Author's Notes: So as I type this, it is currently a quarter till 4 AM. I have no clue why my brain was pressing me for this, but I figured it was completely essential. I haven't updated this damn story in forever, and I feel terrible about it. I still need to use the words people gave me. I'm sorry I haven't done that yet, either. Anyway, I hope this could be considered a consolation gift.

Warnings: Spoilerskinda for the movie. Elricest. Ed/Hei. Al/Hei (If you squint.) Uhm . . . that's about it. Maybe Language? I don't know. I'm tired, bare with me.

Alfons stared in disbelief at the figure in front of him.

The resemblance was literally uncanny.

Albeit, the eyes were of different color, as was the hair, but the face, and almost the very demeanor that the two males shared was mirrored in one another.

Al grinned a large, toothy grin that spread across his twelve year old mouth and lit up his entire face with a child like innocence that only he could possess. Those bronze eyes traveled all across his look-alikes body, and they held some kind of unidentifiable emotion.

Edward stood off to the side, pleased with himself. Finally the two Al's could meet face to face. This is what he'd been dreaming of since he first came to Munich, and fell into the soft lap of Alfons Heidrich. He swore to himself, the moment that he was reunited with his baby brother, he'd introduce him to his very own carbon copy.

In some respects, the two boys were exactly alike.

Alphonse had a very strong sense of compassion for living things, and the sweetest disposition you'd ever see on ANY teenage boy.

Alfons was the same way. He had a caring, loving part of him that was to be rivaled, and he was very tender-footed.

But then in some ways, the two Al's were complete opposites.

The Elric could be completely devious and cold hearted if he needed to be, and sometimes just downright mean. (A trait that he seemed to have acquired from his beloved brother.) However, he was also very mysterious, and had a cunning sense about him that kept everyone around him guessing as to what it was that he really meant.

Heidrich was mysterious, yes, but very aloof about it. No one could ever catch on, and he was very inside of himself often. He wasn't outspoken, but he certainly could get his point across if the occasion called for it.

Edward walked over and placed a gentle hand on both boys' shoulder. "Well, what do you think? Pretty crazy, huh?" He smirked, eyes glancing from one Al to the other.

"He's beautiful." Alfons murmured, cerulean optics full of a profound wonder that he'd never known before. And almost instantly after he'd said it, he blushed and looked down. "I'm sorry, was that a little narcissistic of me?"

Ed let out a laugh, and ruffled his younger brother's hair, looking at him in the same fond way that Alfons had. "Not really. He is beautiful, isn't he?"

Al pushed his brother away and huffed at him. "You're too affectionate sometimes. You embarrass me."

"Hey, you better appreciate the affection, you little brat! Do you know how rare it is to come by? Almost NO ONE has seen me act all mushy and crap. You'd better be thankful you're my sibling!"

"And your lover." The older Al said, smirking devilishly.

"Yes, but I'm sure that title isn't reserved specially for me," Alphonse muttered glaring pitifully at Ed.

Edward's eyes grew wide. "And just what the hell is that supposed to mean?"

Alfons began to get the hint, and like the cruel bastard that he could sometimes be, he slid his arm around Ed's waist and tugged him close. "I think this is what he means. Lord knows if you can't have one Al, you'll have the other."

There were other distinct differences about both Al's.

When Alfons Heidrich kissed Edward, it was very rough, very heated, very sexually induced. It was a far cry from loving, and far more into lustful. Passionate didn't seem to quite do it justice, but it held something along those lines. Those kisses were feverish, and often lead to clothes on the floor, bodies tangled, and a lot of sweat.

But when Alphonse Elric kissed his big brother, it was nothing like that. (It could be, but only on rare occasions.) When Al kissed Ed, it was soft- almost like a butterfly landing on your lips and then leaving just as quickly as it came. It would be shy, and gentle, and full of love and devotion and everything that the brother's stood for. There would be tongue, but only in the sense of sensual movements and silent promises of "Forever."

So when the two Al's met for the first time, Edward had his own chance to reflect on the pros and cons (Even though there weren't many cons) of his two lovers. Because he did, indeed, have two lovers.

Two wonderful, beautiful, loving, Al's that were always there for him if he needed someone to fall back on.

Then again, he also enjoyed playing favorites . . .

But I'll let that be something saved for a different fanfiction.

Okay, so review, please.

Sorry if there were any grammatical errors. Give me a break. It's four o'clock in the fucking morning.

Hope you all have a wonderful Friday.