When nothing is the same

Disclaimer: I don't own anything that will be mentioned in this story.

Authors Note: Enjoy reading this, I enjoyed writing it.


Chapter one: Draco bloody Malfoy

Ginny Weasley did not want to wake up. She was currently in the worderful world between sleep and awerness. Right now, everything was perfect. It was the perfect temperature, she was lying in a perfect bed with a comfortable madress and silk sheets, and she was cuddling up to a perfect solid body…

Wait a minute… silk sheets, a body

Her eyes snapped open and the first thing she saw was a bare, obviously male cheast, which she happened to use as a pillow. She did the only logical thing to do, she screamed at the top of her lungs and jolted out of the bed. She looked wide-eyed at her surroundings. The walls were a very pale gold, the floors were made of some kind of expensive wood. On the floor lay clothes scattered, both male and female. Her eyes fell on the bed. A very big bed. The kingsized bed had green silk sheets with big fluffy silver pillows. And in the bed sat a very pale, silver blonde male who could be no other than – her eyes grew even bigger – Draco Malfoy. He looked worried and slightly annoyed.

"Gin, honey, what the hell is it?"

Woaw, hold it! Did he, Draco Malfoy call me…honey! What in Merlins name did I do last night?

"Ginny!" His voice sounded much more annoyed than worried now.

She felt herself starting to panic and asked in a small voice what she most wanted to know. "Where am I?"

He narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "At home… Gin, are you alright?"

She ignored him. "What have you done to me? What do you want from me? Well, whatever it is, I'm not saying anything!"

"Why are you acting so weird?" His eyes widened terrified. "Are you pregnant?" He rose from the bed. Clad in only a pair of grey boxers.

She stared at him blankly. "This is a nightmare." She covered her eyes with her hands to block out the disturbing picture of a naked-to-the-waist Draco Malfoy. "When I open my eyes I'll be back at the Burrow in my own bed and mum will be in the kitchen and…"

"What are you babbling about?" Worry crept in to his voice again. But Ginny took no notice of him at all; she slowly pulled her hands from her face and prayed to all the good forces in the world to save her from this nightmare. She opened her eyes and almost started to cry. The good forces hated her. Malfoy was still there, only closer this time. They really hated her.

"Don't get any closer!" She snapped and pointed accusingly at him with her left hand. "I have no idea what kind of twisted, perverted magic you've done to me, and, frankly, I don't care as long as you just give me my wand and get me out of here. NOW!"

"Hey, what the hell has got in to you? Magic, wand?!" Malfoy said now confused and moved even closer.

"Got in to me… what have got in to me! Well, at least I am not the one who got us into this mess! And stay back!"

He stopped where he was, about three feet from her. "Mess? What mess?"

What is he, stupid? "You, me, bed, half-naked, you not surprised…"

"Oh, so I'm supposed to be sorry married couples share a bed! Is that it?"

"WHAT?" He did not just say what I think he said…"Are you trying to tell me we're…" She could'nt even say it.

"Married, yes, of course. Gin, you're scarying the hell out of me, tell me what's wrong!"

"You're mad. You're absolutley mad, or drunk or high!" And so am I apperantly... "So what did we do, elope?" she said sarcastic.

"No, we got married in a church with a priest. No Elvis was present."

But Ginny was not listening anymore; she was looking wide-eyed at her left ring finger. There was a beautiful wedding ring in gold and platinum with inlaid dimonds all around it. She removed it from her finger with a shaky hand. Inside the ring was an inscription; Ginevra Weasley and Draco Malfoy 7/7 – 04.

Her mouth worked soundlessly. Please let this be a dream, please!

Ginny was almost afraid to ask, but did anyway. "What year is it?" Her voice failed her slightly at the end.

"2006, why?"

"Did we go to a school named Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardy?" She wispered, even though she didn't want to hear the answer.

"What? No, of course not, we went to Hogwarts School for Medical Reserch. Why?"

Ginny Weasley had always took pride in the fact she never cried, the last time she cried was in her first year after she'd been rescued from Tom Riddle Jr. also known as Lord Voldemort, after that she swore she would never cry again. And she hadn't, but still she felt tears rolling down her cheeks now. Why am I crying? It's not like this is the worst thing that has happened to me, right? I've been through worse… It's not like I'm dying this time… She started to laugh hystericly. No, this time, I'm already in hell...

She felt strong arms wrap around her. He didn't say anything, he didn't ask anything, he just held her. For that she was forever grateful, even though his name happened to be Draco bloody Malfoy, not Harry Potter.


AN: And that's the first chapter of this little story. I'm sorry it's a bit short, but it's the perfect place to stop :D. Please review! Pretty please? With a cherry on top?