Destined To Meet Or Fated Crossings?

Disclaimer: Phantom Of The Opera is not mine!

Warnings: SLASH! Don't like DON'T read!

Anything Else: This is set in an AU! Now on ward!

Destined To Meet Or Fated Crossings? Chapter 1 The New Parton And Stories Of A Mysterious Ghost

Raoul Vicomte de Chagny road on his carriage to the Opera La Populair, he heard a great deal of it's place, how beautiful it was. How wonderful the music sounded in the Opera House, how wonderful the musicians, singers and dancers were them selves. He had even heard rumors of an Opera Ghost haunting the majestic beauty that was the Opera House. Ha, Raoul never believed in superstitions, and he couldn't believe anyone else did. It was simply childish…wasn't it? Yes of course it was, he stopped in front of the Opera House gazing at the beauty.

They certainly hadn't lied about the beauty.Raoul thought to him self as he got out of his carriage. He could feel the stares of strangers as he walked into the Opera house. He walked in the performance area as the two managers introduced him. He smiled as charmingly as he could, and shook their hands, and bowed courteously to the cast on stage. Many girls giggled, Raoul had a boy-ish face just out of his youth, blonde hair tired back neatly in a pony tail, he was about average height and was slender in build, but also had some leanness to his body. Though he supposed he looked like a handsome gentlemen he would never hold himself up that high.

"Thank you."

Raoul said to them, being introduced to the dancing teacher Madame Giry leading Soprano, Carlotta, and her singing partner, who Raoul thought privately, could loose some weight. He shook off the thought. He wanted to see the Opera Hose and explore it.

"I'm sorry gentlemen I'm interrupting your rehearsal. I'd like to go take a look around."

He said with a courteous smile. He heard more giggles as he passed through, the crowd to back stage after looking around, he was about to go completely off the stage when he heard the whole Carlotta ordeal he rose an eyebrow in amusement, he knew she though he had gone completely. Or she would not be having this Prima Donna fit. He almost laughed out loud when he heard the managers give into her whims and gave her an audition. But kept it to himself covering his mouth, he heard a rustle form above and looked up, he saw nothing.

Strange, he thought. Suddenly; there was a bang of one of the curtains falling, almost right on Carlotta. He emerged worried seeing that she was ok, and the curtain man apologized, saying that he had done nothing, that he wasn't at his post. Madame Giry had picked up a letter that had fallen on the ground and she stood in front of everyone, and read it aloud.

"The Opera Ghost welcomes the new managers to his Opera House. He's expecting his usual salary and for box five to be left open for him. And would like to thank the patron for his generous funding and invites you all to feel welcomed as long as you abide by what he asks for."

She looked up at them and Raoul looked up to where he had heard the noises the Opera Ghost knew him? Wait there is no Opera Ghost. This is all some sort of sick and twisted trick. The managers thought it quite amusing and unbelievable. They would not take orders from some fabrication. Not that he blamed them he would not take rules from a fake Ghost either, but still he couldn't help but feel chills run down his spine when he thought that the sounds he heard was from the Opera Ghost walking around before the curtain mysteriously fell…maybe the Ghost had done it. If there was one; which there wasn't one. Ha!

He turned to a back stage door and walked out it, wondering around the Opera House looking around his surroundings. Little did he know he was being watched closely, that the eyes were making sure he didn't find anything he shouldn't on his little exploration of the Opera House, little did Raoul know that the Opera Ghost was very real. Little did he know that the Opera Ghost was very serious about his commands being followed, and that bad luck would indeed fall An: sorry about the pun on those who didn't follow his rules. All Raoul knew was that he loved music with a passion and that this was the right place to have donated his time and money to.

An: This is in Erik's point of view, and although either most or some of it is retelling what happened in Roaul's part, he will have a part to himself.

Today the new managers will be introduced to everyone, as well as the new patron. They would also meet the Opera Ghost, at least his words anyways. He walked up form his lair, making his way through several passages. He knew every nick and corner of his Opera House, he went up on to the rafters over the stage hiding in the shadows, watching the rehearsal below him, listening as the music surrounded him, a small smile formed on his face. Music had always calmed him, music was his life, his passion, he was snapped out of his thoughts as the managers entered, and the music faded away.

His blue eyes fixed on the managers, they were going to be stupid and not follow what he said. He just had that feeling, and he smirked well that's ok the other manager was like that only he gave in. He wondered how long it would take for these managers to give in, no matter what he knew it would be quite fun to watch them squirm. A few moments after the managers had been introduced, another man walked in, though he was much younger then the others, and was quite pretty, probably just out of his boyhood. Erik watched as the boy took a bow when he was introduced even if the managers hadn't said who Raoul was, Erik could have easily guessed he was the patron by the way he was dressed and acted. Though, Raoul's manner seemed in no way as snobby as most rich people, because he was very apologetic for interrupting their rehearsal and sounded like he genially meant it.

He watched as Raoul walked right across (though it was under) where he was currently hiding, seemingly looking around though his attention was drawn away as the Prima Donna threw a fit. Erik noticed that they both had the exact face of amusement as she went a long. Erik thought she would actually leave, and that would be real music to his ears, of course the managers would do anything they could not to loose their star, but maybe she was fed up, which is why Erik was acting up in the first place, she was such a horrible singer, and had the attitude to go with it. He frowned when the managers convinced her to audition for them. Very stupid mistake, Erik thought walking from his hiding spot, jerking a curtain loose, but she moved. Damn, Erik thought, tossing his note on the ground and quickly went through another door, listening as his faithful friend, Madame Giry read the note out loud.

"The Opera Ghost welcomes the new managers to his Opera House. He's expecting his usual salary and for box five to be left open for him. And would like to thank the patron for his generous funding and invites you all to feel welcomed as long as you abide by what he asks for."

When she was done he heard the backstage door shut, knowing that the patron had decided to go exploring. Erik followed his footsteps, and pushed his hand against what looked like a wall and stood in the shadows watching him. He had to make sure he did not find something he shouldn't, though he seemed very appreciative of the surroundings, he was wondering dangerously close to a door he shouldn't find. Although, Erik was appreciative of what the Vicomte had given he couldn't have him going to his lair now could he? He pulled out a rope and tied it into a lasso; he began to walk closer to the Vicomte still in shadow, as he walked closer to the door. Just as he was raising his lasso over Raoul's head as he reached out to what looked like old wood exposed from the wall, suddenly Madame Giry appeared from a corner, grabbing onto Raoul's arm, pulling a rather confused looking Vicomte away, telling him he should never go any where that looked condemned or in the shadows.

Though briefly wondering where she had come from, Erik had fled to the shadows. After all he had nothing against Raoul; he just didn't want him to find his lair. He watched as Raoul looked behind him, wondering why Madame Giry had been looking behind him. He saw nothing, and shrugged; he apologized for his silly action, and asked her to guide him. Erik nodded when she agreed, she would show him where he could go, and warn him about places shouldn't and hopefully Raoul would not be foolish and go against what she said, for his own sake and he knew he did not have to worry about Raoul finding places he shouldn't so long as he is with her, Erik pushed in the wood, thinking it was interesting that Raoul's hand had been inching right towards the switch.

"Hum this boy is going to have to be watched closely."

Erik pondered as he went into the wall, which shut behind him, and walked along the tunnel which leads to his lair. He sat down in front of his Organ, starring at a scratched out music sheet, and started to play a random tune, wishing he could get some inspiration…but what?


An: Anyone else notice how Madame Giry appears seemingly out of no where in the Movie? Well even if not, I'm using that to my advantage as you see.