In Asuna, Konoka and Negi's room…or in Asuna's head, to be precise…


"Asuna-kun, I've been in love with you for as long as I can remember. We don't need a stupid love potion to be in each other's arms…" he said smoothly, pushing up his glasses.

"Ehh!" was all the stunned Asuna could say as the snow fell quietly around both of them. Takahata threw away the cup with the love potion Negi made. Asuna's eyes followed it as it fell onto the snow covered sidewalk. Takahata grabbed hold of her hands and pulled her closer to him. Asuna looked at him and her jaw hit the floor.

"N-N-Negi?" she stuttered, almost screaming. She was looking at Negi's hazel eyes, entranced by them. "W-What the—?"

"I'm madly in love with you Asuna-san…" Negi said cutting her off. He put his thumb under her chin and kissed her. The whole time, Asuna had been flailing her arms around trying to understand what was happening.

After what seemed like forever to Asuna, they broke apart. "What did you do that for! I couldn't breathe!" Asuna said, inhaling and exhaling as if she had just been underwater.

"Your lips are surprisingly soft," Negi said, smiling warmly. A faint blush rose to Asuna's cheeks.

"And why shouldn't they b— what!" Asuna snapped, fighting the urge to hit Negi and send him flying to another dimension. Well, the urge won and….um…you get what happens next.

In Asuna's bed…

Asuna woke up in her bed, not surprised to see Negi with his arms wrapped around her and his face so very close to hers. But what she was surprised about was the fact that her arms were wrapped around his neck. Once again, a faint blush rose to her cheeks.

She had her fist raised, ready to hit Negi and send him flying to another dimension (or hospital), but lowered it and just looked at the sleeping Negi.

'What the heck am I doing?' she thought staring at Negi. 'This is usually my cue to punch him!'

"Hmmph…" Konoka uttered this small sound from underneath the bed. Asuna freaked out thinking of what Konoka would say if she saw Asuna just staring at Negi. After a while, frozen in her position, she confirmed the healer was really asleep. "Mmm…Secchan…"

'Ha ha…Setsuna-san and Konoka do make a cute couple,' Asuna thought smiling. 'Just like me and Negi…' Her eyes widened at the thought. 'Wait, wait! Rewind! What? I do not like Negi!' she screamed (in her head) hitting herself (on the head).

But as she looked at him, she couldn't help but think that he really was handsome; with those innocent hazel eyes and that strange shade of red as his hair color. He looked so at peace while sleeping.

"I guess he's…sorta…cute," she muttered under her breath and as quickly as she said it, she clasped her hand over her mouth. 'What did I just say? I did not just say that!' she thought hoping against hope that Kamo-perve didn't hear.

She let go of her mouth and relaxed after the perverted ermine didn't appear screaming about a perverted Asuna. 'I now have a right to think that I'm going insane…'

Negi wrapped his arms around her waist tightly, bringing her closer to him. She panicked for a while and then let him be. She wrapped her arms around his neck again, putting their heads together.

"I'll kill you some other time. Besides, you look pretty beat." She closed her eyes.

The next day…

Asuna flicked her eyes open and the first thing she saw was a sleeping Negi. She gave a small gasp as the events of last night came pouring back to her.

"Morning, Asuna! You guys sure look cute together like that," Konoka said cheerfully, cooking breakfast on their small stove.

"Eh!" No, no…y-you've got the wrong idea! I-It's just…he— " Asuna stuttered, feeling all the blood in her veins go to her cheeks.

"Ha ha…Asuna-nee's blushing!" Kamo said, standing on Negi's chest. Asuna punched him without a second thought. He flew across the room and hit the wall. 'Now that everyone's up, I have to do my job,' she thought, raising her fist. 'Hmph. Sorry, Negi.' Her fist made contact with his face as she said, "Baka-Negi!"

He fell off the bed and hit the floor with a loud thud. "Guu….Asuna-san, you're so mean!" he said rubbing his cheek.

"Serves you right for rubbing your hands on me like that!"

"Well, Ane-san, you looked like you enjoyed it!" Kamo said, rubbing his head not fearing another punch from Asuna. Asuna reddened and said, "Sh-Shut up, Kamo-perve!"

Konoka set down the food on the table and laughed. "Besides, Asuna, you're arms were—" Asuna threw a pillow at her face before she could finish.

"Konoka, I swear I'll tell Setsuna-san what you've been dreaming of if you don't keep quiet!" she threatened, remembering Konoka's sleep talk.

The pillow fell, revealing Konoka's red face. "Eh? G-g-gomen, Asuna. I won't say anything," she said.

Negi looked from Asuna to Konoka to Kamo with a confused look. Asuna jumped off the bed and hit him lightly on the head (A/N: Hahaha…that rhymes.). "Don't worry, Negi. You don't have to understand," she said with one eye closed. Negi, still confused, joined the others around the table.

"It's already the spring holidays, right? What're you guys gonna do today?" Asuna asked, munching on her toast.

"W-well…um…I didn't tell you guys but…I'm…um…hanging out with Secchan today," Konoka said quietly, looking down. "Um…it's this afternoon."

"Wow! Really, Konoka-san?" Negi asked, perking up. "I wish I had something to do…"

"I didn't know that you and Setsuna-nee-san were on that stage already," Kamo said with a cunning look on his face.

"W-W-What stage?" Konoka stuttered turning, if possible, even redder. "W-We're just going to watch a m-movie and—"

"Sounds like a date to me," Kamo said, now smoking his cigarette (A/N: Man, that's weird.)

"Shut up, Baka-Kamo!" Asuna said, landing another punch on him. He fell to the floor with a dazed look on his face. "Haa…I see a white light…" he said in a squeaky voice. "…Dad, is that you…?"

Asuna slowly shook her head and said, "At least you have something to do. I'll probably be sleeping all day…"

Kamo suddenly snapped out of his father-and-son meeting and said, "Why don't you guys go on a date?"

"Who's going on a date?" Negi asked looking more confused than ever. Kamo shook his head slowly.

"And I thought you were smart, Aniki! I mean you and Asuna-nee-san!"