Alas my dear readers, this is the end. I might add one more chapter where it's ten years or so later, but then again I might just leave it as is. I hope you enjoy this final chapter. Sorry it took me so long to get the story complete...


Thursday Lorana, Jake, and the twins found themselves at the airport.

"Hi guys!" Angie exclaimed as she approached them from the plane dock. Lorana set Claudia down in order to give a hug to welcome her friend. "Oh gosh, it's just been too long."

"Yes, it has," Lorana confirmed.

"And look, at the twins! You must really have your hands full now, they're starting to toddle all over the place," Angie said with a laughed and scooped up Claudia.

"Yes!" Jake said in agreement, "and Lorana is with them much more than I am."

"We should probably get going, the closer to one p.m. it gets the fussier they get. We'll have to get a cab, and another plane is due to land in six minutes." Angie nodded, and they went to go claim her suitcase.


"Wow, I can't believe I'm back in New York," Angie breathed as she took in the sights the city had to offer.

"Well take a nice long look since you'll have to keep hidden until Maureen has her baby, and it is Maureen we're talking about," Jake said.

"If you weren't driving, Honey, I would whack you upside the head."

"No, he does have a point."


Everyone was at the Life, enjoying a family dinner, once again.

"Being a parent really helps cut back on your alcohol consumption," Mimi pointed out while watching Drake and Wyatt playing some game or other.

"Yeah, and pregnancy cuts alcohol out completely!" Maureen whined.

"Yes, but just think you get to bring a new life into this world. And besides, you're due date is only four days away," Joanne said, planting a kiss on Maureen's cheek.

"Good thing too! I'm a frickin' beach ball on a stick!"

"You are not," Marie comforted.

"Feel like it." Maureen folded her arms across her stomach as best she could.

"Look, I'm sorry, but I was pregnant with twins, I don't have too much sympathy for you. Speaking of the twins we need to get them home and to bed," Lorana said, scooping up Claudia and Jake hoisted Larissa up. "Bye everyone," Lorana called over her shoulder.

"Night," the group replied.


"Pookie, I don't want to be pregnant anymore. My due date was two days ago!" Joanne sighed.

"Honey Bear, the baby will come when it's time."

"Why can't that time be, Ow!" Maureen put a hand to her stomach.

"Honey, was that a contraction?"

"Oh no, of course it wasn't," Maureen said with as much sarcasm as she could muster.

"I'm going to get your bag, can you call the others?"

"Yeah," Maureen clutched her stomach, "or perhaps not..."

"It's alright; I'll call them once we get to the hospital." They got to their car, used only for emergencies, and made their way to the hospital.


And hour later, Maureen was settled into a hospital bed on the 4th floor of the hospital. It had taken so long because the nurses at the front desk had at first refused to let Joanne be in the room with her.

"Okay, I'll see you in a little bit, thanks for calling the others Mimi." Joanne hung up the phone. "How are you feeling Honey Bear?"

"Just great, except during a contraction when I feel like my stomach is going to explode!" Maureen answered her as another contraction ripped through her. "Joanne, it hurts," she cried.

"Oh Bear; do you think a different position might help?"

"No, I think an epidural would help!"

"Honey, we agreed that this was going to be a natural birth."

"I know, but that was before I started having contractions that are tearing my stomach in two!"
"Ah labor, I do remember it well," Marie said entering the room.

"Marie, you had drugs for your labor right?"


"Do you regret it?" Joanne asked.

"Not really, not for a first pregnancy." This statement caused Mark to look at her questioning wonderment. Marie shook her head "no" to answer his unspoken question.

"See Pookie!" Joanne sighed.

"Hi everyone," Mimi said. "So Lorana and Jake will be here once the twins wake up from their naps." She went to give Maureen an air-kiss on the cheek before giving Joanne a hug. "I'm so happy for you two!" Mimi squealed.


Two hours later, Maureen was fully dilated. The nurses were preparing her room for the delivery; this included removing all the Bohemians from the room. "You may wait in the waiting room, down the hall, third door on your left," one of the nurses in training said. Lorana and Jake led them to the room, having taken the kids there for a while earlier to play.

When they got to the room, Lorana excused herself to go to the bathroom. She returned moments later.

"Hi everyone!" Angie said. Everybody's head whipped to the doorway.

"Angie!" Drake called, sprinting toward her.

After the general shock was gone, everyone in the small room burst out with exclamations of "Hello" and "Oh my God how are you?"

"It's great to see all of you as well. I'm good, happy to be back and out of their apartment tough."

Fifteen minutes later, the nurse who had given the directions to the waiting room entered. "Mrs. Johnson has given birth to a perfectly healthy baby girl and is asking for you all." She led them down the hall, back to Maureen's room.

"Hi everyone," Joanne said sitting on the bed next to Maureen. Maureen barely looked up from the small bundle she held in her arms wrapped in blue.

"So, we've all been dying to know," Angie started.

"Angie?!" Maureen's head snapped up.

"It's me. What is the name?"

"Our baby girl's name is..." Maureen paused for dramatic effect.

"JUST TELL US THE NAME!" the group chorused.

"Her name is Jade Stella Jefferson-Johnson," Joanne answered.

"She's so beautiful; you two will make great parents, crazy, but great," Angie said.

The End

So there you have it, the end; many months and numerous battles against writers block later. Please let me know what you thought of the story.