A/N: Thanks to DarkBluePhoenix for beta reading for me. Apologies again for the late update, I hope this chapter was worth the wait. The next few are written so I'll post them once my beta has gone through them.

Destiny's Call

Chapter Six

Stepping out of the shower, Ginny towelled herself dry then threw on a pair of faded jeans and t-shirt. The day had been long and exhausting, all she wanted to do was collapse. She intended on spending the evening at home, relaxing and maybe later, curling up with a good book.

It had been over a week since her unscheduled return from Ethosa; she was tired of questions about why she had cut short her stay. She knew that her family and friends were only worried but it didn't make things any easier. She had told everyone that the arid climate hadn't agreed with her. Ironically, only Marine Reserves had believed the lie. Everyone else was biding their time in the hope that she would tell them her real reasons when she was ready, which Ginny knew would be never.

Her return to England had been as swift and as silent as she could make it. She knew it was cowardly of her but she had directly from Cuba back to Britain after her visit to the Cuban hospital. At least in Britain, she was surrounded by family and friends, just in case….

With swift movements, she combed out her long hair, and as had become usual in the past week, pinned it loosely at the nape of her neck so that loose strands curled on her shoulders obscuring her neck from view. She looked into her dressing table mirror, unsurprised to see the shadows beneath her eyes. Sleep hadn't been easy to come by since her return and she knew that if things carried on the way they were, she would have to resort to dreamless sleep potion, something she had not done since the war.

She sighed deeply, not looking at the mark on her neck, applying the habitual foundation to cover it up. She had told no one of what had happened on her last day on the island and even now, refused to think about it. At some point, she would have to get the mark re-examined and if possible, removed, but it was doing her no harm, so as had become usual, she pushed its existence to the back of her mind.

Straightening her shoulders, she thrust her feet into comfy slippers and made her way to the sitting room, where the sound of the TV could be heard. Clearly May had got home before her, if she was lucky, May had also cooked.

Pinning a smile to her face, Ginny pushed open the door of the sitting room. "Hiya, good day?" She asked brightly, flinging herself on to a beanbag.

"Hello Ginny," Came a deep male voice and she shot upright looking round.

Blaise got up from the sofa, surveying her from hooded eyes, while May wearing a bemused expression that was irritating, sat in the armchair opposite staring at him. Ginny couldn't help remembering that May had been one of the army of girls at Hogwarts who had drawled over Blaise's good looks – clearly her friend who was soon to be married, hadn't matured that much.

"You!" Ginny shrieked, jumping up glaring at Blaise, all too aware of her scruffy jeans, unmade up face and loose hair, "What are you doing here?" The apprehensions of the last week were crowding in on her, making her want to run.

May blinked at Ginny's tone. "Blimey Gin, go easy," she remonstrated, but Ginny ignored her.

"What's he doing here?" She spat angrily, glaring accusingly at the other woman.

"He, as you so charmingly put it, was in London and thought he'd look you up," Blaise replied, unperturbed by her anger. "Plus, I thought I'd return your belongings, those you left in your hotel after your unexpected departure, remember?"

If he had meant to shame Ginny, he didn't succeed. She simply glared back, her hand going instinctively to her wand.

"Blaise was just telling me how you'd met in Ethosa," May put in placatingly, switching off the television with a wave of her wand. "You didn't tell me you'd met up there."

"That's because it's not important," Ginny snapped, conscious of the awkward silence that had descended on the room now the muggle contraption was off.

Blaise merely smiled, inclining his head towards May. "Would you mind leaving us for a while? There's a matter Ginny and I need to discuss."

May leapt to her feet, nodding. Clearly he had got her cooperation while Ginny had been in the shower. "Of course, give me a yell if you need me Gin," Before Ginny could stop her, she had left the room, closing the door behind her.

"How are you?" Blaise asked, taking a step towards Ginny but swiftly she put the coffee table between them and glared back. His expression was strained and she was surprised to see dark shadows beneath his eyes. His mouth too seemed taught with tension.

"I'm fine. Now what do you want?" She asked waving him to a chair on the opposite side of the room while she perched on the sofa edge.

"You certainly don't pull your punches," He said with a twisted smile as he sat down. "I wanted to see you, what's so wrong with that?"

She snorted. "Nothing, coming from anyone else, but from you…"

"From me, it's laden with innuendoes, death threats, and Merlin knows what else," he retorted sarcastically. "I wanted to know why you cut your trip short and returned to England in such haste. The hotel staff became worried when you didn't return that night and sent out search parties to try and locate you. It was only by chance that we realised you had portkeyed back from Cuba. The nephew of our gardener mentioned that he remembered seeing a redhead at their international portkey office, it was easy enough to trace you after that."

Guilt flooded Ginny, but she shrugged. It wouldn't do for him to see how bad she felt about inconveniencing the hotel staff who had been so nice.

"Well you've found me now, so I ask again, what you want." She retorted coldly, her expression glacial.

His mouth tightened at her tone and he pulled something out of his pocket. With a casual flick of his wand, it had been enlarged. She saw it was the trunk she had taken to Ethosa.

"All your stuff's in there," he said in a voice as cold as hers, depositing the trunk on the floor beside the sofa.

"Oh, thanks," she muttered, the colour creeping up her face. Maybe his reasons for visiting were honourable after all. "Um, I hope it wasn't too much trouble to bring it round."

He raised an arrogant brow in challenge. "And if it was?"

"Well, then I'm sorry for the inconvenience to you. It could have been sent by special delivery though." She knew she sounded defensive but no one had asked him to drop it off, so she refused to feel guilty for inconveniencing him.

"You've changed," he said in a quiet voice. "During our school years you'd never have been so thoughtless as to just leave without a word to anyone. Have you any idea what Carlton and his staff went through when they realised you'd not returned for the night? Everyone assumed something awful had happened to you."

Ginny's heart sank and she winced. "I'm sorry, I didn't think. I just….Well…." She tailed off uncertainly.

"You what?" He asked coolly.

"It was the climate. It was so hot and I'd had enough of it," she explained, the words flowing with practiced ease. "I just had to get away from the sticky heat or I would have melted! I hadn't realised the island was so hot and the mosquitoes! I was bitten raw no matter how many repelling charms I tried."

"I see," he drawled. Then changing the subject he asked, "Mother said that you had called to speak to me that afternoon. Was something wrong?"

"Oh it was nothing much, I just wanted to know where that club we went to actually was," she improvised hurriedly, folding her arms before her in an unconsciously defensive gesture.

"Are you sure that was your reason for wanting to talk to me?" He asked in a level voice, his gaze holding hers.

"Of course," she responded, too quickly.

He moved so fast that she had barely registered it when he was sitting beside her, pushing back her hair to expose the right side of her neck.

"What-" she spluttered trying to pull back but his grip was too firm.

He was staring at her neck, his expression intent.

"Where is it?" He demanded, eyes glittering as they took in the apparently blemish free skin.

"Where's what?" She asked, despising the breathy quality of her voice. His sudden movement had unnerved her and she tried to pull away.

"The mark, it should be visible, glamour charms don't work on it," he replied agitatedly.

"What are you talking ab-" she gasped as sensations she had never before felt, ripped through her at the contact of his probing fingers on the mark.

"Skourgify," he murmured.

She knew without looking that her carefully applied foundation had been removed.

"That's better," he said sounding relieved. "The mark should be seen not hidden." To emphasise his words, he tucked her hair behind her ears into the back of her t-shirt so that the side of her neck was visible.

"Why? What is it anyway?" She burst out, her curiosity getting the better of her surprise.

His expression was easier as he looked down at her, his fingers running through her hair, as though the contact was soothing him.

"I don't believe you don't know, not with a background such as yours. Besides, Liza Harwood said she'd explained what it was when you visited the Cuban Care Trust for Magical Folk, and she should know."

"No I don't," she snapped defiantly, attempting and failing to dislodge his fingers, while resolutely ignoring the pleasurable feeling evoked by the gentle stroking of his fingers against her scalp. The clean scent of his skin, a combination of sandalwood and something she couldn't name was wafting over her, and it was all she could do not to fling herself against him, another impulse that was annoying her with its unexpectedness.

"Oh yes you do," he smiled warmly. "Your eyes give you away, my dear Ginny."

"I'm not your dear anything," she snapped back, her cheeks pink.

"Aren't you?"

She made to leap up but he was too quick for her, pinioning her small frame beneath him on the sofa and burying his face in her hair.

Ginny felt panic well up within her, opening her mouth to scream for May, but Blaise anticipating this raised a casual hand and she knew that a silencing charm had been cast over the room.

"Let me go!" She gasped, lashing out at him with her fists. Her wand, in the back pocket of her jeans, was inaccessible and worse than useless.

Taking one arm from around her, he gripped her wrists with ease pulling them above her head. At the same moment, he shifted his lower body so that his weight was on her legs, effectively pinioning them.

"Stop it," he commanded, as she began to thrash her body from side to side in an effort to throw him off. "You'll hurt yourself and I won't allow that."

"Won't allow it? Who the hell do you think you are to allow anything? Let me go, you oaf!" She screeched, trying to bite him, but he merely turned aside so she couldn't reach.

"For Merlin's sake, calm down," he said. "I won't let you go until you do."

"If you don't I'll scream," she threatened in desperation.

"Ginny, stop it. The more you fight me, the harder you're making it for yourself, now lie still."

Tears were stinging her eyes, and because she could do nothing else, she did as he asked.

"That's better," he murmured, fingers rubbing over her entrapped wrists. "Now, I'm going to let your wrists go, one move to attack, it'll be a full body bind, ok?"

She glared up at him, but gave a reluctant nod. Anything to stop the confusion of feelings welling up with her at the feel of his hard body pressed into hers. If he let her up, she could get to her wand, then they'd be on equal terms.

He took his fingers from her wrists, but instead of releasing them, began to chafe them so that they didn't feel so sore. He shifted his weight to lie beside her, trapping her against the back of the sofa.

Ginny pulled her wrists from his grasp, and propped herself up on her elbow. "Could you move please? I want to get up."

"Do I have to?" He sighed. "I'm comfortable here with you." Before she could stop him, he'd wrapped both arms round her, pulling their bodies together. This contact was a lot more intimate than having his weight on her, and sensations Ginny didn't think existed, leapt to life in her suddenly tingling body.

"Please," she requested, hoping her voice didn't tremble.

"I'm not going to hurt you little one," he soothed, running a hand over her back. "I'd never do that."

The endearment made her catch her breath. Nothing Brian or any other man had ever called her, had sounded as sincere as this. She relaxed slightly, acknowledging that it felt good being held in this way. "I'm not used to this," she muttered to break the silence between them.

"I should hope not," he smiled back, drawling her head onto his shoulder and putting his arm round her. "See how well we fit together? Even if I do say so myself."

Ginny looked down at their reclining forms, admitting though very reluctantly, that their bodies despite being so different in size, did indeed fit neatly together. "Yes, but it's not right," she protested, conscious of her breasts pressing into his chest, his hips resting intimately against hers, and a tell-tail bulge against her thigh.

"Ginny, I'm part-Veela and you're my mate. Of course it's right," he contradicted, his arm tightening.

There it was, said at last. Ginny had expected to feel angry, upset, and many other emotions when or if ever it was stated so bluntly, but all she felt was a dull weariness. "You don't know that, your mate could be anyone."

He merely smiled. "No my darling, there's no mistake." He made to kiss her, but she quickly turned her face so that his lips landed on her cheek.

"But how do you know?" She questioned, looking for any way out while trying to ignore the tingle where his lips had touched.

"There are ways; each family has its own method of searching for their mates."

"And what's yours?" She continued inching away from him so that her back was pressed uncomfortably against the sofa back. "It's possible you made a mistake, it's easy enough to do."

"Actually, it's impossible. We use pheromones. Our mates are the only ones who have the power of making us want them purely by their scent. I don't have to look at you to want to be with you, I merely have to breathe in." This he did with gusto.

She blushed at the overt way he was looking at her, not troubling to hide his attraction, as his eyes lingered on her breasts before skimming downwards, then back to her face.

"You're wrong," she stated emphatically. "I'm not anyone's mate and that's an end to it." She tried to get up but he put a restraining hand on her arm, pushing her down again.

"Look, I know this must be difficult for you to accept, but there's no mistake," he said patiently. "I've known for quite some time it was you."

"Rubbish," she denied hotly. "Now please let me up."

"Not until you've accepted that I'm telling the truth."

"I'm hardly going to do that when you're imprisoning me like this, now am I?" She challenged mockingly.

He sighed and sat up, swinging his feet to the floor. She too scrambled up, ignoring his helping hand, swiftly moving as far away as the room would allow.

"OK, I've let you up, now will you listen?" He asked wearily.

"I'll listen, but whether I believe you is another matter."

He nodded. "You will, but there's no need to put the width of the room between us. Come here and I'll explain all." He patted the seat beside him, and after a momentary hesitation, she crossed to sit next to him, her right hand gripping her wand for reassurance.

"That's better," he said putting an arm round her, and taking her free hand in his other hand. "Now, I'll try and explain this as best I can. There are bits of it that even I don't understand."

Ginny nodded, suppressing a shiver in spite of herself. She had heard of veela, been brought up on tales of them but in her wildest dreams, she had never thought to be in this situation.

"You see," Blaise said caressing her palm with his thumb, "It started in the sixteenth century for our family anyway. The head of the family at that time, fell in love with and married a veela. From all accounts they were happy together and produced two sons, who were half veela. The most notable characteristic they inherited from their mother was the urge to find a mate. Not any old witch, but a specific person destined to be there's. It's said that our mates complement us in every way. Without the right witch, we perish. So, the tradition you may call it, began and has never died out in the male line. On our 24th birthdays we start the search for her and if we don't find her, we die."

She winced at the baldness of this statement, her fingers curling unconsciously round his. "Have there been times when the witch has never been found?"

"Oh yes, but the last was in the early 18th century."

A knot of tension was forming in Ginny stomach. "Yes, but all this hasn't answered my question, how do you know that I'm the one for you?"

"I was getting to that," he parried patiently. "There are certain things we can do to make it easier to find our mates, I won't go into it now but suffice to say that once we've found her, we're in no doubt of it."

"Yes, but how do you know?" She asked again, pulling her hand from his and starting to feel exasperated.

"We come alive, suddenly everything is a lot brighter, food tastes better, and our wish to live increases. It's as though we've found the other half of ourselves. We finally know what it is to want to 'make love' to another person. Before we discover our mates, sex is merely a physical urge, and not in the least connected with our motions. Before I knew it was you, I'd get through twenty women a week and not notice or care, now…now only you matter." Before she could pull away, he kissed her cheek.

"No, this is a mistake. A crass and awful mistake," she contradicted, feeling defensive and out of her depth. "Face it Zabini, the only reason you want me is because I'm the only one who won't fall at your feet. I suppose rejection is hard to take," she announced removing his arm and moving to the other side of the room. "I've heard lots of chat up lines but none as unique as this one." She smiled in an attempt to take the sting out of her words but he didn't seem to see it.

"Are you doubting me?" He asked in a quiet voice which raised the hairs on the back of her neck.

"It's not for me to doubt. All I'm saying is that I'm not your mate and that's an end of things. It's been an unfortunate mistake but these things happen, and after all, no harm's been done," she gabbled bravely.

His eyes had darkened and his whole body was taught as though ready for a fight. Ginny had half a mind to run out of the room but her stubborn nature kept her rooted to the spot meeting his intense gaze.

"No Ginny. You're the one who's mistaken," he breathed, "but that's ok. I can understand that it's a lot to take in and you've not had much preparation. You'll get used to the idea. The more time we spend with one another, the more you'll see we're meant to be together."

Desperation tinge her next words and overrode caution as she almost shouted, "No, we're not. I am Brian's fiancé and that's the end of things. You're harbouring under an illusion, sorry but there it is."

For the second time that evening, she gasped in fright as he moved across the room with the speed of a bullet, seizing her shoulders and flinging her on to the sofa while leaning over her, his pupils dilated.

"No, it's you who're mistaken," he rasped, bending his head and latching on to the mark on her neck.

Immediately, heat began to suffuse her whole body, making it tingle; it felt as though every nerve ending had leapt to life. The urge to fight was quashed and she whimpered as need flooded her, tightening her muscles until it was almost painful. She couldn't have fought the sensation if she'd tried. Instead, she made no objection when Blaise's arm went round her holding her to him. His other hand cupped her left breast, the nipple already stiff with desire.

"Oh Merlin," she moaned as his teeth again raked the mark he'd given her. She felt on fire as his fingers slid beneath her top, under her lacy bra and on to her bare breast finding the stiff nipple.

Taking his mouth from her neck, he covered her parted lips with his, his tongue sliding skilfully into her mouth caressing and stroking. Ginny couldn't think or breathe as sensations she'd only read about raced through her. She was unaware of her arms going around his neck, or returning his kisses with a hunger she hadn't thought she possessed.

He again latched on to her neck with his mouth, while pinching her nipple, it felt as though her neck was on fire. Intense heat shot through her entire body, making it quake and convulse so that she cried out.

Then he was pulling away from her, withdrawing his fingers from her breast and righting her clothing.

"Are you ok?" He asked, gazing anxiously into her flushed face.

His words acted like a bucket of cold water on Ginny. She blinked up at him dazedly, not quite sure what had happened or how.

"What?" She gasped sitting up and staring at him through glazed eyes.

"I just wanted to check you were ok, sorry if I bruised you."

"You what? Bruised me how?" Even to her own ears, her response made no sense and she scrambled away from him to the other side of the room.

"I had to pinch you to ensure the sealing of the mark, I tried to be gentle," he explained.

"Seal the mark? What do you mean?"

"It's part of the mating ritual." He moved to the window. "No marking is complete unless the mark is then sealed."

Ginny digested this, not understanding what had happened, but knowing instinctively that it wasn't good for her. Anger licked at her, so she decided to give him a piece of her mind.

"How dare you touch me?" She spat glaring at him. "Who do you think you are? Your caveman tactics may work on some deluded women but not me, so kindly get out!"

His expression which had been concerned hardened, he glared back just as angrily. "Concern is wasted on you," he spat. "I had to seal the mark whether you like it or not. Admittedly I would have chosen to do it under different circumstances and with less haste, but you running away from Ethosa like that left me no choice."

She scoffed in disbelief. "Please spare me the histrionics. Next you'll be saying that it's my fault all this happened." She waved a hand between them.

"Actually it is," he retorted coldly. "If you'd not pulled your disappearing act, I wouldn't be in such a state. I was severely weakened from having given you the mark, next thing I knew you'd gone and no one knew where. Instinct forced me to find you and seal the mark."

Ginny had the impression he would have said more, but had stopped himself. "Why were you weakened?" She asked, curiosity overtaking her anger.

"Because it's not easy marking a mate, let alone one who's drunk. You could barely walk in a straight line that night and therefore weren't very cooperative during the marking. I had to lower your pain receptors so that the marking didn't hurt you, not an easy task when your bloodstream was so overloaded with alcohol."

"So is it easier when the other person is sober then?"

"Yes, they automatically lower their own pain receptors."

"I see. Well it was your own fault for taking us to that club in the first place." She knew this was a childish reaction but was determined not to give in.

He arched a brow at this. "Oh? I doubt you would have let me mark you whilst sober but we won't go into that."

"And the sealing of the mark? What's that all about?" She rubbed unconsciously at her shoulder as she said this.

"Confirmation if you like of the marking," he replied briefly.

There was a silence and Ginny knew that he wasn't telling her the whole truth. By the frozen look he was giving her, he wasn't going to either.

Her anger had been replaced by a burning curiosity mixed with unease about the mark, which warred with denial and the urge to bury her head in the sand.

As though Blaise had read her thoughts he said, "Look, I'm not saying this is easy for you, far from it. So I have a suggestion." At her raised brow, he went on, "We get to know each other, just as friends at first. We can take it as slowly as you want. That will give you time to get used to the situation and when you're comfortable, we can move on."

"Oh no, I'm not sure about that," she began shaking her head, but Blaise raised a hand to forestall her.

"The alternative is that I take you back to Ethosa with me and we still get to know each other but in a setting of my choice. Technically I can give you the last two marks now, but it will be very painful for you, and humiliating as after a while, your body will be governed by your need for me however much your mind protests."

Her eyes widened in horror and she gripped her wand tightly. "No Ministry of Magic will let you get away with that," she objected, her anger back in full force. "It's barbaric to say the least. My family and the British Ministry of Magic won't allow it!"

His smile was humourless. "You know as well as I do that no one will lift a finger to stop me. Marriages are dissolved if it's found that one partner is the mate of a part-veela, and you're single!"

"But no one knows that I'm your supposed mate," she drawled in an ultra-reasonable voice.

"I was getting to that," he shrugged. "Now again, I'll give you a choice. Either we do this the easy way, and I won't inform the press, or we can do it the hard way and I'll enlighten every newspaper this side of the equator. Being who we are, it'll attract a lot of attention don't you think? As for the Ministry, I've already notified the Caribbean Ministry and plan to let the British Ministry know tomorrow morning."

Before she could stop herself, she was standing in front of him, her hand on his arm. "Please, don't tell them. Don't tell the British Ministry. There's no need for them to know." Panic was welling inside her. She knew that once the Ministry had been alerted, they would keep tabs on both of them, a constant watch to ensure they got together. They wouldn't listen to any protests from her about their being a mistake and she would lose all control of the situation.

Blaise studied her for a long moment his expression inscrutable. Then he nodded. "OK, if that's what you want. But one move to oppose me, and I'll let everyone know before you can blink, the media included."

Ginny gulped nervously, knowing that she had barely avoided outside interference. If the Ministry knew, she would be forced to spend time with Blaise whether she liked it or not. Also, her family would find out from a source other than her and they didn't need to know. Hopefully she had bought herself enough time to come up with a plan to put this matter to rest.

"OK," she croaked. "But we need to work this out properly."

Blaise yawned widely, and for the first time, she noticed his pallor and the look of exhaustion he wasn't troubling to hide. Clearly she wasn't the only one who was sleep deprived.

"Yes, but do you mind if we don't do it tonight? I'm shattered and suffering from travel lag on top of everything else. How about I take you out tomorrow evening for dinner? Then we can discuss the whole thing in detail."

Relieved, she nodded. "Good idea."

He must have seen something in her expression for putting a hand on her shoulder he warned, "But one move to avoid me in any way, and I promise you, the story will be in every paper before you've taken a breath. I'll also notify the British Ministry and every other Ministry in Europe. I'll pick you up tomorrow evening at 7, is that ok?"

Ginny knew a real threat when she saw one and nodded again. "Don't worry, I'll be here," she said ungraciously.

"Good. Now if you don't mind, I'll be off. I've not slept properly for longer than I care to remember and am shattered from the journey. May I use your floo? I don't want to risk apparating right now."

She nodded moving across to the unlit fireplace. "Help yourself." She held out the pot of floo powder and stood back. "Good night."

Bending, he kissed her cheek. "Good night, sleep well." Taking a pinch of floo powder, he scattered it into the fireplace and stepped into the green flames, calling, "Thornwell!" With a whoosh he was gone.

Ginny went out into the hall and leaned against the wall feeling drained. That had been the most stressful encounter she'd had for a long time and she wasn't looking forward to the next evening.

May's voice made her look up. "Finally, has he gone then? He took long enough, what were you talking about for so long?"

"Don't ask," Ginny grimaced going back to the sitting room. "Tea?"

May nodded. Then spotting Ginny's trunk she asked, "Blimey, did he drop this off?"

"Yes," came the flat response as Ginny busied herself with the kettle.

May waited until they were seated once more with steaming mugs of tea before continuing her inquisition. "So what did he say when he dropped the stuff off? I don't see why he couldn't have done that in front of me."

"Neither do I," Ginny replied sighing.

"What's up?" May frowned peering into Ginny's tired face. "You seem really down. He wasn't horrible was he?"

"No more than usual. Anyway, I don't want to talk about him now, tell me about your day, how was work?"

May looked as though she'd protest, then thinking better of it, began to chat inconsequently allowing Ginny's tired mind to go over the events of the evening.

Ginny wasn't surprised that Blaise had found her with such ease, but his assertion about them being mates was very unwelcome. For the first time, she wondered if it may be true and goose bumps ran up her spine. It couldn't be the case, it just couldn't….

"Gin?" May's hesitant voice pulled her from her thoughts. "What's wrong? You look so worried. Its Blaise isn't it, I wish you could tell me what the matter is, and maybe I can help. I did sleep with him a few times in school after all."

As it was meant to, her last sentence caused Ginny to shoot upright staring at her, surprised. "When? You didn't tell me!"

May shrugged. "That's because you didn't like him. It was in 5th year, only a few times but boy was he a good lay! I hoped it may develop into something more, but he said from the start that he didn't want a relationship. Alas…"

"So what was he like?" Ginny asked in an off-hand tone, hiding her curiosity.

"What to sleep with? Frigging brilliant, I had more orgasms with him than any other partner. Mike, bless him, is a wonderful person, but not in the same league as Blaise when it comes to pleasing a woman. I don't think there's many in the same league as him when it comes to that actually."

"No, I meant his personality," Ginny said exasperated. "Honestly May, you have a filthy mind. Not everyone wants to know about your sex life, thanks very much."

May laughed. "Well, we didn't spend too much time talking as it happens. He's very upfront though, I'll give him that. He said it would be sex without strings; I could take it or leave it. Actually I don't think he ever had a real relationship with anyone at school. He shagged and left them. Those who didn't have any sense got hurt, most took what they could and accepted his terms."

"But you're muggleborn. He's one of those who thinks that blood purity is everything."

May laughed cynically. "When it comes to sex, they don't give a toss one way or the other about your blood. I fancied him, he offered and that was that."

"So how many people did he sleep with in school?" Ginny asked, slightly appalled but fascinated all the same.

"Bugger knows, but plenty. Come on Gin, you must remember his reputation!"

"Yeah, but unlike you lot, I didn't find his so called charms particularly interesting."

"Well you wouldn't, if you were going out with Harry Potter," May sighed dreamily. "I still say that Blaise is heaps better looking though. Those eyes, and that body!" She groaned theatrically making Ginny laugh. "Mind you, we're veering from the point, what did he want with you? It doesn't take almost two hours to deliver a trunk." She frowned as though struck by a thought. "He's not after you is he?"

"What? No," Ginny denied. "It was work related stuff he wanted to discuss."

"Hmm, let's hope so. If by any chance he's after you, don't go there. You're not the type to play fast and loose and you'll get hurt," May advised frowning. "Gin, he doesn't do relationships, never has done and probably never will. Steer clear."

The jangling of the telephone May used to communicate with her muggle family, interrupted the conversation and May got up to answer it. Ginny sighed again. Her friend's words rather than bringing her any comfort were even more disquieting. Getting up, she fetched a book, anything to take her mind off her troubles if only for an hour or so.


The exclusive muggle restaurant was busy, with booths lining the walls to ensure the diners some privacy. Large chandeliers glittered down, the light arching over the elaborate flower arrangements on each table and large paintings of beautiful landscapes dotted about. Waiters glided between tables bearing plates of exquisitely prepared food to wealthy customers.

Ginny leaned back in her chair, feeling replete and more relaxed than she thought possible in Blaise's company. "I don't think I could eat another thing," she said, taking the dessert menu from the waiter. "I'm full."

So much for her plan to have an in depth discussion about the mark he had given her, now she could barely think, let alone start grilling him. Each time she had tried to bring the topic up, he had neatly sidestepped it, asking her a question, or relating an anecdote about his childhood, which had successfully diverted her attention. Maybe once they were out of the restaurant she would return to the attack.

Opposite her, Blaise smiled lazily. "Are you sure? They do a wonderful chocolate melt that's worth tasting."

"Well…." She hesitated.

"Tell you what, I'll finish it if you can't," he offered. "I'm a pig where desserts are concerned, so it won't be a problem."

"Fair enough," she smiled and the waiter having taken their orders, glided away.

Glancing idly at her watch, she blinked in surprise. "Surely we can't have been here for two hours!"

"Two hours and 3 minutes," Blaise corrected with a grin. "Time flies when you're having fun."

She nodded, unable to refute this. "Yes, but I didn't expect…That is…." She tailed off awkwardly.

"Relax, it's ok," he said easily, running his fingers over the back of her hand, making tingles shoot up her arm. "It's like most things in life, not as bad in reality as in dreams."

The last two hours had been spent chatting inconsequently about their lives, and she had found herself telling him about her love of marine creatures and her over protective family. He had proved an attentive listener, asking few questions but missing nothing. He had told her about growing up in Ethosa and his father's death soon after his first birthday. To her surprise, she had been fascinated and the conversation had flowed easily, with none of the awkward pauses she had expected.

"Ginny, may I ask you something?"

The question made her look up into his dark eyes and she nodded while withdrawing her hand.

"What is there between Brian Forsett and you?"

Ginny's heart sank and she gave an inward sigh. She had wondered when he would broach the subject of her recent engagement. She looked into his troubled eyes, and knew that as much as she wanted to, she could not prevaricate or tell an untruth.

"Absolutely nothing. There hasn't been for ages." She shrugged in what she hoped was a dismissive manner.

"But you were engaged to be married, you must have been close at one point," he persisted leaning forward, eyes intent on her face.

Looking down at her napkin, she hesitated, unsure how much to tell him. "Well, yes, but it didn't last."

"Did your parents like him?"

She frowned, this was an odd question and not one she had expected. "Well, yeah."

"So they got on then, Forcett and your parents that is."

At that moment the waiter arrived with their desserts and Ginny was relieved for the interruption. While he set out plates of the chocolate confectionary before them, she thought back to her parent's attitudes to Brian. They hadn't disliked him, but nor had they liked him much. She suspected that her mother in particular was just glad that she was going to get married.

"Well?" Blaise prodded as the waiter left.

"They got on as well with him as anyone," she replied neutrally. Let him make what he liked of that.

Blaise seemed satisfied and picking up his dessert spoon, dug in. For a few moments there was silence as they enjoyed the frothy concoction of three types of chocolate and whipped cream.

"There's a Weird Sisters concert on Friday evening, fancy going?" Blaise asked in a casual voice.

"Tickets sold out months ago," Ginny sighed wistfully. "They're like gold dust." She and Brian had tried to get tickets when the concert had been publicised but within hours, they had been snapped up.

He smiled knowingly. "Don't worry about that, I know their manager, if you want to go, I can get tickets."

Before she could think better of it, she nodded eagerly. "Oh wow, that'd be great."

The rest of the meal was spent talking about the Weird Sisters and Ginny forgot the awkwardness of earlier.

"Coffee?" He asked once the dessert plates had been cleared.

At her shake of the head, he settled the bill, and in no time she was standing up. Blaise fastened her coat about her shoulders.

"Come, let's go." He drew her hand through the crook of his arm.

It was as they were half way down the restaurant, that a voice stopped Ginny in her tracks.

"Why if it's not Ginevra Weasley!"

Ginny knew that voice only too well, one of her mother's friends, whom Ginny referred to as Aunt Edith.

Slowly she turned to face the older woman, who had risen majestically from her seat and was eyeing the couple standing before her with frank curiosity.

"Well, now this is a turn up for the books," she beamed, giving Ginny a smacking kiss on the cheek. "It's wonderful to see you my dear. Your mother's just in the ladies room, she'll be delighted!"

Horror engulfed Ginny. It was one thing to meet Aunt Edith here, another altogether to see her mother. What were they doing in a muggle restaurant anyway?

"Oh, I wouldn't dream of disturbing you," Ginny began backing away, but Blaise's hand in the small of her back stopped her.

"We're in no hurry," he said, stepping forward and taking Edith's be ringed hand. "Blaise Zabini, very nice to meet you Madam."

Edith beamed widely. "Edith Sugden, very nice to meet you too young man. I'm a friend of Molly's and we're catching up over a nice meal. I've known this one," she pulled Ginny to her in a one armed hug, "since she was an hour old!"

"Really?" Blaise smiled broadly. "That's incredible."

"It is," Edith smile softened. "The best day of Molly and Arthur's lives when this one came into the world."

"Oh Aunt Edith, honestly." Ginny muttered her face reddening.

"Don't 'oh aunt' me young lady," Edith said reprovingly. "It's true and you know it." Turning to Blaise she continued, "Not that they don't adore the rest of their family, but this one is rather special. There hasn't been a girl in the Weasley family for three generations you know. Now are you two young people on a date?"

Ginny had barely opened her mouth to say no when her Mother's voice made her stiffen and look round in alarm.

"Ginny? What are you doing here?"

Merlin's Balls, Ginny should have known that things were going too well. She glanced round for an escape but none presented itself as molly Weasley bore down on them.

"Mum, fancy seeing you here," Ginny said nervously glancing at the door of the restaurant and wondering if she could make a run for it.

"Indeed." Molly eyed her daughter with frank curiosity, before turning to Blaise who took her hand.

"Blaise Zabini, it's very nice to meet you Mrs Weasley. I've heard so much about you," he smiled and Ginny could see her mother was charmed.

"Ah yes, my husband Arthur mentioned you a while back, you met Ginny in Ethosa I believe."

Both nodded.

"I was just asking if they were on a date Molly," Edith chipped in helpfully.

"And are you?" Molly asked, not troubling to hide her curiosity. "If so, I do like your choice of restaurant."

"No," Ginny denied, hating the colour that crept insidiously into her cheeks.

"As I was in London for a while, I thought I'd look Ginny up," Blaise said easily though Ginny doubted either woman was convinced.

"I know my husband would like to meet you," Molly said sitting down. "Ginny dear, be sure to bring Blaise round for dinner sometime."

"Mum, he doesn't have time for things like that," Ginny muttered irritably but Blaise to her further annoyance shook his head.

"I would love to, thank you very much Mrs Weasley."

Deciding she'd had enough, Ginny turned pointedly away and moved a few steps towards the door, but Blaise did not follow her so she was forced to turn back.

"Excellent," Molly beamed. "How long are you in London? We wouldn't want to inconvenience you in any way."

"For quite a while, I've business interests here."

Molly paused for a moment thinking. "Well, we're free Monday evening if you are." She gave them an enquiring glance which Blaise answered with a smile.

"I am. Ginny?"

She looked into his eyes and wished she hadn't. He looked so hopeful, the words of refusal died on her lips. "Well, I can't stay too late, I've an early start on Tuesday," she finally compromised, annoyed with her own inability to say no. What was wrong with her for Merlin's sake?

Both her mother and Blaise beamed. "That's settled then," Molly said. "We'll expect you both around 7."

"Thank you very much," Blaise smiled back. "I look forward to it. Now we really had better make a move." He took Ginny's arm. "It's been lovely Meeting you Madam Sugden. Until Monday Mrs. Weasley."

Both women waved as Ginny and Blaise made their way out of the restaurant. Ginny waited until they had walked a little way down the quiet street before turning to Blaise.

"Look," she said stopping and facing him, her expression earnest. "I don't think you realise what 'dinner' with my parents entails."

"Oh?" He asked.

"It's not just dinner if you know what I mean."

He shook his head. "No, I'm afraid I don't. Let's walk through the gardens and you can explain."

He nodded to a footpath which lead to a quiet and well maintained public park which thankfully was deserted. Ginny turned towards it, barely conscious of his arm slipping round her shoulders as they made their solitary way to the locked gates. Blaise muttered an unlocking charm and the gates swung open.

As they walked across the springy grass to a bench, she wondered how to explain her dilemma without touching on subjects she wanted to avoid. She didn't want Blaise meeting her parents yet. She knew that her parents would read far too much into the acquaintance, and cringed at the thought of them finding out about Blaise being part veela and all it entailed.

Blaise paused as they got to the bench, pointing his wand at it. "That's better," he said, stowing his wand away and drawing her down beside him on to the bench, to which she realised he'd added cushioning and warming charms.

"Now," he smiled looking into her worried face, "tell me what's so awful about us going to your parents for dinner."

She decided not to protest as he drew her against him so that her head rested on his shoulder and he put an arm round her. She was comfortable and there was no point in annoying him before she had to. The clean scent of him invaded her nostrils, unconsciously she breathed more deeply.

"Well, the thing is that my parents are very presumptuous," she began hesitantly, picking her words with care. "My mum especially, sees every man, even casual acquaintances as possible sons-in-law, no matter how much I try and put her straight. I don't dare introduce her to any male friends in case she gets the wrong idea, and after what happened with Brian, she's been worse than usual."

She didn't notice the way Blaise clenched his teeth at her reference to male friends but a moment later, his expression had regained its original calm.

"But that's more than understandable," he replied gently, smiling in to her eyes, "They're just looking out for you. Any parents would do the same."

"No, you don't get it," she explained in some exasperation. "They're, well, constantly vetting any male to see if he comes up to scratch if you see what I mean."

He raised his brows questioningly, and heat crept up Ginny's face. She swallowed nervously, wishing that she'd never started this conversation but knowing that she had to make him see reason.

"And what's so wrong with that?" He asked silkily.

"There's nothing wrong with it, if you know each other well, but we don't and that's my point. I really do think that we should postpone this meeting…For a while anyway." She hoped she sounded reasonable.

Blaise's expression was thoughtful as he gazed into her face. She stared back determinedly. Then he shook his head and her heart plummeted.

"No, I don't think so."


"Ginny, listen. Your parents and I have to meet at some time anyway; it may as well be now as later. In fact the more I think about it, the more I like the idea. It's only right that they know who their daughter is seeing - it's not as though it's a temporary affair between us."

Frustration sharpened her voice as she retorted, "But we've only just met. What's the hurry in meeting my parents? It won't change anything between us! If anything it'll make things even more tense than they are already. Do you want that?"

The thought of jeopardising a fragile relationship had stopped previous dates from pressing this particular point and she was sure that this time things would be no different. Blaise however shook his head.

"We both know the real reason why you don't want me to meet your parents. In your position I'd feel the same, but it doesn't change things. If it makes you feel better though, I'll say that we met in Ethosa and took it from there which is the truth." He gave a twisted smile she couldn't decipher.

Ginny scowled, controlling her temper with an effort. It wouldn't do to anger him, there was too much at stake. She would have to bargain instead – anything to buy herself more time. Maybe she would appeal to his better nature – after all according to Fleur, part veela didn't like upsetting their mates so she would see if she could use that.

"Can't we just pretend we're friends like you said last night? Trust me, at this stage, it'll be less conspicuous, they're much more likely to accept it. This way we can just say we met up and have kept in touch since I got back. Chances are that a few of my dear brothers will also turn up, it'll be less hassle all round if we say we're friends, please?" She wheedled, eyes wide as they looked into his.

It was Blaise's turn to swallow. She watched in satisfaction as he looked away, clearly torn.

"Well, I don't know," he hedged and she took swift advantage of his indecision.

"Please, it'd mean so much to me. I wouldn't have to worry about my brothers' and parents reactions just yet which would be such a weight off my mind. Then when they've got used to you, we can tell them how things stand. It'll be less of a shock for them as they'll know you by then," she cajoled, hoping he'd take the bait.

Blaise sighed and gave a reluctant nod. "OK, but soon, we'll explain the whole situation to them. I don't like all this cloak and dagger stuff, it's unnecessary and highly inconvenient."

"Definitely," she agreed relieved. "Now we'd better go before some muggle comes along and spots us."

They stood up and Blaise held out an arm. "It's late, so I'll drop you off before going home."

"Oh there's no need-" she protested but he shook his head.

"Not at all, shall we?"

Hoping that May was still out, she took his arm and they disapparated.