AL: Well, I promised a sequel, didn't I? Sorry it's so late, but High School just started this year, and..-rambles-

Riku: Yes, well, If you desperately want to know...Anime-Luver101 doesn't own the Kingdom Hearts series. So this tells us, that me and Sora are not together yet.

AL: ...And save it for the games, fuckers! ...Oh! I'm reading the Manga online, too!

Sora: ...Oh no...u.u;


"..Which tells us that..."

"Blah." Riku mumbled, doodling some more on his page while not listening to the instructor.

"Mr. Ouka, if you do not wish to participate in this lesson, I suggest you go back to your dorm now." Mr. Yushi, the instructor looked towards him with narrowed eyes.

"I'd be glad to, Mr. Yushi." Riku stated. "Besides; your lessons bore me, anyways." He said, getting up to get his books. He took them and walked down the steps, exiting out of the classroom.

'Darn...College is such a drag. Makes me wonder why I came...Oh, that's right. Mom.' Riku groaned. His mother...

"Why don't you tell her that you hate it?" Riku jumped, spinning around.

"Sora?" But no...nowhere to be seen. Riku shook his head. Ever since he had started at this place, he found Sora answering his thoughts..But the brunette was never around! How in the world did he do it? Despite the good times they had when they were friends, Riku barely remembered those times. But the 15 year old boy always seemed to enter his mind! Why?

"Urgh..." Riku slammed his door shut, flopping onto his bed. Why was it always Sora? Why was he the one to enter Riku's thoughts at night, forbidding him to sleep? Keeping 4 hour internal conversations with Riku's thoughts?

"Why? Why? Why?" Riku banged his head on the wall next to his bed, sighing and rolling over.

"Oh...Sora, where are you?" He wondered. It didn't take a genious to know that Riku missed his friend. Friend? Last time Sora sent him a letter was 1 day after he had left. That was it. No calls, only a letter explaining how the trip home was. Riku didn't consider that type of person a friend. Of any kind, nontheless. He closed his eyes, his mind lingering on several different thoughts. He knew deep inside that Sora was still his friend. He was going to find Sora one day. On the next College vacation, he would go search. But that wasn't for another week!

"Grr..Stupid inconsiderate assholes..." Riku muttered, before sitting up. He got up from the bed, walking from the room. Highschool Freshman year was all too easy compared to College. Riku actually wished he could've gone back. He stuffed his hands into his pants' pockets, starting down the hall. He paused, though, as mumbling rang through the hall.

"What a load of bull...If I had any control, I swear! Grr..." Riku saw a boy stop at his dorm, taking a key out.

'Hey...that kid has a key to my room! Am I getting a new room mate?' It sure looked that way. Riku paused, watching as the kid threw his bags into the room and closed the door again. Riku didn't know why, but the kid reminded him an awful lot of...

"Why are you staring at me?" Riku was shaken out of his thoughts, seeing the kid glaring at him.

"S-Sorry." Riku mumbled. Jeez, paranoid much? The kid came towards him, but passed him all the same.

"You shouldn't be out in the halls at this time; why don't you just go to class? It'll make you smarter." Riku blinked. The hairstyle was Sora's, but the kid had one dark green eye, when the other one...It was kind of strange. Riku took the idea that the brunette was blind in his left eye. The kid also had a not-so-hidden, very, very aggitated attitude.

"Hey, wait! What's your name?" Riku called out. The kid stopped, turning.

"My name? Hitori. Just call me Shinkan, though." The male, now identified as Shinkan, said. Riku nodded.

"Riku. Riku Ouka." Riku replied. Shinkan waved it off dissmissfully.

"Whatever. I have classes to attend, and I assume you do, too. Just stay away from me and we'll be excellent friends. Got it?" Shinkan made a face of slight approval as Riku nodded silently. "Now, if you will excuse me..." Shinkan rubbed his eye with his arm, continueing to trudge down the hall. Riku stood in silence, before finally shaking his head. The other male wasn't Sora. Sure, he had the hair, but Sora's had been alot tamer. Second, Sora had blue eyes. Third, the most visible clue, was that Shinkan didn't even attempt to read his mind or anything and he seemed as if he were something relative to a recluse.

That guy was going to make Sora come into his thoughts. Whether he was trying or not.


Riku looked through the lunch bar, scooping random stuff onto his plate. Yeah, he wasn't very big on actually choosing lunch. They pretty much served the same thing over and over anyway, so why bother? He scratched the side of his head, before carrying his plate over to the "Commons" area where everybody ate. Once again, Shinkan was noticed by the silver-haired male. He idly made his way over, sitting down.

"What do you want, Ouka?" It was more of a forced out growl than a question. Riku ignored the tone, shrugging.

"Jeez, rude much?" Riku asked dryly, stabbing a fork into the burnt meat that they called Steak. He hated the food, he hated the teachings, hell, he even hated the students. Yup. That was just Riku for you.

"..." Shinkan remained silent. Riku mumbled something along the lines of, 'Jeez, think you can be any more blunt?'. Shinkan's gaze narrowed on him for a few seconds, before he went back to eating. "Why do you bother me? If all you're going to do is insult me, I will kindly ask you to leave." Shinkan said darkly.

"I'm just playing, jeez!" Riku said, before leaning back in his chair. Shinkan raised an eyebrow. He kept silent as he lowered his head, pushing his tray away. He then stood up, before his gaze darted up. Not but a few seconds later, a loud crash was heard from the direction Shinkan had been staring. Startled, Riku fell out of his chair, landing back first.

"Ow!" He yelped, jumping up. Shinkan turned to him, a dull expression clouding his features. He then turned, picking his tray up and leaving to put it away. Everybody, having lost intrerest in the tray crash, now focused on Riku as he hastily grabbed his plate and ran to catch up with Shinkan.

"Hey, wait!" Riku didn't want to be left behind. Once he caught up, Shinkan had already put his tray away, and was now leaning on the Common's wall, eyes closed. The Headmaster was giving him an evil look as he continued this. Shinkan ignored him, only opening his eyes when Riku walked up.

"Took you long enough. See, this is why I don't like people like you. It's because they always take as long as molasses to follow." Shinkan said indignantly. Riku shrugged.

"Well," he paused, trying to catch his breath, "at least you waited for me."

"Hmph." Shinkan turned away, heading out of the lunch area to their dorm. Riku followed, yawning. Shinkan was a real ass, yes. But Riku felt persistent against this boy. He was just drawn to him for some unknown reason.

Riku paused in the middle of the intersecting hallways, looking at each four. He bit down on his lip, before going straight on. He still had yet to completely memorize the place, having been for only 4 days. That was when he heard a voice. Shinkan's voice, to be exact.

"Yes, I know, I know. I'm sorry. I'll try better next time, though!" He said. A reply came and he almost fell over, catching the wall for support. "N-No, of course not! I haven't even seen that bastard, in fact! Why would I be talking to him at all?" He asked. Another reply. "Yes ma'am. I'm sorry. Good bye." He hung up, before stuffing his hands in his pockets, continuing on down the hall. Riku watched from a distance, frowning. That was...strange.

Now, commence with the secretive follow the leader game!