ONE: Ink

The class of pages worked in silence, taking notes as Master Oakbridge explained banquet etiquette. The only sound in the room was his voice and the scratching of pens.

Neal made a noise of frustration and murmured, "Can someone pass me a bottle of ink?"

Seaver and Kel both reached for the bottle in front of them at the same time. As his hand brushed hers, he felt heat flaring in his cheeks and pulled his arm back. "Sorry. You take it."

Kel smiled for a brief moment and handed the bottle to her green-eyed friend.

As he returned to his work, Seaver allowed himself a little smile, and rubbed his hand absently.


Drabbles. From every single Kel pairing imaginable, including those that aren't imaginable and all the popular pairings, some unrequited, some not. I've never really written drabbles before, but I think it's fun. One drabble per day - that's the idea, at least. Most will be this short - but some will be longer. I hope to attract a few more fans of odd pairings... sooo... next drabble up tomorrow. I'm thinking KelNeal... or maybe Owen. That would be fun...