chosen One. And most gratefully, we know he has defeated the dark wizard, Lord Voldemort."

Here, Dumbledore paused, to allow for the nods, the clapping, and the murmurs of agreement.

"What most of you don't know about Harry is that he is the most humble wizard. He did not seek glory, or fame. And now, he is about to embark on the greatest adventure of all … the adventure of marriage.

"Ginny has grown up the youngest of seven in a family of boys. She has learned to fight, tease, joke, duel and love. She has proven herself to be one of the brightest, most talented witches of her age.

"Harry, please take Ginny's hand and speak your promises."

Harry held Ginny's hand in his, and looked deeply into her eyes. He felt his whole body tingle with the love he saw reflected in them. Then he began to speak.

"Ginny, from the day we met before you started Hogwarts, I felt a connection to you. I can't say it was the chase, because for a long time, I didn't chase you at all. When I finally woke up, and the love that I was missing out on, the pure joy, the pure lightness of spirit that I was depriving myself of, I could not believe my luck. You made … no, you MAKE my whole world brighter, just by being in it. You have given me the strength to overcome my greatest fears. You have given me hope for the future … the future of the Wizarding world, and my future. Without you, I would be an empty shell. You are everything to me. I promise with my whole being that I will love you for the rest of my days. I hope to bring you only joy, and never sorrow. I will do my best to understand all of your ideas, even if I might not always agree with them. I am yours, in body, mind and spirit. Forever."

Ginny's eyes were sparkling with tears of happiness. Never, had she imagined that Harry could be so eloquent. And deep down, she wondered if he'd had some assistance from Hermione. But it didn't matter. He had said those words, out loud, in front of everyone, to her. She glanced at Professor Dumbledore, and he nodded to indicate she could proceed.

"Harry, from the first day I saw you, I knew that you were MY chosen one. I couldn't speak to you, I couldn't face you, but I knew. And when you saved me in the Chamber of Secrets, I became bound to you. Then finally, you noticed me. You saw me for the girl I was, and the woman I was to become. And in a flash, it was over. But now, after all we've been through together, knowing that you let me stand by your side in the final battle, I know I want to stand by your side for always. I promise to love you completely. I want only to grow old with you, and to live life to the fullest with you. I want to have disagreements and fights with you. And I want to have discussions of the highest thoughts with you. I will be yours. Always."

There was a warm breeze blowing, but otherwise the world seemed to be holding its breath. All eyes were on Harry and Ginny as the love they shared electrified the air, creating an aura of pink around them. If asked, the witnesses would have said the bride and groom were floating.

The silence was finally broken by a smiling Dumbledore. "Harry and Ginny, you have come here today before your friends and family, to pledge your life and your love to each other. Is this true?"

"It is," they replied.

"Harry and Ginny, you have asked this assemblage to bless your marriage, and to acknowledge you as husband and wife. Do you wish for this union to be complete?"

"We do."

"Harry and Ginny, life has thrown some strange and difficult circumstances your way. You have lived through them. Will you promise to stand side by side should anymore strange and difficult circumstances come your way?"

"We will."

"Then, Harry and Ginny, you have sworn before your family, your friends, and me, to be faithful to each other. I now pronounce you Husband and Wife." With eyes sparkling, he added, "You may kiss your bride, Harry."

It was a chaste kiss that was exchanged, but the passion and the love emanating from the pair were tangible. They turned to face their guests as Albus Dumbledore announced, "I present to you, for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Potter." There was a thunderous round of applause. "May they share, always, the love I have witnessed between James and Lily, and Arthur and Molly."

With that the ceremony ended. Fred and George set off a large batch of Wildfire Whiz-bangs just as the sun disappeared over the horizon. They lit up the sky like a million comets zooming through space.

* * *

As the crowd followed the bride and groom into the reception tent, the music began to play, and Harry and Ginny began to dance. They were ready for their happily ever after, but little did they know that it would not be their luxury for some time to come.