I am the archiver and for those of you who wished for a new chapter. I will grant your wish. After all I already granted the author's wish and got him a sword. stop hugging it. aww, but I like my new sword. Well any way lets let them watch... read the fic while we argue.

BTW: thought




Agony for Time

Eragon woke to the sound of loud and menacing laughter. He looked around for it's source only to find his head wouldn't turn the right way. He tried to get up to find his whole body wouldn't move and it hurt to even try. "Have I been captured? No, What have you done with Saphira?" He yelled at the laugh. "Eragon, It's ok I'm right here." Said the laugh, as she came into view. "Saphira, why can't I move?" He said as he tried again. She looked down at him as she said. "It could be that while you slept you forgot you're a dragon now, and are moving the wrong joints the wrong way."

He looked aghast to realize he forgot something like that. "But, I'm sure it's because you must've tried to sleep on your back and your joints all froze up from sleeping like that." Eragon confirmed this by trying to roll on his stomach to find it hurt alot. "So, how do I get up?" He stared at Saphira only to see her give what could only be a shrug. "I don't know I've never made that mistake before. I guess if I bite you by the tail I can lift you up and flip you." He winced as she bit him and lifted him up. He landed as he said. "Thank you, today are we going to teach me to fly?" He curled his bit tail under him as the elven escorts looked on in awe.

"Ok, first get on my back... without using your legs, ok?" Saphira said as she laid down as low as she could get. "What? How am I going to manage that?" He said, not quite as excited as he was a moment ago. "Oh yeah fly up there." He added. While crouching Eragon flexed his new wings out to figure out which muscles he would have to use while flying. "Ok, here I go." He sent as he jumped and flapped his new wings giving out almost at once. "It's harder than... it looks" he stuttered, trying to catch his breath. "I know I just didn't want you to complain when I told you to strengthen your wings before I teach you to fly." She said in what could only be amusement.

"Oh, and I suppose you find this funny." Eragon replied with a badly repressed laugh. "Mildly, some what, maybe." She finished. "So, what do I really do?" He asked to which Saphira replied. "Continuous flapping without trying to get off the ground will build up wing muscles, just for right now try and move the air with your wings."

He did just that and was slowly working into it, till he tried show off. "Look, my front half is floating off the ground." He said before settling back down to exhausted to continue. "And now you cant even twitch your wings to save your life" She whispered to him with a smirk as she rolled him over on his back again. " Hey, not funny you know I can't get up like this." He said worriedly as he saw her smile deviously as she said. "That's the point." Eragon instantly blushed at this, as did Saphira when she realized what she admitted. "nn-ow you will have to rely on your wings without being able to showoff." Eragon was to busy restraining the thoughts those words caused to notice the stutter, at least till his underbelly wasn't completely exposed.

"Alright, I'll try he said as tried lifting himself with his wings." He and doing so after which he was once again unable to move. "I'm.. done." He said exhausted once again. Saphira looked at him before saying ok and taking his tail in her mouth to flip him back over. "That's enough for today let's get some sleep." Saphira said calmy. "Good, cause I can't even lift my wings." Was all Eragon could reply before, dropping on his his belly fast asleep. "Good night, Eragon." Saphira said in a most caring manor.

Wow i bet you glad i'm finaly updating. Wow my arms hurt almost as much as eragon's wings. Well now yall got a filler and an update . Btw sry it took so long i have no excuse so sry. Ill try to upate more. And for those of you wondering no one is wonder that why at the end it seemed more focused to the romance then him learning thats cause i dont want it to be like a teach/student i want them as a friend/friend at least till one of them admits they're love for the other. Check my profile for where to send questions, comments, and complaints. ps. I like listening to music when i write and during this i was listening to mostly no fear and in the shadows by the rasmus, as well as songs by my chemical romance and thousand foot crutch, even 1 song by soil. All on repeat. Well i guess thats it. Oh wait it would've taken longer to get me to finish this but given-inside's review gave me the inspiration to go on so don't think that they go unread or unappreciated and while there are more i would thank the longer i write this the long till yall read it.