Title: Story Telling
Rating: G
Summary: Because some things are better left untold.
Notes: I'm actually not sure if it's 100 words. In MSWord, it is. In some online word-count-er, it isn't. I'm now just confused. BAH. IT'S JUST A FLIPPIN' DRABBLE. I DON'T CARE! ('cept I do, so if you actually bothered to count and it's NOT 100-word, gimme a ring and I'll, uhm, give you an e-cookie or something).

Story Telling
by the Green-ish Hue Ranger

Yuuri was bored.

The day was beautiful and he was bored.

So when Konrad arrived and suggested a story, Yuuri was beyond ecstatic—

—even if he was already half-asleep by the end of, "Once upon a time . . ."

". . . and they lived happily ever after," Konrad said, his voice soft and gentle, and Yuuri wondered if he had fallen asleep. That shouldn't have been the next line, right? He remembered there being more.

"Konrad. Where's the rest of the story?" he asked, and Konrad came closer to kiss him lightly.

"We'll fill in all the middle parts by ourselves," was his reply.

04 September 2010:
Edited in order to fix the formatting because FFNet killed it.

(one-hundred-words. ; 02012006)