Hey everyone! Wow, it's been a while, hasn't it? Since... last December! Not good. Sorry about that. But real life got in the way for a very long time. I actually finished this chapter a couple of months ago, but -being the blonde that I am- I forgot to post it when I was done. So yeah, sorry again for the wait. Oh, and if you don't review- I will torture you mercilessly by tickling you! ;D

Beta: I did not have a beta for this chapter, as mine was busy with real life, so any mistakes are mine. If you see any grammatical mistakes, I would appreciate it if you would let me know so I can correct them.

Disclaimer: I own nothing, although I often dream I do...

Dedication: This chapter is dedicated to anyone who reviews on it. Hint hint. ;)


Chapter 7 – Mellon Nín

"You can search far and wide, you can drink the whole town dry..." Merry and Pippin were atop a table singing their hearts out for anyone who wanted to hear. The hobbits were delighted to find that they had a rather large audience, so they added dancing to their act as well. Everyone cheered with laughter and gathered around.

Éowyn watched the small beings with happiness, her eyes filled with mirth. The Shieldmaiden then looked at everyone that was gathered in the hall. "Men, hobbits, wizards, elves, and dwarves, all celebrating together," Éowyn spoke quietly to herself. "What I would give to see this day for many more days to come."

"Perhaps you will, my lady," said a voice from behind her. Éowyn turned to face the being.

"My lord," replied Éowyn, bowing her head slightly. "I was merely wishing for things that I have never experienced, and probably never will again after this day."

Legolas frowned, slightly confused. "What do you mean by that, Lady Éowyn? Surely your people have had great celebrations in the past."

Éowyn blushed. "Of course we have had celebrations, but only with the race of men. I have never seen people from different lands celebrating together. It seems as though we cannot all get along for one reason, and that reason being we are different."

"Yes," agreed Legolas, "and it was just until recently that I realized Gimli is not much different than an elf by the way he acts. He is friendly and humorous, although at times he seems to be the most stubborn creature in all of Middle-earth."

Éowyn laughed lightly. "Why do you make fun, Legolas? Gimli could easily say the same about you."

"Ah, but Gimli is my friend, and he always will be." Legolas answered. "Our jesting is not meant to offend one another, it merely strengthens our bond of friendship." The elf paused, glancing at Aragorn as the man tried to rouse the intoxicated dwarf so he could help Gimli to his sleeping quarters.

"Gimli and Aragorn are the best companions I could ever ask for," Legolas continued. "They listen to me when I need to tell someone of my troubles, and they are always there when I simply need a friend."

Éowyn's looked at the man and dwarf and smiled sadly. "I wish I could have a friend like that in my life," she spoke, more to herself than Legolas. "The closest friend I have ever had was my cousin, Théodred, and now he has passed on to be with the rest of my ancestors."

"What made him such a close friend, if you do not mind me asking?" Legolas asked, encouraging Éowyn to dwell on the good memories of her cousin when he was alive and well.

Éowyn's eyes focussed on something unseen in the distance, her mind flooding back to the memories she had of her dear cousin. "He was simply kind to me. When my parents died, he accepted Éomer and myself as his own siblings. I was merely a child when my parents died, and Théodred was always there to comfort me since they were gone...but now he too is gone forever."

The elf's gaze fell to the ground. He remembered attending the funeral of the brave warrior, and the sorrowful lament Éowyn had sang for her cousin that dark day.

"Lady Éowyn," said the elf, bringing Éowyn back from her memories, "I have only known you for short time, but I consider you a friend. I may not be the friend that Théodred was, but I assure you I will to my best to always be there for you when you need a friend."

Éowyn smiled, a smile of true happiness. She could not remember a time that someone had said something kinder to her. Words of care, spoken with a truth that only a real friend could have.

Éowyn looked up into the elf's shining eyes. "I would like that, Legolas," she said, her smile growing wider. "I would like that very much."

The maiden looked at Aragorn and Gimli. The poor ranger was still trying to rouse the intoxicated dwarf enough so that he could walk to his sleeping quarters.

"I may not be a friend to you as Aragorn and Gimli are, but I will also be a friend to you, Legolas," Éowyn said as she faced the elf.

Legolas smiled warmly at his new friend before suddenly hearing the splashing of water. The next thing anyone heard in the hall was a loud string of dwarvish cursing. Aragorn, who was tired of shaking and prodding Gimli, had poured a bucket of water on the dwarf to wake him.

Legolas laughed lightly. "Perhaps I should go and see if I can be of any help to Aragorn. After that, I will retire for the night."

"Yes, I am sure Aragorn will appreciate your help," Éowyn said. Most of the people in the halls were beginning to leave, for the celebration was at last coming to an end. "It is late, and I am tired. I am in need of a peaceful rest, as are we all. I shall see you on the morrow," she said, turning to go.

Legolas bowed his head slightly to the lady. "May your dreams be peaceful, mellon nín."

Éowyn paused, a slightly confused expression upon her face. Had Legolas spoken in his native tongue? "Mellon nín?" she repeated carefully, trying not to vandalize the words.

"My friend," Legolas translated. He smiled and then went to help Aragorn assist the drunken dwarf to his bed.

Éowyn smiled thoughtfully. "Mellon nin," she repeated softly to herself. She headed down the hall that led to her room. She would indeed dream of peaceful things tonight.


A/N: Remember, this is not a Legolas/Éowyn story. They are just being friends.

Well, that's chapter seven. Hope you liked it:)
