A/N: I really want to thank all of you for reading this, and especially those who took the time to review. It really makes it all worthwhile. This one's for you guys! And a special mention to my most faithful reviewer Miss Tinkerbell, thank you once again!

And, in honour of Star, I am now accepting donations for SAVE ME (Society for the Awful, Very Erratic Marys Everywhere), an organization dedicated to the rehabilitation of Mary Sues worldwide!

Send your donations via review and save your favourite canon!

Chapter 6: Terrible Tales Terribly Told
Katie stared for a few moments at the screen before her. The blank pages of Microsoft Word lay just waiting to be abused—er, uh, filled.

She scrolled through the pages of her story with her handy cordless mouse and wondered, just briefly though, why there were so many squiggly red and green lines beneath her typed words.

Oh, well.

Chapter 6
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" Ginny screamed, staring at Star.

"Don't be afraid." The brave witch replyed.

Ginny, Mione, Ron, Harry and Draco were all sitting in the Gryfindor common room (as, suddenly, the Houses were allowed to mingle.) nd Star was telling the terrible tale terribly told to her.

The fire roared in the fireplace, and the light danced beautifully off Star's perfect sleek ebony ™ hair and turned her eyes ember-yellow-gold.

"Star." Hairy reached for her hand and connected his fingers to hers. "I don't want you to get hurt."

"Ill be fine. Voldermort is my father so I should know him better then any1 else and only I can save the world coz I have powers and im special." (Yes Star, you're very special…)

"I don't want you to get hurt either star." Said Draco. "But I want to see ALL the death eaters and voldamert go down."

"You're so clever, Star." Said Hermione. "You will fine a way."

"I cant do it without you guys." Star said, tears shinning in her amber (does anyone else get the image of a tree?) eyes.

"I think we should all get some sleep." Ron said.

"You guys go." Star replied. "I ill be up for awhile."

"Ill stay with you." Harry said and the others left.

Harry and Star talked for alot (meaningless to the "plot", of course) and star started crying.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhh." Harry whispered, puting his arms around her.

Suddenly they were kissing.

Katie herself had never been kissed, but she knew what it must be like, she had read about it in fanfiction, after all.

It sent shivers down Star's Spinal Chord and left her breathless (it's too much to hope that she'd suffocate) the room spinned…


Star and Harry woke up the next moring, lying together on the armchair. (Figure that one out)

"Star, I love you." "harry I love you too."

"I knew it!" Said Hermione (she's just smart like that)

"I'm so happy for you both." Said ginny. (Who cares if it wasn't cannon, everybody loves Star, Katie rationalized.)

"Thank you Mione and Gin." Star blushed. "We should go to brakefast now."

"Yes let us go." Hermione annunciated.

At breakfast, draco joined them (oh look, a plot hole!) and they ate together, talking about things.

Star knew she was going to be okay with her friends beside her.

She was the greatest witch off her time.

"I cant wait to spend the holiday at grimmauld place." Said harry, mione, ginny, ron, draco and star.

harry, mione, ginny, ron, draco and star were going to spend the holiday at grimmauld place.

(Which holiday it was and why Dumbledore had allowed Harry to leave the care of the Dursleys, Katie didn't know, nor did she care. It was her story, after all.)

They were sitting in a compartment together, riding on the train.

Then Katie had a sudden thought and typed quickly;

A/N: U know, I've only gotten 3 reviews and I've decided that I'm not gonna continue dis fic til I get 10 more!!!!!!!!!! (Alas! How would we sleep at night if not for Katie's fic?) So REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Star was sitting in Harry's lap and he said. "Wow Star you are so light!"

"Yeah, I wish I could be like you." Ginny said.

"No you don't" Star said. "I'm troubled, and I have a dark, dark past."

"Oh yeah, forgot bout that."

Star stared out of the compartment window for a moment, thinking about her dark, dark past…


"You, girl! Make the breakfast!"

"Yes, sir, right away!" Said 3yr old star, running quickly to the frying pan (because, as you know, frying pans are always strategically placed within the grasp of three-year-olds) and staring to fry the bacon.

"Quickly!" Said the ugly, fat man who Star lived with.

"Yes Sir. I will commence with it now." Star replied.

"Your not doing it fast enough!" Said the man, slapping Star. (Frankly, I'd slap her too…)

But Star, because she's brave, did not cry out.

"Im done!" She said, giving the man the bacon.

"Good." Now go to her rag in the small, dark corner of the basement, under the dripping pipe and stay there. "Muuuhaaaahaaaahaaa!"

Star scurried out of the kitchen to the basement, tears forming in her violet eyes.


"Star! Star can you here me!"


"Star, you were dreaming!" Harry whispered, staring into Star's eyes. "Cmon, the train has stopped."

The new golden trio (Katie hadn't quite figured out the meaning of the word 'TRIO' yet) Stepped onto the platform, off the train.

Star crossed the barrier first, but suddenly out of nowhere a man leaped out and grabbed her.

Katie smiled in satisfaction, knowing her readers would be on the very edge of their seats, some even tipping their seats forward, now all she had to do was wait for the reviews to come pouring in.
