The Bathroom of Memories

A/N: Thanks for all being there, thanks to Cicci, thank you reviewers keep on reviewing! This is the end. I love you all! Hope you enjoyed my short fan-fic! (Oh and this chapter is dedicated to Switchfoot's "Dare You To Move").

Chapter Twelve:

I Dare You To Move

"Oh screw Prefect duties, you two are staying in here with us!" Harry took out his wand and pointed it at the compartment door on the Hogwarts Express as it was already rolling, the Hogsmeade Train Station going far out of eyes view. The door locked magically, Hermione grumbled and took out her own wand. "Expelliarmus!" It was now in Draco's hands, and Ron sat back completely relaxed and eating his goods just enjoying the show of Hermione boiling with anticipation and anger. It took the three of them to convince her that this was a special moment, they were leaving Hogwarts for the second last time in their whole lives.

The four sat there now, conversing ever so lightly on what they were to do with their summer. Harry and Draco would be gone for the entire thing besides two days before school which is when they would get their shopping done and hopefully reside at Grimmauld Place since Draco really had nowhere to go and Harry refused to return to the Dursley's any more since he was almost of age. "We'll be staying at 'Mione's parents house for July and when August comes around we're staying at the Burrow until the last week of summer then we're all going to Grimmauld, same with her family." Ron explained smiling as he held his girlfriend's hand tightly and smiled at her, leaning over he planted a sweet kiss on her forehead and she blushed and smiled back.

"You two, are perfect for each other." Draco shook his head laughing a bit in a slightly mocking way as he leaned over toward Harry and kissed his forhead just as gingerly as Ron did, and then Harry giggled in reply in a very fake preppy way. Ron glared their way but Hermione just blushed more deep which made the other couple have a short fit of laughter from the amusement of it all.

The train to Platform 9/3 quarters was way shorter than the other trips they had taken there and back, they guessed it was because the fun they were having for they did not even leave their compartment once. "Listen, if you two don't write to us every week we will blow your brains out. Okay?" Harry smirked as he brought the other couple into a bone-breaking hug, the others only nodded in return to the question and looked in Draco's direction who awkwardly stood in King's Cross now seeing Hermione's parents not far away.

"C'mere." Hermione yanked on Draco's arm who did not let go of Harry's so the two of them were led to Hermione's parents. "Mom, Dad!" She exclaimed and hugged them in a greeting, they hugged back smiling ever so brightly. "This is Draco Malfoy..." Her voice trailed off as her parents eyebrows raised expectedly, they had only heard bad stories about that boy. Really bad stories. "Harry's boyfriend." As soon as Hermione finished her sentence, the two extended their hands to shake Draco's.

"Nice to meet you, Draco." Mr Granger nodded and Mrs Granger did not shake his hand but hugged him instead on second thought. It was a short meeting of the parents, but the couples had to part their way now as Harry and Draco wondered how they would get to the London airport. Luckily, they spotted Remus Lupin not too far. He said he thought they would need a ride to Grimmauld Place and he mailed the Dursley's saying Harry wouldn't return this summer, but Remus agreed to drive them to the Muggle airport instead.

It was very awkward in the rented car Remus had, he turned on the music and listened gleefully to the radio barely trying to make conversation. They were dropped off at the airport and goodbye took a very long time since the couple's plane did not leave until two in the afternoon. Remus had a drink and snack with them at one of the local airport restaurants and then left the couple.

Mere five hours later they found themselves at a different airport over-excited about their summer. "You know I love you right?" Harry asked randomly as they grabbed their luggage of the cart where everybodies else was too. "I mean, I am in love with you. You're amazing, I can't believe you're bringing me to Paris. Wait I can't believe we're actually, in Paris together! Most romantic city on the earth." Harry exclaimed as Draco only laughed lightly and stopped briefly as he dragged his luggage behind himself as did Harry, he kissed his partner gently on the lips and passing girls 'awwhed' at them.

"I love you too, babe." Draco smirked and with one of his free arms slung his arm about the others shoulder. "Now Paris, here we come!" The blonde exclaimed, and it was true. Paris should look out for them, because over the first few days they had not only been to most of the romantic places but got extremely drunk at a lot of them and vandalised numerous things without being caught. Being a wizard was very fun in a Muggle world.

It was not until the third week of their stay where they actually stayed in their penthouse of a very nice hotel for the night, Harry stood outside on the balcony looking down at the wonders before him. He still could not believe he was in Paris with Draco, the one he loved, in the most romantic city ever. It was too unbelievable his life could go from crap to this so quickly, but it was nice. Really nice. All the two ever did was shop, goto restuarants, sight-seeing, make passionate love whenever they felt the need to, recite poetry and whisper sweet nothings. Perfect. Harry standing there leaning a bit over the balcony felt another presence behind him and did not dare to turn around knowing all the well who it was.

Welcome to the planet

Welcome to existance

Everyone's here

Everyone's here

Everybody's watching you now

Everybody waits for you now

What happens next

What happens next

"Harry, please turn around I have something to ask you." Draco's voice was strangely quiet as Harry slowly turned around and gasped, his lover was on one knee in a fancy tuxedo whereas Harry stood in nothing but a bathrobe. "I know it has only been nine months since we've been together, but I've known you for almost me entire life. Seven years of it actually." He took a deep breath and glanced briefly at the moon as Harry's eyes could not be shaken from the form before him, he felt like he was going to breakdown crying.

I dare you to move

I dare you to move

I dare you to lift yourself up off the floor

I dare you to move

I dare you to move

Like today never happened

Today never happened before.

The blonde grabbed his boyfriend's hand and kissed in gently on the backside of it, smiling and feeling his own eyes swelling up but he knew he had to stay strong. He had already cried enough in their relationship, it was time to be the stronger one. "You have always been there, for good or bad it doesn't matter because you were always there anyway. It's a reassurance that you will be there for the rest of my life, no matter what. That's the kind of thing I have been looking for all these years, a friend, a lover, a wife, somebody who would just stay by my side no matter what. It didn't matter if they wanted to kill me, they would still be beside me." Draco's words began to tremble now and he felt his voice fading into the distance, but he needed to urge himself on.

Welcome to the fallout

Welcome to resistance

The tension is here

Tension is here

Between who you are and who you could be

Between how it is and how it should be.

"There's no other way to say it but I wish I could because 'I love you' just isn't enough anymore Harry, it just isn't. So here goes nothing, here goes it all." Draco inhaled deeply before taking Harry's left hand in his own and staring straight up at the wonderful emerald pools. "The first time I ever looked into your eyes seven years ago, I knew there was something about them that screamed at me. I did not know if it was good nor bad, I couldn't tell but now I know what it was. It was your soul yelling at me, yelling at my own soul that we were mates and meant to be together for the rest of forever. Will you stay with me for the rest of forever?" Draco's right hand slide into his tuxes pocket and pulled out a box. "Will you, Harry James Potter, marry me?" The ring was unimportant, the jewel on it meant nothing to Harry no matter how large it was. He pulled Draco off of his knees unable to speak as he nodded in reply, the blonde knew what he meant as the brunette's tears could no longer be held back and they slid every so gently down his face. With the ring placed on his ring finger, Harry brokedown in tears only to be pulled into a hug by his fiance and rocked back-and-forth. "I love you so much." Harry finally whispered out and pulled Draco back a bit to look into his eyes before shutting his own and bringing their faces closer together.

I dare you to move

I dare you to move

I dare you to lift yourself up off the floor

I dare you to move

I dare you to move

Like today never happened

Today never happened before.

Their lips touched and their hearts leapt as Draco deepened it quickly and lavished Harry's mouth with his own, sucking, biting, and their tongues began their familiar battle with one and other until Draco won over. Moans were grumbling at the backs of their throats wanting to escape as their bodies were pressed tightly to each others, their more precious areas grinding up slowly for that immense pleasure they felt. Harry's hands found their way to Draco's jacket and threw it to the ground quickly. He unbuttoned the shirt underneath and ripped it off of Draco's chest so his hands could ravish the warm flesh and his lips could move to Draco's neck as the blonde squirmed and moaned intensely. As he was been pleasured greatly with the licks and teasing, Draco had somewhere in between that all taken off Harry's bathrobe and his pants had disappeared, they stood their naked on their balcony probably with the penthouse residence of the hotel across the street from them looking appalled. They didn't care though. They didn't care at all. As long as they felt this wonderfully, and they felt it together it was the only thing that ever mattered to them.

Maybe redemption has stories to tell

Maybe forgiveness is right where you fell

Where can you run to escape from yourself?

Where you gonna go?

Where you gonna go?

Salvation is here.

Harry had Draco's front up against the stone cold wall which felt very refreshing as sweat clothed his naked body now, the brunette didn't wait to ask if he was ready before he entered the withering one before him. Draco's hands were pressed firmly against the wall keeping it so he was not pressed completely up against it, that would be painful toward his throbbing member where one of Harry's hands resided on stroking in and the other on Draco's shoulder pushing the boy downward as he thrusted upwards. They said nothing but their moans and sounds of pleasure were enough for them.

I dare you to move

I dare you to move

I dare you to lift yourself up off the floor

I dare you to move

I dare you to move

Like today never happened

Today never happened

Today never happened

Today never happened before.

It was perfect, all was well with the war lightyears ahead of their wonderful night. Together now they could beat anything or anyone that came their way. "I love you." Harry whispered with the breath he had left as the two had crawled into their bedroom and were now laying on the carpeted floor just holding each other in arms, cuddling and never wanting to move ever again. They did have all the time in the world, didn't they? They were young and in love, nothing could tear them apart. "Shh...I know, I know." Draco replied quietly as his head nestled deeply into the boy above him finding its resting place on the others collar-bone. "I love you to, wife." The blonde grinned as his eyes still stayed closed.

"Hey! Who said you would be the husband? You are way more feminine than me!" Harry protested but a finger found its way to his mouth to shut him up. "Fine." He pouted cutely. It was then that Harry realized he no longer had to mope around and he had finally begun his life, the one where nobody ordered him about, where nobody expected anything of him, where things could be perfect. He had waited sixteen years for it, and it finally came along with a walk that swayed its hips, soft lips that caused so much pleasure, a head of blonde hair, and the mind of a stuck-up Prince. It was everything Harry James Potter ever asked for, it just took him too long to find out that it was in a package called, Draco.

"Paris, here we come!" Harry yelped. "Again." The brunette laughed as his wife hugged him gently. "Do you think James will like it?" He asked hopefully looking over at his son with dark messy hair, silver eyes and pale skin, he was of the age of two now. Thank Merlin for magical male pregnancy! Draco only nodded in reply, not being able to wait to be in the exact same penthouse he and his wife were all those years ago. Well it was only four years ago now that he thought of it.

"Hermione and Ron will be staying just across the street at the other penthouse, probably already there actually. I can't believe she's expecting in two months! Time just flies by!" Draco exclaimed as he walked over to James who was looking up wide-eyed at the Paris airport screen with flashing lights on it telling the passengers when their flight would be in, ecetera. "C'mon James, taxi is here!" He scooped up his son who giggled when he did it and carried him with one arm and James looking over his shoulder as Harry held Draco's hand and their taxi guy hauled their luggage into his trunk.

"Hey, Draco?" Harry whispered about ten minutes into the taxi ride when James had fallen asleep on his lap, sucking on his thumb. "Do you think James'll like it? Hogwarts I mean, will he be in Slytherin of Gryffindor?" He randomly asked, he missed that old school but it was alright because Madame Pomfrey had retired last year and as soon as September came about he would be taking her place as the schools medi-wizard. Draco recieved the job of Potions Master, Hogwarts would be a good place to raise young James because then he could grow up around people like him other than what happened to Harry or how Draco grew-up learning how to be mean and not love. James would know all the love in the world, he was growing up with who was dubbed; "The Daily Prophet's Hotter Couple Of The Year!" award.

"Probably Ravenclaw, or Gryffindor. Not Slytherin, God I'm not even Slytherin any more!" Draco said a little too loudly and James stirred in his sleep, Harry glared at his wife not wanting to deal with a crying child at the moment in a half an hour cab-ride. It was too late, James awoke and began wailing in the back-seat, Harry immediately threw it to Draco. "Hey!" He protested but took his son in his arms anyway. "It's your fault, love." Harry whispered before kissing the little rascal kicking and screaming now on the head, Draco grinned and did the same to Harry. The cab driver looked around at them through his window wondering how two people so young could be so happy in love with a family already, he realized that it was possible. If you were truly in love.

A/N: I didn't know how to end it, it really is a suckish ending. Face it! The last two chapters just completely sucked! I am so sorry for that but hope you enjoyed anyway please review it'll make me happy! Oh yeah and props to Cicci still:) Props to everybody who actually read this, and props to Draco and Harry! Yah! Squee! Thank you all!
