Ethan was waiting at the alter for Theresa to walk down. Miles and Marty walked down carrying the rings, EJ carrying a white candle, Maria throwing rose petals, fallowed by the bridesmaids passed down, the maid on honor, and Jane who threw more rose petals. Martin took Theresa's arm and they walked down the isle. Martin kissed her cheek and handed her hand Ethan. She stepped up on the alter and Father Lonagen started the wedding. Ethan and Theresa wrote their own vows to each other.

"We had one of the weirdest starts possible, but it made me see things were going to be different. And they have been. Life hasn't given us the best blessing possible. Or maybe it even thought we weren't ready for the road ahead. But we found our way back to each other. After years of swimming in the darkness light has shown through and now I can see. I see the love I have for you and the love for our children. I promise my self only unto you from this day forward, forsaking all others. I will honor you, love you, cherish you and I give you my soul. For you had my heart from the first time we met. I trust you with everything. My heart, soul, kids and life. I vow to be the man you want and the man I know I can be. I vow to stand by you in the good times, bad, times, in times of sickness, in times of health, in times of richer and times of poorer." Ethan said as tears fell down Theresa's cheeks.
"I gave you my heart, yes it ended you a little black and blue, but you healed it also. You gave me the greatest gifts when you gave me EJ, Jane, this little one She placed her hand on her stomach and you. From this day forward I promise myself unto only you forever. After years of for the darkness to let go and for you to see the light it has finally come. I see the love I have for you. I see the love I have for you and the love for our children. I promise my self only unto you from this day forward, forsaking all others. I will honor you, love you, cherish you and I give you my soul. For you had my heart from the first time we met. I trust you with everything. My heart, soul, kids and life. I vow to be the man you want and the man I know I can be. I vow to stand by you in the good times, bad, times, in times of sickness, in times of health, in times of richer and times of poorer." Theresa said causing Ethan to shed tears.

"My I have the rings please?" Father Lonagen asked.

Marty and Miles stepped up to Sheridan who untied them from the pillows. Gwen was watching the ceremony from a hiding place. Sheridan made it look like she switched the rings to fool Gwen. Smiling she handed Father Lonagen.

"We ask God to bless these rings for this union. A union only made stronger by the love these two share. Ethan and Theresa have come here willing to pledge their lives to one another." He moved his hand over them like a cross. "Ethan take this ring and place it on Theresa's hand. And repeat after me."

Ethan took the ring. Theresa moved the gold ribbon off her ring finger and onto her right hand.

"With this ring I thee wed."

"With this ring I thee wed." Ethan slid the ring up her finger.

"Theresa take this ring and repeat after me."

Theresa took the ring and Ethan did the same with his gold ribbon.

"With this ring I thee wed."

"Ethan do you take Theresa to be your wife?"

"I do."

"Theresa do you take Ethan to be your husband?"

"I do." Theresa replied just above a whisper.

"By the powers invested in me by the church I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride."

Ethan moved in and kissed her long and passionately.

"Ladies and…" Father Lonagen began.

"Umm Father they are done yet." Chad whispered to him.

"Oh." Father Lonagen said.

Ethan and Theresa broke apart.

"Ok." Chad said.

"Ladies and gentlemen I give you Mr. and Mrs. Winthrop."

Claps and cheers sounded. Ethan and Theresa headed back down the isle fallowed by everyone else and made their way to the mansion. Sheridan and Luis came over.

"So we analyzed the ring Gwen gave Sheridan. There were dangerous amounts of a toxin that kills." Luis said.

"Where is Gwen now?" Theresa asked.

"I helped her sneak in. She is in the office watching the reception." Sheridan said.

"Ok, so what do we do now?" Ethan asked.

It was right then a massive Earthquake hit. Gwen slipped from everyone mind. Theresa and Theresa grabbed Jane and EJ while everyone else grabbed their kids to get the to safety.

Beams started falling so they all rushed outside. However Gwen was not so lucky. A beam pinned her down crushing her back. After is was all clear they went in and found Gwen under the beam. After the first beam crushed her back another fell and cruched her head. Theresa was horrified at the sight.

"You know, this reminds me of the Wizard of Oz. The witch was crushed by a house and now Gwen. Show Gwen really was the wicked witch." Ethan said.

"Looks like this was her wake up call." Theresa said.

So Gwen was laid to rest and a new Mansion was built for the Lopez-Fitzgerald's and Winthrop's. Later that year Theresa gave birth to a son names Samuel Bennett Winthrop a.k.a. Sammy.

Thanks to all who read and reviewed. Look for more stories from Chantel to come.
