"Whoa, someone looks like crap." Johnny shook his head. "Sloane still won't talk to you."

Eric poured himself a cup of coffee. "No, she talked."

"Let me guess. It wasn't a kiss and make up sex talk."

"More like a 'I think we need some time apart so I'm moving to Paris for a year. Don't bother to call and I won't send you a postcard' talk."


"I got something that might cheer you up." Turtle walked in reading a paper. He handed it to Eric.

"The Reporter?"

"Check out the item on page 2."

Eric sat down and flipped open the page. He sipped his coffee and picked at the omelet Johnny set down in front of him as he read.

"Morning." Vince walked in yawning.

"Morning." Eric looked up, an amused grin on his face.

"What's so funny?"

"Aquaman has drowned." Turtle laughed.

"Is he baked?"

Eric shook his head. "Not exactly."

"Okay, so what's up?"

"Well according to this morning's Reporter, Aquaman 2 has been forced on the back burner due to a little accident." Eric slid the paper over and reached his breakfast.

"Accident? What someone let the water out of the tank?"

"Worse. Jake went to New York do visit buddies Heath and Michelle. Something about some kind of Christening. Poor guy gets run off the road. He's got a fractured collarbone and a broken arm."

"That's not funny, that's terrible." Vince leaned against the counter. "How can you guys laugh about someone getting hurt?"

"We ain't laughing about that." Turtle snickered. "We're laughing about Woody."

Vince looked at Eric, confused.

"Last week they announced that Jake was signed up for Woody Allen's next big film. It's supposed to start filming in April."

"Jake's gonna have at least three or four good months of physical therapy before he can start training for all the stunt work --"

"And apparently the contracts for the Allen project are signed, sealed and delivered. Warners will never be able to film the whole thing before Jake's due in London."

"So Warner's is screwed." Vince grinned. "Yeah, that is a little funny. I mean they must be pissed."

"Yeah. They were all set to fast track the FX work so they would be ready for a Labor Day Weekend release. Now they are losing weeks off the schedule. They'll be lucky if they can get it ready by Christmas."

"No way are they gonna put it up against Harry Potter 5."

"Not unless someone is crazy. At best it's Summer '08. And you know what two years between films can do to a franchise."

"Couldn't have happened to a better studio." Vince held up his juice glass in a toast.