Thanks to everyone who reviewed.

I still wish I owned Lost, especially Sawyer, but I don't.


Chapter 7

As he walked toward the bed, he noticed Kate was not in it. His heart started beating rapidly as he looked around. "Kate!" he called. There was no answer. He didn't usually call her by her name unless he was mad or worried, and he wasn't mad now. He pulled all the covers off the bed, just to make sure she wasn't curled up under the covers. She wasn't. He called to her again, "Kate, where are you?"

Finally he heard a noise in the bathroom. As he approached the door, it opened and Kate slowly walked out. "What are you doin' up?" he asked, very concerned but relieved that he'd found her, as he reached for her arm to help her back to the bed.

"I had to go," she said.

"You couldn't have waited till I came back in?" Sawyer asked, but quickly added, "Oh, never mind. As long as you're ok. Come on, get back into bed." He helped her lie down. "Jack said Rose is makin' some soup for us. You need to eat something and get your strength back."

"I am kind of hungry. But I feel fine. I really do. Just a little bit of pain right here," she pointed to the spot a little above her right breast where the bullet had entered.

"Hmmm, I could check that out for ya if you want," Sawyer said in his sexiest voice, smiling seductively, as he sat down in the chair by the bed. Before Kate could give him a smart comeback, he added, "But seein' as how Jack said you need to take it easy, I better not go near your… uh… those." He motioned to her breasts.

"Sawyer, you are such a pervert," Kate said, smiling.

He grinned widely, showing his gorgeous dimples, "Yeah, I know."

Kate rolled her eyes, and Sawyer leaned down and kissed her softly and quickly. "Well," he said, "I guess I'll go check on that soup now. I want you up and around pronto. Be right back little lady." He knew Jack said he'd bring in the soup when it was ready, but he wanted some privacy with Kate and he didn't want the doc to have any excuse to come in and bother them.

"Hey Sawyer," Rose said when she saw him coming into the kitchen. "Soup'll be ready in about 5 minutes. Have a seat. I'm glad you and Kate are back. I heard you had a little trouble with the Others out there in the jungle."

Sawyer sat down at the table while he waited for the soup to be ready. Charlie had mentioned that Rose was easy to talk to, so he opened up to her about his time with the Others. "Damn people, kept us locked up, chained to a wall, for 3 days. I got no idea what they wanted us for. They never talked to us till they made Kate pick, either me or the doc. Didn't tell her what she was choosin' for either. She chose me and they let Jack go. Just like that. No explanation. Then they put us in a room that looked a 5 star hotel. All the comforts of home. Next mornin' we escaped. They shot Kate as we were running towards the door."

"Jack says she's going to be fine, and you know she's a fighter. I have faith. You have nothing to worry about. I do wonder what they wanted you two for though. They didn't say anything?"

"No, nothing. Well, after she got shot, they chased us out the door, and I heard one of them say somethin' like 'she's no good to us now'. You got any idea what that means?"

"That's tricky. It could mean a few things. From what Bernard said when they were on the other side of the island, there was a man, Goodwin, who was one of these 'Others', and he told Ana that they only wanted the 'good' people."

"Hell, Rose, I ain't no good person and they took me. And Kate's a fugitive. I think they're a little confused about what's good and what's not."

"Now, Sawyer, you may not show your good side to everybody, but I know, deep down, there is a good person in there. You've both done some good things since we've been on this island. I know you have your 'stash', and you fooled everyone when you managed to get all the guns, but you gave them back out when people needed them. And when Jack needed alcohol for Boone, you gave it up without a fuss. I also heard you rescued Michael from the water when your raft got blown up. And Kate, now she helped deliver Claire's baby, and went with her to find the medical hatch when Aaron was sick. She's been almost the only one who ever climbs the trees and picks fruit for everybody."

"Aahh, yeah, she's a monkey, gotta give her that," Sawyer replied.

"So what I'm getting at, is when push comes to shove, and something needs to be done, you both step up and you are both good people. But I really can't guess what these 'Others' wanted with you and Kate, or anyone else for that matter. None of us know what their purpose is. But just thank God that you all got out of there alive."

Sawyer looked down at the table and silently did that. Again.

Rose walked over to Sawyer with two bowls of soup, a box of Dharma crackers, and two bottles of water. "Here you go. Now take this in to your girl in there. "

Sawyer looked up at her, puzzled. My girl?

"What? Don't you think I've noticed how you look at her? And I've seen the way she looks at you. The way she hangs around you. Honey, that woman is in love with you and you don't even know it. Now get in there. Got to get her up and climbing those trees again."

Sawyer smiled and took the water, soup, and crackers and headed into the bedroom.

This time, Kate was right where he'd left her. He set the food down on the table.

"Well, finally. I thought you got lost," Kate said.

"Funny," Sawyer smirked. "Now, let's get you sitting up so you can eat this soup." He reached under her and leaned her forward a little and propped some pillows behind her. "There," he said releasing her. He sat down and picked up the soup bowl. He filled the spoon and held it to her lips.

"I can feed myself," Kate said.

"Well ok then, Miss Independent." He put the spoon back into the bowl and handed it to her.

She took it and as she tried to get the spoon to her mouth, she dripped some on her shirt. "Uh oh," Sawyer said sarcastically, "Looks like you missed."

She tried again but the soup kept dripping off the spoon. Sawyer held his hand out for the dish and she gave it back to him. "You win," she said to him.

"I always do when it comes to you, sweetheart."

He again filled the spoon and brought it to her lips. She opened her mouth and ate it. In fact, she had quickly cleaned up the whole bowlful. "Guess I was hungry," she smiled shyly.

Sawyer ate his soup also, then decided to get back up on the bed with Kate.

He reached around her and gently pulled her into a hug. "So you're not in much pain, huh?" he asked.

"No, not really. I would have expected more. But maybe it's the painkillers Jack gave me."

"Just let me know when they start wearin' off and I'll get him to give you more. I don't want to see you hurtin'."

Kate smiled. "Sawyer, you can be so sweet when you want to be."

He just held her, his arm around her shoulders, fingers running through her brunette curls as her head rested on his shoulder. So much was going through his head. Did she really love him as Rose had said? She'd said it in her sleep earlier, but she could have been delirious, or dreaming. Did she even know she had said it? When she woke up she had said she wanted him, and he her, but was that love? Or just lust? He needed to find out. He needed to know if there was a difference. All he knew was that he felt better than he ever had when he was around her, like he was complete. He hated it when they were apart, and all he did was think about her during those times. He wanted to protect her, keep her safe. He enjoyed their playfulness, and even their arguments. And right now, holding her like this, he could totally forget they were on some uncharted deserted island, surrounded by strangers and kidnappers.

"Did you hear me? Sawyer?" Kate asked.

He was brought out of his thoughts. "Huh? What?"

"You didn't hear a word I said, did you?" she questioned.

"Um, no..." He felt guilty. "So what were you sayin'?"

"I was trying to tell you something important. I think I had a dream while I was unconscious. I remember you were talking to me. Telling me things about when you were on the raft and the other side of the island. I dreamed that you didn't come back. I didn't know if you were dead or alive, and I missed you so much, Sawyer. The day before you left was not a good day. I said some things I didn't mean, and didn't say some things I wished I would have. We didn't really say goodbye. Did I ever tell you we found the bottle? The one with all the messages people wrote, that you took on the raft. I read them. I needed to see if you'd written one. But you didn't."

"You've read the only letter I ever wrote," he interrupted.

She continued, "And I felt like I had nothing left of you. We found the hatch, and investigating that kept me busy, and I talked to Sun and helped her in the garden a little while you were gone. But it was like a part of me was missing without you here. We haven't been here long, but when we're not together, it's like we're… broken… two halves of a whole, missing the other half. Sawyer, I think you are my other half. We understand each other, even without talking. I'm comfortable with you. I don't have to pretend to be someone I'm not. I've only had that with one other person in my life, and that was a long time ago. But I remember what it felt like, it's what it feels like with you. It feels like… like I love you, Sawyer. I really, really love you."

Sawyer just sat there, for once at a loss for words. Had she just read his mind, his thoughts? He'd wanted an answer and he got it. She loved him. She loves me, he thought. Now what was he going to do with the information, the truth? Could he tell her how he really felt? He'd already told her more than he ever told anyone before. He'd told her that he cared about her. In his heart he knew he loved her, but admitting it, out loud… that was something he wasn't sure he could do. Sure, he'd told some of his marks he loved them, but that was all part of the game, the con, to get them to willingly hand over their money to him. This was real, with real feelings, his real feelings. He wasn't sure he could do it.

"Earth to Sawyer," Kate said, waving her hand back and forth in front of his eyes. "Hello? I just bared my soul and you're not even listening. Don't you have a response for me? Something? Anything? Seriously or sarcastically I'll take it. I know the king of the one-liners can't be out of jokes."

Finally he spoke. "Freckles, I got so many things to say I don't even know where to start." Then he got an idea. This could work, he thought. "Let's play 'I Never'."

"What? Sawyer…"

He reached over to the table and grabbed the two bottles of water. "No alcohol, so water'll have to do. I'll go first. "I never… rode a motorcycle." Kate took a sip of her water. Sawyer didn't. "Oooh, Harley mama!" Sawyer smirked.

Kate smiled and replied, "I never had a bicycle when I was a kid." Sawyer took a drink. Kate didn't.

"No bicycle?" he questioned.

"I lived in a small town. Walked everywhere."

"I never been handcuffed." They both drank, and smiled, noting the fact that this was another 'bad' thing they had in common.

They continued a few more rounds, then on one of Sawyer's turns, he said, "I never been in love."

"We did that last time, so you can't do it again," Kate said.

"It's my game, I can do it if I want to," Sawyer protested.

"But we already know the answers."

"Don't be too sure about that," he slowly drawled.

Kate rolled her eyes. "Ok, fine." She drank.

Then Sawyer opened his bottle, and drank. Kate looked confused, remembering the last time this statement was issued, when he didn't take a drink. Then it hit her. She realized what he was trying to tell her. What he couldn't bring himself to say with words. She looked into his eyes, and she could see it there. His eyes were filled with love. Love for her. She longed to hear it from his lips though, with his words. She wanted him to tell her. She needed to hear it. It would do him good too, to finally feel something and admit it to himself. Commit to it. So she played dumb. "Sawyer, are you saying what I think you're saying?"

"Come on, Freckles, you ain't gonna make me say it are ya?"

"Yes, Sawyer, I am. I can see it in your eyes, how you feel, what you want to say, but think you can't bring yourself to say. I know you can do it because I did. It was the same for me. Just tell me how you feel. What is it that you want to say?"

"Freckles, you are so damn frustrating sometimes!" Then he became quiet. Kate waited. The seconds seemed like hours. Was he just going to sit there? He reached out and held both of her hands in his. Better just say it and get it over with, he thought. He'd held it in for too long, and there was no one else he wanted to say it to, no one else he'd ever be able to say it to. He spoke quietly. "I love you, Freckles. Kate. I love you, Kate."

She smiled. He was looking down at their hands, her fingers now entwined with his. It was like they were puzzle pieces, finally all put together. Sawyer unexpectedly felt relief flooding over him. Now that he'd said it out loud, to her, told her how he really felt, he felt relieved.

"I love you too… James," Kate answered. Although he'd never told her, she knew that was his name because Locke had used it a few times. She thought by saying it, it would bring out more of 'James'. She loved Sawyer, and she wanted to get to know James better.

There. It was out in the open. They both knew for sure how the other one felt. They were in love. No doubt about it. Sawyer leaned over and kissed her gently on the lips. He untangled his fingers from hers and reached around the back of her head to pull her closer to him, gently so as not to hurt the bullet wound. Their lips parted and their tongues caressed each other as Kate reached behind Sawyer and rubbed her hands up and down his back. He still hadn't put on a shirt and she loved feeling his skin beneath her fingertips. The kiss heated up while she rubbed his back, and he returned the favor by putting his hands underneath the back of her shirt.

"I want you Sawyer, right now," Kate whispered breathlessly as she came up for air in between kisses.

They continued kissing, but Sawyer again was the one who broke away before it went any further. "Freckles, we can't. You're still hurt. And Rose, or Jack, or anyone, could walk in anytime."

"I don't care. I have waited a long time for this. To feel this way again. I love you, and I want to show you how much."

"Oh baby, you don't know how much I want you to show me. But Freckles…Kate, not now," he said seriously. He thought it was good that he was able to show this much restraint. It was damn hard, but he was doing a good job of it. "When you're better, when Jacko says you can exert yourself, then we'll be able to do it like the bunnies in that book I've been readin'. But till then, you'll just have to control your… urges."

She smirked at him. "Very funny, Sawyer. But ok." She could understand his concern, and was glad that he was worried about her well-being.

"I love you, Freckles." He liked saying it now. Damn, I'm getting better at this expressing feelings stuff.

Kate smiled. "I love hearing you say that."

Sawyer's eyes brightened and a dimpled smile crossed his face. "Hey, I have an idea. A new game. Instead of 'I Never', it's called 'I Love'."

"And how do you play that?"

"Same way. Say 'I love', then finish the sentence. If you do love it, you drink, and if it's something you don't love, you don't drink."

"Ok," Kate said, "I'll go first. I love pizza."

They both took a drink of their water.

"I love to read."

Kate didn't drink. Sawyer did of course. "Never was much on books," she said. "I used to watch a lot of TV. Bad for me, I know. Um, ok, I love… airplanes."

Sawyer didn't drink. Kate did. "I know. We crashed, so how can I love airplanes, right? Well, if it wasn't for the plane crashing, I wouldn't have met you."

Sawyer smiled. "So you gonna tell me why you keep that little toy airplane with you all the time?"

Kate lowered her gaze so as not to look at him. She knew she'd have to tell him sooner or later anyway so she began. "It belonged to Tom, my best friend, my first boyfriend. The only man I ever loved." She smiled slightly and looked at him. "Till now." Then she looked away again. "He's dead. And it was my fault."

"I'm sorry," Sawyer said. He'd once told her that sorry didn't suit him, but what the hell, he'd been letting so much out today, so what's a little more going to hurt.

"I keep the plane, to remember what I've done. And to make sure I never do it again." Silence. "Your turn."

Sawyer took that to mean that she wasn't going to explain any further. Not now at least. And he wasn't going to pressure her. She'd tell him when she was ready. "Ok. I love dogs."

Kate drank, as did Sawyer. He explained, "I never had a dog when I was growin' up. But I would play with the neighbor's dog. It was one of those little yippy Mexican dogs, a Chihuahua or something. Couldn't stand him. He was always barking that wimpy bark, and he'd hump your leg if you stood still too long. But if we ever get off this damn island, I'm gettin' me a dog. A really big one."

Kate laughed. "Ok my turn. I love… watching you when you sleep."

Sawyer drank. He loved watching her when she slept, just as he loved any other time with her. Kate drank also and spoke, "When you were recovering from your gunshot, I sat by your bed, watching you sleeping. You looked so peaceful and happy."

"I love… the look in your eyes when we talk." They both drank to this. "I can see inside you. See your feelings. I always wanted to believe that we had a connection. But you kept shootin' me down. So I just blocked it out. Tried not to feel what I knew you were feelin' too. Tried not to feel anything."

"I know. I did the same thing. But we can feel everything now, Sawyer. My turn." She got closer to him, turned her face to his, and whispered in his ear, "I love… you." Then she put her lips to the bottle, turned it upside down and drank every last drop.

Sawyer did the same with his water before he whispered back to her, "I love you, too."

He owed her for that.

The End


Well, that's it. I could have gone on, got her well, had them have sex… but you can tell that's where it's headed without me going into all of it. :)

Besides, I've been on vacation while I've been writing this, and I have to go back to work tomorrow, so I don't know when I'd get around to updating, so I figured it's best to end it now. Maybe I'll start a sequel sometime. Or a completely new story. If I do, it will definitely be about Sawyer!

I hope you've enjoyed my first fic and all the reviews are very much appreciated. Thank you!
