Haze by XxDoCxX
Part 1

Throbbing music, useless noise. This was the makings of a great high school party, and unfortunately, our favorite boy genius, now a teenage boy genius, was at this party, chugging his drink along with Sheen.

"Man, this is a great party, huh?" shouted Jimmy, clutching his red plastic cup. He took another swig of the contents, which were the elementary combination of Coca-Cola and rum.

"Yeah, this is great!" replied Sheen just as loudly. He was tapping his foot to the music, which was the song "Temperature" by Sean Paul.

Jimmy smiled as he saw a gaggle of pretty girls look at him and walk by. It wasn't much of a surprise, since Jimmy had grown to be six foot two at the age of 16. He had a short haircut, and his hair was now black, accenting his baby blues, so to speak, very nicely.

It was nearing midnight when Jimmy took the hand of a girl and began twisting and bobbing along to the music. He winked at Sheen and continued dancing with the girl.

"Hey, I'm James, what's your name?"

The girl hesitated and didn't say anything. But she continued moving to the beat of the music. They had already passed Sheen and were getting closer to a crowd of people standing by a door.

"Seven minutes in heaven!" shouted Nick, the guy controlling who went into the closet. He grabbed the arms of Jimmy and the unknown girl and pushed them inside, unfazed by the protesting.

The door closed behind them, and a turn of a key was heard from the other side. The booming music still audible in the large closet, Jimmy leaned toward the girl.

"So do you go to Retroville High?"

The girl hesitated again, but this time she replied. "Yeah. What grade are you in?"

Something vaguely familiar about her voice, Jimmy pushed aside his thoughts and leaned even closer. "I'm a junior now, you?"

"Same here."

Jimmy smiled, and he could barely see in the darkness the curve of the girl's lips.

"So you want to go to heaven?" he asked flirtatiously. The girl giggled and put her hands around Jimmy's neck.


Jimmy left barely a second enough for the girl to get some air into her lungs before pushing his lips clumsily onto hers. She giggled again and adjusted the angle of her head and body so that she fit comfortably into the curve of Jimmy's body.

They continued kissing, even after Nick opened the door, letting light and sound spill into the closet. Jimmy and the girl continued kissing, regardless of the jeers of the people around them.

"Hey, you're seven minutes are gone, lover boy, get a room if you want to keep at it!" shouted Nick, pulling the couple out of the closet.

They finally seperated, and Jimmy took the girl's hand. He led her over to a nearby couch and pushed his lips back onto hers. They continued their make-out session, at least, until the girl pushed Jimmy off.

"What's up?" asked Jimmy. The girl looked around, blurry in Jimmy's sight because of the one-too-many beers and Coke and rums. He knew he recognized her from somewhere, but he couldn't really place her...

"I gotta go home now, is that okay with you, James?"

Jimmy shrugged and kissed her cheek. "Fine with me, babe, just look for me on Monday at school, I'm sure you'll find me. I'm usually the guy with the group of girls hanging around."

The girl held back a smile and stood up. "Okay, then. Well... Bye."

Jimmy waved, taking one last swig from his cup. I should get home soon...