Author's Note: Let us take this moment and let out a sigh. It is the last chapter of "Remember Me." I know you want to cry, as do I. Every time I finish a story, I feel saddened but happy at the same time. It is a sense of accomplishment for me and it makes me feel wonderful.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for your reviews, even the bad ones. They keep me going and they make me more determined than ever to continue writing. So, thank you for that.

Well, let me know what you think about this chapter and the story as a whole. I am going to take a small break from Nancy Drew and try my hands at Supernatural. I will be back with another story, but I just don't know when.

On to the story!


Two days later…

River Heights

"How are you feeling, honey?" Carson asked his daughter as he came down into the den where Nancy was resting comfortably on the sofa. She looked up and saw that he was dressed sharply in a tailored suit.

Nancy smiled at her father and nodded. "I'm feeling good."

Carson smiled his own warming smile. "I'm glad to hear that."
"I'm just glad that it's all over and I can finally relax now," Nancy admitted, stretching out her slender frame.

"It's about time she decided to relax," Frank commented from where he was standing in the doorway. "It's a welcome change for her."

"I'll have to agree with you there," Carson said. He leaned over the sofa and gave Nancy a peck on her forehead. "I'll be home later."

"And where do you think you're going, Mister?" she asked, arching a brow.

Carson smiled sheepishly at his daughter. "Gwen and I are going to the symphony in Chicago."

"You two sure are spending a lot of time together," Nancy said, smiling.

"You better be careful, Mr. Drew," Joe said as he pushed past Frank into the den. "Tonight, it's the symphony and tomorrow, you're walking down the aisle."

Carson shot Joe an amused smile. "I don't think we're moving that fast. But I'll be sure to keep that in mind."

Joe just shrugged as Carson walked out of the den.

"So where have you two been?" Nancy asked the brothers as they sat down—Frank beside her on the sofa and Joe on a plush recliner opposite them.

"Guy stuff," Frank answered.

"Yeah, the problem with that excuse is that it only works with girls," Nancy said.

"We just had to take care of something," Frank said. "You'll find out about it soon enough."

Nancy just sighed and glanced at his upper right arm, which had a bandage wrapped around it. "How's you're arm feeling?"

"A little bit of pain, but nothing I can't deal with," he answered.

"I leave my brother alone for five minutes and he manages to get himself into a knife fight," Joe said, shaking his head.

"Well, it wasn't too fair of a fight when Sanchez was the only one that was armed," Frank said.

Joe was about to say something else when he was interrupted.

"Knock, knock!"

"Who's there?" Joe replied with no hesitation.

"Sorry, I forgot the punchline," Agent Brennan said as he walked into the den. He looked tired and ragged, but at the same time Nancy could see the pride in his eyes.

"Your father let me in," the agent said to Nancy. "I hope that's okay."

"Considering what you've done for us, it's more than okay," Nancy said.

"So how are you doing?" he asked, taking a seat on the ottoman.

"I'm good," Nancy answered. "These two have made sure I've done nothing but relax."

"It's certainly what I would have recommended, considering what you've been through these last few weeks," Agent Brennan said.

"So, how's the case going?" Frank asked.

The agent let out a tired sigh. "It's moving along. There's still a lot of work that needs to be done, but we're getting there."

"Are you going to be able to build a case against Phelps and Sanchez?" Nancy asked.

"Oh yeah," Agent Brennan said, nodding. "Jack has decided to become very helpful and has implicated Sanchez in everything."

"I warned Sanchez that Phelps would turn on him if he had to," Nancy said.

"I swear, criminals never believe anything we tell them," Joe said thoughtfully.

"Jack happened to keep very detailed records of their transactions—tape recordings, deposit slips, everything. He has so much crap on Sanchez, not even his lawyers can talk their way out of this one and they know it. They're trying their best to reach a plea bargain," Brennan said. "But something tells me that Jack did this more for himself than to help out the FBI."

"What's going to happen to Phelps?" Joe asked.

"He's still going down for two counts of murder, not to mention attempted murder, kidnapping, and numerous other charges," Agent Brennan answered. "I'm pretty sure he'll never step foot out of prison again."

"Did you find Agent Marrow?" Nancy asked.

Brennan nodded sadly. "Jack had put him in a closet before Frank, Joe, and I confronted him. The sad thing is if Jack hadn't done that and we'd have seen Paul earlier, he never would have died. The coroner said he bled out." Agent Brennan shook his head. "Paul was a good man with a family. I'm flying out tonight to Philadelphia for his funeral."

Nancy's heart ached for the agent that was sitting across from her. "I really am sorry."

Brennan nodded. "Yeah, I am too." Then he took a deep breath. "So, I was wondering, Nancy, did you ever remember anything that happened to you?"

Nancy shrugged. "The only thing I remembered is what I told you when I gave my statement—Phelps was the one who served me up to Randy. Other than that, my mind is still pretty much a blank. And though I would like to have some answers, I also think at the same time, it may be a blessing. Maybe I'm not supposed to remember that for a reason."

"I couldn't agree with you more," Agent Brennan said. "Your mind is doing it's best to protect you from something horrific. If it were me, I would just chalk it up to one of life's little mysteries."

Nancy smiled and nodded. "So, what about you? This case was pretty huge for you, so what's going to happen to you?"

Agent Brennan grinned. "The FBI offered me a promotion."

"That's great!" Nancy said.

The agent's grin turned into a full-blown smile. "I turned it down."


Brennan shrugged. "It would have been a cushy desk job up at Quantico. I'd rather be out in the field protecting people."

"I can't blame you there," Frank said.

Agent Brennan glanced down at his watch and stood up. "I better get going. My flight leaves in an hour."

"Thank you for everything," Nancy said, sincerity in her voice.

"Are you kidding?" Agent Brennan asked. "I should be thanking the three of you."

Nancy shook her head. "I'm just glad that we could help."

Agent Brennan smiled. "It really was a pleasure to work with the three of you. If you ever need anything, please don't hesitate to call me."

"We'll keep that in mind," Frank said.

The agent shook their hands and then left just as quickly as he came in.

"So, are you going to tell me what the two of you were up to or not?" Nancy asked.

"This is really bugging you not knowing, isn't it?" Frank asked.


Frank smiled and then glanced over at Joe who gave a slight nod. Frank then turned to look at Nancy again. "You know how you said you wanted to go on a real vacation?"

Nancy nodded, slightly suspicious.

"Pack your bags, Drew," Frank said, pulling out a sheet of paper from his back pocket. "We're on our way to the Bahamas, where there is nothing but the promise of sun, sand, and relaxation."