Disclaimer: I don't own Negima… (The world wasn't smart enough to make more funny lines that can go after that sentence.)

To ALL Readers: This is for the people who don't read summaries. NEGI is FIFTEEN and so is ASUNA. They are FIFTEEN (15) with a five and a teen! IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE FRIGGIN' PILLS! (In this story, anyway.) It's AUish I guess.


Asuna stood outside Setsuna's bedroom door, wondering what she should say to them. She swung her heavy backpack over her shoulder and sighed. 'Dammit, Asuna! What the hell is wrong with you?' she scolded herself, hands clenched into tight fists. 'They don't know, so just get in there and—'

Her musings were interrupted when she suddenly heard a loud moan from the inside of the room. It was Konoka. Panicking and wondering if Konoka was alright, she reached for the doorknob but stopped midway after she heard a giggle. It was…Ko—Setsuna! She gasped.

'Oh my God, Setsuna can giggle!' she thought, panicking even more. 'God, the things Konoka can make her do…' Asuna couldn't even begin to imagine what they were doing in there. She threw up in her mouth, making her cough loudly. She quickly stopped, wondering if Setsuna sensed her presence. She waited.

There was another moan.

Asuna sweat dropped. "Mental note: Sex dulls the senses," she muttered under her breath. "Man, and here I thought Setsuna was invincible." After going through what she was going to say, (and preparing herself for what she was about to see) she reluctantly knocked on the wooden door.

The giggling and moaning abruptly stopped. Asuna heard shuffling sounds and footsteps approaching the door. The door swung open, revealing Setsuna's flushed face. She was wearing a white bathrobe. Asuna threw up in her mouth again. "Oh, hi, Asuna-san," she said. "Are you okay? You look pale."

"I-I'm fine," Asuna replied, forcing herself to smile. She probably looked like a dead monkey because Setsuna's lips twitched. Konoka, also wearing a robe, suddenly appeared next to Setsuna with the same flushed face.

"Hi, Asuna! What's up?" she said, beaming. Asuna noticed her hair, usually so soft and shiny, was all sticky and tangled up. "Where are you going?" she suddenly asked.

"Huh?" Asuna said, her eyebrows shooting up into her hair. Konoka pointed to her backpack. "Oh, about that, I wanted to talk to you about something. Can I come in?"

"Sure," she said. Setsuna stood back and let her in. Konoka gestured for her to sit down. The other two sat across from her, wondering what was on her mind. But Konoka had already come up with a conclusion.

"Look, Asuna, if you're planning on running away or something, we're not letting you," Konoka blurted out, causing her companions to jump. "If this is about your academic whatevers, forget it. It's not worth it. Yeah, everyone knows your grades really suck, but there's always room for improvement, right? I mean, everyone knows you should be the leader of the baka rangers and at least you've got a rep—"

"That has absolutely nothing to do with why I'm here!" Asuna exclaimed, her cheeks aflame. "Why would I care about my grades? Well, yeah, I wanna impress Takahata-sensei but I'm so over him now—"

"Oh, really?" Konoka said, smirking.

"Wh—?" Asuna began, slamming hand on the small table and rising to her feet, but Setsuna cut her short.

"Ojou-sama, please let Asuna-san talk. We still have some…stuff to do," she said calmly, turning back to Asuna. "Tell us what's on your mind."

Asuna stared at her, wondering if she used to be a psychiatrist in her past life or something. "Um…okay. How do I put this?" she said, sitting down. "Konoka, you know Negi's in England right now, right? And I'm pretty sure you've told Setsuna-san." Both nodded, not knowing where this was going.

"Well, I'm staying there for the rest of spring break," she said, waiting for their reactions. They stared at her blankly. A full minute has passed and there was still no reaction from the swordsman and the healer.

Then Konoka put a finger to her chin and looked thoughtful.

"Where do you want your wedding, Asuna? It could be in this really cute garden with a pretty fountain or it could be in the beach with the sunset…" Konoka said, looking at Asuna's blank face. "Remember? When we were young, you promised I would be the one to plan your marriage. I'll ask grandpa to take care of all the expenses! Now, what would be your motive colors…?"

Asuna gaped at her. "What the hell are you talking about?" she said in an insanely calm voice.

"Apparently, Ojou-sama thinks you'll be proposing to Negi-sensei. Or vice-versa," Setsuna said, smiling. "Asuna-san, you're in love with Negi-sensei, aren't you?"

"Uh…Wh-What?" Asuna stuttered, her cheeks coloring up. She didn't expect Setsuna to be so direct. "What makes you say that?"

"You're blushing," she said simply.

"No, I'm not."

"Oh, then those are rashes?"

"Well…no. I put blush on before I came."

"Ah, so this blush only appears when we talk about Negi-sensei?" Setsuna said, looking straight into Asuna's eyes, challenging her. "Besides, you don't like make-up at all. Well, Asuna-san?"

Asuna was defeated. She had absolutely no answer whatsoever. Thankfully, Konoka came to the rescue…sort of.

"We know you're in love with Negi-kun, Asuna," Konoka said. She sighed and put a hand on Asuna's as if she were some kind of guidance counselor. Great. A psychiatrist and a guidance counselor. Just what she needed.

"It's so obvious and you should accept it," Konoka said, removing her hand. Asuna was so shocked that for a while, she wondered if she was dreaming. She suddenly had a weird urge to look around for a rope to hang herself with. In fact, Asuna was so speechless, Konoka and Setsuna started wondering if she was dead.

"W-What?" she mumbled, half of her brain still numb. "W-What…?"

"You're not fooling anyone, Asuna," Konoka said seriously.

"Who said anything about fooling anyone?" Asuna said, trying desperately to deny it. "I really don't have any idea what you're talking about."

"Ojou-sama's right, you know?" Setsuna said, thoughtfully. Which was bad because 'thoughtfully' wasn't one of Setsuna's manners of speaking. "I wonder how Iinchou-san will handle this…" Konoka and Setsuna burst out laughing. Asuna hadn't expected this reaction at all.

"Oh my God, you infected Setsuna-san," Asuna said after the two had calmed down.

"Very funny, Asuna," Konoka said sarcastically. "Oh c'mon, just admit it. No matter how many times your head says you hate him, your heart shouts "I love him". 'Actions speak louder than words', right, Secchan?"

"Uh…yeah," Setsuna said, blushing. She was an expert in that cliché. "You don't have to be embarrassed about it, Asuna-san. It's okay to fall in love. Even if it's with your teacher."

"Mm! Even if it's with you're classmate," Konoka agreed, glancing at Setsuna who was as red as a tomato.

"So…what am I going to do?" Asuna asked, desperate now. She had given up trying to deny it. "I-I don't know how…"

"Let your heart do the talking," Setsuna said and two pairs of eyes turned to her. "Tell him everything that's been going on in your head."

"You better get going," Konoka said, smiling. "He's waiting for you."

Asuna rolled her eyes. "Enough with the clichés already!" she said, rummaging in her bag for her card. She found it and said, "Wish me luck."


The two watched as she disappeared in a blinding flash, leaving the two of them. Alone.

"That was close, right…Kono-chan?" Setsuna said, sighing in relief. She draped an arm around Konoka's shoulders. "I can't believe she didn't notice the cards underneath the tiny vase and the icing on your neck. Plus, the huge cake under the table."

Konoka giggled. "Lick the icing off already! My hair's getting all sticky!" she squealed. "Oh and we were playing strip poker, right? Whose turn was it?"


"You'll be sleeping in here, the guestroom."

Negi led Asuna and Anya into a small, dainty room. The theme was all sunny and happy with a great mix of colors like orange, green and yellow. It had a floor-to-ceiling window with a balcony which overlooked the backyard. Next to that window was a king size bed which made Negi wish Anya wasn't here with them.

'You're not a horny boy,' he thought to himself, putting Asuna's bag on the bed. Negi and Nekane lived in the suburbs of Wales. The houses there were painted in a variety of colors but looked more or less identical. Asuna was more used to the tall gravestones of Japan.

Nekane left fifteen minutes ago to buy dinner for the four of them since Anya was sleeping over for the rest of Asuna's stay.

"This room's so cute!" Asuna squealed, throwing herself onto the bed. She nuzzled her nose on the covers. She closed her eyes and sighed in pleasure, mumbling something about great Western mattresses.

"Anya," Negi said, turning to the brunette in the doorway, "why don't you go get your stuff?" He arched his eyebrows at her and her mouth formed an O. She got the message: 'I want to talk to her… alone.'

Anya nodded slowly. "Um…I almost forgot. I've gotta go get my stuff. I'll be back before dinner," she said, winking at Negi. "See you later, Negi, Asuna." With that, she twirled around and left, closing the door behind her.

Asuna rolled over and lay on her back. She glanced over at Negi, who was now seated at the end of the bed. "So, what now?" she asked, propping herself up on her elbows.

Negi looked down and thought. "You never told me a coherent enough reason as to why you wanted me to summon you," he said, looking up at her. "You mind giving it to me now?"

Asuna bit her bottom lip. She'd been dreading this question for hours. She wasn't ready to tell him yet. 'It's still not time,' she thought, tugging on a loose thread in her jacket. 'I'll tell him when it's the right time. But when is the right time, Kagurazaka?' She sighed and lay back down on the bed. 'I'll confess soon; before school starts. I swear,' she thought. She rolled her eyes. 'Yeah, maybe if you keep saying that, it'll come true.'

"Well?" Negi said, waiting for her answer.

"Um…well…" she began, trying to think of a good reason. "I asked you to summon me…because…"


I'M IN LOVE WITH YOU, YOU FRIGGIN' PERVERT! I LOVE YOU! "…I got bored," she said, shrugging. 'Smooth, Asuna. Real smooth,' she thought to herself, swinging her legs over the edge of the bed. "Konoka was staying over at Setsuna's and you were here so—"

"Why didn't you sleep over at Iinchou-san's or something?" Negi interrupted.

'Whoa, he's really pushing this…' Asuna thought, shoving her hands into her jacket pockets. "Well—" Her heart skipped a beat.

The journal was missing.

She frantically searched her pockets. "Oh my God!" she exclaimed, taking off the jacket and shaking it. No journal.

She jumped off the bed and crawled under the bed, hoping to find the journal.

"Asuna-san?" Negi's voice made her jump, hitting her head.

"Ouch!" she said, rubbing her head. "Owowowowowow…" She crawled out from underneath and Negi helped her to her feet.

"Are you alright?" Negi asked, his voice full of concern.

"Oh yeah, despite the huge swollen bump on my head, I'm fine," Asuna said, sarcastically.

"Sorry. Okay, come with me," Negi said. He led her down the stair and into the kitchen where he took out an ice-pack. He pulled out a chair for her to sit down on. After she'd sat down, he gently put the pack on her head.

"Ouch, watch it Negi-bouzu," Asuna whined, wincing.

"I'm sorry. Uh…by the way, what were you looking for?" Negi asked, still holding the pack for her. "Maybe I could help you find it…"

'Uh-oh,' Asuna thought, her eyes widening. 'Not good. You can't tell him you have his journal.'

"I was…uh looking for…um…" she said, desperately trying to find a cover-up. "…Uh…my…tampons! Yes, that's what I was looking for…"

'Bravo, Asuna, bravo!' she thought, wanting to kick herself.

"Tampons…right," Negi said, blushing. "Oh…well, we could always buy. Uh…you want a tour or something? I doubt Anya will be arriving anytime soon. And the city's just a bus ride away. I mean, that is, if you want to…" He looked up at her hesitantly.

She smiled. 'He looks so cute when he's nervous.'

"Sure," she said. "But I've got no money."

So, Springfield, you gonna pay for her?

'Of course.'

Oh, really? You ain't chickening out are ya?

'Why would I?'

It's called commitment. I mean, dude, you're fifteen and got yer future ahead of you. There're sooo many other girls in the world…why settle with this one? There's always that Nodoka person—

"I'll pay for you, Asuna-san," he blurted out. Asuna jumped. "W-What? Why?" she said, clearly puzzled. "Really, Negi, I don't need you to buy anything for me."

If you say yes, there's no goin' back. Yer stuck with this red head chick.

"Shut up already!" he shouted. Asuna jumped again.

"W-What?" she said, anger boiling up inside her. "D-Did you just tell me to shut up?"

The blood drained from Negi's face as he took off the ice pack. (The bump had already subsided.) 'She will beat you to a bloody pulp, Springfield. And yes you do deserve it,' he thought. "Uh…no…well…um…yes…but no," Negi said, feeling incapable of intelligent speech. "You see, uh…I was talking to…myself."

'Now, she thinks you're a mental case,' he thought.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean!" Asuna screeched. "You're a teacher for goodness' sake! A teacher who talks to himself…! Oh my God!"

"Look, Asuna, can't we just forget this whole thing? I swear I did not tell you to shut up," Negi said, exasperated. "Yes, I was talking to myself. Now, do you want to go out or not?" He shoved a hand into his pocket and fingered his soon-to-be-thin wallet. 'Goodbye, mage encyclopedia,' he thought, sighing. He'd been saving up for that book for months!

Asuna considered for a while and then nodded. "Fine, but really, I don't want to buy anything."

Negi and Asuna had three shopping bags each; all of them belonging to Asuna. They've been shopping for two hours straight…and this was the…thirty-fifth? Fifty-third?... shop. Negi had lost count.

Unfortunately, this shop had a huge sale. Meaning, there were many women to 'bump' into.

"Oooh," Asuna cooed, taking a short, light green silk dress (Asuna likes silk, you see. XD) from its rack. She took one look at it and hurriedly put it back. She moved on to the next dress.

"What was wrong with that?" Negi asked, walking over to the green dress.

"Uh…I think the designer forgot to finish it. Hookers wear those things," Asuna said. "Besides, it costs too much."

"Oh…" Negi said. He fingered his wallet again. 'You've lost weight,' he thought, sighing.

"Oh wow," Asuna said, from the other side of the rack. "Negi, I'm going to try this on. Why don't you sit over there? I'll be out in a minute."

Negi tried looking at the dress she'd chosen, but she had already disappeared into a vacant dressing room. He slowly walked over to a seat and waited.

There's still time you know? Seriously, that Nodoka girl is waiting for you. If you want my opinion—

'I would've asked for it.'

Right, right. Look, if you don't like the Nodoka girl there's always Yuu…or Yue or something. That Chizuru lady has heavenly valleys. Too bad Kotaro's got his eyes on her. Maybe you could kill—

'I am completely content with Asuna, thank you very much.'

Man, why do you stick with her? She's the violent monkey woman, isn't she?

'Yeah, but that's pretty much why I'm in love with her now.'

You have bad taste, dude. You like violent women? It's not like they're good in—

"Oh, shut up already!" Negi said in frustration. "Who the hell are you!"

"I'm Asuna and you're still talking to yourself, huh?"

Negi turned to see the most beautiful thing he'd seen since…his 'date' which wasn't very long ago. He blushed.

"A-A-Asuna-san…" he stuttered, staring in awe at the figure before him. Asuna was in a long, navy blue, satiny dress totally flattering her figure. "Uh…wow…uh…that's…" Asuna looked in a full length mirror nearby.

"Well? What do you think?" she said, twirling in front of the mirror making the dress swish around. Negi was still staring at her, unable to describe what he was seeing.

"Uh…well…you look…" he began.

Incredibly hot.

"Well?" she said, growing impatient.


"Um…it's very…"

Sexy. "…long," he finished, regretting it immediately. He felt like punching himself.

"Hm…I guess you're right," Asuna said, unexpectedly. "It'll be kinda hard to walk, right?"

Uh-oh. "Uh…actually, no," Negi said. "It isn't that long. Besides, long looks great on you." Not bad, Negi. Give yourself a pat on the back.

"Really?" Asuna said, unconvinced. "I think it's long." She looked at the tag hanging on the side and her eyes widened.

"What? How much is it?" Negi asked, preparing himself. He'd do anything to see Asuna in that dress again.

"You really don't want to know," Asuna said, heading towards the changing rooms. "Never mind, I really don't need a dress." She walked off and disappeared into a sea of women.

"Wait! Where do you buy tampons?"


Hi, everyone! Sorry about the really, really, really late update. School kept me busy XP Anyway, this chapter's kinda random. Hehehe…but still, I hope you liked it. If you see any typos or whatever please tell me!By the way, the weird KonoSetsu part was for my friend, ph3ar tOoshies. REVIEWS!

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