Ok this is my first posted fanfic I hope you peeps like it! Please R&R!

Also: I don't own BC, that's all the wonderful mind of John Hughes! So please don't sue me… I'm too young to die…


Allison Reynolds packed the last of her drawings into her bag, and set off across the courtyard to meet Andy outside the gym. She hadn't seen him all day… In fact, she hadn't seen any of them all day.

She giggled as she saw some of John's friends set off a sprinkler system under the portico, each of the shouting and cursing as they got soaked and ran away. John should be around… Maybe I should find him…

But she squeaked as the bell rang and the after school detentions were let out, meaning Andy's practice was over. I can't miss him…

She ran through the portico, dodging the sprinkler and headed for the gym. As she approached she saw Andy and his jock friends coming out, all of them laughing and patting him on the back. She quickly ducked behind a nearby bush, close enough to hear their rowdy conversation.

Andy was talking. "Yeah, I'm hopin' she'll come to the party this weekend."

Others began to speak up.

"So, you gunna bang her, dude?"

Andy looked taken back. "Well, I dunno about that, I mean…"

"What do you mean you don't know? What the hell are you talking about, who is she?"

Andy stopped, and seemed at a loss for words. "She's a cheerleader… Fr-from another school… You wouldn't know her." He was looking around for someone…

They all laughed. "Oh man, a cheerleader. Dude, you scored!"

Allison stood up, disgusted at him and his stupid friends.

Her whole walk home, she clutched her bag, on the verge of tears.

He wouldn't even tell them who she was… A cheerleader… Yeah right…

Why did it have to turn out this way?

Why couldn't we just put aside our differences and… Oh, that's easy for me to say, I'm not the star jock of Shermer High…

Damn it… I knew this would happen… I was nothing but a piece of ass… And only a good-looking one because of Claire…

They're all the same… All the same…

By now she was crying, and slammed the front door open of her shabby, split level house.

Shit… Her dad was in the living room, leaned way back in his chair watching some dumb game, surrounded by beer bottles.

Damn it, he was home early. And drunk, too. Nothing out of the ordinary.

She sat her bag down on the stairs and snuck up to the table behind him. She quietly grabbed the rotary dial phone and unplugged the cord from the wall, tip toeing away carrying the phone and her bag upstairs to her room.

She shut the door quietly, and plugged the phone in. Wiping her tears away, she say on her bed and rummaged through her bag. Damn I really do carry too much shit in my bag…

While looking, she found the patch she'd taken off Andy's jacket... She tossed it aside with disgust, and found Claire's number on a scrap of paper and quickly dialed her up.

"Standish Residence. Clark Standish speaking."

Talk about richies…

"Yes, hi, can I talk to Claire please?"

"Yes, may I ask who's calling?"

"Er… A friend from school. Allison."

"Oh yes, she said something about you, here she is."


"Is your dad always an answering service like that?"

"Oh God, sorry I should've answered. He's such a machine. He's usually not so bad when Mom's not around. He goes out all the time for some whore or another… He used to bring them over to introduce to me but I've long forgotten their names… So how'd it go? Did you talk to him?"

"Claire, you were more right than I'd thought. I heard him and his jock pals talking about me like I was some soon-to-be used rag… And he agreed too… He wouldn't even tell them who I really was… He talked about the party this weekend. But I'm not going… I'm not gunna be his sex toy… He'd probly tell you to make me look good again just so he wouldn't be embarrassed to be seen with me before he got me in the sack."

Claire sighed. "Well, he can't really… He was probably just going along with them. Just talk to him! Before you give up, just see… See if he was even gunna invite you to the party. Maybe he'd invite you out to dinner instead. You never know…"

"I doubt it. I heard today he gotten detention on Saturday again. That mean's he'll miss his meet, so he'll be pissed…"

"Well… So go with him on Saturday. I mean, it wasn't so bad… And we're all friends now, right… Even if some of us aren't showing it very well… And I'll come too. Unless you'd wanna be alone with Andy."

"Are you kidding? Alone with Andy AND John? I don't think so! You're coming with me."

Claire laughed. "Ok… I'll make something up for my Dad… Tell him I skipped class again… To buy him his father's day gift!" she said with a laugh.

"The sad thing is he'll probly actually buy that story," Allison laughed.

"You should tell Brian too."

"Ok, will do. Thanks Claire… Talk to you later."


She hung up the phone and sighed. With the promise of what Saturday could bring lifting her mood just a bit, she locked her door, closed the curtains, and collapsed onto her bed drifting asleep quickly.

Claire Standish hung up her phone with Allison and sighed. Another Saturday detention. Atleast John'll be there. Maybe he'll do something remotely un-criminal.

She sighed again.

Probably not…

It was getting late, and as she crossed her bedroom to the window to close the blinds, she noticed some people running down the street, laughing and whooping, and all carrying toilet paper rolls…


Discouraged by the sounds of her father and some woman down stairs, she made for the window and climbed out and down on the ladder. Glad the gardeners left this hear again!

She climbed down, and ran swiftly across the yard, the cool night breeze and the thrill of escaping her house and seeing John exciting her. The four troublemakers, John and his three friends, had chosen Claire's neighbor's house as tonight's victim. While they were gathering around a tree, she walked a few feet behind them.

In a voice mimicking Vernon's she said, "Young man, tp'ing's illegal!"

John didn't even flinch, but dropped the roll and turned around. She noticed her earring she'd given him glinting on his ear in the dimming glow of the streetlamp.

He embraced her. "I don't think little girls are supposed to be out here either."

As they began to kiss, her turned around to his snickering friends. "Hey, you want a peepshow, go watch Vernon's wife undress!"

The three ran off laughing into the night.

His face was dark and handsome, especially in the darkening street. She was shivering, so he gave her a big bear hug, wrapping her in his big coat.

"You're wearing the earring," she said, staring into his eyes.

"I had to, my pockets all have holes. We don't have a tailor living on the premises."

She giggled. "John… Andy didn't ask her out. Him and his friends were making fun of her, saying he'd do her at the party."

"Not a bad idea. Wanna go?"

She slapped him. "Andy I'm serious. I know our lives didn't change Saturday or anything, but he liked her, I know he did!"

"He 's a jock. Whadaya expect?"

"More. More from all of us. Tomorrow me and you will walk down the halls together. And after this Saturday's meeting, I bet Allison and Andy will too."

"Meeting?" he said, kissing her neck.

"Yeah, the next meeting. The Breakfast Club…"

"Oh… right."

"Allison, Andy, Me, you… Even Brian's coming again I think, so you'd better have your weed with you!" she laughed.

"Is there ever any doubt of that?"

Brian Johnson slid into the car, his mother with an angry look on her face at the wheel.

Every day she'd pull up outside the library, waiting impatiently for him to emerge from the doors, arms full of physics books after having just finished his meeting with his club.

Today, there was no club. Brian did emerge from the library, but he'd only gone in to hide suspicions from his mother. He hadn't gone to the club meeting today. His mind was still reeling with the events of the last Saturday… He'd seen Claire on his way to Calculus today, but she was surrounded by her preppy friends, all giggling and talking intently of make-up and the upcoming weekend party.

He had decided not to pursue it. He wasn't sure if Claire would've been ready yet, or if she even would've spoken to him. He certainly considered them all friends, but since the Saturday detention he'd been rather absent, day dreaming in class about his new friends, the only friends who really knew him. His club never talked. They were all geeks, and he knew it. They only ones who really knew him were a jock, a prep, a criminal, and a basket case. He'd never spoken more personally about himself to anyone except to his four friends that Saturday, and he did not intend to let them forget about him so easily. But he wasn't sure if they were trying to ignore him, or if they just had been to busy to speak to him.

His mother stared silently for a few minutes on their drive home, until the silence got to her.

"Young man," she said, the vein in her temple bulging, "I don't know what it is about you, but ever since that detention… Well I hope you learned something. When you go home, you're going to study and plan your Physics meeting this Saturday. I don't care what you had to do Saturday, but you're going to make up for that time and study, mister."

He rolled his eyes as they stepped out of the car. He grabbed his bag, and ran straight through his house and up to his room. He slouched onto the floor, going through his bookbag… His Calculus book sat there, staring at him mockingly. There was the big mid-term test this Wednesday, and he knew he needed to study.

But what about them?

Suddenly, the phone rang, and he ran to his desk to answer it.


"Hey Brian, it's Allison."

"Oh, Hey! I've been waiting for you to call… For anyone to. I didn't see any of them today…"

Allison sighed. "Well, I did. Andy… Well, could you talk to him? I kinda noticed you two were closer, so maybe you could ask him what he's gunna do… If he's gunna ask me out, what he thinks of me."

Brian was puzzled. "What do you mean, he hasn't talked to you?"

She sighed again. "No, I heard him talking after school…"

She told him of Andy and his jock friends, making fun of her and Andy pretending she was some hot cheerleader, seemingly just so he wouldn't be embarrassed of who she really was. Brian listened intently, and was glad when she was through he could be of some help. He'd longed since that ride home Saturday to have something to do with his new-found friends. He'd never been any part of anything except some kind of academic group, and he was excited that he had these friends that maybe actually depended on him for more than help with school.

"Well, Allison, I'm sure he didn't mean it. I know he liked you… And I'll talk to him tomorrow first thing. I'm sorry this had to happen… But I'm sure if I just talk to him, he'll explain it."

"Thanks a lot… I'm glad you're gunna be such a help. Oh, I almost forgot, Claire asked me to tell you that we're having another meeting this Saturday… The Breakfast Club. Seeing as how it was your idea, the name I mean, you have to come!"

Brian was filled with pride that they were interested in meeting again.

"But… My Mom… If I get another detention she'll kill me."

Allison paused a moment. "Maybe… Hey, don't you have that club thing Saturday? You could tell her you're going there and just run up to school."

"Yeah I guess… I can't believe I'm choosing to go to detention."

Allison laughed. "Hey, welcome to my world."

The two laughed, and Brian smiled. He realized he hadn't really laughed about anything real, except for on Saturday. Now, here he was, talking on the phone with a friend about stuff that had nothing to do with school. Suddenly the "B" didn't matter, the clubs didn't matter, his parents didn't matter. All that mattered was that he had real friends now, and he was going to have a good time with them.

"Well, see ya later."

"Yeah," said Brian, "If I don't see you at school, see you on Saturday."

UPDATE: I just finished Brian's POV. I hope it was more in depth than the others, as his emotions are still flying around possibly more than theirs. That's it for chapter one, though there will be some minor revisions soon. Look for chapter 2 within the next day!

A/N: OK! So did you like it? R&R! I know the thing with Allison and Andy was kinda dumb and expected, but I'm working on it. I now it's short too… But it'll get better, trust me! Tell me what you might expect in future chapters I'm open to ideas. I'll update asap! Thanks:)