Really sorry it took my so long to update but it's because I read my "brothers" secret diary. This is because me and my brother (mainly him) are always trying to get back at each other for something. But because I did I got a computer ban (Which really sucks, but was kinda worth it.) I can now use the computer again, but for how long? Anyway enjoy, also someone is gonna get hurt in this chapter

"My name is Jack Turner," said Kai "And I want to join your gang."

"How did you find out about us?" said James

"A little bird told me" replied Kai with a smirk.

"Ha, ha, ha funny guy" said James slowly "Tell you what, I'll just start slowly cutting into your neck until you tell me."

"Tell you what, you give me the knife and I'll let you keep your all your fingers." Said Kai getting annoyed

"Or I could just cut your throat and make it look like a suicide." Toying with the idea he started to dig the knife in, causing blood to trickle down Kai's neck. Then he took the knife back and asked again. "Want me to do that again?"

"I didn't want to do this but you leave me no choice." Said Kai emotionlessly

Kai swung his head back, hard, breaking James's nose, causing blood to spray everywhere and causing James to scream in pain. Then quick as a flash he ducked under the blade, grabbed his right wrist and twisted it, hard. James fell to the ground and dropped the knife, and using his left hand, Kai grabbed it in midair and pressed it to James's index finger.
"No please don't," James begged.

"I gave you an option, but you chose the wrong one, you should've given me the knife."

With that, Kai looked at the knife and kicked him in the face, hard, knocking him out cold. By then at least 20 other gang members had gathered around Kai, drawn to their friend's cry of pain. One of them stepped forward.

"Who are you and what do you want?" Julian said

"I just went over this with him," Kai said pointing to James, while twirling the knife in his fingers.

"Well, say it again." He said

"My name is Jack Turner and I want to join your gang." He said flatly, tossing the knife to him.

"Well, you have decent fighting skills, but, do you know how to blade?" He said

Two of them then came up and grabbed Kai, and took him to the back of the warehouse to test out his blading skills.

Max was out shopping with Hillary and Kathleen, to try to cheer Hillary up and to not make Kathleen jealous. After about an hour Max had to go to the bathroom. While he was washing his hands he saw someone familiar in the mirror

"Hey what's up, long time no see." He said happily still looking in the mirror. "What's that?"

Just then Max felt a sharp pain in his back, and then all around him was darkness. Outside the bathroom Kathleen and Hillary were distracted by a pair of jeans they thought would look great on Max. They never saw who slipped out of the bathroom. They never saw they person that stuck a twelve and a half centimeter (5 inches) knife into Max. They never saw the person that had stabbed him in the back. About 15 seconds after Max was stabbed and the stabber left another man walked in. He screamed "Holy shit". Hilary and Kathleen ran in, and saw Max lying there. Hilary got out her phone and dialed 911. Kathleen was trying to stop the bleeding, but she could only slow it down. After a few minutes wait the paramedics arrived and took Max to hospital. Kathleen and Hilary followed, scared out of their lives. First it was Mariah, then Ray got shot at, then Kai left, and now Max.

It was a different world for Max, he knew his stabber, but he just couldn't figure out why he would stab him.