Hey everyone! I know it's been a while since I last updated this one but I honestly have been trying. I finally got it done though so that's what counts, right? Thank you so much for reading and reviewing so far. I really hope that you enjoy chapter 7 of Let's get Retarded. :D


I couldn't believe when Spring finally come. It felt like it had been forever since the snow had gone away. Unfortunately with Spring… came the circus.

When the Circus came to Tokyo, it meant that everyone in my family wanted to go. It was horrible. I was dragged along and was forced to watch clowns and elephants prancing around all over the place. By all means, it was the worst event that could ever happen.

I stared at them with a blank expression. The only one that seemed to join my stare was Sesshoumaru; just about as interested in the event as I was.

"You're kidding right?" I asked with a cocked brow.

If they were serious, I swore that they wouldn't live to see tomorrow.

"No," Kagome chimed with a grin, "We want you to come with us."

"Maybe we can take clown lessons!" Shippo said gleefully, hopping up and down on her shoulder.

"Or cannon ball lessons," Sango joined in as well.

"I want to tame a lion," Inuyasha stated with crossed arms.

'Funny… he's usually the one who doesn't want to do anything new and exciting.'

"I want to see all the beautiful women," Miroku stated with a pleasant smile.

"Pervert," all of us muttered.

I looked at Sesshoumaru with a 'Help me' expression on my face. By the look of it… he had the same one. 'We… are so screwed.' My head dropped with defeat. We couldn't just say no… or could we?

"I actually think that we have date plans don't we Sesshoumaru?" I pondered, turning my attention back to Kagome.

"What? You two are dating?!" she exclaimed with astonishment.

"What?" the others followed suit.

"We told you guys three months ago," I stated with furrowed brows, "Remember?"

All of them seemed to think about it for a few minutes.

"Oh yeah…"

Kagome put on a pouting face; the puppy dog pout.

"Could you please come with us? It's gunna be so much fun," she begged.

'It'd be more fun watching the circus burn.'


Sesshoumaru finally snapped at the face.

"If you stop begging and fix your face then we'll come with you!" he growled at her.

"Okay," she agreed, smiling with victory.

'Oh god… please save me.'

Up in heaven…

"Aw come on! First you wanted me to kill you, now you want me to save you?" god shouted down as he watched from his desk, "Save yourself! You no longer get my help!"

The phone rang and he immediately answered.


"Damn it all! No devil, I don't want the stupid doughnut!"

Back on Earth

Sesshoumaru and I walked back home with exhausted, gloomy expressions.

"Ah least you only have to see it once," I groaned.

"Twice, you asked me to come with you remember?" he asked with his own groan.

We both sighed.

"I'm sorry," I apologized.

"It's okay," he told me, sighing, "So long as I can steal a kiss from you later."

"I guess so," I muttered with crossed arms.

He ruffled my hair slightly and I shook my head. When had my life turned into this crazy disaster waiting to happen? 'Oh yeah… the beginning of school…'

Ever since my parents had found out that I had a boyfriend, both them and my brother had been warning us about having safe sex together; about using protection. It drove me nuts! What did they think I was? A sex addict? A nymphet? Or Sesshoumaru for that matter? He was sophisticated and a gentleman... a cold one but he was still a gentleman. It was a little degrading.

We stopped at his house first and he gave me a kiss goodbye. Sometimes he had the ability to knock me off my feet. I didn't know how… but sometimes I actually ended up getting dizzy and falling over.

"You klutz," he chuckled, helping me to my feet.

"It's not my fault that you can do that," I muttered with a slight glare.

Shaking his head, Sesshoumaru placed a light kiss on my forehead before going inside.

With another sigh of defeat, I started to go home. What was so great about the circus anyway? Sure it had people doing a few cool tricks and they had trained lions. It wasn't anything particularly special in any way… At least I didn't think so. 'Kind of seems like a waste of time and money now…' I thought rather dully as I stopped at a cross walking sign. Other people all waited around me, chatting easily with one another.

My eyes wandered past the faces and to the cars passing on the road. They widened when I caught sight of a puppy dog sniffing the ground; wandering onto the busy street.

"Damn it!" I hissed, pushing through the crowd of people.

'I can't let it go out there while the light's green.' I shoved another person out of my way before running onto the street.

"Kari, what the hell are you doing?" my brother's voice shouted at me from behind me.

I didn't hear him though.

When I was close enough to the small dog I quickly grabbed it before rolling into the middle of the road. Horns honked at me as cars passed. I paused for a moment, wondering on what I should do. Cars used the lane to turn around corners.

The small dog in my arms whimpered slightly and I smiled down at it.

"It's gunna be okay little guy," I murmured, "I'll keep you safe."

My feet walked backward slightly, trying to get out of the way of a car pulling into the lane.

"Crap," I muttered, looking around frantically.

"Kari, get off the road!" Sid shouted at me; arms flailing above his head.

'And how exactly does he propose I do that?' I asked myself with slight agitation. What did he expect me to do? Fly over all the cars and buildings to safety?

My weight shifted backward and I stumbled slightly. Tires screeched across the pavement… screams were heard in the background… people were shouting all around me… Then there was a large sense of pain coursing through my body.

I didn't know what had happened, but I knew that I was lying down on the ground and that the dog was still in my arm. Everything was fuzzy – blurred – around me. The only thing I was sure of was that I couldn't stop wondering if the dog was okay. Everything was completely silent as my eyes became too heavy for me to keep open.


His feet quickly walked through the white hallways. His golden orbs scanned over every door number that passed by him. If he didn't find the right room soon then he was going to burst into a run down the hallway. No one else was in the hallway besides the occasional nurse. It made him wonder what the hell all the people that worked there were doing.

Once Sesshoumaru's eyes landed on the number of the room he had been looking for, he immediately opened the door. He didn't care on what was happening inside the room at the time.

He had been shocked to hear the news about what had happened. When the phone had rung at his house late in the afternoon, he couldn't believe what his brother had to tell him. Apparently Sango had been walking down the street from shopping and had seen the ambulance in the middle of the road. When she had seen what had happened she immediately called and told Kagome, who proceeded to tell Inuyasha, who then told the perverted monk. He had been the last one to be informed about the incident. Apparently they forgot again that the two of them had been dating.

Being the last one to know had infuriated him, but what made his mood even worse was the fact that her room was empty.

"I'm sorry sir, but can I help you?" a woman asked from behind him.

He turned and looked at the girl with a serious expression.

"Where is Kari Hiwatari?" he asked rather urgently.

"She's still in the Emergency room I'm afraid," the nurse explained rather apologetically, "That car broke her arm and a few of her ribs."

He was silent; not being able to say anything.

"You are welcome to wait here for her sir if you would like," she offered, gesturing toward an empty chair.

He nodded before taking a seat.

"This is going to be a long wait," he murmured under his breath.

That consistent beeping sound! It was so annoying! 'Why the hell can't it shut up?' I asked myself with confusion.

It was like being woken up by the phone; wondering why no one else was getting it when they knew you were asleep. I groaned, not being able to move hardly anything without a shock of pain.

I opened my eyes slightly, seeing a few blurry figures sitting around me.

"What are you all standing there for?" I asked, groaning with some annoyance.

Juromaru, my mom, my dad, my brother, and Sesshoumaru were all standing in the room. They were all looking at me and my mom and Juromaru suddenly burst into tears.

"I'm so glad you're okay!" my mom bawled, almost jumping on me to give me a hug.

I winced as my ribs soared with pain at the pressure that was being put on them.

"H-honey you can't do that!" my dad said, grabbing her and pulling her off me.

"But my baby-"

"Mom I'm okay," I muttered, trying to make everything stop.

"I'm so happy that you're still alive!" Juromaru bawled as well.

Sid shook his head slightly.

"You idiot," he scoffed, "All that to save a dog."

"…The dog!" I gasped, sitting up rather quickly.

Bad idea; I had to lie back down almost immediately.

"Is it okay?" I asked, worried.

"The dog's fine Kari," my dad stated with a slight smile, "He's sitting outside the hospital doors. He's been there since you've been in here."

"…Really?" I asked with a small smile, "Can we keep him?"

"If he doesn't belong to anyone," dad nodded.

"Man you're stupid," my brother continued to laugh.

"Like you'd do anything to save anything but yourself," I retorted with a weak glare.

I heard Sesshoumaru chuckle slightly and my eyes caught him shake his head.

"Mr. and Mrs. Hiwatari, I think it would be best for Kari to get some rest," he suggested, looking up at them.

My dad nodded before steering my mom toward the doorway. Sid got to his feet and waved before leaving the room. All that was left was a tearing up Juromaru.

"I should have been there! Why has the Glitter Team failed you so? We should have been there to stop the car for you!" he cried.

'The only problem with that is that no one would come to visit the two of you in the hospital…'

"Juromaru, I think you should probably leave too," Sesshoumaru suggested.

"What about you? Why do you get to stay here?!"

"Because I'm not the one throwing a fit about the incident," he replied calmly, pointing toward the doorway.

With a sigh of defeat, the Glitter Team member left the room as well.

Sesshoumaru looked at me with an almost stern expression once the door was closed. I cocked a brow slightly at the action.

"All this for a dog?" he questioned.

"I couldn't let it get hit by a car," I murmured, "It was just a puppy."

"You could have died instead," he stated rather coldly.

"You're a dog too aren't you?" I asked, getting slightly agitated, "Wouldn't you have wanted to be saved?"

"Not if I didn't know that I was in danger."

I glared at him before turning my head away. 'So much for being calm.'

A hand touched mine gently, grabbing my attention. When I looked at him, his expression was softer.

"You look a lot worse than you think you do," he stated, "Scratches… bruises… they're everywhere. I just can't stop thinking that you would have been fine if you hadn't of tried to save that dog."

"I would rather die knowing that it happened because I saved something than knowing that it died because I didn't do anything."

He smiled at me then.

"I know," he whispered, "I guess the good part of this is that we can use it as an excuse to get out of going to the circus."

"That's a good idea!"

Unfortunately… everyone else used it as more of an excuse for us to go. They said I needed to go to cheer up and get my mind off the pain. So we ended up going anyway.

Sesshoumaru helped me get out of the car and into the wheelchair. The doctors didn't want me to be walking around on my own just yet after hitting my head so hard; as well as many other things.

"Kari!" Kagome called, waving a short distance away, "We're glad you could come."

"Not by choice I assure you," I muttered.

Shippo jumped onto my head with a thing of cotton candy in his hand.

"Would you like some Kari?" the small fox asked curiously, "It's really sweet."

"No thank you. Doctor advised against sugar rushes," I said sheepishly.

"Probably scared you were going to roll in front of another car," Inuyasha commented.

"Inuyasha!" Kagome screamed.

"What? They probably were!"

"She's not suicidal you idiot!" she cried, smacking him in the back of the head.

Sango slowly came past the two fighting to see Sesshoumaru and me.

"Hey Kari, have you seen Cassie or Koga around recently?" she asked curiously, "Ginta and Hakkaku are here but we can't find Koga anywhere."

"Yeah, I don't think they'll be coming back any time soon," I told her with a nervous expression.

"Why not?"

A few weeks ago…

We had gone on a double date with Cassie and Koga to see a movie in the theatre. When the movie was over we were walking outside and Koga had asked about the movie.

"Do people really fall in love and get married like that?" he asked, clearly confused about what he had seen in the movie.

"Yes," Cassie chided happily, clinging onto his arm.

"Really?" he questioned doubtfully.

"No Koga, I don't think that they do," I disagreed.

"Well why not? Can't people be meant for each other?" Cassie asked, sounding upset, "I'll show you Kari! I know that one day Koga and I are going to get married on top of a mountain! And there's going to be flutes playing and trombones and flowers, and garlands of fresh herbs! And we will dance, till the sun rises! And our children will form a family band and we'll tour the countryside, and you won't be in invited!"

She dragged him down the stairs and stormed out of the mall.


"And we haven't heard from them since," I explained.

Sango looked surprised by my explanation and I simply nodded my head to her.

"It's true," Sesshoumaru sighed, "They're probably getting married right now."

"Oh dear…"

"Come on guys! Let's go take clown lessons!" Shippo called, running toward the large tent.

"Okay, clown lessons first, then cannon ball lessons, and then we can all see Inuyasha get eaten by a lion!" Kagome chided, following after the small fox.

"Beautiful girls here I come!" Miroku followed as well.

"Oh, no you don't," Sango threatened, running after him.

I sighed as I watched. 'Don't people have anything better to do with their time than to take clown lessons?'

"I must say that I want to see Inuyasha get eaten but this lion," Sesshoumaru mused with a smirk.

"I kind of do too," I agreed, "but in all honesty I'm afraid of clowns…"

"Well you can't go anywhere without help so you're going to have to stay and do it. If I have to do this then you have to do it too," Sesshoumaru replied rather emotionlessly.

"That's a little harsh…"

"Only to you."

We found the clown school and the first thing I did was fall out of my chair from fright. If I hadn't been in so much pain, I would have tried to crawl away.

"Okay, so we're going to call you Jump-o," the instructor stated, writing the name on the chalk board.

Come sunset, I found that the day had gone rather well. All except the clown school had been fun. Ginta and Hakkaku got shot right out of the tent from the human cannon ball machine. We were going to find them now. We had all laughed so hard to see Inuyasha running away from the lion while he was in the same cage. The instructor wouldn't let him out until he got the lion to stop chasing him like he was a piece of meat. He ended up having to ride in the wheelchair and I was on Sesshoumaru's back.

"Serves you right for trying to tame a wild animal," Shippo told him, smirking slightly.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Shut up."

End of Chapter 7

Crazy about that car accident eh? I didn't know what to make happen so I just added that in because it seemed like a good idea, though it really wasn't humorous but I needed a longer chapter.

Thank you so much for reading. I hope that you all enjoyed it. Please R&R and I'll try to update again as soon as I get the chance to. :D