Disclaimer: I don't own anything about X-Men, Marvel, DC comics, the fics of other writers or any TV show or anything else. I only own my own OCs.


Forge was back working in his lab or now it was since he liked to work. Sure he went out with the guys now and then but when he got an idea in his head he just had to do it. And boy did he have a lot to work with here, catching up over decades of advancement wasn't easy either.

Hell his room looked like a cross between the 70s and Star Trek threw up all over it but he liked it. Plus he had a lot of friends here anyway and was already in college. Life was going fairly well and so he was digging around old inventions and came across his failed teleporter.

Well technically it did teleport people only it teleported them through other realities and not through the world itself. He sighed seeing the device there and the controlling unit. If only there was some way to get it working better.

Then he had an idea, he had used Kurt and Amanda's teleportation abilities as a base for it but they had two more. He thought of Kai but his powers may not be what they needed, Blink on the other hand with her portals would be the key to getting this to work.

He had Beast to help him out again and after he ran by his ideas Hank was interested in his proposal. There could be some merit to what Forge had in mind and he agreed to help him out provided they were careful about it.

Together they started their work on fixing up the machine.

He started up with pulling in her data that they ran on her powers and started from there. After about a week he managed to fix the device up and make several other ones. These were small wristband like objects that were grey metal and they were an improvement over the old remote device.

A few hours later Forge had several people inside his lab. So far Jean, Scott, Rogue, Jamie and Vince were called up. But they weren't alone Paige was wondering what was going on and Blink was already there by this time as Forge had been asking her for help with his device. So was Wanda in fact at Hank's request.

Forge had been asking Blink to use her teleportation lances and portals while he made scans to help get better data. She was nervous about that given that Forge's inventions didn't always work all the time.

Wanda was also there because of her probability altering powers would help them as well. She didn't fully understand it when they started talking like something from Star Trek she kind of lost interest. From what they told her that she could understand they needed her to use her powers for them to get a better idea at how she controlled random factors with the energy.

Apparently it was kind of important for this experiment of theirs for some reason.

They also had been running test on those that went through the experience the first time as they had a few particles left from their journey. He explained that when they went into another reality they each took a small piece with them on the quantum level.

These scans with a device he had just build for this purpose was able to pick up the quantum signature of a few of the realities they went to. Unfortunately over time the particles would fade being absorbed by this reality.

"Okay so why are we all here Forge and what are you doing with that thing again?" Scott asked pointing to the device. "I thought you were going to trash that thing?"

"Oh come on I think I got it really working now." Forge said getting the bands ready. "We've been working on this and you got to admit we could learn a lot from what this does. I mean I still can't get it to teleport into another place on this Earth but with the data from the last time I worked out a lot of the bugs."

"Forge why on Earth would anyone what to go to other Earths again?" Jean asked him remembering what they went through last time.

Beast adjusted his classes, "Well you did come back with some interesting information. Remember how you met Emma Frost and several weeks later she came into our lives?"

They remembered meeting another Emma a grown up one that had an adopted daughter version of Catseye. Only she was on their side apparently that was also the reality where Kurt was dating Kitty and that had been an awkward position with their Kurt and Amanda caught those two making out on a couch.

"Okay sure we knew about her first but our versions turned out to be completely different," Scott told him.

Forge nodded, "Yeah I know but that was just one reality. With the refinements I made it should make the trips easier and not last as long. After a few more test trips we could learn a lot. Advanced technology, possible future history that could help us prepare for there's no telling what we could find."

"Like meeting real life TV characters?" Vince asked him slightly sarcastically remembering meeting a few of them. "I'm not sure I want to go through that again. I mean the giant robots, Bobby shooting me with that X-Wing and who knows what else."

Rogue rolled her eyes remembering something else, "Not ta mention all the creepy things like that movie bein' made of us. God that was messed up, Ah mean me and Bobby?" She shuddered remembering reading that part to think some writers made that wasn't a pleasant thought to her.

Jean crossed her arms remembering being killed off in that movie script that wasn't funny or the time Kurt was thought of as a demon and she a witch and some villagers tried to burn them at the stake.

"Plus if anyone does go how do you know that they won't end up in some slasher film with a killer on the loose?" Wanda asked him that she wasn't too keen on this whole thing.

"Well that's why I made this," He picked up one of the bracelets and pointed to a small square button on them. "After they charge up which shouldn't be long you can leave anytime you want."

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Scott asked him picking up one of the devices looking it over. "Last time wasn't entirely fun. Plus what did Xavier say about all of this?"

"Come on Scott this sounds like fun I wanted to really do this after hearing about it," Paige told him picking on up. She heard the stories and it sounded like a lot of fun to her plus she really wanted to go.

Rogue sighed looking at the devices, Kitty was on a double date with Piotr and Kurt and Amanda so they were the lucky ones. The last time was pretty weird and seeing some of those alternate versions of her had been pretty strange. Plus then there were those three children of 'hers' at least from other realities.

Then she thought about what possibilities they could find would she meet them again or see a possible future of themselves? How many other versions of her had found happiness or love? There was a small temptation to find those versions of her.

Of course they weren't the only ones to be curious Jubilee was waling the halls wondering where everyone was. A few like Bobby, Tabitha, and Roberto were busy with homework they had been putting off. Rahne was out with Amy, Joseph, Pam and Ray so she was wondering where everyone else was.

The mansion was kind of quiet the kind of quiet that she learned meant something was going on. She was wondering in the lower levels first the Danger Room to see if anyone called any type of last minute training but when she got there Logan and X23 were having one of their training sessions together.

She left given that those two really liked to go at it, Kai was off with Gale as he needed some new clothing and she was showing him to a nice store at least that's what Dani had said who was playing with Lockheed in her and Kitty's room.

She had came across Amara who looked to be looking around like she was, "Hey girl you seen anyone else around? I mean was there a holiday or a mall sale I'm not aware of?"

Amara just shrugged, "I haven't the slightest idea where everyone is. I've been looking around like I suppose you were too. I've checked the hanger, the medical room and the computer room down here. You?"

Jubilee shrugged she hadn't been here that long, "That's most of it, no one would be in Cerebro it's too little space…Hey…Have you been to Forge's lab?"

The princess thought about it for a moment. "No…But why would they all be in there? It's a death trap at times." Plus the fact that Amara was still a little uneasy with certain technology. It had taken her months to learn just who to use a computer and only after two year finally managed to understand how it worked.

All the stuff Forge made sometimes made her feel uneasy and a bit stupid for not understanding it. She was royalty, back home she was looked upon as perfection and highly regarded. It had been a major shock living here but she adjusted.

Jubilee grabbed her hand and went running, "Well then come on let's check it out I really want to see what's going on."

They ran through the metal halls running past various rooms until they ran into Forge's lab. And there was everyone putting on the devices that Forge had made. It had taken him thirty minutes to convince them all that this was a good try and that if the worst could happen he could pull them out. Plus he said that the more times they did this the more accurate he could get the machine to work.

"Hey guys what's up?" Jubilee asked seeing them all putting on strange devices around their wrists and Scott with his battle visor on. He was taking no changes this time around.

"Oh hey guys we're just testing out my dimensional traveling machine." Forge smiled at the two new arrivals. "I think we can get this thing working a lot better with these guys helping me out."

Hank nodded, "Yes we hope to learn a lot more about quantum physics with this experiment it could lead to new theories as well as we could learn a lot about what we may have to deal with." He explained the reasons why they were going to them as they had to the first group.

"That is so wicked…Okay sign me up." The Asian girl said all smiles this would be one hell of a trip.

"No way," Scott told her flat out, "This could be dangerous and I'm already having seconds thought about doing this not to mention all the others."

"No freaking way Scott!" Jubilee put her hands on her hips staring at him. "Bobby got to go last time and I want to do this."

"You know the more people the more data I can collect," Forge offered.

Scott gave him a look, "You're not helping and Jubilee this can get freaky not to mention dangerous. We landed in war zones, hell they nearly tried to set Jean and Kurt on fire in this one. Then there were the giant robot things, evil minions and a lot of other stuff."

"Oh come on," Paige begged him, "Let them come with us this could be really fun and besides do you really want her angry at you for who knows how long?"

Scott looked at Jubilee and she had that look on her face that was saying 'I'll make your life hell' on it. "Don't forget I'm dating Bobby and I'm sure he can give me pointers on how to make you miserable Summers." She stated and Scott sighed.

The thing with Jubilee was that she never bluffed she did exactly what she said she would. He looked to Jean for support and she just shrugged. 'Is it really worth it Scott?' She asked them with her mind.

He groaned internally knowing it would take months for Jubilee to calm down, 'No…I guess not but I really don't like this Jean.'

'Neither do I and this is the last time I let Forge talk me into something like this.' She responded back to him.

Scott sighed and looked back to a waiting Jubilee arms crossed as if daring him to say no to her. "Okay fine but just stick close and keep together. And that goes for the rest of you there's no telling where we could end up."

"Like what a reality where we're all evil?" Jamie asked and everyone looked at him. "What? It's like that Star Trek episode with Kirk going into that alternate reality."

"Oh yeah I remember that one, that was good," Vince nodded adjusting his bond. "But let's hope that doesn't happen, I really don't want to see what everyone is like evil." Although he muttered that he doubted that he would see one of himself. After all last time he never saw a version of him.

He sighed and guessed that in the grand scheme of things he wasn't that important. For some strange reason that kind of hurt.

"Alright, you're the best Scott." Jubilee gleefully ran and grabbed the last two devices and slipped one onto her and then onto Amara.

"Hold on I didn't say I wanted to go what do you think you're doing?" Amara said to Jubilee for putting the device on her without her consent.

"Oh liven up you never know what we'll find out maybe you'll see a few versions of you." Jubilee then leaned in close to whisper something else to her. "Like maybe see if you get together with a certain Japanese student?"

Amara blushed a bit and tried to hide it giving the other girl a slight glare.

"Alright then let's get this show on the road shall we?" Forge asked everyone. For the most part they gathered together and Blink turned on her holowatch she really didn't want to stand out in another reality.

Her heart was already hammering in her chest and she was more nervous then anything. She tried to control her breathing maybe thinking this wasn't a good idea. Sure she had gone on missions and stuff but this was a major event.

She felt a hand on her shoulder and noticed Jean giving her a warm smile, Blink guessed that her fear had been picked up but Jean's smile helped to steady herself. She wasn't alone in this and she would have the others with her. She took a few more breaths getting herself ready

'I wonder what this will feel like? I hope it doesn't hurt.' She thought seeing Forge going to the device as he was working on the controls of it.

Forge was fine tuning the device he had set it to random at first few jumps, he had programmed it to bring them back after a certain number of jumps each one would bring them closer to their own.

He even tried to impute any that they had been to last time to see if they could hit those worlds again. It would help him get a reference point as it were for this. Traveling into other realities was really tough to plot a course but this time he was prepared for it.

"Alright if anyone has to go to the bathroom now is the time," He grinned over at them seeing a few scowls on their faces. "Okay, Okay I'll hurry up."

He started up the main power as the device hummed to life. There were a few glowing bits on the sides that now kicking in and he got a quantum lock on another reality. The bands on their wrists only lit up as well as they too were activated and linked up to the great machine. "Hold on tight everyone!" He hit the large green button and in a flash of white light they all vanished.

Everyone there felt like a shifting sensation as the world went bright white.

Forge and Beast looked at the spot not seeing any trace of what happened. He looked to the younger man. "Well now let's wait and see what data we get sent and see where we can take them from there shall we?"

Forge nodded they would give them a certain amount of time in each reality before moving them to the next unless they pressed an emergency button. He knew it would work this time but then he mentally slapped himself.

'Oh damn…I should have given them a camera to help document this all…Oh well there's always next time.' He shrugged looking over what data that was being sent through to them on the screen of the device.


AN: Just so you know since this isn't a serious fic the chapters will vary and may not be up to the usual length I now do this is meant for a good time in case some of you were thinking it was a bit shorter then normal. Plus this is just the opener too.