Welcome all my loving and loyal readers to sniff the last chapter. But fear not! I am already brainstorming for either a 'kingdom hearts' fan fiction or a 'final fantasy 9' fan fiction. Why don't you vote! Yup, you vote and decide which I should do! It's the least I can do for having such wonderful reviewers! I went through all the reviews I have ever gotten and not a single one was a flame! I feel so honored. In fact, here is a bonus! If you vote 'kingdom hearts', then tell which pairing: Riku and Kairi or Sora and Kairi? Well, on with the fic!

Disclaimer: I own nothing but the plot and little baby Kai. (Sneaks behind Cloud and lets Kai tug on his hair) Go Kai! Unleash your wrath of hair pulling! Bwahahahaha! Oh crap, Cloud has his buster sword and he is frikkin' BERSERKED! RUN AWAY! 

Vincent carried the sleeping Yuffie of the Highwind and into the house. He himself was exhausted. As soon as he got in his room with Yuffie, he lay down with her on his bed and fell asleep, grateful to no longer have Chaos roaming his mind. As soon as his eye lids closed, he experienced REAL sleep for the first time in generations.

The difference is simple. Whenever he slept when Chaos was still inside him, that meant his mind was still awake, alert, so he was really just half – sleeping. But when Chaos came free from his mind, his mind is now able to rest itself. And it was there he slept with Yuffie in his arms for two days. It was the same with Yuffie, though she woke up a few hours before him.

When Yuffie did wake up, she looked around to find she wasn't in her room. The room was painted a maroon color. There was a simple nightstand, armchair, and dresser to the left of her. She turned her head the other way and realized that Vincent was asleep. She smiled and snuggled in closer. She was home. She was in her sanctuary. She just laid there thinking about their entire trip from day one to then when she felt Vincent stir at her side and his eyes flicked open.

"Good morning," She whispered and gave him a soft kiss. Vincent returned the kiss before breaking apart. "Good morning," He told her. Yuffie smiled and heard her stomach groan. Vincent's came shortly after.

"Um, why don't we go and see if we can get some food," Yuffie offered. Vincent nodded and the two got up. After Yuffie had changed out clothes to a pair of jeans and a green tank top, the two came downstairs. Tifa looked up from her cooking and smiled. Yuffie ran over to her and gave her a hug.

"You had me worried you wouldn't wake up!" Tifa scolded her playfully. Yuffie grinned. "Well that's a real homely welcome!" She stated sarcastically. Tifa giggled. "Come on, you have to meet Kai!" Tifa went over to the living room where she found Kai and Cloud taking a nap (they woke up at like, noon by the way.) Tifa giggled.

Kai stirred a little and made a soft groaning sound. When he looked up, he saw his 'tug toy' and climbed up his father's shoulder to tug one of his spikes. Cloud winced and sat up, now awake. "Good god child, why are you so intent on pulling my hair off my head?" Cloud asked hopelessly. Yuffie giggled. "Maybe he thinks that if he tugs it hard enough, candy will come out!"

"My hair isn't a piñata!" Cloud said indignantly. Yuffie burst out laughing, watching father and son struggle. "Go Kai, go! Defeat the evil monster that is Cloud's hair!" Cloud glared at her, but said nothing. Kai looked at her curiously before climbing of his father, crawling over to her and pointing one of his tiny fingers at her.

"Ooo-fee," He said shakily. "Ooo-fee!" He stated more confidently. Yuffie was dumbstruck. "Did he just try to say my name?" She exclaimed. Tifa was grinning madly. "I guess we talked to you so much on the PHS, he heard us call you Yuffie, and he saw you, so I guess it's just natural."

"Awww," Yuffie said, cradling the child softly. "I guess now I'm Aunt Ooo-fee!" She joked. The others laughed. Then Yuffie heard her stomach interrupt this 'moment'. "Yeah, I almost forgot, I'M STARVING!" She yelled playfully. Yuffie let Kai down, noticing his angel blonde locks already trying to stick up, his blue eyes sparkling with delight.

"You know, this kid is gonna be the spitting image of Cloud one day," Yuffie said, giggling at the thought of a mini Cloud. Tifa giggled herself and took Kai, handing him to his father, who made sure to keep the little infant's hands away from his hair. Tifa walked in with Yuffie to find Vincent chuckling to himself over the episode in the living room.

After eating, Tifa pulled Yuffie aside and asked, "So, you ready for your belated birthday present?" She asked. Yuffie reminisced temporarily. "Oh! Yeah, why not?" Tifa nodded before she went over to the others and grabbed her wallet, stuffing it in one of her front pockets.

"Come on, we gotta get you a dress for tonight's party," Tifa said, grabbing Yuffie's wrist and pulling her out the door. "We'll be back in a bit!" She called to the others before closing the door.

"Wait, a party?" Yuffie asked, confused. Tifa giggled. "Your welcome home party, remember? You've been gone for months!" Yuffie smiled and tugged her wrist free, skipping along next to her at her own pace.

"So? I want to know the whole adventure, beginning to end in detail you here?" Tifa interrogated. Yuffie sighed. "Well then you will just have to wait for the party, got it?" Yuffie retorted playfully. Tifa sighed and tugged her into one of the shops as soon as they were in town.

"So let's see . . . your main color is green, but I think its okay to take a break form that color once in a while," Tifa said, looking over Yuffie like a test subject. Tifa giggled. "I think you would look nice in a dark red, maybe even a little black. Halters would work spaghetti straps, but nothing with long sleeves. You have a strong, elegant back, so I don't see why showing some of it should be bad. Hmmm . . . okay I have some ideas. Go find a dressing room and wait there while I get some options." Yuffie smiled and went into one of the rooms, closing the door.

After a few minutes, Tifa entered, put the 'not vacant' tag on the door, and showed her some options. The first one Yuffie tried on was a black halter that stopped at her upper thigh and showed half her back. Yuffie looked at herself in the mirror. "It's nice, but I think it would be better if it went down a bit lower on my thigh," She said, trying to tug it down farther.

Tifa sighed. "It is a little skimpy . . . we can put that one on hold," She finally decided. After helping Yuffie out of that dress, she picked up the next option and helped her with that one. This time she donned a blue strapless dress that went down to her ankles but it had a slit on one side, showing off her left leg. Yuffie looked it over with approval. "This one might work. But lets see the other options before we decide," Came Yuffie's verdict.

The phrase 'third time's a charm' came in quite literally here. Yuffie slid on the next one and Tifa's reaction was. "That's the dress. It looks perfect on you," he eyes were wide in awe. Yuffie was wearing a dark red, satin dress that went to mid thigh. It had spaghetti straps and showed about half her back, hugging her waist perfectly. Her choker seemed to glow with her radiance, letting her storm eyes come to life as if lightning was brewing within them. "This is the one Yuffie," Tifa declared. Yuffie blushed the color of her dress and took it off.

"I'll go buy this while you get dressed," Tifa said, taking the dress and slipping out the door of the dressing room. Yuffie got dressed and met Tifa at the front of the shop, a bag in her hand. "Now then, let's see what we can do for dress shoes," Tifa said happily. (Don't forget that her bag of stuff was left behind when she fell off the mountain.)

Tifa and Yuffie then went to the shop next door and picked out a pair of black open toe shoes that had a slightly taller heel, letting her stand about an inch taller than usual. The two then left for home, but unbeknownst to them, Vincent had snuck around them and back getting something of his own before he bolted to make it back to the house before them.

Vincent sat down, hiding what he got in his pocket then covering his pocket with his cloak. Just a few seconds after, Yuffie and Tifa entered the house. "We're home!" Tifa called. She and Yuffie were talking about something he couldn't hear, and then he saw Yuffie run upstairs with a bag in her hand. A few minutes later, she came down once again. Vincent got up to greet her.

"Hey Vincent," She said cheerfully. Vincent gave her a small smile and returned the embrace she gave him. "I've noticed you calling me by my full name more often," Vincent observed. Yuffie giggled. "Well, I guess that little trip we took changed me a bit, you know?"

"Hey Yuffie, it's getting close to the time for the party, get up here so I can help you out with everything," The two heard Tifa call from upstairs. Yuffie smiled, kissed Vincent, and then started to go upstairs. But midway she turned around and told him, "No peeking okay? I want to surprise you and it won't be as good if you see before hand!" Yuffie then turned and disappeared from the steps.

Vincent smirked. She seemed to surprise him every day.


"Okay Yuffie, its 4 pm, the party is in an hour," Tifa began. "Since you haven't done much girl stuff, I can help with hair and makeup and stuff. Right now, you should just go take a hot shower. Don't be too long though!" Yuffie nodded and went into the bathroom. When she got out she looked in the mirror and noticed something. Her hair was longer than before. It was about an inch past her shoulders. She smiled and quickly dried herself off, slipping into sweats and went back to the room where Tifa was.

"Alright, now let's do something about your hair," Tifa said, leading her to a table by the wall with a mirror and numerous hair styling tools and some makeup. Tifa blow dried her hair and brushed it till it was smooth. Yuffie froze as soon as she saw the scissors. "How much hair are you going to cut?" she asked suspiciously. Tifa giggled. "Don't worry. I was just gonna layer it. Trust me, you'll look great."

And so Yuffie was blind folded but she felt and heard the scissors and their work and also felt the heat of a curling iron. A few minutes later, the blindfold was removed and she looked at herself in the mirror. "Is that really me?" She asked in disbelief.

Her hair was indeed layered nicely, curled inwards to frame her face. "Wow Tifa, when did you learn how to do such good hair cuts?" Yuffie inquired. Tifa giggled. "Top Secret!" She told her. Yuffie shrugged. "Well, what's next?"

"Go get the dress on before I do your makeup," Tifa told her. Yuffie ran to her room and got the dress and its shoes, then came back. Tifa helped her with the dress and she slipped on the shoes before looking in the mirror. "Wow. That is definitely better than before," She approved. Tifa chuckled and motioned for her to sit down. Yuffie did so.

"Okay, you already have a beautiful face, so I am just going to put a little bit here and there, okay?" Tifa told her. Yuffie nodded and closed her eyes. Tifa just put a little bit of blue eye shadow on and a little bit of blush. When she told Yuffie to open her eyes she nodded her approval. The eye shadow just intensified her eyes a bit and the blush helped with her complexion.

Tifa checked the time. "Right on time! It's ten till 5, so I have just enough time to get into what I'm wearing." Tifa shooed her out of the room and came back ten minutes later looking like and angel. She was wearing a white strapless dress that stopped at her knees. It gathered in the back held together by a bow of blue satin. Her eyes had some eye shadow on them and she had a little bit of lip gloss. Though she did nothing with her hair but brush it out.

"By the way, don't expect the guys to dress up," Tifa mentioned to her as the worked their way down the hall. Yuffie stopped just before the stairs. Tifa was a few steps down when she noticed Yuffie wasn't with her. Tifa smiled and mouthed 'its okay. You look great' before she started down the rest of the stairs.

Yuffie heard the others chatting downstairs. She gulped and nervously stepped around the corner and down the stairs. All of the boys' eyes followed her, jaws almost to the floor. (With the exception of Nanaki and Cait Sith) Yuffie blushed furiously and offered a shy smile to Vincent. "Um, I look okay, right?" She asked nervously, one of her hands wringing her wrist.

"You look beautiful Yuffie," He responded whole heartedly, brushing some of her hair out of her face. She took his hand and they all went out to the living room to talk. Barrett and Cid got out a box of ale, Cloud battled Kai in keeping his hair in contact while Tifa and Cait Sith watched, cheering for who they want to win, (Tifa for Cloud, Cait sith for Kai) Nanaki sat at fire while Vincent and Yuffie just sat together on the couch.

"Okay Yuffie, you promised you would tell of what happened on your and Vincent's little adventure, so start telling!" Tifa ordered, pleading with her wine red eyes. Vincent sighed. "You realize I will have to do a share of telling myself, right?" He inquired to Tifa. Tifa shrugged. "So? Just start form when you left to when we came and brought you home!"

"Fine," Yuffie said. She told them of the trip to Midgar and the events that occurred during such. Vincent explained how he found out about the stones and the clue. The two alternated sharing things that happened in the journey for about two hours. "And then you guys found us," Yuffie finished, her hands gently folded in her lap.

All of the others looked dumbstruck. They looked at the two with a newfound respect, as if they were all of the sudden higher than them. "Oh come on you guys, no need to look at us like we're royalty or anything," Yuffie protested. They laughed and went back to normal. "Well, dinner's done, so let's eat!" Tifa said happily, getting up from her place on the couch.

Cid came over to Yuffie and gave a rewarding pound on the back. "You got guts brat. Don't think any of us woulda gone through what you did," He approved. Yuffie smiled and took her seat by Vincent. After dinner, they all drank hot tea in the living room, talking over the things that Vincent and Yuffie missed.

At one point, Vincent tapped Yuffie's shoulder. "If I may, could we talk alone?" Vincent asked, pointing to the garden. Yuffie nodded and the two exited the room. Little did they know that the members of AVALANCHE followed and watched from a distance.

Yuffie and Vincent stepped down the stone stairs and to Yuffie's favorite part. The ground they stood on was a circle of stone, a half dozen fruit trees arranged in a half circle around it. And when you looked the other direction, the moon was easily seen. Long horizontal boulders were on the grass in between the trees for sitting on. Flowers that Tifa planted herself were around every tree, every bush, and every boulder. She even planted Aerith's favorite flower all around the circle of stone they stood on. Yuffie smiled as she looked around, thankful to be home once again.

"Yuffie, I need to ask you something," Vincent started nervously, one of his hands retrieving something in his pocket while the other had Yuffie's hand.

"I was just wondering," Vincent began, and then he took his hand out of his pocket and opened his palm to reveal a gold band with a small diamond set in it. "Would you marry me?" He whispered, slipping the ring on her finger.

Yuffie could have fainted from happiness right then. She was captured in the rapture of this moment, she couldn't even speak. She looked up into his gentle red eyes and smiled so purely, so lovingly, even an angel would be humbled by her radiance. "Yes," she whispered back after she got over her shock of happiness.

Vincent smiled back at her. his heart was soaring at the moment, as was Yuffie's. He picked her up and spun her in the air once before they kissed passionately, his arms around her as if the second he let go, she would disappear. Time itself came to a halt in this one pure moment, and emotion beyond description settling within the two.

The AVALANCHE crew came out from hiding, clapping and cheering. The two broke apart, Yuffie blushing furiously. "Did you not hear the 'can we talk ALONE part?" Yuffie demanded playfully.

She ran over to Tifa and they exchanged a hug. "Congratulations Yuffie!" Tifa cried. "If you guys need any help with the planning, just ask me or Cloud, or, what the hell am I saying, this calls for a celebration!" Tifa finally announced. "Let's go back inside you two! Time to celebrate! You haven't even seen the dessert I made!" Yuffie sighed happily.

Yuffie followed Tifa right beside Vincent, her hand in his the whole way. But none of the AVALANCHE crew saw two stars above them gleam brighter than the rest for one moment in time. And as Yuffie and Vincent went to sleep, they now knew what gave them the ability to fight and defeat Chaos. It was love.

Many years pass . . .

A warm summer day rose mid July. Yuffie woke up and yawned, stretching her arms as she sat up. Vincent stirred beside her and soon he was awake to. "Good morning love," He said, kissing her forehead. "Good morning," Yuffie replied cheerfully. She got dressed then went down the hall and opened the door.

"Anette, time to wake up," She told the sleeping girl. An eight year old girl sat up, rubbing her eyes. "Morning mom," She yawned, pushing her midnight black locks out of her red-grey eyes. "I'll be downstairs in a minute." Yuffie nodded and closed the door then went downstairs to make breakfast with Tifa.

Tifa looked up and smiled. "Morning!" She exclaimed, brushing her hairs out of her face. "Morning Tifa. Hey, where is Kai and Cloud?" Yuffie asked as she helped Tifa with the fruit. "Cloud is teaching Kai how to fight with a buster sword about his size," She answered. Yuffie laughed and finished slicing the strawberries. "Like father, like son I guess."

Anette came down the stairs in a plain dark red shirt, khaki pants, a small jean jacket and white boots, her waist long hair kept out of the way by a red headband that her father had ripped off his for her. "Hi auntie!" She exclaimed, giving her a hug. "Hello Anette," Tifa said warmly, returning the hug.

Anette ate then went outside. "I'm gonna go play outside, okay?" She said to her mother, who nodded in her approval. Anette grinned. "I'll be back by noon! Buh bye!" Anette waved than headed out the door. Vincent walked in a few seconds after. "I see Anette is off already," He observed. Yuffie nodded and gave him his breakfast.

Shortly after everyone was done eating, they heard Anette scream, "Stop it, go away!" outside. Tifa, Vincent, and Yuffie went out immediately to see what was wrong. About three boys had her cornered and were pulling at her hair, taunting her, and one was about to hit her when a voice yelled, "Leave her alone!" All eyes turned to see Kai running at them with a wooden buster sword, his eyes blazing with a blue inferno, spiky blonde hair being blown around in the wind.

He hit the 'leader' of the gang on the back of the head with the broad side and whacked another on the side. The third ran for his life, the others closely behind him. (by the way, Kai is now 12 years old.) Kai lowered his sword and went to Anette. "What did they do this time?" He asked concerned. Anette smiled. "Taunting, hair pulling, rapping feet with sticks, but every time someone tries something, how do you find me?"

Kai scratched his head face reddening. "Can't have anyone going around hurting my best friend, right?" He smiled wide, slightly embarrassed. Anette giggled and quickly kissed his cheek. Kai was stunned. "What was that for?" He inquired. "Mom told me when Papa saved her from a demon, she gave him a kiss. If those jerks aren't demons, I don't know what are!" The two laughed. "Well, let's go play. Let's see if the 'Great Gun slinging Ninja' can face down a swordsman!"

Anette giggled and ran for the house, Kai right by her. Yuffie and Vincent seemed dumbstruck. Tifa just laughed. "Like father like son is right!" She exclaimed, holding her belly from laughter.

The two youngsters raced past them and into the garden, down to the stone circle. "Well, what's the reason for leaving mid battle this time Kai?" A voice came from behind. Cloud, with a wooden buster sword his size, walked down to meet the two.

"It's my fault Uncle," Anette said before Kai could utter a word. "A bunch of boys were hurting me, so he came and saved me. Its my fault for making a wrong turn and going into the wrong end of town." Cloud cocked an eyebrow. "Really? So Kai kicked their butts for hurting a defenseless girl, right?" Kai nodded. "Yes Father. I heard her scream and came running." Cloud sighed. "We'll continue after lunch," He announced before resting the giant sword on his shoulder and walking up to the house.

"So, what exactly did I miss?" Cloud asked Tifa and the others as soon as he reached them, leaning his sword again the wall of the house. Yuffie explained what happened and then he was the one doubled over laughing. "I see. Those two might make quite the couple one day," he said to himself.

9 years later . . .

"Hey Anette, can I talk to you for a sec?" Kai asked, pointing to the garden. She nodded and followed him out to the fruit trees. It was Anette's 17th birthday, she was as happy as you could be. She only wanted one thing more. Kai dug in his pocket and retrieved a small box. "Happy Birthday," He told her, a smile on his face. Anette was excited to say the least. She unwrapped it and found they were earrings. They were silver and were in the shape of little flames, the center of them being rubies. She took out her small hoops and replaced them with the others.

"You know, this reminds me of when mom first got a birthday present from father," She said. "Only there was one slight difference." Kai cocked an eyebrow. "Oh? And what was that difference?"

Anette giggled. "This was," She said and pressed her lips against his in a firm kiss. Kai was shocked at first before he returned it and they broke apart shortly after. "Come on! We can't miss the whole party!" She exclaimed, taking Kai's hand in hers and pulling him forward. Kai smiled and caught up with her, giving her hand a small squeeze. And once more, two little stars gave off a temporary shine as they watched. And whenever anyone asked Vincent or Yuffie how or when they got together, the answer was always 'When we were searching for a way'.

Yup! The story is done! I hope you liked it! I would like to give a big hug to all reviewers for being so great in my first story! Luv ya'll so much! Well, now you must review then vote! KH2 or FF9? That is the question! I promise you all, I will write again. Next story I promise will have more chapters! But until then, I need your votes! As they say in lord of the rings, Namaari!
