A/N: Hi, so I'm back with the final chapter. Sorry it took so long. I have been busy and well I couldn't find the right way to end this story. But I did and here it is for you. Enjoy.

Ethan was excited, today he was taking Theresa and their twins home from the hospital. Charity and Eve stopped by to say they were free to go. Ethan brought the stroller out and Miguel pushed Theresa in her wheel chair. "We are having a celebration for Theresa and the girls tonight so why don't you both come over and we can really party" Ethan said. "Sounds good." Eve said. "Should I bring anything"
"Just your family and a big appetite." Miguel said. "Momma as been cooking with everyone since dawn, she has made plenty off food so that Theresa doesn't have to cook right away and she will have time to recover. But there is plenty for us to eat tonight." "Ok, I get off in an hour so we will be over after that." Eve said. "I am off now, so I can go grab ,my things and go over with you now." Charity said. "Ok." Theresa said seeing the sparks fly between her and Miguel. Charity went to get things and the others got Theresa and the twins settled in the car. Charity joined them and they headed home.

"Ok, Ethan called and said they were a few blocks away." Pilar said. "So let's get ready." "Ok, I will get the kids finished." Whitney said. "Paloma come help." They took, Jane, Little Ethan, Maria and Miles to the back to get them cleaned up from helping make cookies for the party.

Ethan pulled up and helped Theresa out of the car and then they carried the babies up to the house. Pilar and Martin greeted them as they came in. "Hi there." Theresa said. "Did you come to see us"
"Yes." Pilar said. "Come on in." They went in and were greeted by more family. The kids came out of the back all cleaned up and smiling. "Mommy." Jane said running over. Theresa sat down on the couch and hugged Jane close.
"Hi my big girl, did you miss me." "Yep." Jane said. "Can I hold my sisters"
"Sure, EJ you want to hold them too"
"Yeah." EJ said running over. Soon Ethan and Theresa were help Jane and EJ hold their baby sisters.

The party got under way. More people showed up and food was eaten. Everyone brought more gifts for the babies and Theresa. The twins fell asleep so they were put to bed. Theresa loved having her friends and family around. Soon the kids were all asleep so the adults sat in the living room.


Miguel went to answer the door and took the certified letter addressed to him. "Who was it." Ethan asked.
"A letter for me." Miguel said. "From Kay." He sat down next to Charity and read it aloud.

Dear Miguel,

This is the hardest letter I have ever had to write, but I know I have to do it. I can not keep living in the past. I was so in love with you years and you never returned my affection. I was desperate for you to love me, but you still wouldn't, so I dressed myself in a blonde wig to look like Charity and slipped you drugs so you would think I was her and I raped you. I planned on telling everyone, but you were still so in love with Charity, I knew me saying that we were together wouldn't work, then I got pregnant with Maria and your bond to Charity was still tighter then ever. I know Charity is back and you to are working things out so you can be together, so I want to wish you well. I see Fox as the firth real love of my life and I can live with that. We found these twins in Africa and Fox wanted to adopt them so we did. We are now living in London. My only wish for Maria is to have her come be with me and my new family, but I know you wont give her up so I am leaving her with you and forgetting I ever had a daughter. In all truth she should be yours and Charity, so just promise me you will take good care of her and allow my family to be part of her life. I know she barely remembers me so I think it will work. I am sure in no time Charity will be her new mommy and she will be happy. So goodbye forever.

Katharine Bennett Crane

PS Also included are the paper terminating my rights to Maria so you can make her a new family like I have created.

"Wow." Sam said. "I never would of thought." "Miguel are you ok." Pilar asked.
"I am fine momma." Miguel said. "I guess this means Maria and I are free to move on now"
"You want this?" Grace asked.
"Mrs. Bennett, I never loved Kay like she wanted me to love her, yes Maria was a result of what Kay admitted. Maria is mine and I love her and ever since Kay left we have been waiting, I was so afraid to settle into life, incase Kay came back and decided to take her way. We are free to move on and settle into life. Charity and I talk for hours and days this last week, no we aren't ready to jump into anything serious, but it would be nice to know life is going to be ok." "Look, I think we all knew Kay wasn't coming back, now this is fine. Miguel stepped up when most people wouldn't, so I think it is time he was able live life again with his daughter." Sam said. "Daddy, daddy." Maria said running into the room. "I had a bad dream." "Come here baby." Miguel said. He picked her up and placed her on his lap. "So what was it about." Miguel asked.
"You went away like my mommy did and you didn't come back." Maria said. "I will never leave you." Miguel said. "I am always going to be here for you." "I love you daddy." Maria said hugging him. "I love my new mommy too." She said leaning over and hugging Charity. "I love you too." Charity said. Everyone smiled and were happy. Soon the other kids joined them and they sat talking, telling stories and enjoying life.

That night the families of Harmony were reunited, intertwined and blessed with love and hope. Life was good for they were together and stronger then ever.