Wow. It has been a long time. I'm still alive. I haven't died as yet. Life has just been beating me like I owe it money. Hence why this chapter and probably the next have been taking so long to put up. Some of my days have been so tiresome that I only got to do a paragraph a day. Because of that I also apologize if it sounds choppy and may not be error free. Once I get the time I'll go back and edit if needed. I did try to make up for it with another short story.

Any fans of Leon and/or Tifa may get some pleasure from Mirror Image. Hopefully it does both character's justice in the little short. For those of you who have voted, I have not forgotten about the other stories. So far Spiral and Three Echoes are tied. Those are both being in development. Three Echoes because it'll probably be fic close to the length of this one so it's taking a bit of planning. It may also tie in a bit with this fic so only a few chapters can be possibly started. Spiral is a bit of the opposite. I have a few ideas, just trying to piece them together. It may or may not be a long fic. I'm still contemplating about it.

Once again so sorry for the long wait and possibly even longer one for the next chapter. I'll try and write up the next part ASAP, but I can't make any promises. Well enough of my moaning. You guys and gals are here for the story. Before we start much and many thanks to all of you who have read and have waited patiently for another chapter. I know how frustrating it can be waiting for the next chapter upon weeks on end. Just bear with me. As long as I'm breathing this story will be completed sooner or later. So without further wait.

Chapter 20: Elapidae's Curse

"I did!" I bark out proudly to this punk. The loser finally wakes up after the battle is almost over. Good. It will be so much more pleasing to sweep the ground with his tattooed, ugly face while he's awake. I don't see why everyone is so tense around this crimson eye bastard. He just talks on about being an avenger and getting power no matter what. Pfft. Big deal. No reason for everyone to be scared of this genin. There's a reason his clan has only whittled down to him. And I doubt this Sasuke punk is the strongest of them to survive.

That blood orb with two commas glares at me, as if I'm offending dear prince Sasuke because I'm not quaking in my sandals. Well come on then Sasuke. I beat up your blasted pink cheerleader and smacked around the rest of your friends. It was all me and I don't plan on stopping. Do something.

The leaf intruders, consisting of the blonde girl, the fat boy and that other guy retreat to the bushes. Whatever spell Kin is on has been released. Too bad she can't help. It looks like my ally has been knocked out by it. Doesn't matter though. Like I need someone like her to beat Sasuke. Those eyes of fire continue to try and burn away my flesh as more of those weird markings grow to the rest of his body. "This is too much for us...! His chakra is too huge!" I can hear the mummy yell out as if he's panicked. Too huge? So what if it's spiked up a bit? I ain't chicken. I won't let a little flex of muscle scare me off. I'm the strongest here! I won't lose to some Uchiha punk like him!

"Dosu! Don't be afraid of that half dead guy!" I return a vote of confidence to him. I'll prove just how insignificant this brat is. I'll eradicate him! Yes. He won't know what hit him. One hundred percent sound waves and air pressure. Chakra at eighty percent. I'll destroy this damn forest if it means killing him.

"No, stop, Zaku! Don't you understand!" I can hear my teammate's voice, but it's too late now. There is no stopping me. "I'll kill them all with this! I'll finish this in a flash! Extreme Decapitating Air Cutter!!"

The sound created is like two cannons firing off right by my ear. I don't use this move a lot so the sound and force is something I'm not used to. The pressure rattles the bones in my arms and if I let up I can easily blow myself back a few meters. Even now my feet can barely keep grip in the gravel and are being pushed back. Still, the results of what this will do is ohh so great. The meters in diameter and length of this move is enough to take out a small brigade. Only a fool would be in front of this move. A jounin couldn't survive it. Heh even higher level ninja wouldn't be able to. Rocks, stones, dirt, bush, grass, tree branches, pieces of trees, animals and whatever else can be found in this area is easily picked up and blown into oblivion. This small typhoon of death is inescapable. I can't wait till I show it to that bony bastard.

My technique is finally over, leaving me huffing and puffing for air. Damn. I've also forgotten how tiring it is to use. My eyes, unwavering can only see a path of destruction. There is even trench in floor from my move. That tree those three leafs were hiding in... heh well that is gone with them. A shame for poor Sakura. She didn't deserve that, but I'd rather the Uchiha know just how much greater my power is before his death.

"They blew up into pieces." I huff my hypothesis out as to what happened to their skeletons.

"Who did?". That voice!? Could it really be...I never finish the sentence as this new sensation of pain to my neck makes my frame race off in some random direction. I can see the ground below me, then the sky, ground and sky again. I feel like a soccer ball that just got kicked by an mvp player. Once my skeleton comes to a halt, the pain in my neck catches up. Damn. Feels like a branch from an oak fell on me. What could have done that?

Dazed and struggling to my feet, I can hear my partner's voice call my name. Whatever just happened must have hurled me near him. Could it be that kid? The Uchiha? No it can't be him. I cough while struggling to allow my face to peer at the cause of my harm. It can't be... it really is him! "He's fast. On top of that he moved instantly while holding those two." my partner responds. It's almost like he's praising him.

There is barely even time for me to breathe. Those hands of his come together and rapidly create a few hand seals. He's so friggin quick now. How?! It's like he's in fast forward. "Fire Style: Mythical Fire Phoenix Jutsu!" Shit! Four fireballs are coming at me like angry eagles. I got to take care of this quick!

"Don't get so cocky! I'll erase it!" I scream at my foe. Fire techniques can't work on me. I can easily douse them. Even if I did splurge most of my chakra, I still have enough to stop this flimsy jutsu. Twenty percent is all I can get with this high speed action. I stretch my arms in front of me as quick as possible and release my Air Cutter as quick as I can. Just as expected, those flames are blown out like candles in the wind. Wait!

"What?! There are shuriken in the fire!" I yell amazed. The bastard got weapons in it? When? How?! I couldn't keep up with his movements. Damn it! I still can't keep up and my technique isn't strong enough to blow those back. Damn it. My arms cover both my chest and eyes so he can't get anymore of an advantage. Each shuriken slicing me like a quick swipe from a box cutter. This fool is going to die when I go on the attack again!

"Zaku! Below you!" Dosu screams. What the hell could that... shit!

I'm still too slow. I couldn't keep up. My eyes couldn't see him. Just the blur of a shadow and scarlet peer into my taupe orbs. I don't even know how it happened. Yet now my skeleton can feel it. I'm on my knees like some blasted beggar. My arms are held behind me so I can't even use them. A foot is pressed into my upper spine as if threatening to crash through my back and into my stomach. How could this be happening? How did, him above all people, catch me? Cursing this fate, I try to struggle out of this submission, but I can't. His hold is tighter than a bear trap. My knees can't even raise from the floor. Damn it! I can feel the pressure intensifying.

"You seem to be proud of your arms." this punk's voice belittles me with a snide chuckle. Shit I can' t move. Then I feel that foot on my back, begin to thrust forward as if trying to dig a hole in my flesh. At the same time, both my arms are being pulled back like some ape is trying to rip them off from my body. My skeleton is going in two opposite directions and something is going to give soon. It is one of the scariest experiences in my life.

To know your spine or you arms are going to be destroyed. I'm going to either end up armless or paralyzed from the chest down. It's a frightening feeling, to know that a mediocre life is going to be placed upon you in a few seconds and that you're too weak to do anything about it. I'm scared shitless right now. My throat has tighten so that I can't even speak. Each time I can feel the white structures in my body bend and crack, my heart stops trying to block out the impending danger. Ohh shit. Am I really going to become broken by this boy?

No! I can't. Damn. I have to do something. I can't out power him. There's only one thing I can do. I can't believe it, but I'll have to suck down my pride. I have to beg for him to stop. I must. With a gulp in my throat I open my mouth, but nothing will come out. Come on. Speak damn it! My bones are at that point. I can feel them. It's like right before you bite into a cracker. I have to do it. My face twists to see this menace. Eyes thirsting for my blood, a grin more devious than anything I can make. No I have to plead. He's a leaf ninja. They believe in mercy. He has to spare me!

"Stop it..." is all my voice would let me say before it runs away. It leaves my body taking cover with all the other on lookers. Still it should be enough to get the message across. Shit he has to let me go if I surrender right?

He did. He let go alright. After my bones snapped.


By Kami... it sounded like someone just took a bite from the largest potato chip in the world. It is followed by another bite and then Zaku falls to floor with screech of pain and anguish. That is quickly gone. Most likely because the marred boy has passed out from the pain. Or he could be dead...

Well as much as I would like to investigate his wounds it looks like I won't be able to do that. Zaku's out of commission and Kin has yet to revive from unconsciousness. That only leaves one person left...

"That just leaves you." the scarlet eyed leaf coolly says, turning towards me. Yep. That is what I was afraid of. "You better entertain me better than him.", Sasuke continues with a grin. Those Sharingan eyes unchanging, unflinching. Only thinking of one thing as he's coming closer to me. Destruction.

My mind hasn't been in such a 'flight or fight' mode in a long time. Damn it. I'll die if I stay here. What can I do? This brain of mine can only come up with one answer. Retreat. Run with all the speed I can muster and don't look back. Still. I can't get Zaku and Kin in time. I'll die for before even reaching them. I should just leave them behind...

No. I can't. Not again. Although I should. It's the only acceptable answer. My feet are prepared to start back peddling, yet I won't allow them. Why not? I have to make up my mind soon. He's coming closer..

"Leave them behind!" my mind screams at me. It begins listing all the reasons why I should. Reason one: All three of us would die. One of us might as well live. Two: Look out for my own skin. Three: They'd leave me if they had the chance to escape. My head continues to list reasons, from things as serious as when Kin didn't aid in battle to minuscule things such as how I like to smell my favorite flower. Yet I can't leave them. I don't understand why I can't. I should. My feet are all ready to go, yet I won't allow them to accelerate. Regardless why it doesn't stop the fact that my prey turn predator is getting closer...

Ok fine I'll have to grab them. Get both my teammates and run like hell. Ok who can I make a dash for first? Kin. Yes. She's light. My arms can scoop her up, then I can move in to get Zaku. How am I going to get him though? This tattooed killer is packing Herculean strength and speed like Hermes. How the hell am I going to get pass him for Zaku? A smoke bomb? No. It would have to be my blasted luck that Kin would have those on her. If I ever survive this, I'll have to start carrying more weapons on me. Every outcome I can think of will only get my neck chopped off. Come to think of it. I'd never reach Kin either. As soon as I take my eyes off of Sasuke... well he'll be the last thing I see no matter what I do. The sight of his ravenous eyes are approaching.

Running is still a good idea. Use the dead weight teammates as bait for the Uchiha. That's not a bad... no! That's not an option. Damn! Ok. If I'm not going to be in 'flight' mode then I have to be in 'fight' mode. I'm going to have to be in my damn best condition to attack. Still. I'm screwed no matter what. No I can't let fear take over now. I have to think. Think damn it!! Ok I know of the seal. I've seen it in action. I've seen that white haired and red haired oto ninjas use it. I have knowledge of it. Sasuke's strong, but he's not invincible. The seal is forcefully pulling out his chakra. Hopefully this is his first time using it, which means it'll burn through his chakra quickly. If I can evade him long enough to burn up all his chakra then I can... Shit! That won't work. My eyes can barely keep up with him. It won't take him more than a second to catch me. I may not even get a chance to move. Soon he'll be in arms reach of me.

If I run though he might not be able to catch me. Damn it. Why won't that choice go away?! I'm not doing that no matter how much my trembling body wants to. Ok if I can't go on the attack I'll have to use a sneakier approach. One where I am most guaranteed to hit him. And that attack must kill him. There is no second chances now. This sucks so much. I can't believe I'm thinking this, but I wish that foul mouthed girl was here. She'd have been able to do more than I can right now. Wait, I'm losing topic. That doesn't matter. What matters is I'm going to get killed if I can't think of something right now. His shadow will soon be at my toes...

Ok. My jutsus. I have only one main technique. My sound drill can kill him. No matter what he can't protect his inner organs. All I need to do is shatter that ear drum and give his brain the worse headache in history. I'll have to put all my chakra in one attack. The only way I can hit him though is when he has the least chance of escaping... which means he has to be at a distance where my elbow could tap his chest without my movement. Basically the Uchiha has to be close enough to where I can feel his murderous breath in my face. Extremely risky since he just might kill me first. No. I can do this! I can! Even despite all odds. Judging from the speed I've seen these curse seal users move at. The chance of my move connecting is around forty-five percent. Well that is being optimistic. Thank god I'm such an optimist.

Each of my foe's steps leads closer to my death. I'll go through with that plan though. I may succeed, but if I don't (which is what will probably happen) well then hopefully Kin will get spared. I'll definitely be ripped into confetti and if Zaku isn't already dead then he's going to get a lot more bone crushing experiences.

"Stop!". That word almost makes me jump ten feet thinking the berserker in front of my eyes is attacking. I then glance quickly to see that pink hair kuniochi running towards him. Does she have a death wish!? Still this maybe a chance I'm looking for. Her arms wrap around the boy repeating that one word. The blood eyes glare at the fragile thing and I would have bet all the money I have that she would be dead in the next six seconds. No instead the most amazing miracle happens. The tattoos begin to disperse.

Yes. The cursed seal is disappearing... looks like we're saved... Oh thank Kami! Thank you God! Praise be to the Zorya because they just stopped that hound of doom before me from ending my universe. Some being heard my wish to stay alive today. I can't squander this chance though. I'm still surrounded by enemies. And who knows when that seal may activate again. If it is anything like what happened to the red head, then that thing may turn on again three minutes from now. It's a stick of dynamite with a short fuse. I'll need to appease him. Sadly that means I'll be giving up something, but better than my life.

"You're strong." I get the attention of my opponent and the green eye savior. My palm holds in it my Earth Scroll. "Sasuke, we cannot defeat you." I tell him laying the item on the ground. "Please let us leave for now.".

This surprised the two. I'm more surprised. I woke this morning with not even thinking today's events would turn out like this. I quickly grab Zaku by the waist first. He's in the worse condition so I should take more precautions with him. I sling one of his arms over my shoulder which causes a painful grunt from him. Ok just keep the enemy at peace. Keep them in light, non threatening conversation. "We might be asking for too much, but we have something to confirm.". Next I go and get Kin. Once again it's good she's light. I'm able to grasp her with one arm. He body is hanging within my arm. Not the most safe way of transportation, but victims can't be choosers.

"In exchange, I will promise this... If there is another situation where we will meet in this exam, we will neither run nor hide." I tell him boldly. Perhaps it is a little gauche and ignorant to tell him that, knowing what he just did could easily happen again, but what I speak is the truth. Now that the fear is draining from me I can think a bit clearer. I'll be more prepared next time. This disaster won't happen again.

I walk away carrying my teammates until I hear that mousy voice. "Wait!" it beckons me to turn around. I cock my head to turn so I can peer at the girl from my shoulder. "Who is Orochimaru?! What did he do to Sasuke?! Why Sasuke?!" she continues, ordering an answer. Heh. That's is the billion yen question as of right now.

"I do not know. We were just ordered to kill Sasuke." I reply to the girl. Her lime eyes show that she does not believe me. That is all I can give though. I'd like to know too. Orochimaru... You ordered us to assassinate Sasuke, yet you went ahead and did something. And instead of killing Sasuke, you left the cursed seal. What are you thinking? Exactly just what is on your mind? I'll have to reflect on these questions later. For now I'm still in enemy territory, outnumbered and out powered. The best thing to do for now is leave and figure what should be our next move.

I walk away till I am out of their sight. After that I run like the hand of a Shinigami is about to make a firm grasp on my soul. How in the hell could this have happened? We had the advantage. It was three of us against one little leaf girl. Then that green furry brow entered the fray. Next was Ino and her team followed by that guy with the weird eyes. Finally it was Sasuke. In the end it ended up to be the three of us against eight, not including the blonde that was knocked. A total of three teams against just us. Hmph. What unfair odds against us.

I make it back to our small camp from last night, letting both comrades and I slump upon the trunk of a tree. It is good that we didn't carry much or set up anything. I just need to grab Kin's backpack and we can leave. Gasping for breath I take a look at my weapon equipped palm. It slightly shakes as if I'm tensing the muscle. Damn that Sasuke. Even my arm, with its deadly melody, is quaking in fear.

Not only does he have a cursed seal, but his body was able to awaken from it so quickly. I wonder if that skeleton creator awakened from his state that quickly when he first received his seal? The flute player wasn't able to. She remained unconscious for two days. Then when the tattoo actually manifested it didn't recede as quickly. To be more specific it flared back up minutes later after diminishing. Even when I was marked with mine it wasn't so quickly. From what she told me, I was in comatose for six days.

I should have died. Nine out of ten given the seal die. I should have been one of those nine. Who would have thought that my body's complications would save my life? It was that detestable event though, the one that ended my past life which saved me. Bitter irony. The endeavors of my shell may have prevented death, but that is all they did. It's been months and my seal still won't manifest. Yet Sasuke is able to beckon its power within forty eight hours of attaining it. I can see why Zaku dislikes him so much. Even I am feeling the pangs of irritation and jealousy because of his talent.

The shuffling of bushes makes my skeleton jump. If I had a weapon in my hand the poor soul inside the bushes, friend or foe, would have been decimated. My eye peers at the grassy shrubs awaiting the new danger lurking. I wouldn't be surprised if its another opponent. It seems every Konoha ninja is out to kill us today.

The bushes reveal the interloper to be no bigger than a baseball. That same little furry bomb from before returns still in tact with what I believe is a 'squirrel grin' on it's face. Little traitor. It must have went off and alerted the other leaf ninja. My arm quickly swoops just above the floor and smacks the rodent like some bastard child. Blasted rat. It's all its fault for not being a good bomb and exploding at the kunoichi. The little shrew runs back into the forest.

Soon enough I realize just what I'm doing. I'm blaming a squirrel for this problem? My mind is really beginning to lose it. If the situation weren't so morbid and dire it would probably be laughable. Considering I'm at the center of this mess, I'm not cracking any smiles.

"Ugggrh... my head..." the black hair kunoichi begins to stir, rubbing her head. "What happened?" her lips groggily slur while returning to a standing position. Good. At least there is only one person I need worry about. He's still not moving either. The boy's face is just contorted like a wounded beast as he sleeps. Sasuke really did a number on his arms. I can't investigate now until we are out of the enemy's grasp. "I'll explain later. Just grab your bag and follow me. We need to leave now." I order readjusting Zaku now that I don't have to carry two people.

"Would you like help carrying him?"

This comment catches me off guard. I didn't think she'd just volunteer to help. My surprise must have leaked through the bandages, because she continues. "If you want I can carry him for you. No offense, but you look a little beat.". Hmm. I don't know her well, but I never knew the girl could be this willingly helpful. Maybe it's just because of the situation and her mind realizes that we need to pull together and compose ourselves. Nonetheless I'll mark that as a strike.

I decide to keep hold of Zaku, because her senbons would be more helpful in keeping enemies away. That and if Kin were to be attacked by an outside force I doubt she'd be able to keep hold of Zaku. As we sprint of in the trees I begin to explain the situation to her carefully eliminating parts of the story she did not need to know. "You fought with the kunoichi and she used a jutsu to knock you out. After that we managed to contain the blonde's group, but then Sasuke arose and decimated us."

"Sasuke? By himself? How?"

"He's that skilled." and lucky as hell for being able to release that mark I told myself.

"Is he really that powerful?"

"Apparently." I respond, kicking off from one branch to a higher one. I don't tell Kin anything about the curse seal. Like Zaku, she probably doesn't know anything about it. If my injured ally knew of its properties and power that burning rage would have simmered for a more tactical proposal. It isn't really surprising though. Very few know of it. The only reason I know of it is because of that foul mouthed kunoichi. "That means he has our scroll?" Kin asks pulling me from my thoughts.

"Yes, but only the Earth Scroll."

"Where is the other scroll?"

"I still have it. It is not that dismal. If we play our cards right we can snatch another Earth Scroll from a weaker team."

"So what is our next plan?" the kunoichi states as her feet mash into the branch of another branch. Quite hard actually. I could have sworn the girl is much lighter on her toes. Her head must still be wavy from Ino's jutsu. Still. That is strike two. I'll have to be a little more observant now, but I digress.

I wish I knew. I'm not sure if we should just try to attack a team right now or try to recuperate. Recuperating is the most reasonable answer, although I do not know just how long it is going to take Zaku to recover. Catching up to Sasuke in this part of the exam is forlorn. To face him again may only irritate the seal and lead to our demise.

The only objective now is to pass and hope we battle the Uchiha in the future. Still any chance to get a scroll now is going to mean a three on two with the disadvantage in our field. I wish I laid a silent bell on one of the members of Ino's little band. They are tricky, but I am sure I can get a scroll from them if need be. That guy with the weird eyes might also be a possible candidate. It would be better to avoid him though. I don't know enough about his powers. All I know is that his eyes can see into the depths of my being far too easily. From the time I have spent in the library, I can decipher that he is from the Hyuga clan. Most info was hidden on them as well as all the other families, probably because of the exam.

More information is needed before I attack him. Ino's team is also a possible candidate to attack. They are tricky, but can be taken care of. I'm confident in that. Still it is harder to specify one team in this type of environment. Especially for all I know, they can be on their way to finish line. More than likely it will have to be a random team we intercept for our scroll. Still if they are weak, they may run and we can't let the opportunity pass by. I stop at a branch and wait for the kunoichi to catch up with me. "Open the back pack for a second. I need to check something." I ask the needle thrower. Her bistre eyes staring into the backpack as I look for the item I need. Ahh there it is. I don't where the kunoichi came across such a device, but this little bell will be good in finding any enemies. Unfortunately some enemies have found us first.

My ears pick up the sound of quick steps upon branches. There on both sides of my group... about a couple of meters off. Well its time to go. First my fingers pull out one explosive tag. For safety insurance. I zip back up the bag and motion Kin to follow me. I trail a bit quicker than before, but not too fast. I don't want to alert this new enemy that I know their presence. I tackled the idea that maybe it is just a team passing by, but that isn't the truth. This enemy is following us.

We continue in silence until I hear the small pattering of the foes feet hitting the branches get softer and softer. Are they leaving? I doubt it, but we can use this chance to stop and face them. These new foes did not come in to attack us, which means they could be cautious in attacking. If so then I can go and chase them. With my free arm I motion to the girl of a small open area where we can land.

I am first to hit the ground, my feet sliding on the grass while I try to contain my balance and Zaku's balance among my shoulder. Kin is next, keeping a few feet between us and scanning the area with her eyes. I keep my ears on a strict vigil to intake the hint of any noise. There is nothing for a few seconds until I hear a foot land upon some hard surface. They are still around.

"Did you hear that?" I ask letting my pupil squint trying to catch a figure within the dark creases of this forest.

"No. Hear what?"

No?? She didn't hear it? Strike three! And a big strike too. What sound ninja could not hear that? It just makes me realize this person with me is not Kin.

Good thing I'm holding Zaku with just my unbandaged arm. This gives my melody arm free roam to destroy this intruder. The moment I cock my arm in position for a decisive blow alerts this fake. The bag on the girl's back immediately is slung between us and kunoichi skips back a few steps. There is about a meter's gap between us with the bag in the middle.

"Dosu? What are you doing?"

"Eliminating the intruders like you."

"What are you talking about?!"

"The masquerade is over. Now who are you?"

"I'm Kin."

The kunoichi in front of me looks on with a puzzled look and pleading eyes. It almost makes me wonder if I could be wrong. I doubt that. I couldn't be wrong about this. The silence continues between us until the kunoichi speaks again. "I'm Kin! Stop this foolishness. We don't have time for this especially if enemies are nearby."

I remain silent and maintain my glare at the person before me. She tries to appeal to my brain, giving a good performance of anxiety. I tell the dark hair poser to give me some proof. "Dosu. You are too paranoid. How can you not trust your teammate? Especially in this situation... I'll give you proof though.". With that sentence the girl reaches into her vest retrieving evidence.

Evidence that makes me question my analytical skills. From behind her vest, within that peach palm is the small rectangular object with its shadow green color and gold pattern . A finger presses the button at the side making the small blade pop out. "See this is my dagger. I got it from the village." her voice tells me waving the dagger out front.

Could I have been mistaken? Has my intuition stared me wrong? I'm beginning to doubt myself. If this isn't Kin then I'll be falling into an enemies trap, yet if it is then I'm only hurting this team. Could it really be her? Can I risk it? The kunoichi continues to persuade my mind.

"You still can't believe me? Who else would know where that dagger is hidden? Still if that's not enough... my hair. I keep it long for family reasons, which is why I never cut it. Is that enough now? Do you believe me now?"

Maybe I am making a mistake. Maybe I am being too paranoid. Who else would have that dagger? It's not like she's been left alone for too long. Not only that who else would know about the reason's for he hair's length? Only Zaku and I and maybe a few other Rice Field shinobi. I may just have to let down my guard. Wait. No I can't do that. It may have been a lucky guess for Kin's hair. The dagger could have some other explanation too. Until I'm at least ninety percent sure that is Kin, I cannot let my shield down for a moment. Although it looks as if my spear will be in for more use.

"Dosu. We're going to have to stop this. There are enemies about. I am your friend. You can trust me." the long hair pleads making a steady pace towards my form. Ok well I'm going to have to risk attacking her. I can't risk falling into a trap at this moment. Once she's in range I'll show enough force to at least subdue her. Once within striking range my arm cocks back, the devious harmony ready to play. My evil weapon would not play though. My body moves away from the kunai that nearly pierces my skull.

Kin and I both leap back a couple of feet and twist our heads to some of the bushes. Pushing a canopy of leaves to side and pulling a vine from his shoulder is that guy. The one from the rain team with those weird ivory eyes like the leaf genin. His own is different though. While I feel his eyes do not miss anything, I do not feel that it is reading into my soul like before.

"Anun you can stop. He's too smart to be fooled by this." this new foe states with both eyes maintaining the stare of a stone soldier.

"I don't know about that. I think it's more from paranoia. The ugly tend to be that way." another voice from behind me states. The next person to appear from the shrubs and lush green is the blonde with his cricket like bangs. Within his arms is my partner, her hair dragging on the ground as his stride takes a few steps towards me. He holds Kin like a bride on her wedding day in his arms. The image is a bit more eerie considering the so called bride looks like she's been drugged into sleep and groom with a pleased look on his face. At least one thing is confirmed. The person in front of me is not Kin.

"We could have probably fooled him if we kept going." the false person says, in a deeper voice, to the opposing ninja. A cloud of smoke bursts from this girl's form and once it clears I can see a dark skinned kunoichi with short hair and wearing overalls. She presses the button on the knife, making the blade return in its sheath. This is not good. In front of me is this amazon like diva. To my right side is another person with weird white eyes. Behind me is some perverse blonde holding my teammate. I'm surrounded and alone.

"How did you manage to get my partner? How did you find us?" I ask while trying to figure a way out of this predicament.

"That is actually funny how we did." the gold hair ninja behind me begins. "We were on our way hunting someone else when we found a more interesting prey. We decided to follow that person and wouldn't you know he lead us to you guys. The three of you looked like you were in a bad predicament too. We got there in time to see those leafs beat you, and my poor Kin up. After you guys ran away like whipped dogs we thought 'Hey lets see if they know anything interesting'.".

"It would be too much of a pain for us to take on all those genin just for that person. So we decided to pick your scroll before returning to our main objective." the other boy in the blue jacket states his eyes unwavering. My head pivots back to my front as the brown hair girl begins her own lecture at me.

"If you wanted to know how we got your partner, its all your fault. It's amazing how many technical and complex genjutsus are in the world, created to gain the upper hand over someone in any situation, yet if your opponent's mind is already rattled even the most simple genjutsu can overtake them. You were too fearful after that encounter with the leafs and couldn't concentrate straight. A simple technique to slow down your mind's reflexes. To make you concentrate on that squirrel and forget everything else was all we needed.".

So that's how it happened. Damn it. I've been messing up way too much in this one day. I shouldn't have panicked so. Damn it. This is all my fault. The soft, but still masculine voice of the male behind me continues their plan. "Anun used a transformation jutsu and placed herself has Kin, while I came in and rescued this lovely masterpiece. Still if you did figure out we would have needed some proof that she is your partner. Luckily I've been watching her closely. That's how I knew where that knife was. That's also how I knew of the reason behind her hair. It's cute if you ask me, but I digress. With this small radio I was able to tell Anun all she needed to know." he finishes with a grin and wiggle of his left ear. The kunoichi also points to one of her ears. Damn it. It's almost as if this was set up. I could curse Kin right now for not being more attentive to her surroundings.

The ninja to my right speaks again with his arms folded across his chest. "Now that we've explained our plan to you. It's about time you explain to us, hunchback, just how you were able to figure us out.". Well I don't have much of a choice. I need to at least keep them talking until some idea comes to my head. I don't turn towards him, but rather just keep my eye on kunoichi in front of me who just seems like a tiger about to strike. Still my voice rings out for the three of them to hear.

"You guys were a bit careless too. For one, your transformation may have looked and sounded like Kin, but you weigh more than my teammate. The way how you leap from tree to tree is heavier and more grounded, snapping branches and breaking bark. Nothing like Kin's. There is no way you could manipulate that with the short time you've seen her. Next is the fact that you didn't hear the enemy when we stopped. Any sound shinobi is able to pick up that distance of sound. It's something no other ninja from another village can replicate without the training. The main mistake that alerted me is when you asked to help me with Zaku. Kin would never have volunteered.".

A few seconds of uneasy silence passes until blonde behind me snorts. "What an ugly team. No love between teammates. Well it is grotesque beasts like you that would be so. Poor Kin had to suffer all this time with you. Luckily I'm here to carry her off." his voice takes on a more happy tone as those amber eyes scan my partner's limp neck. This is starting to become confusing. I can't keep my eyes on all three of them. Fortunate... or unfortunate they would make the decision of who I should keep my eyes on.

"Anun. Take care of him." the ivory eye ninja states flatly, still unmoving from his fixed position like a rooted tree.

"Yea Anun. Use that brutish gorilla strength of yours." the cricket head also states in which he receives an angry growl from the dark skinned diva. White eyes reprimands his blonde friend for his comment in which he gets some snide remark back. I don't think it is a plan by the three. Yet there argument is enough to distract me, which leads to their advantage.

Seeing my mind giving attention else where, the short hair kunoichi charges at me. It's hard to move with the weight of a growing teen on my left side. I was still able to bring up my devil arm to defend. This woman is unique though. I tossed my arm for protection from a fist or some sort of projectile. Instead I can feel the muscles of her tanned arm begin to constrict around my forearm. My forearm is caught at the elbow from her own arm which she motions to her side. Natural reaction makes pull back which turns out to be a mistake in this situation. The kunoichi keeps a firm grip, which only makes my arm extend its firm length and locks my elbow. Her other free hand flattens so the palm is open towards the world. Next it shoots off like an arrow towards the bone of my elbow.

Thank Kami I saw this and am quick enough to get my heel into her chest. My force pushes the wench back just before my elbow would have been able to bend both ways. I hop back a few feet to put more space between this female barbarian and myself. I haven't seen a fighter like her before. She immediately went to crush my bones. She's strong too. Much stronger than I would have guessed. This person must have been the same, from that incident with the singing girl earlier this week.

I'm a bit happy that this diva isn't the fastest of opponents I have faced. Still her endurance could be tougher than most boys. That kick I gave pushed her away, yet it's like she just shrugged it off. For fear of my limbs I can't let this kunoichi grapple me. I'll have to end her quickly with my jutsu. The next person to attack after will be that guy with the cricket bangs. Since he is holding Kin, his assaults will be near nil. Unless he drops Kin, which would be a relief too. I just don't know if I can hold her and Zaku and fight at the same time. Not much of a choice though. I can't leave the broken boy because they would retrieve him and the scales will further be tipped in their favor.

She begins another dash at me in which I would have used my amplifier this round, but a kunai is speeding at my head from the side. My amplifier rises in time to reflect the dagger like weapon, but this short break from where my attention should be is enough for the enemy kunoichi. The foe's left hand interlocks with my right, preventing me from making a decent swing. Her other clutches me so that part of my cranium and neck are between her armpit. Her muscles begin to restrict the flow of oxygen to my head as I can feel the bone of her knees trying to readjust my ribs. Each hit drives out a liter of air and pints of blood from my body. I am starting to feel the mixture of blood and spit drenching the bandages around my mouth. I have to get out this quickly before she shatters a rib.

My heels mash into the dirt, peddling back to unhinge my head from this suffocating situation. I am able to move backwards, but the kunoichi will not let go. Her own form moves with mine in reverse. Her strength will not permit relief for my neck, but her light body is an advantage for me. I can still move. My upper torso arches upwards, also brining my dark skinned menace into the air too. Her feet off the floor, the girl lost her advantage and I am able to plant a fist in that busty chest that makes her stumble away. This Anun person is far from finished though. Not more than a couple of seconds and this brawny female is on the assault again. She's like a tenacious wolverine.

Last thing I need is to be blitzed again and forced into another dangerous hold. I let some chakra flow between my toes and under my feet. Squatting for a second, my feet push off the ground with enough force to send me meters into the air. The amazon like body of my opponent copies me exactly except because of a lighter form, and sadly maybe even stronger legs, her velocity at me came much faster than expected.

Her right arm comes across my throat, driving the air out of me and threatening to flip my body inside out. Her muscular arm would have too if it didn't wrap around my neck while her chin smashes into my collar bone. To any viewer it would have probably look like she was hugging me with her right arm. Far from it. My bellow of pain can attest to that.

Simultaneously the left side of the diva's body has another attack occurring. Her left hand has stretched out my arm to its maximum length and her left knee resumes to try and break my elbow. The right knee is already at my ribs. This synchronous attack is pressuring me too much. These simple and brutish skills will kill me if I don't do something quick. So releasing the weight in my left arm I ball my fist, put my knees up so there would at least be an inch of breathing space between us. Then my five knuckles goes across her cheek so hard that it sounds like a loud clap. This manages to free me from the deadly grapple. The kunoichi falls away, her cheek bruised and slight trickle of blood from her lip. Her head then pivots with her brown orbs locking with mine. Her puffy lips then form a grin. Why is smirking? Then I realize. Shit. I let go of Zaku.

My skeleton hits into the branch of a tree, but there is no time for me to succumb to the pain. I let my legs bend and my feet push off the wooden surface sending me into a nose dive for my hurt ally. "Dark Mist Jutsu!" my enemy barks out. Within seconds that sienna skin becomes the color of my shadow. Her body does not look hard anymore, but puffy and hazy. The mass of smog travels to my partner with the speed of the wind. This oil colored wind wraps around my partner and conceals him from my eyes. The huge mist then darts off as if shot from a bow, its hazy form lengthening till it is streamlined. As soon as the black powder hits the ground, it rises in all directions like someone jumped into a large mound of powder, creating a black haze within the area.

My feet touch the ground just in time to see the smoke clear and that amazon of a girl holding my partner over her shoulder. Damn it. I didn't think this hard bodied vixen would have such a move. "Looks like we're holding all the cards now. Are you willing to comply with what I am going to say?" the ivory male states, his arms still folded and his legs still fixed to that spot. Damn. Just what I was afraid of. Now I'll have to get drastic. I pivot my body towards the ninja in his long coat. My metallic arm covertly and quickly pulls out the exploding tag and special bell I took from Kin's bag earlier. The teen in blue begins his speech again.

"Let's make a deal. I'll ask you for something and every time you appease me you will get one of your partners back. So to get both of your partners you'll need to appease me twice. Do you understand little hunchback?" his stolid tone comes out clear to my ears. The whiny sound out of his blonde teammate also reaches my ears.

"Do we have to give back both? I don't want my precious little bell to return to those monsters."


"Ok how about we trade our bull of a teammate for Kin. I guarantee she'll be much better to have around than Queen Kong over there."

"No. Because you get too easily distracted. She's the first one to get traded."


With this distraction I charge at the boy with his arms crossed. He immediately reacts by stepping away. Not too surprising. His eyes never faltered for a second even when his teammate was arguing with him. I kept the two items I have within my fist. My mind can only hope that none of them had seen when I took them out. Still, if I can get a swing off then there will be no need for those tools.

The statue like shinobi keeps his feet back peddling until he is against a tree. Perfect. No where for him to run. My bole orbs can see his death. Even with the black smoke that is trying to blind my view. Wait. Smoke?

Too late. I can feel a hard smash to my shoulder. The force rattles my bones enough to make me lose my footing and trajectory of my arm. Instead of destroying that statuette face, my knuckles plow through the bark of the tree. I'm elbow deep within wood as the adversary before me grips my arm above the elbow to ensure I cannot free the limb. His other fingers grip a kunai to my throat. Shit. Because of that assailant from behind I'm trapped.

"Now you're also trapped. Your attack maybe powerful and I do not know how it works, but I am sure it takes a decent control of chakra. Once I break your control, I break your move. You were stupid to show that technique before the exam." his voice reprimands me. Yeah smart ass. Between you and that green power ranger I'll have to create a new technique by the third round.

"The only way to get out now is by giving me information. Although I only need to know two things, which means only two of you will get to live. The other will have to die. So what will you pick little hunchback? Whose life will you sacrifice? Or will you just remain silent and all three of you die?" those stern lips order me to make a decision as if I'm a subordinate in his gang. His face remains in the same demeanor. Like he's my commanding officer. Unfortunately I can't rebel at the moment. I'll have to tell what he wants to know. At least till I can get this tag stuck the tree bark and keep the bell in my palm. I'll have to work fast. I can tell this man with eyes white as snow will kill once he has what he wants. Time to give him his way.

"Ok... what do you want to know?"

"First thing. Give me your scroll."

"What scroll? If you saw my team fight against the leafs then you saw me give my scroll away."

"Don't lie to me. You just explained to my partner before that you had another scroll."

"Hmm nothing gets over your head does it? Its on my back, within the fur."

"Anun check him."

Anun, the woman of the group if I'm correct, began to frisk my back with the subtly of a bear searching someone. Still it would buy time. Just like my feign about saying I didn't have a second scroll. Oh I remembered. My mind hasn't gone senile as yet. But time is a factor right now and every second counts. I've got most of the tag on a surface within this tree. Not so easy because I can feel sap and insects moving through my fingers. The nasty feeling between my fingertips will have to wait though.

The kunoichi finally pulls her arms away from my back, finding their desire wrapped within the jungle cat fur near my neck. "Found it." her voice states as I can hear her footsteps back away. I don't bother to try and let my pupil fit on her form. My eye is glued to the face before mine.

"Very good." the opponent before me states, his russet hair slightly blowing in the wind. "Ok. Now choose who do you want to live?"

"Leave Zaku." I reply. It doesn't matter which name goes first. Both their lives are coming before mine.

"Done. Now second question. What do you know about the Hyuga?"


"You lie. A few nights ago you rescued a female member of the clan. Now what is your affiliation with her and have you made any contact with her since the second part of the exam?"

"Yes I did save the girl, but I know nothing about her. That night was the only time I've seen her. I do not know where she could be right now." my voice states. It is hard to tell if he believes me or not. His lips refuse to open and there is stillness between us, aside from the small beads of sweat that are beginning to patter the floor from my chin. At least it has given me enough chance to plant the explosive within the tree. As soon as I release my hand from it there will be a small delay and an explosion. Now just to keep the bell within my palm.

"Ok who to live."


"Fine. You will sacrifice yourself? How noble. Almost respectable. Yuuen release her."

I can hear a loud groan to my side followed by a few remarks by the twin bladed enemy. "Are you serious? Do I have to? You saw them attack her. You really want to send the girl back into such an abusive relationship?"

"I could care less what they do."

"You don't, but I care what they do to my precious bell. Why don't we keep Kin and give them Queen Kong instead?"

With that comment I can hear the girl in the overalls state some obscene and vulgar comment to her blonde associate. Before a much welcomed brawl within this sneak attacking team occurs, their leader puts the two back in perspective. "Anun don't listen to his comments. Stay where you are. Yuuen drop the girl now or you won't have any arms to pick her up later." his voice demands, his authority be respected and instructions followed. They both listen although I can hear the shinobi in shorts mutter out "Yea. You would take her side...".

I release my fingers from the tag, which begins its slow burn. It better ignite quick, because that subtle movement alerts the ninja back to have me as his only attention. "Now you die." He states, slowly bringing the kunai to my throat.

"Then we'll die together." I state in which perplexes him for a second. Within the next second his ear picks up the burning of the paper and he jumps away announcing the others to gain distance. It was soon enough for me to pull my arm out of the tree and make a small break, but too late for them. The large tree explodes within it's base sending bark and splinters into the air. The explosion was not strong enough to completely destroy the tree, but it did dent the base enough so the giant oak would loose it's rooting. At this point, 'timber' would probably be the right word.

Before I loose sight of my target I fling the silent bell. I can see the small item attach within the coat of the winged hair teen. Perfect, that will solve one of my qualms later. Now to make sure I don't get crushed. My palms slam against the ground and push my form off into a tumble just before the much denser forest growth can crush me. It's collapse sends a huge dispel of dust and noise. If you ever wanted to know the answer of if a tree falls and no one is around does it make a sound. Yes. The answer is definitely yes. After almost being sent six feet under by one I can easily tell you it makes noise, shatters the ground and disrupts the life of any poor creature below it.

Fortune is on my side for now. With the cover of wooden splinters and dust I quickly make my way towards Kin. I can see she's unconscious. Her heart is still beating though and her breath is at a slow place. Good. She's alive. My eye glances around to find the next piece of equipment I was looking for. Yes! Her little knapsack. I quickly unzip it and prepare my next attack. If this team from Ame really want to fight I'll send us and half this forest into hell. Now between my own artillery and Kin's I hold four kunai between my fingers on each hand. Each kunai with an explosive note. We'll see how brave they are now.

The smoke clears and I can see all three of them slinging on the branch of another tree. Each of them sending me a glare, like hungry hawks trying to feed on a dangerous snake. They want to devour it, but are too afraid of getting bit themselves. This standoff is only for a small amount of seconds before that teen with pulsing eyes begins to talk. "Let's go. We have their scroll and they have no relevant information. We shall continue onward." his voice proclaims and then two of the three disappeared into the tree tops. The final one who stayed is the guy with the blonde cricket bangs. His pupils that are the color of the sun also shows the same intensity at the moment.

"Hey you malignant beast. You better take care of my precious Kin. I'll be back for her once this test is over so treat her well and don't lay one of your deformed fingers on her. The ugly, like you, aren't permitted to touch such beauty. Her body is for magnificent art, such as myself. You better obey my words or I'll make your face look better by cutting it off your skull. Now... have a nice day." the lustful ninja states his last sentence with a jovial cheer before also disappearing.

I let out a large sigh and slump lower than I usually would. I was beginning to think that I could not escape from a situation like that. I'll give myself a little credit. That's eleven shinobi, basically about four teams, that we've faced in the last hour. Zaku, Kin and myself are still alive too. There is at least a glimmer of light in this darkness.

A great darkness it is too. Both scrolls are gone and both of my teammates might possibly not be able to continue. I don't even know how much more dismal this can get. Well as much as I'd like to cry a river about it, that won't help. The first thing I need to do is find us a place where we can rest without some random team trying to make a name for themselves. After that I'll have to try revive my comrades. I gather the two of them and our bag upon my body. I pile all three of them on my back as if I'm some type of human mule. Then I awkwardly plod through the forest searching for a covert location.

After close to an hour of looking I come across a small area high in the branches of the trees. Large branches, thick as a hippo's body and sturdy as the ground, intersect and cross making a wooden plane where we can freely walk around. It is higher than most shinobi would come across unless trying to search for an enemy. The leaves from the branches also provide cover. It is a decent little base that'll serve well for the next few hours. I first rest the bag and Kin at the base of green giant, leaving her head to rest peacefully. Zaku, I carry to an opposite side.

During the journey his groans and aches of pain were becoming louder. Which means he will wake up soon. "Ughhh. Damn... damn. Where's that Uchiha bastar...Ugh!" the broken boy growls out, his eyes wincing as they pivot trying to find the enemy. I explain the situation the best I could to him, while doing my best to heal his arms. Like there is really much I can do. This is once I wish I knew some type of medical technique or that I was part medical ninja. I wrap his arms across his chest and gave him a few painkillers that were also inside the backpack. I have to say our female fighter packed this bag well. Still there is nothing that could heal shattered shoulder bones.

Even now as I test his arms mobility I can see it'll be lucky if he can even move it at twenty percent of his usual ability. So there is one dead weight member on the team. Just wonderful. "What are we going to tell her?" his voice returns me from my thoughts.

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. About us attacking her."

"Ohh that..."

"Don't make it sound like it was nothing!"

"Keep your voice down. I didn't think you would care."

"I don't care about her. Still we attacked a teammate with the intent to kill... Is that really ok?"

"Well technically you're the one who attacked her."

"Don't make light of this! You're the reason I attacked! Mummy bastard. You're the main reason to blame for this. What if we've crippled her now."

"There wasn't a choice Zaku. If not for that, we would have been defeated much sooner. If it was me in that position I would expect the two of you to attack me. Likewise if you were the one in that situation I would not hesitate on killing you for the mission either. Knowing how much you love Lord Orochimaru, I doubt you'd have much problem attacking me or anyone else right?"

"Just shut it. So what are we going to tell her?"



"We'll say nothing about the situation. Just keep quiet about it. If something is said then she may pick up on what has happened. We don't need her to know anything besides that both scrolls were lost. It could jeopardize the rest of the exam for us if she knew."

"Yea... but..."

As fate would have it, the talked about kunoichi began to stir in her sleep. I peer over at her and return my gaze to the broken boy. I gave him a glare that should keep his lips shut. We don't need anymore problems today.


Stupid mono eye. Thinks he can boss me around. I'll keep my mouth zipped about the situation. For one reason I'm a little disarmed at the moment. That clearly puts Dosu at the advantage. At least for now. This pain in my bones. Because of that blasted Uchiha. I can't wait till we meet again. I digress though. The second reason is that my partner does have a good point about Kin. If she were to know what happened, that would probably end all teamwork for the rest of this exam. It will be better to keep her in the dark about it. I doubt she'll pursue any questions right now. Besides I don't want to her to know that I attacked her.

When I think about it... I mean I've killed other people. I've killed people from the sound village that I've been contracted to. Those who wanted to leave my lord. But I've never attacked someone who was on my team. It's a weird feeling. I don't know how Dosu can shake it off. Then again he was willing to leave me and the girl behind in our mission in Tsuki. The stupid bastard. I'll always hate him for that. I think I'm starting to hate him now for having me attack her.

Not because I have any feelings for the long hair girl. It's just the ethics of it. That and when I attacked her. It was so hard to release my air cannon. It felt like my heart closed all it's valves to stop my blood from pumping just to stall. Still I did it because I was ordered to. The scariest part is I felt no remorse after I shot her. None at all. I'm afraid that perhaps I might have liked it. Could this really be me? Or is it some other? Damn it's all that mummy's fault. He thinks he has all the best ideas and look where it's led us. Once I start feeling a little better I'm not listening to any of those maniac orders.

Kin woozily returns to her feet and rubs her neck, her body threatening to fall out of this hideaway. I couldn't go and aid in her equilibrium for obvious reasons... Fortunately for her the masked shinobi would help. He gives her some water from a canteen which revitalizes the kunoichi back to her normal self. She continues to wipe her neck until those bole eyes give me a slight glance and then the question she was bound to ask occurs. "What happened?"

As if I could say. I don't even know where the hell to begin. All I know is that son of a whore took my arms and I'll return the damn favor. I'll take all his limbs if need be.

"We were defeated. The enemy got both scrolls." Dosu replies. He returns closer to me shifting through the bag for only he knows. Kin also walks near standing over Dosu. Her palm again scratches her neck. This time that stern face turns in my direction. It's like she's waiting for me to give an answer. It's making me uncomfortable and I'm pissed enough as it is. "What the hell you looking at?" I growl out.

Her eyes don't shift from me, but just goes on to ask a question. "So you're not even going to give an explanation as to how your so?"

"Pfft. Are you my mother? I don't owe you anything."

"Even after all this time."

"All what time? I wouldn't tell you anything if we were linked by the hip. So why don't you just drop it. The enemy won. We lost. Is that enough information?" I bark out. The blasted shifting and cracking pains in my arm isn't making me anymore comfortable. Long hair's questioning is not helping either. Hopefully now she'll shut up about it. It can be discussed later. That's what I and Dosu would want to believe.

After a few seconds the kuniochi opened up her peach lips again. "Why are you two like that? Always like this... you always want to keep me in the dark like some child.". I am about to open my mouth, but her sermon continues.

"It's always been the two of you. You two found some common ground, yet no matter how hard I try I can't find that ground. Neither of you will ever get along with me. I realize that now... I'm no different than the enemy to you guys. Just some random person. How stupid of me..."

What the hell is she talking about? What makes her think I get along with that bandage freak? I just put up with him and I'm sure the feeling is mutual. My russet pupils glance over at my wrapped teammates umber orbs to hopefully get an explanation. He returns the same confused look. Well that's just great. She's going crazy for no reason. Fortunately Dosu intended to find out. His form gets up from the bag and turned toward Kin. His arm reaches out and his voice begins to question her.

"Stay the hell away from me!!"

Her voice makes the two of us jump back. If we weren't high in the branches I would have jumped back a lot further. I have never heard the girl shout like that before. It's still sending a chill in me. Now I kind of wish my arms were working. I take a look at her face. It is not in that usual stern glare her facial features usually stay in. Her face is contorted into... I'm not even sure what. Anger, fear, hate. For the first time her face could probably spell a thousand words, but I'm not sure what even one word would be. This is not the Kin I know. I made the comment jokingly before about her being crazy, but now I'm not sure. Kin may have really lost it.

My head shifts up a bit to see Dosu staring at me in confusion and probably slight fear too. He's a lot easier to read at this moment. His feet take one step at the kunoichi which compels her to grab two senbons from her pouch. "I said keep away from me!!" her voice screeches out for the whole forest to hear. The echo once again sends a needle of anxiety into my heart. This is not good. My teammate keeps his distance this time as the long hair girl continues her speech.

"I try to be nice and pull us together. Instead you two just keep trying to push me away! No care at all for me! Even now neither of you have the decency to tell me what just happened! Do you know how I feel?! Do you even care!?"

"Kin... keep your voice down. We're still"

"I don't care! Why should I!" Kin, cuts Dosu off who was trying to soother her anger. Man this is not good.

"You just want me to listen and obey again? Like some damn doll. I fight with you guys and I don't even know what happened at the end of the battle. That last thing I remembered was looking at that blonde bitch. Now I wake up to see that we have no scrolls. Zaku's arms are broken. You're battered and bruised. My head and body hurts. My lip is cut and I don't even know how! My neck... What the hell happened? Why won't you say anything? What happened to me..."

I'm still confused and getting frightened as hell. My mouth is about to say in verbatim my memory for the last five days. At this point anything to calm her down. Dosu put his arms up and made one step towards her. Big mistake. Like a cornered wild animal, the kunoichi makes a harsh shrill and aims her senbon to the boy's skull. She rushes at him, using the senbon like a knife. I close my eyes until I hear that eerie sound of metal stabbing flesh. I reopen my orbs and still can't believe this. Shit. How the hell this happen??

I wish this was a genjutsu. No it's not though. This is as real as it can get. Yet maybe because I'm right at ground zero of this situation that it seems unreal. Whichever way it is does not change the fact that Kin had attacked Dosu. Right now she still holds the two needles like daggers. There engraved into our partner's left palm who must have just gotten the limb up in time to save his lungs.

She grips even tighter and her body pushes forward, the needles threatening to just rip through the masked ninja's hand and continue on their journey into his chest. For now he has no choice. His body begins to back away as she keeps moving forward. His skeleton does this till there is no more space to keep retreating. His body presses against the bark of the large oak. I move the hell out of the way. I didn't want to be in vicinity of this. Hell if I had my arms I'd escape faster.

My eyes stare up to watch as the mummy quickly becomes a victim in this situation. It's about time that he should use his amplifier thing and restrain her, before this gets bad for both of us. I think his mind and heart is still in shock though. Her death dealing pins press his wounded hand against his chest as small streams red begin to trickle around the thin objects. The crazed face comes closer to his, showing no fear and probably no sanity either.

"How can I trust you?! I can risk my life for your carcass and tell you what the information you need, but it doesn't work both ways? People like you I cannot trust. I'll just die by doing that! I won't follow you!" her tone this time is more quiet, but even sharper. Now I think she got the beast out of Dosu. As vicious as Kin is at the moment, I'm positive the brutality Dosu can and may unleash will be a lot worse. We may just see that now.

His iron forearm pushes under Kin's throat, trying to push her off. His upper body finally regains some ground and soon his heavier mass is able to turn the tables on the crazed kuniochi. Now it is her who is pinned to the tree with his dreadful melody at her cheek. My mind is at a blank as to what may happen next. I wouldn't be surprised if that weapon started to vibrate and explode the long hair girl's ears. I mean how much choices does the mummy-like ninja have? If he doesn't then Kin will make sure his lungs are also pumping two senbons inside his body.

"Will you just listen to me for a minute??" his voice growls out to the insane girl as his metallic arm smudges with greater force into Kin's reddening cheek. Dosu's other palm manages to free itself from the kunoichi's needles. Just in time for her to make a vicious swipe at him with the two thin daggers. The boy's feet are slightly quicker though. His skeleton evades just in time with only his robe attaining to thin slits.

"I'm tired listening to you! You just"

Before anything else could be said the girl is overcome with shock. Hell so am I. It is something I never would expect from the mummy. One of his hands firmly grips Kin's wrist with her weapons to prevent anymore attacks. The other arm grasps and pins her other arm to her body. At first I thought he was trying some type of bear hug. No it is merely just a hug. Does he have a death wish? She'll flippin kill him now.

Surprisingly she makes no move and her anger begins to diminish. "It isn't easy to understand. I know. Please just listen. A lot of things happened. Bad things that we rather not discuss anymore. I, nor Zaku, will say anymore on the subject, but I will say this. Nothing happened to you while you were unconscious." Dosu whispered into the kunoichi's ear. Her face is just as surprised as mine.

Within a few seconds the amazement is changed to a cruel expression and her arms thrust the hunched boy away. His form backs away cautiously as the wrapped mouth continues to expel some type of plea. "You've trusted me before. Just trust me till the end of this exam. You won't die or be hurt. Not as long as I am alive.".

His words are followed by a deadening silence. The only thing that can be heard is the small chirps of bugs. The only thing that can be seen are two shocked faces and one wrathful face. All three panned in different shades of darkness and the sunlight that makes its way through some of the leaves.

Kin drops her two senbon and moves to the other side of oak. Her face never looks back at us. Her body just lays upon the wooden surface. Not making a sound or making a move. My mind can conjure nothing to say or do. It is probably best to leave her alone and hopefully she'll be in a better mood later. I hope. Dosu moves to part of the tree not near either of us. His structure is closer to me than Kin. Only the furry fabric is visible to me as his head is turned away from the public. I don't even know what the hell to say to him either. This whole experience has been creepy.

I just slump my back on the tree where all the chaos ensued. I let my eyes close to at least gain some rest. I'm not stupid though. With this psycho kunoichi near me, my eyes are ready to dart open with an instant of sound. An hour passes and there is no sound. There is nothing for the any of us to say. Probably nothing for us to do. Nothing left to accomplish. That Sasuke bastard is gone. Our scrolls are gone. My friggin arms are busted. Kin's mind is busted. We had nothing. It's like some damn curse from fortune has been placed on us. I don't even know how I'm going to explain this to Lord Orochimaru. Could I even face him again? Man. This is really a big screw up.

"Where is Dosu?" the voice of the psycho girl makes my eyes pop open. I was thinking that she might be lunging at me, but that's not the case. Her form is still laying. Her head is turned back to me and our partner. My orbs, turn to the side to where the boy... was sitting. Shit. He must've disappeared while I was lost in my mind. Where the hell could he have gone?