Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. If I did, what would be the point of writing fan fiction? I mean honestly…

Summary: What if Obito never died and he lived to see another day? Well read and find out. Obito gets chosen out of the many chuunin to go on a solo mission. Problem is, is that the mission has a high percentage of death. He has 24 hours to do whatever he wants but he doesn't know what to do until he glances at a certain girl.


Chapter 1

How could this happen to me?

It was early in the morning as the sun started shining over Konoha. Obito was rushing through the forest, jumping from branch to branch, knowing he was going to be late. He wasn't too enthused about doing anything today because his mind kept thinking back to a few minutes ago in the hokage's office.


Obito entered the hokage building, wondering what he was being called there for. For some reason, Obito had thought he had done something wrong. He started thinking. 'Oh crap… did they catch me and Kakashi peeking in on those girls… OH SHIT WHAT IF THEY DID! OH FUCK!' but then he thought about it more. 'Wait a sec… no that cant be it… if they did, then Kakashi would be here too!' he sighed and walked up many flights of stairs and down a few hallways, leading to the hokage's office.

The ANBU members at the door looked at him as he approached the door and he told them that the hokage had asked for him to come by. The guards nodded and opened the doors, allowing the Uchiha boy to go into the room.

As soon as Obito stepped into the room, his former sensei automatically told him to take a seat.

He did and looked the blonde hokage. "Ano… Sensei… What's this about…? Did I do something bad?" Obito asked.

Yondaime looked at him and sighed. "No, Obito… This is about something else… and its about an important matter. I suggest you brace yourself for this…"

Obito looked at him, and nodded. "Alright, lets hear it…"

Yondaime nodded and leaned back in his chair, finding the news a little hard to say to his former student. Finally, he came out with it. "Obito, out of the many chuunin, you were selected to go on a solo mission."

Obito blinked. "Is that supposed to be bad?" he said, expecting a no so he didn't have to act like it was surprising.

"I'm not done," the Yondaime added. "You see, this mission, has… a 90 percent chance of death."

Obito shuddered after hearing the '90 percent death' part. "C-can I refuse?" he asked, mentally pleading for a yes.

Yondaime looked at him and shook his head. "No… I'm sorry… But, only you can carry out this mission."

Obito stood up, now pissed off. "Why!? What makes me so god damn special!?"

Yondaime sighed and looked at the angered Uchiha boy. "You recently have acquired the sharingan bloodline limit of your clan, haven't you?"

Obito looked down and stopped ranting. "S-So… Its my sharingan, huh?… That's why?… But aren't there any other Uchiha chuunins, Arashi-sensei? I mean, I cant be the only one…"

"You are, I'm sorry Obito… You have today and tonight to do whatever you please… tomorrow morning at 4, you will be told where to go for the mission and you will carry out your orders from there…"

Obito was now crying silent tears. He clenched his fists and walked out of the room with his head down, not even waiting to be dismissed by his former sensei.

------End Flashback------

As Obito reached the clearing, he was still thinking about that mornings events, so he lost his footing on the last branch, causing him to fall to the ground face first. "Ow…" he groaned.

"You know, if you're going to be late every morning, you have no business being a shinobi." said a cold voice in front of him.

Obito looked up. It was his team leader, Hatake Kakashi. He then looked down, thinking of an excuse for being late, as he did every morning. "Well, there was this old lady an---"

Kakashi cut him off. "Excuses! Every morning its just more excuses!" Kakashi said in disgust. "Stop making them up and get here on time! You're holding us up on our training and missions!"

"Pfft," said Obito, starting to stand. "Come on, do you say no to old ladies that ask you for help?"

"Why is it that every single morning that people come to you for help?" Kakashi asked, disregarding Obito's question.

"Because I'm an Uchiha!" Obito said as he stood up and glared at Kakashi. "People in this village count on me!"

Kakashi just rolled his eyes. "Just another excuse…"

Obito glared at Kakashi. "Shut up!" he commanded.

Kakashi laughed. "Hah, last time I checked, I give the orders around here, not you!"

Obito continued glaring at Kakashi. "Don't make me kick your ass Kakashi!"

Kakashi snickered behind his mask. "I wouldn't waste my time fighting a weakling like you."

Obito grabbed Kakashi by his shirt, now forgetting the morning events for the moment. "What'd you say you bastard?!"

Kakashi let out a small laugh. "So, your deaf now?"

"Shut up!" Obito commanded again as he threw a punch at Kakashi's face.

Kakashi dodged the punch with ease and did a powerful uppercut into Obito's stomach, winding him and making spit fly from his mouth.

"Obito, Kakashi, that's enough!" a female voice called out, slightly angered. "Stop fighting! it's the same thing every morning with you two!"

Obito was now on the ground, holding his stomach in pain, and was trying to catch his breath. He didn't think that Kakashi would strike him with an intent to kill because he had sensed no restraint in the hard blow forced into his stomach. He just sat up and stared down at the grass. "Sorry, Kakashi…"

Kakashi snickered again. "Don't mess with me, Obito. I am your superior!"

"Yeah, yeah…" he murmured, and sat in silence.