A/N: I still don't own TBC so don't bother sueing me. I own nothing… Just watched TBC to get in the mood, that's why the quick update. Don't get too used to it! J/K! Anyways hope you like. And just in case you didn't notice Ch. 1 has been updated and fixed a bit so re-read it first please! Thanks everyone please R&R!  The Breakfast Club Together

Allison Reynolds woke later than usual on Tuesday morning, her bag lying open and her stuff still strewn about her bed. She'd actually managed to take her big jacket off last night before she fell asleep, and she found it at her feet as she sat up on the side of her bed and looked at her clock.

6:57… Damn it.

She rushed to her closet, observing her small collection of clothes… All of which of course were black. Claire's dress stood out like a sore thumb, and she was reminded that she needed to return it. She selected her usual charcoal gray skirt, pulled up her black stockings high on her feet, and pulled a black sweat shirt over her brown, frizzy head of hair. She knew any attempt to tame it was foolish, so instead she decided to attempt to put a little of Claire's eye shadow and blush on. She rummaged through her bag, smirking when she found John's knife she'd stolen, and pulled the eyes shadow and blush from the pile of rubbish.

After several hurried minutes of trying to apply the make up, several attempts resulting in poking her eye painfully, she finally was satisfied, though the results certainly weren't Claire's. She was already late for school, so she put on her coat, and threw on her black scarf. She quickly piled her stuff in her bag, smiling when she noticed the drawing she'd done of the bridge, remnants of her dandruff still clinging to the meticulous work of art. She hurried down the stairs, slipped past her father who was snoring loudly in the living room, and out the door into the crisp morning air.

Her mother was already waiting in the car, clearly displeased and beeping the horn repeatedly. She ran to the car, her scraggy hair blowing about, and climbed in. Without a word her mother sped from the driveway, and drove straight to her school going well over the speed limit.

These car rides were always the same. Her mother hardly ever spoke to her, which probably wasn't such a bad thing. Whenever either of her parents even noticed her, much less spoke to her, they'd usually just cuss her out. The only reason they even drove her to school was because her mother's beauty salon was only a block away, and usually she'd leave her at home if she was even a second late. She was more than sick of it… They didn't give a shit about her, and she'd often thought of just walking into the busy street in front of their house, seeing their reaction if she got hit by a car.

They probably wouldn't spare a passing glance…

They arrived at the front of the school, the driveway filled with students hurrying into school after glancing at their watches, realizing they were late. She stepped out of the car, and leaned over and stared in at her mother, who didn't notice and just drove away.

She sighed, and hurried into the building, eager and reluctant at the same time to see Andy, or Brian if he'd already talked to him.

As though reading her mind, Andy was pulling books from his locker near Allison's first class. She rolled her eyes, and turned away, leaning against the lockers. She couldn't do it… She couldn't face him. He didn't care about her… Just like everyone else.

Just like everyone else…

Her bad mood was a bit lifted, however, when she noticed Brian cramming physics books into his locker that was still charred and bent from the explosion of the flare gun. She giggled, but squeaked loudly when a hand grabbed her shoulder, and a familiar voice behind her said…

"Missed you yesterday."

She whipped around.

And there was Andy.

She tried to gain composure. "Yeah… I…Er…I had to get home."

He stared into her eyes.

"Come on, what is it?"

Allison sighed. "I…"

The awkward moment was interrupted when Brian came running up behind her. She turned around, Andy's arm around her.

Brian looked surprised. "Oh… You two… Ok, well I'll just…"

Allison, frowning and eyes wide with disapproval, mouthed, "Help!"

Suddenly, loud laughter floated down the hall and the three turned to see Andy's jock buddies coming straight for them. Brian quickly returned to his locker, Andy removed his arm from her, and Allison turned to him.

"Look, Andy I"-

But his friends had already reached them.

"Hey, Andy!"

Damn it… Here it comes…

She turned to Andy, a look of expectation all over her face.

The other friends spoke up, not even noticing Allison.

"So man, what're you gunna do about the meet Saturday?"

"Yeah, that sucks. When're we gunna see that blonde chick?"

"Yeah, did you ask her to the party?"

Andy, his expression firm, turned to Allison and said, "Guys, this is that blonde chick."

Their smiles faded, and they all had quizzical looks on their faces.

"Umm…" One said, confused.

Andy sighed. "Guys, I'm not gunna hide it. This is Allison, and we're going out."

Their jaws dropped.

"But Andy, you're gunna take… Her… To the party Saturday?"

Andy shook his head. "No, we're"-

Allison interrupted him, smiling. "We're going to detention Saturday."

The bell rang, and Andy's friends hurried away in disbelief. Andy embraced her, and stared once more into her eyes. "Thank you," he said smiling.

Allison's smile faded. "But… Then why were you… Why'd you say that stuff about me yesterday?"

"Stuff?" he said, frowning, "How'd you hear that?"

"Damnit Andy, don't change the subject. I heard you, now why? You didn't have any trouble standing up to them today."

He looked away. "I dunno… I guess… When I'm with you… It's easier. I mean… I have more… Strength."

She smiled. "I thought you already had more strength than anybody?"

Andy nodded. "But not strength of heart. Until now…"

He leaned close to her, closing his eyes. She let her bag fall to the floor. They were oblivious to all around them, the last of the late students running to class. She closed her eyes, let out a squeak, and they kissed, the most passionate, wonderful, real kiss she'd ever had… The only real kiss she'd ever had.

I'm in love with this guy…

The tardy bell rang as Brian Johnson stepped into class, but he stopped as he noticed Allison and Andy down the hall, wrapped in a passionate embrace. He beamed, and headed in. Luckily Mr. McPherson was busy behind his desk, and didn't notice he was late. If he had he'd probably have died of shock anyways; Brian was his star student.

Calculus was a blur to him. He answered all the problems easily of course. And in study hall he studied hard for Wednesday's exam. But all through the day Brian's mind was filed with thoughts.

Allison and Andy looked so happy together…

He was happy for them, naturally, and glad it had all been sorted out. But he wondered what it would be like, for him… He wanted to know what it was like, to be with a girl like that… To be so blissfully happy…

Wooh, Bri. Slow down… You just got real friends for the first time… Take small steps…

He was waiting all day for lunch, when he'd see them all, when they'd all be together. He knew Allison and Andy would be fine, but he was curious about how Claire and John would cope with their relationship; he was sure Claire's popularity and John's tough guy factor would get in the way.

He made his way through the lunch line, getting the usual crap lunch, and looked around for any of his friends. In a far corner he saw Andy and Allison already sitting together with their lunch. He headed for the table, tray in hand.

As he approached, Allison saw him, smiled, and shook her head. "Only "C" students allowed here."

Brian laughed. "Is a "B" close enough?'

Allison sighed. "Oh, I guess."

The three talked a little, trying to retain their excitement with the best of their abilities.

"Do you think they'll be together?"

"John'll never do this… Not in front of everybody."

"Surely Claire wouldn't throw away her whole prom queen attitude just for him?"

But what did happen couldn't have surprise them more.

Claire Standish entered the cafeteria arm in arm with John Bender. The moment they stepped through the doors, the entire place went dead quite, and every eye was on them. Claire was nervous; she just new her wide eyes would give away her fear. But John's face was full of confidence. As they reached the lunch line the awe began to fade, and people began to whisper.

"Is that Prom Queen Claire?"

"Princess Rapunzel?"

"With that dope Bender?"

As they stepped through the line, the silence was completely broken by a loud voice from the doorway.

"Hey! What's goin on in here, it is way too quiet for this cafeteria…"

But Principal Richard Vernon's voice stopped, and he nearly choked when he saw Claire and Bender together, the whole student body staring at him, the couple, then back at him.

Vernon was at a loss for words. "I… uh…" He stormed from the cafeteria, amid a howl of laughter from the entire room.

The cafeteria soon returned to it's normal volume level, but it was clear to the five friends that everyone was talking about both of these strange new couples, and this new seemingly inseparable band of friends as John and Claire sat down with Andy, Allison, and Brian; The Breakfast Club.

A/N: WOW, got that out fast…. Maybe too fast. I hope everyone liked it! I know it's short, but I thought all was said that needed to be said. I promise more depth at detention Saturday. Please R&R! Expect some revisions and Ch. 3 soon! 