Squad 13

Chapter 5

I all ready said I don't own naruto.

Ring Ring Ring

'yes! Its about time!' Kenji thought as the bell rang which marked the end of 3rd period and the start of 4th. 'I hate math. I hate math. I hate math. I hate math. I hate mawah' Kenji was ripped from her 'important' thoughts while she was walking down to her next class math when she hit something as hard as a rock. 'what the-' she thought as she opened her eyes. She looked at the thing as she was still in front of it to see that it was ANKO! 'huh?' she moved back and thought when she say Anko smiling evilly 'oh no! what did I do now!' "FOLLOW ME MAGGOT!" she yelled and Kenji followed her down towards the 8th grade corridor.


'Grrrrrr! I HATE SCIENCE!' Sabuza was sitting at her lab table in her 4th period class. Science. She was scribbling away on her test when the teacher Mrs. Hench (my science 6th grade teacher's name was Mrs. Hench and I hated her guts! So she's gonna be in my story! evil grin) began to talk. "ok class put your pencils down and listen up. Would miss Uchiha please come to the front of the class." She said pointing to the door. Sabuza clenched her fist and went to the front of the room and out the door to see Anko standing there with Kenji. "what's going o- she was cut off by Anko who grabbed her arm and pulled her twords the history room…


'Hmmmmmmm…History is sooooooooo boring.' Uriko thought as she taped her pencil on her desk looking at the black board as the teacher Mr. Heromet (I just made up a name! O.0) was talking about the past. Just then Anko came in and shoved a note into the teachers hands and went over to Uriko and pulled her out off the room leaving the class to sit and mumble about what was going on. Uriko,Sabuza,and Kenji followed Anko to their trailer and got shoved on to the couch. "Get ready maggots! Get packed were leaving!" she said smiling "where are we going?" asked Sabuza looking at Anko. The others nodded and Anko looked at them with an evil grin. "Sand Village…"

A/N: LOL! Youll find out why there going to sand village in the next chappi! ok well there you go. Hope that was long enough for you. If you want something to be done or happen just tell me. Im all open for ideas! Just say the word and ill talk to my friends and well see what we can do. Ok and for those of you who are slower than others Uriko is Choji's adopted sister. Shes adopted because… well youll have to wait and see! ) ok… about Sabuza. Her dad is Zabuza and her brothers are Sasuke and Itachi. (I hope I spelled that right!) Her and her brothers share the same mom? I gess. Ok that sounds gwood. Anywho her and Sasuke are like I dono how many years apart…2 years apart? I dono. Ya…ok. Ya know Sabuza gets the S from Sasuke…and the abuza from Zabuza. Ya…Oh and she HATES Sasuke. She said so. And she hates what the teachers call her.