Kingdom Hearts: Before the Door

A Light in the Rain production

Neki © Light of Heaven and Kitty Fetish

Reni Concept © Kitty Fetish

Reni © Black Rainy

Kingdom Hearts Characters and Concept © Square Enix and Disney

Final Fantasy Characters © Square Enix

All rights reserved.

Weeeee! I get to end the chappie!

It better be good!


Oo;;; Ew.



Not THAT love you baka!

That's Incest!!!! anyways, to the chapter! and—AHHHHHH!!!!



Oh god... ::smacks forehead::

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Before the Door

Chapter 12 –Last chapter-

Reni walked around her house. It was really big. She'd been living there for ten years, protecting a 'him', under the false identity of a lost little girl searching for a damned muffin.

Why can't I be normal? Reni thought wistfully, her fingers trailing across the banister. She started to walk up the stairs. But noooo, Mickey had to pick me and Neki to throw out here. We were only kids, what was he thinking?! I don't even know what we're protecting him FROM.

Reni trudged into her room, picked up her brush, and began to detangle her hair. ...picnic survival practice raft my butt! She thought bitterly. They're going somewhere! They have to be. But where? There's nothing out there in the ocean. Ugh...I should go tell Riku. She set her brush down, and opened her door.

She walked down the hallway quickly, sighing exasperatedly as she went. Stopping before his door, she knocked three times, and waited until he opened the door.

"Sup, Squirt?" He leaned on the door post.

"You're going to leave on that raft, with Kai and Sora. Why?" Reni demanded. "There's nothing out there on the ocean." She wasn't surprised with Riku rolled his eyes.

"Listen, Ren," Riku pushed away from the door post, and pulled her into his room. "Kai, Sora, and I are trying to find other worlds." He closed the door.

"With a raft? You need a rocket to get off of a planet, not a raft." Reni furrowed her eyebrows and crossed her arms.

He sighed heavily, like grown ups did. "Listen—"

"You listen to me, you're NOT leaving this island! You're going to stay here!" To emphasize her point, she jabbed her finger downward.

"You don't want us to leave because you and Neki need to protect some guy, but you don't know who, so you need me and Sora to stay until you find out!" Riku told her sharply. "Reni, we're a part of something much greater!"

"No we're not! Trust me, we're not!" Reni assured him desperately.

"Really? Tell me, what other worlds are there. You know of them. I know you do." He narrowed his eyes at her. "Where do you come from?"

Reni felt the truth trying to erupt out of some sort of...truth vomit... "Radiant Garden." That felt so good—telling the truth. "King Mickey sent me and Neki...He told us that we had to protect a 'him', but he didn't tell us who. I don't even know what we're protecting 'him' against!" She griped, sitting down on his bed angrily.

Riku walked over to her, sat down, and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. ", I'll try to find a way to drag either Neki or you along. Now, let's go put your favorite puzzle together. It's still that one with the fairy, right?"

Reni looked up at him and added, "And the little men...and the merpeople." He nodded, and she smiled. "Okay...let's go do that." And together they walked out of the room to get the said puzzle.

The next morning...

"Okay, and you HAVE to promise you will NOT tell Neki, Kairi, or Sora that I told you about the raft...or about the raft..." Riku said sternly as brother and sister walked side by side to their little canoe.

"I do," Reni promised. "And YOU have to promise you will not tell Neki, Kairi, or Sora that I told you about the mission...or mention anything about the mission at all. Even a missionary—No. Don't say anything that starts with an M ev—"

"Okay, Ren, I promise." Riku rolled his eyes as they climbed into the boat.

"'re going early to work on the raft...?" Reni asked. She was going to help Riku with the raft to make it slightly larger for when he found a way to drag one of the girls along.

"Yeah, and when Sora and Kairi arrive, be normal and not annoyingish. And if they ask, just say you want to practice your survival skills too." Riku instructed her, using the oars to push off from the beach and into the water. Handing Reni one of them, he said, "Did you like your puzzle?"

Paddling in front of Riku, Reni replied, "Yep! You seemed to like to put the Merwomen together. I wonder if it's because you like merpeople or if it was the fact they were topless."

"Probably number two, Ren. Probably number two."

- - -

"Okay," Kairi held out a list in front of her. "We're collecting more food today. Sora, you're getting three mushrooms, two coconuts, yellow kind please, they're the only good ones, three fish, a seagull egg, and fill this with drinking water." She handed him a bottle. "Fresh, and not from the ocean. Bring everything back here once you're done."

"Okay, Kairi," Sora was about to turn away, but then stopped himself. "Kairi? Um...I feel bad about that fight we had with Riku yesterday..."

"Sora, it was Riku's fault. He doesn't understand that Neki and Reni would get in the way," Kairi assured, staring at him seriously.

"I dunno...they're not THAT stupid...or annoying...Reni's pretty smart, she could help out," Sora pointed out. "And Neki's really creative—she could keep us entertained, or come up with an idea if we're in a tight spot. Think about it."

Kairi sighed, "Sora, sometimes you trust a BIT too much. The raft isn't big en...wait, the raft looks bigger than it did yesterday! Oh, Riku!" Kairi pouted, and put her hands on her hips. "Go get Riku and drag his butt back here!"

Sighing, Sora said, "Okay," and turned to leave.

- - -

"Riku! Riku, I gotta talk to you!" Sora yelled to the said boy, running to him. When Riku turned around, Sora stopped to catch his breath.

"What, Stupid?" Riku asked sharply.

"Okay, I'm sorry about yesterday, I was acting like a jerk." Sora said really, really fast. "So was Kairi but she's not admitting it; I think Reni and Neki should come with us too, Reni's smart, and Neki's creative, the raft is big enough, by the way, Kairi's going to chew you out for that, and they could really help, but I was acting like a jerk, and I'm sorry."

"Oh my god..." Riku breathed. "Did you just say all one breath?!"

"Yes..." Sora was looking down at his feet apologetically. For we all know that when Sora speaks really fast and in one breath that he is being truly sincere. Wait, you didn't know that? HAHA!

Riku smiled and ruffled Sora's hair. "Ah, you're forgiven, Kid." Then he paused. "Wait, what was that part with Kairi again?"

"Oh! She's going to chew you out for making the raft bigger!" Sora smiled widely, then got a look of pure horror, and then confusion, horror again, and then back to confusion. "Uhh...horrified of Kairi chewing you out, confused as to why making the raft bigger is a bad thing..."

"Oh, Kai's just PMSing." Riku waved his hand. "Anyways, how about we continue working on the raft and I'll deal with Kairi later?"

"Yeah, that works." Sora smiled, and gave Riku a thumbs up. "I'll go get the extremely long annoying list of crud, and you go do stuff!"

Riku rolled his eyes, "Yeah! And how about we go tell Reni to jump off the cliff into the ocean like Pocahontas?"

Amazingly, they heard a loud scream of, "I'M POCAHONTAAAAAAS!" Whipping around, they saw the cliff...into the Pocahontas.

"What the heck?" Riku asked, staring.

"Oh, Reni and Neki must be trying to reconnect by being silly like they were when they were younger." Sora stated. "Neki told me she was going to do that this morning. Have they been arguing?"

"Yeah...I overhead an argument of theirs once. Reni's drifted from Neki's way of the random I think." Riku shrugged. "Anyways, let's get to work." And with that the best friends went about their jobs.

- - -

"Come on! Jump!" Reni yelled as loudly as she could to Neki, who was perched at the top of the cliff. "I know you're not afraid of heights, so jump!" She quickly swam to an area where she could touch the sand at the bottom.

"No! I'm wearing a new shirt! I don't want to wreck it!" Neki whined loudly. "Screw jumping, I'll take the long way down!"

Reni was a little annoyed by now. Then she got an idea. She looked to the right, over to the beach area. She pretended to be horrified. Turning back to face Neki, she screamed, "OH MY GOD!!! NEKI, RIKU'S SNOGGING KAIRI!!!!"

Neki's eyes widened in anger. Completely forgetting her favorite shirt, she reared back, ran, and leaped off the edge, and plummeted to the water. Making a big splash when she entered, she came right back up, and swam quickly to the shore, and looked around like she was about to murder.

"Wait a smerf..." Neki said suspiciously, realizing Riku and Kairi were no where in sight. She whirled around and glared at a laughing Reni. "YOU! You lied to me AND ruined my fave shirt!"

"Ha ha, yeah but it was funny!" Reni laughed, approaching her friend cautiously. "Riku would NEVER kiss Kairi, especially after kissing YOU!"

Neki blushed. "How'd you find out?"

"I was watching you two through a telescope yesterday!" Reni's laughter died down, and she settled with a smirk. "I can just see little Nekis and Rikus running around the island in the future!"

"Oh, shut up!" Neki laughed, that idea was rather cute, though. "He's kissed me before!"

"Yeah, on the cheek, just like me," Reni countered. "Well, it's about time you two lippy-locked. He's had a crush on you for about five or six years."

"...really?" Neki stuttered.

"Yep! Maybe it's because you finally became a young woman that he realized his true feelings!" Reni laughed again.

"Maybe...or he changed..." Neki said dramatically. "I seriously think he changed a bit."

"...yeah..." Reni blinked a few times. "...I'm kinda worried though...last night I saw him on the balcony staring at the play island, and he said 'the door is opening'."

Neki arched an eyebrow. "What did you do?"

Reni shrugged. "I asked what the heck was he talking about, and without looking away from the island he replied, 'the jar is opening—get me a mayonnaise sandwich.'"

"He's gone crazy." Neki concluded, stretching. "Hey, it's getting late, wanna go back home?"

"Yeah." Just as Reni finished, Riku, Kairi, and Sora appeared, and all were smiling.

"You guys going home too?" Kairi asked.

"Yep...let's go." Neki answered, heading toward the boats.

"Let's have an adventure tomorrow." Reni giggled, following her friend.

That might come sooner than you think, Riku thought silently, looking up at the clouds rolling in.

- - -

"Okay...I got my float...beach ball...parasol...swim suit...and..." Sora mumbled, stuffing supplies into a gym bag.

"Going to have a party?" Neki asked skeptically, appearing in the doorway.

"Nope, just...packing random stuff for nothing..." Sora sweatdropped, turning to look at his sister. "Uhh...any particular reason you're in my room?"

"...that's MY beach ball." Neki pouted, and crossed her arms.

"Oh..." He threw it at her. "There you go."

Catching it, she continued, "Mom says it's almost time for dinner, wash up so the germsies don't come alive and try to strangle you in your sleep..." She didn't move at all, but kept her eyes on him, staring blankly.

Sora's eyes widened a bit, and he scooted away. "According to the blank's the spinach soufflé, isn't it...?"

"YES!!! YES I ADMIT IT'S THE SPINACH SOUFFLE!!!!" Neki yelled dramatically, hurling herself from the doorway and down the hall.

Sighing at his loss of a tasty meal, and the loss of a truly sane sister (or better yet, no sister at all), he walked up to his bed, and flopped down on it. This was his last night here, and tomorrow he'd be with Riku, Kairi, and possibly Reni or Neki out on the ocean, searching for worlds. That was going to be awesome...

...that is, if the raft wasn't blown away in this approaching storm.

"AH! The raft!" Sora cried, out, quickly pulling on his shoes and hopping out his first floor window.

Upon hearing Sora cry out, Neki suspiciously tip toed into his room, and peeked out the window at his fleeing figure.

"Oh, he is NOT going to make me eat that spinach soufflé while he goes to take care of his raft!" she said bitterly, hoisting herself out the window as well. "SORA! SORA GET YOUR BUTT BACK HERE!" Neki screamed as she chased him down. Well, she didn't get too far until Sora turned around and said:

"Riku, Kai, me are using the raft tomorrow to search for other worlds, not to practice survival skills or a picnic, that's the reason I was packing, and we can't look for other worlds without the raft because this storm is going to blow it away!"

Neki's eyes widened. "Oh my god...did you say that one breath?!"

"Yes, yes I did!" Sora yelled. "NOW HURRY!" He grabbed her elbow and began to pull them both toward the docks.

- - -

"Riku, quit saying the door has opened, it's creeping me out." Reni commanded, following her brother down the beach. They had arrived much earlier than Sora or Neki. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw something go into the secret place. "Hold on, Riku, I'll be right back." She turned and ran to the secret place.

Passing through the tunnel, she stumbled upon Kairi.

"Kai?" Reni asked loudly, trying to get Kairi's attention. "Kai! Over here! Fellow Sora-fan."

"Reni...?" Kairi asked, her voice absolutely petrified. "What the chocolate is that?" She pointed a shaky finger at a small black thing with big yellow eyes and antennaes. After that, even more of them poured through black holes on the walls.

"Oh my god let's get out of here!" Reni yelled, turning on her heel and running up and out of the tunnel. She waited at the entrance for Kairi. "Kairi? Kai! BEAVER!!!"

- - -

After rounding the beach, they came to the small island where Riku was. He was turned away from them.

"Where's Kairi! I thought she was with you!" Sora yelled after approaching Riku. Neki remained silent.

"The door has opened." Riku said slowly, never turning around.

"What?" Sora and Neki asked in unison.

"What the chocolate are you talking about?!" Neki asked, arching an eyebrow.

"The door has opened! Now we can go to the outside world." Riku exclaimed excitedly, turning around to face them.

"What are you talking about? We've gotta find Kairi—!" Sora protested, but Riku cut him off.

"Kairi's coming with us!" Riku shouted over the noise of the storm. He looked up at the big blackish purple ball in the sky. "Once we step through, we might not be able to come back. We may never see our parents again. There's no turning back. But this may be our only chance. We can't let fear stop us! I'm not afraid of the darkness!"

Slowly, Riku turned to face them again, and held out his hand.

"Riku..." Sora stuttered. Neki was too stunned to speak.

Suddenly, a darkish purple thing appeared on the ground beneath Riku, but he didn't falter, just calmly held out his hand. Black wisps silently creeped up his legs and then to his torso.

Suddenly, Neki jumped out towards Riku, landing with a small thump beside him. "I'm going with you!" she shouted as black wisps traveled up her legs, then stomach, then chest. Sora attempted to run forward to them, but the blackish purple thing had traveled farther, and he got stuck a few feet away, black wisps working their way up his body. Desperately, he reached out to Riku's still outstretched hand, but couldn't reach.

Blackness completely covered up Sora's line of vision and choked him a little, so he faltered.

- - -

Reni turned around to look at where the voices were coming from. It was really dark, and those black things were popping up like daisies. She couldn't see a thing. Now, which direction did Riku go in? The small island with the paupu trees. Yes, that was it.

Reni ignored the sea side shack stairs, and just plain jumped on top of it, and then to the bridge. She ran along it, and found Sora holding a big...Key thing...

"Sora!" Reni yelled, and Sora turned in surprise. "What is that thing?"

"Uh...a...a Keyblade..." Sora said, looking down at it. He blinked a few times, and then looked up. "Where's Kairi?!"

Reni gasped, "She's in the secret place! The little black things appeared in there and I yelled to get out but she never came up!"

Reni trailing Sora, they both ran to the secret place to find a big fancy door in place of the usual entrance.

"The chocolate?" Reni asked loudly. "That wasn't there before!"

"It's that door I saw in my dream!" Sora yelled to her. "Stay here! I'll see if Kairi's okay!"

"Okay! Be careful!" Reni answered as Sora opened the door and crawled into the secret place.

Suddenly, the wind picked up, and Reni found it hard to stay standing. She fell onto her bottom, and she pressed herself against the nearby tree to brace herself. Then a big gust of wind came spiraling out of the secret place, and it was so powerful, Reni felt herself being lifted a little...

...wait, three feet isn't a little!

Reni screamed as she flew through the air up into the sky.

.::The End::.

- - -

Whooo! 12 pages!

Awesome!!! This is our longest chappie yet!

And our last, so look out for the sequel!

Which is...?

...okay, we haven't figured out a name yet, but it's a sequel.

After the Door? The Journey? Hide and Seek?

Hide and Seek?

Yeah, cuz in the game Riku and Sora go to the same worlds, but never see each other, cuz they keep missing each other. And it's also kind of a hide and seek thing, seeing as Riku's kind of hides from the light and Sora, and how Sora kinda 'seeks' the keyholes and his friends...ya know? need to stop thinking so deeply girl.

The End!

Hope you enjoyed!

...REVIEW!!!!!!!! ...please...

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Rainy's interpretation of the Riku-being-swallowed-by-the-darkness scene in this chappie:


Sora wants to eat Riku too, so he runs forward...BUT GET'S TRAPPED IN THE DARKNESS OHMIGOOOOOODDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOW HE'S BEING EATEN!!!!!!!! GAH THE LEGS!!!! THE LEEEEEEEEEEEEEGS!!!!!!!!

Sora STILL wants to eat Riku, so he reaches out to rip his arm off to gnaw on...awwww, nothing says friendship like cannibalism...


...ooooh, is that a flash light?

OH MEEE GURSH!!!! Sora has a key...thing...



Neki stood there staring at him like he was an idiot. Then she ate him. Cuz nothing says friendship like cannibalism.