Hey Ladies and Gent's.

Disclaimer: I am no where near as talented as JK Rowling, HRH, so if you'd please acknowledge the fact that I am not her, and just playing with her wonderful imaginary world, it would be greatly appreciated.

Summary: Post Final Battle. Harry Potter has succeeded Voldemort, but is now trying to heal. Told from the POV of a new character, we watch as she tries to rediscover her horrific past while intertwining herself in the world of our famous trio, and survivors of the war. As the story unfolds we watch as they mend and learn together how to become a part of the peace filled life they never had.

Chapter One

I tried to sit up and look around. It hurt to move and the metallic taste of blood in my mouth convinced me to stay still. Voices were calling out for people—people who were still alive. I tried to make a sound but my body ignored my pleas.

Suddenly I felt cold. I was sick and tired and then cold. I wanted to scream, but I couldn't. It was coming for me, the haunting face swirling round above me.

"Expecto Patronum!" someone yelled. The sadness was gone. But the pain wasn't, and my own screams echoed in my head while my Father's face laughed.

A couple voices met my ears. "Hello! Is anybody out there?" I moved my head towards the noise and made a groaning sound. As I opened my eyes I realized I was staring into someone else's. This person wasn't alive though. Her face was a pretty one, with freckles and long chocolate brown hair. It was matted and bloody. She had died too young, and I didn't even know her.

Footsteps echoed in my left ear. I tried my best to stick out my arm, but the mass of broken bones cracked and popped. Grass whispered as a cool breeze fell over me. Someone crouched down and I saw the knees of someone quite tall in bloody trousers.

"Hey there. It's going to be all right. I'm Remus. Can you hear me?" I nodded my head slowly, careful not to do much moving and let out a little groan.

"Don't move," the kind voice said. Ya, like I'm going anywhere. "I've got one!" he yelled. I closed my eyes. They found me. I wasn't going to die in this mass grave.


I woke up in a quiet room. My first thought was who would let me out. I hoped that someone would open the curtain. I managed to get a look of the room. From what I could see it was white; only white. I was in a hospital I assumed. My hair had been washed I was sure. I moved my left arm easily. I could move! I wasn't about to sit up however.

"Only seventeen people. I know. He's traumatized I think, but for a nineteen year old to accomplish such a feat. Merlin only knows." The voice entered the room quietly as if hoping not to wake me. There was some scuffling of boots and I assumed there were two people.

"Arthur will be fine they said. I can't believe—I'm so lucky."

"We all are Molly. We lost so many, but still. It's a miracle that you didn't lose any family… we can't figure out who this girl is though." He stopped talking and I heard his feet approach my bed. He wiped my hair off my forehead and sighed.

"She's pretty Remus. Her poor face though, but she's alive. But we should go check on Harry. I'm surprised that he's doing so well…" The woman faded off and I decided that this might be a good time to let them know I'm alive.

I groaned and opened my eyes.

"Remus!" the woman hissed. The footsteps headed back towards my bed.

"Hey there." A man with an anxious face met my vision. He looked rather old with a dark brown jacket. His eyes were kind and he appeared to be quite concerned. "You don't have to move alright. He turned his head towards the other wall, "Molly go get a nurse."

"Right, right—of course." More scuffling.

"How are you feeling?" He directed his attention back to me. "Do you want to sit up?"

I nodded my head but didn't say anything. He assisted me and slowly moved the bed to an angle.

"Can you talk?" he asked.

"Beth." I coughed. "My name is Beth." I coughed again and I couldn't stop. Blood spattered my blanket.

"Shit," muttered the man. "Don't talk, one sec. Nurse!" he called.

I gasped a breath of air and rested my head against my pillows. I closed my eyes again, falling into a deep, dark oblivion free of dreams and nightmares.


The next time I woke up I was alone again. It seemed that the nurse had deemed me worthy of sunlight, as the blind covering my window was now open three inches. Sunlight swept the floor of my room, highlighting it's bleach white color, and stark atmosphere. I lay there for a while not knowing what to do. I recalled my last conversation and sighed.

Footsteps approached my door. A group of three people in their late teens walked in.

"Oh!" whispered the only girl. "You're awake. Oh!" she said again. Had it been long or something?

"Erm… hi. You don't know us. We—uh this is the wing for survivors from the battle and umm we survived and so did you …" the red head said. I looked from him to the girl to the boy standing in-between them. He was being supported by the red head, and appeared to be quite pale against the richness of his blue house robe.

"One sec, Ron don't let Harry fall, I'll go fetch someone." The girl sprinted out of the room as the red head—I assumed him to be Ron, shifted his weight so that the boy with messy black hair was leaning on him a little more.

"So… I'm Ron, and this is Harry and that girl, her name is Hermione. And, erm—well. We don't really know who you are, but that's okay. Don't talk 'cause they said the last time you talked you started coughing and stuff—you do speak English don't you?" Ron stumbled over his words while managing to hold Harry up. I nodded my head and gave something resembling a grin.

"Oh good." He gave me a quirky smile. At that moment a two people dressed in Lime Green robes came bustling in. The man pushed Ron and Harry back towards the small couch opposite my bed and shuffled towards me.

"Hi Beth. My name is Healer Dave Presley. Can you hear me Beth?" I nodded my head. "Good, good. You're in St. Mungo's hospital Beth. You've been quite ill. Can you focus your eyes on the stick Beth?" He held up a popsicle stick and moved it all directions. I followed it with my eyes. "Good, good," he repeated. "Now Beth, if you don't want to, that's fine, but I need you to speak with me a little bit. Can you tell me when you were born Beth?"

I nodded my head and opened my mouth to speak. My throat was dry. "December twenty fourth." The man grinned.

"Excellent Beth! Now, is there anything you want to talk about? How about your full name Beth."

"Beth Charlotte… I don't…" I trailed off thinking hard. What the Hell was my last name? "I can't remember my last name… I'm sorry."

The healer frowned but changed it quickly into a smile. "Nothing to worry about." He wrote something down on his clipboard. "If you remember you just let me know okay? Okay. Excellent… Beth how old are you dear?"

I looked up into his plump face. His nose was round and bubbly and reminded me of a red rubber ball. "I'm sixteen."

He pondered for a minute. He looked like he wanted to say something then turned and whispered to the lady beside him. She nodded her head and gave me a kind grin. Her gray curls clung tightly to her head, and her blood red lipstick cracked.

"This is nurse Judy, Beth. She's going to help you get better when I can't be here. If you need anything, just ask her okay? Now, now, I need you to promise to stay awake for a little bit okay Beth?" I nodded again.

"Excellent, excellent." He nodded his head and turned and walked out the door, followed closely by nurse Judy.

Ron and Harry got up from the couch. While the healer had been talking to me, a few more people had entered the room. The Hermione girl was there, and so was the man—I think his name was Remus. Beside him was a woman who looked a little worse for wear. Her red hair seemed lank and stringy, and her face seemed in a permanent purse, as if she was constantly worried.

"Hey Beth. Do you remember me?" Remus asked. I nodded again. He grinned. "Good. This is Molly Weasley and that's Ron, Harry and Hermione," he said pointing to each in turn. "And if you don't remember, I'm Remus."

I smiled.

"Are you a witch Beth?" Remus asked straight out. Once again I nodded my head. He looked even more delighted. "Do you want us to try to get a hold of anyone? Your Mom or Dad maybe?" He smiled a genuine smile. I shook my head.

"My mom is dead. I don't want my Dad," was all I said. My voice cracked; he didn't question me further.

"Alright. Well Beth, we're here okay. You were quite sick, but you made it right?" He smiled again. Then, without warning, the woman named Molly came around the bed and gave me a tight squeeze.

"I'm so glad you're okay!" she whispered excitedly. I felt myself flushing. I didn't even know this woman! But we were all in the same situation weren't we? I decided it was my turn to ask questions.

"Is he dead?"

They all looked round at each other.

"Who dear?" Molly said quietly.

"You-Know-Who. Is he dead?"


The answer came from Harry. His head came up at the mention of You-Know-Who, and his eyes flashed a glossy green.

Molly wrung her hands together.

"Alright! You guys are probably hungry! Umm Ron, why don't you Harry and Hermione get on down to the cafeteria and then that's enough walking for you young man!" She said sternly, facing Harry. Ron let out a small laugh and the long cut on his cheek moved a little.

"Yes Mrs. Weasley," said Harry. Hermione smiled a little and gave me a small wave before cradling her arm and letting out a little hiss.

"I'll come talk to you later okay?" she said. She seemed nice enough and I smiled.

"I'd like that." I replied. She waved with her other hand as if to avoid further injury and allowed herself to be shuffled out of the room.