Figured I'd get this part up quick, that cliffhanger was evil.

The rest of the words left your mouth in a rush, you didn't look at me as you spoke and I sat in stunned silence as I took in your words, as I let them wash over me. I don't even think I was breathing, I couldn't move, my brain stopped functioning and I sat there dumbfounded. This I was not prepared for.

I didn't speak for a while, I couldn't find my voice. I watched as your nervousness increased with every second I was silent.

When I finally did find my voice it was shaky as I asked you to repeat yourself, said I didn't want to have any misunderstandings. So I listened again and I watched your mouth as you spoke.

I felt my whole body fill with sheer elation as you said. "I couldn't carry on like that because I've fallen in love with you. I don't know how and I never meant for it to happen but it has and I need more, I need all of you or I need to move on".

I knew I'd cry but tears of joy were not what I was expecting. You looked shocked at my reaction even more so when I explained I'd fallen for you too.

I told you I'd fallen for you months ago but I didn't know what to do about it. I'd pretty much decided to do the opposite of what she had just done. I told you how thankful I was that you decided to handle it differently than me. That you'd told me how you felt. I have to say I was shocked, everyone thinks I'm the confident one. Not this time.

The rest of the conversation is a bit of a blur to me now, I had too many emotions swirling inside and I was too busy trying to deal with them to remember the exact words we said.

I do remember the rest of that weekend though. It was amazing. After we talked I moved in to kiss you but you stopped me. Told me with a smile that I had to wait till after our first date. I laughed at the ludicrousness of that, then you told me I wouldn't have to wait long.

You left telling me you'd be back soon, so I waited impatiently for your return marvelling at the huge about turn we'd just done.

When you came back twenty minutes later you were armed with champagne, strawberries and bath oils.

I couldn't shake the huge grin as we ordered room service and actually had dinner together. We sat, talked, laughed and shared things, all the things I had wanted us to do for months. It felt so natural being with you like that, as if that's how we'd always been.

Then you led me to the bathroom and with a mischievous smile you ordered me into the bath. I watched your eyes dance over my skin as I shed my clothes; I took my time, slowly revealing myself to you. And I felt amazed. Had you always looked at me like that? Like I was the most beautiful thing you'd ever seen? Had your eyes always darkened with desire at the mere sight of me like this?

We soaked in the bath as we drank champagne and fed each other strawberries. I got my kiss and it was amazing, nothing like any of the kisses we'd shared before. This was a slow, gentle exploration. You slowly teased my tongue with yours; making me gasp and whimper into your talented mouth.

You said that you liked my taste much better than the strawberries and I blushed at your words, at the husk in your voice as you spoke them.

Afterwards in nothing but our bathrobes we curled up on the huge bed and talked again. I asked when your feelings changed, when you started wanting more. You said it was that night in your apartment, when I'd fallen asleep you felt the overwhelming urge to hold me, that you hadn't meant to fall asleep but you couldn't bring yourself to let me go. I think I cried again as I realised how much time we'd wasted. How we'd been so stupid.

Then you kissed me again. Your kisses are so gentle and so intense, they take my breath away. I think I'm addicted to your kisses; I crave the feel of your mouth on mine.

That night was the first time we made love and my god it was amazing.

You slowly slipped the robe off my shoulders; your hands gently caressed my body, gliding over me. You used your hands and mouth to map out every single inch; you found every place that makes me moan and lavished it with attention. All the while telling me how beautiful I am, how much you love touching me, how in love with me you are. When I felt you kissing your way down my trembling body and claiming me with your mouth I thought I was going to pass out, the feeling of your hot tongue inside me was almost too much.

Sounds strange I know, considering this was hardly the first time we'd done this, but never before had it been like this. Before had always been rushed heat of the moment sex, nothing more. Never before had we softly and gently made love to each other.

When I touched you I was almost overwhelmed. I did as I'd wanted to for so long. I teased your body with soft touches, kisses and licks, gentle bites to all the hot spots I found. I took my time learning your body and figuring out how to please you. Loving every reaction I got, every whimper and moan I heard.

I revelled in the fact that this wasn't about sex, this was about expressing how much I feel for you, about making you feel good. I didn't have to rush. And I knew you weren't going anywhere after.

When your body finally gave in to the pleasure, you arched into my hands and moaned my name; I was amazed at how much it made me feel. Yes I'd seen it before, but again, never like this. Everything was different now.

Afterwards you held me in your arms, told me how much you loved me and how you never wanted to let me go.

This was how it should have been all along.

Thinking back over the months before, the hurt and pain we'd put ourselves through I realise I wouldn't change a thing, not a single second; if I did I might not be with you now.

All that happened a year ago and we're still together, you moved in a few months ago and still now, a year later I smile every time I wake up in your arms.

So now we're back to the arguing in work, only difference is we go home and make up.

I can't quite believe how far we've come, especially given the start to our relationship.

It was my birthday today, you wrote on my card 'I wasn't supposed to fall in love with you, but I did, and every day I love you more'

I think that sums our relationship up perfectly.

It wasn't supposed to happen.

Thanks for reading and thanks for the reviews :)