I had to play this idea out. I got this from a fic called Little One, Little Danger. It's probably the best fic I've ever read. And that's saying something. Oh, and title is pending.

A Little Growing Pain

"Do people really have to be so stupid?"

Robin shrugged. "You know Beast Boy. When he heard clone, he couldn't resist. Don't worry Raven, I'm sure it'll all work out."

Raven cast her glance over at the green changeling. "He could have at least asked, you know."

"He knew you would have said no," Robin replied. "I mean, think about it. Would you have let him have a chunk of your hair?"

"No, but at least I would have seen it coming," Raven said shrugging.

"You would have seen Beast Boy trying to clone you coming?"

"Well, no." Raven replied, "But with him…" she trailed off, knowing Robin knew what she meant.

Suddenly, the alarm went off. Everyone came rushing in, heeding the blaring alarm. Robin was on the Titans mainframe looking up the stats. "It's Control Freak, down by the bay. Shall we?"

The other four Titans nodded and took off and headed towards the bay.

When they got to the scene of the crime, Control Freak was rummaging through a bunch of crates.

"Control Freak!" Robin shouted, making the villain turn around on his heel. He smirked, and pulled his remote from one of his many pockets.

"Ah, Titans, we meet again."

Raven rolled her eyes. "Yeah, we know. Now could you just shut up and get to the fight?" Control Freak shrugged and began zapping random things.

"Raven!" Robin yelled, calling the empath's attention. "Get his remote!"

Raven nodded. She flew at a breakneck speed towards Control Freak and stretched out her hand, reaching for the TV obsessed villain's remote.

"I don't think so, missy," he droned, knocking Raven from mid-air to the ground. As Control Freak aimed the remote at her, Raven's eyes widened, realizing that Control Freak would show no mercy towards her. "Meet your future, whore. It just might be your destruction."

"Raven!" Robin screeched just as Control Freak beamed a blue ray into Raven's abdomen. As it hit the half demoness, she fell silent and fainted.


"Don't worry about it, Cyborg. You go ahead and I'll watch over Raven."

"That won't be necessary," said girl replied, sitting up. "I'm up." Cyborg and Robin turned to see Raven up and healthy, looking at them as if waiting for an explanation.

"Raven, you alright?" Robin questioned.

Raven nodded. "I'm fine. But I have no idea what in all of Azarath happened."

Robin glanced at Cyborg and then looked Raven in eyes. "Raven, we don't know. After the battle, Control Freak wouldn't tell me anything. The police came before I was able to really interrogate him."

Raven looked from Cyborg to Robin, then back to Cyborg. "Did you at least do a diagnostic scan?" she inquired with a mean edge.

Cyborg nodded. "Nothing. The only thing that seems to be out of place is your hips. They look like they expanded. But no exaggeration. Other than that, nothing else seems to be off."

Raven's eyes glazed over in thought. What was it that Control Freak had said?

"I remember Control Freak saying something right before he zapped me. Something like 'Meet your future. It just might destroy you'. It was really strange."

"This is to weird, Raven," Robin stated, "That beam had to have done something to you."

Raven's brow furrowed as she looked strangely at Robin as though he had just been mutated.

"Robin you look taller than you did two minutes ago," the girl said, cocking her head to get a better view of the Boy Wonder.

Cyborg turned to look at his ebony haired companion and nodded. "She's right, man, you do look taller."

Raven kicked the sheets off her legs and leaped off the side of the bed, then walked over to the door. "Well, as strange as this is," she began, " I'm extremely hungry. You two coming?"

Robin nodded, but Cyborg shook his head. "I'm gonna stay here and try to figure out what's going on. Save me some whatever, ok?"

Robin nodded and followed Raven out the door.


Starfire and Beast Boy sat at the table, eating in silence. They were both worried about Raven. She had been out cold for over two hours. They were starting to wonder what was going on in the med lab.

Suddenly the door swished open, and Raven swiftly walked out followed closely by Robin.

"RAVEN!" both Beast Boy and Starfire yelled at the same time. "You are the okay?" the former asked. Despite herself, Raven chuckled.

"She's fine, Starfire. Just a little beat up from the battle." Robin stated.

Starfire nodded and took a few steps back. "So, what exactly happened out there, dude?" Beast Boy inquired. Robin sighed.

"We don't know, Beast Boy. Cyborg ran a diagnostic scan but nothing came up. He says the only thing that looks a bit different is her hips. Apparently, they've expanded."

"Friend, you look different," Starfire's voice cut. She was looking at Raven who was sitting on the couch with a book. Raven looked up from what she was reading and looked at Starfire.

"How so?" Raven asked cautiously, knowing Robin had also grown in away not even Raven could explain.

"You look like you have done the growing up. As if you have suddenly aged."

Raven's eyes widened. She had made the exact same observation about Robin earlier. True, she had simply said he only looked taller, but in her mind she was thinking about how much older he looked.

"Robin, I need to talk to you asap." Raven said, getting up from the couch, putting her book down.

Robin followed her out the door and into the hallway.

"Raven, what's up?" he asked.

Raven drew in a sharp breath. "You know how Starfire just said I looked older?" Robin nodded. "Earlier, when I said you looked taller, I didn't say that I also thought you looked older."

Robin shrugged. "So?"

"Look, Robin. This could be part of what Control Freak meant when he was talking about my future."

Suddenly, the doorbell rang, interrupting the two's conversation.

End Chapter

Well, this is the first chapter.

Hope you enjoy.

This has been an Azarathgirl Inc. Production

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