Hello, I' Nick Dahdah


A stranoger beast

Chapter 1

Godzilla awoke, startled by a call. He walked out to the beach to find his old friend, King Kong there. "Ah… Godzilla." "What do you want, Kong?" He asked. "I want to tell you to stay away from Tokyo. There is an evil there, an evil more powerful than you can imagine." "Really? Because I can imagine a lot." "Okay… Maybe not more than you can imagine, but it might be able to kill you." "You think it can?" "Everyone dies." "Okay. Why did you wake me up in the middle of the night, to tell me this?" "I thought it was of the utmost importance." "Good. How did you come to know of this?" "I-it came to me in a dream." "A dream?" "A dream of the cosmos." "Good. You pass." "What?" "Go."

Kong went into the sea.

That day, Godzilla sent King Ghidora to the city. He came back, with a broken wing, and the report of an all powerful being in there. Godzilla told him to rest, and that he would leave Tokyo alone. He knew he was making a mistake.

Some night later, King Kong returned. "You should not go into the human world at all." "I did not plan to." "Good." "Kong, Is this a way to keep me from going into the human world, so you can raid around?" "Oh no. I do not leave my island. You no that. Besides, would I lie to my Godfather?"

"Daddy, Can I go to Tokyo?" This was one of many the times asked. Now Minya was on it. No…. All the monsters on the island were trying to go to destroy something. He didn't blame them. He wanted to go out too. He summoned an island meeting.

At the summoing.

"Hello. I would like to announce that, for the next three months, there will be no entering of the human world. I have received a tip that, there is a great evil in Tokyo. King Ghidora has seen it." King Ghidora stepped forward. "It glows. It shines. Its arm intertwines. Its power is great, it has an unclear fate. It sees no limits, it knows no gimmicks. It will kill, or be killed.

Continued next week! Please R&R