Disclaimer: You people know what the disclaimer is so there's no point in me saying it.

A/N: No flames please. If you don't like the parings then don't read it because it wound only be a waste of both yours and my time.

Sango was sitting in the hot springs by herself. Kagome had pissed her off to the point that she couldn't be anywhere near her at this point. Kagome had been sticking up for the wolf demon named Koga who had been picking fights with Inuyasha for over a month. Inuyasha can't get within two feet of him because Kagome always gives out a sit command if he does.

Sango's anger rose through the roof as she continued to think about it. 'Inuyasha deserves better that this.' She thought. Sango had gotten out of the water, dried herself off and clothed herself still thinking about Kagome. 'Damn Kagome all Inuyasha was trying to do was protect you from the same demon that kidnapped you and tried to kill him.' She thought.

Sango decided that she would try to spend sometime with Inuyasha to get his mind off her. On her way back to camp she saw Inuyasha sitting in a tree. He was in deep thought so she chose not to bother him. When Sango made it back to camp she was greeted by the fox demon Shippo, the monk Miroku and Kagome.

"Sango had you seen Inuyasha anywhere?" asked Kagome.

'Why so you could hurt him again?' Sango thought. She then lied to Kagome. "No I haven't." she said. There was no way that Kagome was going to hurt Inuyasha while Sango was around. Out of the month Sango was traveling with them she never did like that fact that Kagome would have Inuyasha's face planted into the ground for no reason at all.

The Next Day

The group was on the road again looking for Naraku. "Say Inuyasha." Said Kagome. "Where were you last night?" Inuyasha looked at her. "Why?" he asked. Kagome looked back at him. "Because I was worried."

'You didn't seem worried when you planted his face into the yesterday.' Sango thought as she watched them. Miroku took a good look at Sango and saw that she was getting pissed about something. He was wondering why she was getting mad maybe it's because of Naraku and that she wants to find him as soon as possible. About three minutes later Inuyasha and Kagome got into it again and then….WHAM!

Inuyasha's face went into the ground and Kagome stormed off leaving Inuyasha there. Later that day in a nearby village the group rested and collected more items in order to continue there journey. Sango had saw Inuyasha walk off again and this time she followed him. Inuyasha wound up sitting up against a tree out side the village. Inuyasha noticed that Sango was right there. "What is it?" he asked.

"I just wanted to know if you were ok." She answered.

"I can take care of myself Sango." He said.

"I know that Inuyasha, I just wanted to make sure." She said.

"Well thanks anyway." He said.

There was silence for a while. Inuyasha and Sango sat there staring into the sky no words were said for a while until Sango broke it. "Inuyasha can't you take that thing off?" she asked. Inuyasha shook his head. The only one that could take it off was Kagome or another powerful priestess.

"So how did you become a demon slayer?" asked Inuyasha.

Sango was shocked a bit to hear that Inuyasha had asked her that question. It showed that he was interested in what she did. "Well my mother taught me a long time ago, it was hell." She said. Inuyasha chuckled a bit. "How so?" he asked.

"Well first I had to wake up early in the morning and if I didn't then I would get cold water dumped on my face." She explained. "Then I had to go on a five mile hike, learn all the things that were required to know about demons, and whole lot of other stuff."

"Sucks to be you." He said jokingly. Sango pushed him on his arm. "Not funny Inuyasha." She said. "You know the saddest part of my life when I was young was when I lost my mother to a demon, she died trying to protect me." Inuyasha could smell the tears rolling down her cheek. Sango wiped them up. Inuyasha sighed.

"I lost my mother when I was young too." He said. "But it wasn't to a demon it was to the villagers of my village." Sango continued to listen as Inuyasha went on. "They killed her because she was the mother of a half-breed, they killed her in cold blood then left looking for me so I grabbed her body and drugged her outta there then I buried her at her most favorite spot at the edge of the village."

For a split second Sango saw Inuyasha's eyes flash blood red. Sango put her arm around Inuyasha. "We're a lot alike Inuyasha." Said Sango. Inuyasha looked at her and Sango smiled. The two didn't realize that the sun was going down because they had talked about each other so much. Inuyasha and Sango both walked back to the village together to see that the others were waiting for them. The last person Sango wanted to see right now was Kagome and her bitchy attitude towards Inuyasha for being gone so long.

That night the group sat around a fire and ate. Kagome saw the fact that Inuyasha and Sango was getting along so well and felt a bit of jealousy coursing through her. Something needed to be done about this.

A/N: Ok that's it for this chapter. What will Kagome do? Until I write the second chapter, tell me what you thought about this.