Tth 20 Minutes in Smallville Challenge: Memory Lane.

Disclaimer: I don't own Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Smallville.

Summary: What does it take for Clark to get over Lana Lang? Amnesia and a blond vampire slayer of course!

I post here and at TtHFanfic dot com as FireDragon. So if you see it's just me.

"So does anything look familiar?" Buffy asked the handsome young man next to her they drove into a little town.

He looked around. His stomach seemed to be tied in knots. He was very nervous and after the time spent with Buffy, he wasn't sure that he wanted to remember. He had come to feel very strongly for the petite blonde vampire slayer who was sitting next to him in the car. She had found him naked, alone, and without a memory in the world while out on patrol. He was afraid that once he got his memory back he would have to say goodbye.

At first she pretended to be a ditzy blonde and he tried desperately to figure out who he was. It didn't take long to figure out that he wasn't exactly normal, and that neither was she. His having super-hearing made it impossible for Buffy to keep her secret from him.

The first time she snuck out hunting he heard her and followed. When he saw the creature attacking her, he rushed in and hit it. Buffy still sometimes jokes that when it lands it will be the first vampire on the moon.

When he first realized how truly different he was he nearly freaked out. Buffy. However, was there and she helped him through.

"Nothing looks familiar." Boy Wonder, (as Buffy sometimes called him) said looking around at all the people's faces as they parked the car. There was a girl with long brown hair coming out of a coffee shop, two old men playing chess (in front of some barbers shop), and a few other people milling around the town. "Nothing stands out. Maybe it was a false lead."

"Give it some time Memory Boy we just got here." Buffy stated with a wry smile. He instantly felt a little better. He didn't think he could have faced this alone.

"Clark?" A surprised voice called out. "Is that really you?"

Turning Buffy and Clark looked at the young girl who had come out of the coffee shop then turned to look at who she was talking to. There was no one behind them.

"Are you talking to me?" Clark asked the girl.

"Clark? What is wrong with you?"

"My name is Clark?"

Lana blinked in surprise. Clark had amnesia again? What are the odds? She wondered.

"There you see? Small towns are great for this sort of thing. Everybody knows everybody else." Buffy stated. "At long last, it's good to meet you Clark." She said with a smile and held her hand out to him.

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